Inner Hellfire: A Visual Novel

KiChan for Lucia Diamond

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucia Diamond
Role assigned to: KiChan

Lucia is the main character of our story. She's sweet, caring and shy most of the time, with a few moments of confidence. 

Her voice is smooth, sweet, and somewhat somber throughout the beginning of the game. She's Hispanic and bits of that show in her voice from time to time. 

  • *Tiredly. She had just got done crying.* "You'd think that maybe one day he'd realize I was worth it, right? That he could come to me if he had an issue instead of running away to other girls from work? But of course not. It's GRAYSON for crying out loud, what did I expect?"

  • *Scared. Her friends just summoned a demon." "Are...Are you sure that worked? I don't see anything. [Pause. There's a knock at the door.] What was that?!"

Inner Hellfire: A Visual Novel
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