Hurricane Ivan The Animation
Callum Rose for Andrew
Major Hurricane Andrew is the Head of the Cyclonic Hall (school at which our characters are based in) and also the right-hand man to the Cyclonic Lord who is currently Super Typhoon Warling.
Accent can vary, but North American is preferred. Must be clear and have an adult sound.
Andrew: (exclaiming; ending the cyclonic season of 4123) That was a good season, everyone! Excellent work! Now let’s deport from the portal for I will be shutting it down. I must speak to Super Typhoon Warling and report to him immediately for I have a senior class to lecture at the Hall.
Andrew: (teaching; writing on the board) . . . And that is how you control your storm while under pressure.
Andrew: (notices Ivan walking in late; exclaims; stern) So, Ivan, tell me. (turns around to face the class) What do you do when you have a low pressure to the north, high to the south, jet stream to the northwest, and your stability charts are acting up?(edited)
Hi, I have listened to your audition. Can you offer a Skype and/or Discord contact? We will be chatting it more over there. Thanks.
Nevermind, I found it, sent an invite, please confirm.