Inner Hellfire: A Visual Novel

Inner Hellfire: A Visual Novel

Project Overview

After Lucia is cheated on by her boyfriend Grayson for the final time her friend group bands together to get payback. What was once harmless revenge quickly turns the night demonic and deadly, and the girls soon find themselves in over their heads.

Inner Hellfire is our submission to the Spooktober VN Jam for this year! We're looking for a handful of voice actors and some artists to help us out. 


  1. Must be 15+ as this game has a few mature themes.

  2. Must have a decent quality microphone and a quiet space.

  3. Must have discord. Please put it with your auditon.

  4. Must be able to get lines recorded before the 26th. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucia Diamond
Role assigned to: KiChan

Lucia is the main character of our story. She's sweet, caring and shy most of the time, with a few moments of confidence. 

Her voice is smooth, sweet, and somewhat somber throughout the beginning of the game. She's Hispanic and bits of that show in her voice from time to time. 

  • *Tiredly. She had just got done crying.* "You'd think that maybe one day he'd realize I was worth it, right? That he could come to me if he had an issue instead of running away to other girls from work? But of course not. It's GRAYSON for crying out loud, what did I expect?"

  • *Scared. Her friends just summoned a demon." "Are...Are you sure that worked? I don't see anything. [Pause. There's a knock at the door.] What was that?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alpha Dire
Role assigned to: Lynn

Alpha is Lucia's best friend and biggest protector. She's sweet and kind to her friends, but has a very VERY short fuse. She has a tendency to act violently when provoked. 

Alpha has a medium range-deep voice that can still be recognized as feminine. She gets very growly on occasion.

  • *Angrily. Lucia had just told her what happened.* "I am going to KILL HIM. How dare he do this to you again?"

  • *Spooked, but trying to hide it. They had just finished the ritual.* "So uh...what now? I can't tell if it worked or not."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zelda Cage
Role assigned to: jem

Zelda is Lucia's other friend. She herself is thirsting for some romance from anyone and everyone, so the news from Lucia is devastating for her as she's the one that got them together. She's a bit of an air head, and because of this she's quite clumsy. Regardless, she means well. 

Zelda has no set voice.

  • *On the verge of tears. Lucia just gave her the news.* "Oh Luci, I'm so sorry.  I didn't think it would turn out like this. He sounded so genuine after the last time..."

  • *Terrified* "So..u-uh. What now..?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ari Bun
Role assigned to: Joseph Bozlinski

Ari is one of the two demons that come to put the girls' plans to action. He's seductive, sly, and slick. He is a shapeshifter that can easily change forms to get what he wants.

His voice is low, smooth, and seductive.

  • *Slyly. He had just appeared outside* "I thought it'd be nice for the two of us to do the nice thing, and knock. I'm sure you appreciate it, hm?"

  • *Curious.* "So you want us to help you get revenge? [pause] Are you sure you know what you're getting yourselves into?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aries Bapho
Role assigned to: soleil_regis

Aris is Ari's partner in crime. They're a succubus with the ability to change different parts of their body and hypnotize people. They use their powers to aid Ari in his endeavors. They're seductive and can easily get what they want, but are teaching themself to fight their urges to help Ari more.

Their voice is androgynous and sexy. It is both equally masculine and feminine.

  • *Curiously.* "What favor do you seek~?"

  • *Seductively* "So we're looking for him? Oh he's a hottie~!" [pause. Aries is struck by Ari] "Right right, I have to behave, I know!"

UI Artist
cast offsite

I'm looking for someone who knows the basics of making Renpy UI and can make something simple yet unique for the game. Please link a portfolio.

  • Say something you think would fit


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