Hurricane Ivan The Animation
Project Overview
Now presenting GCS92's Hurricane Ivan Project in a new semi-animation remake of the original webcomic of the same name.
The webcomic was a 2016 remake of the original 2005 story making it the oldest original story surviving today. Now, in this new decade, a new semi-animation version will appear on the YouTube channel.
This is a one-shot project instead of the series. So, if you are finished with the script, you are finished with the project completely. However, voice actors are encouraged to stay connected and online just in case we need to fill any extra roles. Once the announcement is made that "project is completed" voice actors can part ways.
NOTE: All Accents Are Acceptable As Long As The Audition Is Clear, Audible, And Understandable With Little To No Background Noises And Mic Blows!
Genre: Adventure | Fantasy | Drama
It is the cyclonic year 4124 and planet Earth is experiencing more instability than ever before. This time, Mother Nature calls on their special forces called cyclones to call on a new team. They decide to send their students from the Cyclonic Hall to do the job. However, one will be the most successful of them all.
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Latest Updates
Previews are gradually being posted on DeviantArt. More information is here: A new official trailer is set for release on the YouTube channel. It was greenlit for a June 2020 release. More information is here:
Auditions are Closing
Thank you everyone for your auditions. At this time, all auditions are closed and will begin the selected process. ALL VOICE ACTORS MUST KEEP THEIR DISCORD CLOSE AT HAND ON MONDAY, 23RD OF MARCH TO MAXIMISE THEIR RECORDING TIME. YOU WILL BE CONTACTED IF YOU ARE SELECTED AND WILL START IMMEDIATELY. Recording starts immediately and deadlines and scripts are made and ready. Thank you for your interests in the Hurricane Ivan Project and have fun! All future updates and messages will be posted among the group on discord, or DeviantArt for publicity. Kind regards, Gareth "Gaz" Scott (GCS) -
Thank you everyone for your auditions. They were all fantastic. This is a reminder that everyone should proceed to Discord or Skype for a personal chat. If I can't communicate to you, then it will be very difficult to cast. Selection and casting takes place on the day after the deadline, but for a speedy process to take place, I need everyone to cooperate to get everything done ahead of selection day. Before end of 2019, both the official script and trailer script has passed and in its official final state ready for recording. Also, concept images and character images are completed and ready to go. As soon as people are selected and roles are finally made, we will begin recording immediately. With that said, please make sure you keep up to date with this project and the notifications you will be given once you submit an audition. Thank you for your cooperation and your interest in The Hurricane Ivan Project, and I look forward to seeing everyone here in the cast list! Gareth "Gaz" Scott (GCS)

Ivan is the main character of the series. He is a 17-year-old who can be a very kind and noble person. However, he is faced with plenty of darkness in his current life as well as having to deal with bullies such as Katrina.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Must be clear and can have either an older teen or young adult sound.
Ivan: (very angry) What are you doing, Katrina?! That was uncalled for!! We should be using our powers for Mother Nature!!
Ivan: (worried; thinking to himself) Is this what it takes to be a storm?!
Ivan: (weak; exhausted; hungry; walking slowly) It has been a whole day! And it is hot! It is dry! And there is nothing but sand! The closest thing to any tree here is a cactus! This is no place for a cyclone! I am hungry! I am thirsty! (sits down exhausted; picks rock up) I have faith that this rock will turn into a piece of cake. (runs hand through sand) I have faith this sand will turn into an ocean of fresh, warm tropical water.

Nicole is one of Ivan's best friends. She is 17 years old.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Must be clear and can have either an older teen or young adult sound.
Nicole: (running) Hurry, Ivan! We are going to be late!
Nicole: (turns to Ivan) What do you think Ivan? (concern) Ivan?
Nicole: (runs into the scene; worry) Ivan! (picks Ivan’s head off the floor) Are you alright, Ivan?

Earl is one of Ivan's best friends. He is 17 years old and can be a bit of a coward sometimes.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Must be clear and can have either an older teen or young adult sound.
Earl: (walks out of hiding; relieved) Whew! That was close! I thought we will end up in trouble!
Earl: (smiles; acting clever) Run and hide, Ivan. Run and hide.

Major Hurricane Andrew is the Head of the Cyclonic Hall (school at which our characters are based in) and also the right-hand man to the Cyclonic Lord who is currently Super Typhoon Warling.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Must be clear and have an adult sound.
Andrew: (exclaiming; ending the cyclonic season of 4123) That was a good season, everyone! Excellent work! Now let’s deport from the portal for I will be shutting it down. I must speak to Super Typhoon Warling and report to him immediately for I have a senior class to lecture at the Hall.
Andrew: (teaching; writing on the board) . . . And that is how you control your storm while under pressure.
Andrew: (notices Ivan walking in late; exclaims; stern) So, Ivan, tell me. (turns around to face the class) What do you do when you have a low pressure to the north, high to the south, jet stream to the northwest, and your stability charts are acting up?(edited)

Super Typhoon Warling is the current Cyclonic Lord over the entire Cyclonic Committee where all cyclones live and he only answers to Her Majesty, Mother Nature.
Accent can vary, but Asian is preferred. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Must be clear and an adult or authorative sound.
Warling: (serious) Planet Earth has become more unstable over the past years. I believe we are not winning the recent seasons, but we are losing instead. So, I have decided to make an important meeting with the legends, and I need you to attend.

Mother Nature is the empress over all of nature including the cyclones of the Cyclonic Committee. She is the highest authority over everyone.
She is a very wise, and kind ruler. Much like that of a mother.
Accent can vary. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Must be clear and an adult or authorative sound.
Mother Nature: (smiles for a moment; then serious) I have a very important announcement to make in this meeting and it involves the usage of your services.
Mother Nature: (smiles) It’s alright everyone. For the one to know the answers, one must ask questions. (approaches Ivan)
Mother Nature: (comes to Ivan’s level) Your father was a great Cyclone. If it wasn’t for him, our Committee wouldn’t have been created. It is now your turn to make a spot in history.

Major Hurricane Allen works closely with Major Hurricane Andrew and Ivan's father with each of the passing seasons.
Accent can vary. Must be clear and an adult sound.
Allen: (looking at the computer) It seems his storms are caught in some sort of pressure. His steering might be out-of-wack.
Allen: We are doing our best, Sir.

The child version of Ivan at 8 years old. Used for Ivan's flashbacks.
Ivan Child: Hey Dad! Watch this! (shows his water-like powers by the pool)
Ivan Child: (determined) Yeah! I want to be a real Hurricane like you!

The preteen version of Ivan at 10 years old. Used for Ivan's flashbacks.
Ivan Preteen: (enters the scene suddenly; smiles at Andrew) Is my Dad back yet?!
Ivan Preteen: (interrupts Andrew) So he must be down at the portal! Let go! (runs to the portal and waits sternly)
Ivan Preteen: (smiles in tears as friends hug him) Thanks you guys! You guys are the best! (hugs)

Major Hurricane Mitch is marked as one of the legends and Major Hurricane Andrew's best friend. He is also Ivan's father. Mainly used in the flashbacks.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Must be clear and have an adult sound.
Mitch: (smiles; teaching his preteen son) We don’t destroy, Ivan. We protect Earth’s natural stability. Always remember that son. Some Hurricanes or even Typhoons believe in destruction. They become outlaws in our society. Promise me to never be like them.

Major Hurricane Gilbert is considered a legend. Now a retired cyclone, he spends his years as a teacher at the Cyclonic Hall. He can be strict, but friendly.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Must be clear and have an adult sound.
Gilbert: (smiles) Well, welcome to the class, Ivan. Please take a seat.

Preteen version of Nicole, one of Ivan's best friends.
Nicole Preteen: (walks over to comfort Ivan) I may not understand, but we are friends and we are there for each other.

Preteen version of Earl, one of Ivan's best friends.
Earl Preteen: (hiding under desk; hit head on the desk) (answers Ivan Preteen's question; whispering) Because I didn’t bring the assignment, and I don’t want Gilbert to know I’m here.

A spoiled, mean girl who takes the vow of a potential antagonistic role. She considers herself as Ivan's enemy and has no trouble expressing it with her 'friends'.
Should sound teenish, and a bit bratty. Any accent will do, but North American is preferred.
Katrina: Why so angry, Ivan? (evil smile) I just want to say hi! (blows Earl and Nicole with storm surge of fury)
Katrina: (evil smile) Do you realise what we do?! Destruction! Look at what we always do!
Katrina: (red hot angry) I swear Ivan! I will get you for this! Good luck sleeping at night! (walks away angry)

One of Ivan's classmates who was the first to go to Planet Earth.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Regular teen/young adult will do.
Alex: Aye aye sir.
Alex: (gets a tough time taming the storm but is successful) Hah! I’ve done it, now to get some action going. (calling up power)

One of Ivan's classmates who was the second to go to Planet Earth.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Regular teen/young adult will do.
Bonnie: (confused) Uh, what do I do now? (catches on) Oh, right! (uses power to capture waters)
Bonnie: (serious) Take me back there. I am not finished. Just take me back to planet Earth and let me finish my duty.

One of Ivan's classmates who was the third to go to Planet Earth. He was also the first that made great success.
He is a very proud, noble, and ambitious character.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Regular teen/young adult will do.
Charley: (steps up confidently) Don’t worry guys, I got this.
Charley: (looks up at the sky in wonderof the clouds; still running away; smiles) Ah! My destination! (runs after storms) Sorry, I can’t stay! (takes out board and lassos the storm) But I got an appointment with some clouds!

One of Ivan's classmates who was the fourth to go to Planet Earth. She is usually a kind, but very nervous and clueless individual.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Regular teen/young adult will do.
Danielle: (excited) Now it is my turn! (steps in portal)

One of Ivan's classmates who was the fifth to go to Planet Earth. She is a noble individual.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Regular teen/young adult will do.
Frances: (slight grin) Take it easy guys. Everyone knows who the top Cyclone of the year will be. (smiles confidently) It will be me.
Frances: (strengthens very well over the Atlantic) Charley! I will overcome you! (takes on a new form)

One of Ivan's classmates who was the seventh to go to Planet Earth. He was summoned to save Hermine who went too early.
He can be a very clueless character though....
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Regular teen/young adult will do.
Gaston: (heading directly into the jet stream) Uhh, my stability charts look high, so I think I must leave. (trying to remember) Uhh, what do I do again?

Chief of a very desolate tribe in Africa who often meets these 'cyclones' when taking the portal to Planet Earth.
Accent can vary, but needs to be understandable. Needs to have an authoritative voice.
Chief: (angry) It is over thief! You have stolen from your neighbour and you must be punished! Now leave this village and don’t come back.

A tribesman of a very desolate tribe in Africa who often meets these 'cyclones' when taking the portal to Planet Earth.
He was caught stealing and was judged by his chief to leave the tribe.
Accent can vary, but needs to be understandable. Needs to have an authoritative voice.
Tribesman: (angry) Alright! I will leave! I am fed up with this village anyway!
Tribesman: (tired; exhausted; hungry) I am so hungry…I can’t find anything to eat…
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