High Guardian Spice: Trials of Wytch Country

Project Overview

High Guardian Spice: Trials of Wytch Country (Or just ToWC for simplicity's sake) is a fan reboot/continuation of the Crunchyroll Original show,"High Guardian Spice." It follows Rosemary, Sage, Parsley and Thyme - four girls training to become legendary warriors - and their allies as they venture to the island of Wytch Country, in search of answers as to how to stop The Rot, a destructive parasite threatening to decimate the planet. Along the way they run afoul of the villainous Triumvirate and their powerful assassins, and soon learn that the answers they seek are far more sinister than they ever could have imagined.

High Guardian Spice was originally created by Raye Rodriguez, most of the characters here belong to him.

This project is also unpaid, so if that's an issue with you then I understand. Hopefully you've got what I'm looking for!

(Check out the Voice Claims video if you want a sense of what to go for)


• Must have a decent quality mic

• Must have a Discord (and list it in the audition)

• Must be over 13

• Must be ready to do some YELLING (a few roles call for it)

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Latest Updates

  • Auditions Closed!

    Alright, that's it everyone! Thank you so, so much to all the people who auditioned, you all did great!

    I'll be going ahead and making selections tomorrow, probably late in the evening depending on how long this takes. And if you happen to not be picked for a role, don't sweat it! It's nothing against your skills, just a matter of who I feel fits the characters best or not.

    That's all for now, thank you all!

    *Edit: It may take me a day or so to reach out to those who've been cast, just hang tight!

  • Deadline Extension

    Hey everyone! I've decided to go ahead and extend the deadline for this project another week or so. Just wanna try and get as large of a pool of selections as possible before I go ahead with any casting. The new deadline'll be on May 28th, 11:59 PM (EST).

    And if any of you know someone you think would be interested in this, go ahead and share this project around! It'd really help a lot.

    That's all for now!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Rakeish

Rosemary is the main protagonist of High Guardian Spice. She's loud, feisty, and always ready for action. She's a tomboy with a love for swords and an infamously nasty temper.

After her mother, Lavender, disappeared on a mission 4 years ago, Rose has become determined to honor her mom's legacy and become a Guardian, just like her.

(Fair warning - this role requires a fair bit of yelling, so make sure you have a mic that can handle that)

Voice Type: Teenage girl, spunky and tomboyish. Ryuko from the anime “Kill la Kill” is a good example of what I'm going for.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (Excited) FINALLY! Some REAL action!

  • (Trying to ease her friend’s nerves) Ah, don't worry, Sage. This ain't even the worst I've gotten hurt!

  • (Angry) That all ya got, JACKASS?! BRING IT ON!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kylie Rutzen

Sage is the secondary protagonist of High Guardian Spice. She is Rosemary's best friend since childhood, and she's pretty much the opposite to Rose in every way: she's shy and soft-spoken, and tends to think logically about any given situation. 

That said, her anxiety does make her prone to becoming overwhelmed with self-doubt, something she's on a journey to overcome. Overall though Sage is the empathetic voice of reason in the group, always striving to help others. 

Voice Type: Teenage girl, soft-spoken and anxious; can be stern when need be.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • (Worried) Uh, Rose? I don't think that's a good idea….

  • (Panicking) Gods, what is WRONG with me? Why can't I just control my magic?!

  • (Stern) I'm only going to say this once. Stay. DOWN.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RelaxRavin_

The third member of the main squad, Parsley is one of the deuteragonists of High Guardian Spice. Formerly a blacksmith working at her family’s shop, Parsley is a bonafide mom friend, and often tends to put the needs of others before her own.

She wants to prove that she can do more than what her lot in life has handed her - that she can become a fully-fledged Guardian. Of course, that goal won't be very easy for her to attain, as she'll soon learn the hard way….

Voice Type: Teenage girl, upbeat and speaks in a rather deep tone. Has a bit of a snarky side.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • (Alarmed) Whoa, now! That's enough you two!

  • (Reassuring) Hey, relax! We've gotten this far, we won't give up yet!

  • (Cocky) Had enough, tough guy? Looks like you're outnumbered.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kiwi

The final member of the main group, Thyme is the other deuteragonist of High Guardian Spice. It is through her that the plot is instigated, as she wants to help her father save their home from a destructive parasite known as The Rot.

Though she was initially closed off and abrasive, Thyme has since warmed up to the other three girls considerably. However, she is still quite moody and snarky, and hasn't broken from her habits of wanting to handle everything herself. 

Voice Type: Teenage girl, deep, quiet, incredibly sarcastic.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (Skeptically) Great….this’ll end well.

  • (Confused) Since when has one of your plans EVER been foolproof?

  • (Angrily, calling out) Nowhere to run, pal!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Vesperia

Amaryllis is a tertiary character within High Guardian Spice, and is the Academy’s resident Rich Bitch™. She's snobby, rude, and actively taunts and bullies people, especially Sage. She's also quite prone to acts of violence, particularly of the magical variety.

In spite of….ALL of that, Amaryllis does have a softer side that she keeps close to her chest. She is undoubtedly loyal to the select people she considers friends, and while she'd never admit it, feels incredibly guilty of how her poor impulse control affects her relationship with them.

Voice Type: Teenage girl, incredibly snobby and stuck-up.

  • (Amused) Ha! Great job, Slab! Now try NOT to blow it up!

  • (Annoyed) Ugh, whatever. This isn't MY problem.

  • (Furious) Ohoho….Oh you're DEAD!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jaiden

(Trans Fem VAs welcome!)

Snapdragon is another tertiary character in High Guardian Spice, and is Amaryllis’ best and closest friend. Initially he comes across as moody and tends to put a front of uncaring aloofness, but with the people he cares for he lets his guard down and allows himself to express his friendlier, compassionate nature.

Snapdragon notably struggles with his gender identity - at this point he's still trying to figure out who he “really” is, and wants to weigh his options before deciding if he really wants to make any permanent change or not.

Voice Type: Teenage boy, quiet, somewhat raspy and brittle.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male teen
  • female teen
  • male young adult
  • (Annoyed) Great….now we have to explain why we screwed this up.

  • (Flustered) O-Oh! Sage I….didn’t expect to see you here!

  • (Bitter) (Sigh) Let's just get this over with….

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TheTopherExperience

While initially in the show he was a one-off character, Aster in ToWC takes on a much more prominent role as a tertiary character. Stubborn, proud, and not-too-bright, Aster at first comes off as a total jerk, who struggles to work alongside the others as a team. He and Rosemary especially don't get along, with the two having a mutual dislike for one another.

That said, Aster really isn't all that bad of a guy. Underneath all that bravado and claims of greatness he's really an insecure kid who just wants to prove himself, but feels he can just never measure up. 

Voice Type: Teenage boy, cocky, acts like a total jock.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • (Mockingly) Heh! Too fast for you, Rhubarb?

  • (Also mockingly) Why don'tcha step back and let the REAL heroes handle this?

  • (Angrily) What, you think you're better than me?! BRING IT!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ThePrincelyKing

Olive was formerly a spy/assassin working for the villainous group known as The Triumvirate. However, she has since betrayed her former employers, and become an ally to the main girls and their friends. Although she and the others are still on rocky terms, she is an incredibly adept magic user and a valuable companion, and is never seen apart from her feline friend, Kino.

Despite her prior villain status, Olive has a strict reservation against murder, something that stems from a traumatic experience in her youth that led to her working for The Trium in the first place. She'd rather not talk about it….

Voice Type: Teenage girl, snarky, tries to seem confident and intimidating. Honestly, I can't fault her original VA’s performance. Something close to the original is what I'm looking for: https://youtu.be/mkwpDJBRakM?si=GhFH1tF9FIkJKPsX 

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (Pleading) Look, that's in the past now. Please, I'm just trying to help.

  • (Sarcastically) Riiiight, let’s just waltz right up and ask ‘em to let us in. That'll work!

  • (Mockingly) Oops! Looks like you're unarmed. That's too bad….

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: CatCompanion

(Trans Masc VAs welcome!)

Professor Caraway is one of the many teachers at High Guardian Academy, and accompanies the group on their journey to Wytch Country. 

A Guardian himself, and Lavender's former best friend, he's quite close to Rosemary, who in turn looks up to him almost like an uncle. He is kind and compassionate, and is always willing to help his students with their problems....even if it means neglecting his own unresolved issues with Lavender. 

Voice Type: Adult man, 30's-40's. Calm, soothing, empathetic. Always seems to know just what to say to people.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male adult
  • (Proudly) Great work, everyone! Excellent use of force!

  • (Reassuring) It's nothing we can't handle. You just need to have a little faith.

  • (Somewhat Cocky) Still think I'm rusty?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: lxvely_mae

Professor Dretch is another teacher at High Guardian Academy, and accompanies the group on their journey to Wytch Country. 

Unlike the more mellow Caraway, Dretch is strict, tough, and tolerates absolutely no nonsense. She takes her Guardian duties VERY seriously, though her coworkers would say this comes at the cost of her never allowing herself to relax. She approaches every situation as logically and strategically as possible, refusing to allow her emotions to compromise her. 

Voice Type: Adult woman, 30's-40's. Strict, authoritative. Somewhat sultry (she is a half-demon after all).

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Irritated) I'd watch that tone if I were you, young lady. We're on a MISSION.

  • (Tired) Boys, just....let me handle this.

  • (Sinisterly) You thought that was intimidating? Adorable....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jay

(POC VA's Preferred!)

Professor Hakone Civet is the third teacher from High Guardian Academy that accompanies the group on their journey to Wytch Country. 

His personality is best summed up as....being like an awkward dad. When interacting with his students he tries to be entertaining and makes bad jokes....all of which fall completely flat. In spite of this goofy behavior, he is an incredibly dedicated Guardian, and a genuine force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. He often finds himself acting as the mediator between Caraway and Dretch's completely opposing personalities.

Voice Type: Adult man, 30's-40's. Deep, jovial, and overall very calm and collected.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Announcing) Welcome, students, to your first day on this deadly island!

  • (Joking) I'd appreciate if you STUCK around! Eh? ....Ugh.

  • (Fiercely) Not bad....but it'll take more than THAT to get through me!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ferryn Holland

One of three new assassins the gang are going to be faced with, Quassia and her brother Mugwort are two rough-and-tumble thugs from Wytch Country's backwater region. Unlike her brother, Quassia is a highly skilled magic user, and is unquestionably the smarter of the pair. She's confident, cunning, and lives for the thrill of a fight....stopping at nothing until she gets one.

While she is undoubtedly ruthless and cold, she does have a soft spot for her brother and their friend, Wolfsbane, the three being forced to stick together given the rest of The Triumvirate's mutual disdain for them. 

Voice Type: Young woman, sultry, confident, and cocky. Somewhat raspy. Thick American Southern accent.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american (southern)
  • texan
  • (Mockingly) Awww, what's the matter? I didn't hitcha THAT hard!

  • (Unimpressed) None too bright, are ya?

  • (Threatening) HAHA! End a the line, Bluebell!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: CheezyVA

The second of the three new assassins the gang are going up against, Mugwort and his sister Quassia two rough-and-tumble thugs from Wytch Country's backwater region. Unlike his sister, Mugwort is much more of a brute; fighting with a pair of enchanted bracers that summon magic whips. He's loud, proud, and has a NASTY temper. Take care not to get caught in a scuffle with him....he's a sore loser.

That said, he too has a soft spot for his sister and their friend, Wolfsbane, the three being forced to stick together given the rest of The Triumvirate's mutual disdain for them. 

(Fair warning: he tends to yell a lot, so make sure you have a mic that can handle that)

Voice Type: Young man, loud, deep and gravelly. Thick American Southern accent

Voice description:
  • texan
  • male young adult
  • american (southern)
  • (Menacingly) C'MON, PINKY! Ain't got all night!

  • (Mockingly) Ha! Don't make me laugh now, sweetheart.

  • (Angry) Slippery lil' SHIT! I'LL KILL YOU!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ZaneVA

The last of the three new assassins, Wolfsbane is an elf, same as Thyme, and is an expert tracker and melee fighter. She posseses a magic wolf mask, with which she can transform into a large, silver wolf, hence her nickname. 

To say she's mysterious is an understatement. Wolfsbane is a person of few words, preferring to let her teeth, claws, or spear do the talking. When she does speak, she's often rather unexpressive and detached. She comes across as a very aloof and cold person. Despite working for The Triumvirate, it never seems like she's particularly dedicated to their cause. With Wolf though, you can never know.

Voice Type: Young woman, quiet, unexpressive, aloof. That said, she isn't completely emotionless.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Two humans. One dwarf. One elf. Headed southeast.

  • No. I will scout ahead. You wait here.

  • (Noticably Bitter) I have nothing to say to you....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lavender/The Black Knight
Role assigned to: Patti Knox

Former High Guardian; a hero revered throughout the land, now The Triumvirate's right-hand enforcer....Lavender is Rosemary's mother, who has mysteriously vanished for about 4 years. It seems during that time, she has come under The Trium's employ, as their Black Knight. 

The Lavender everyone used to know was compassionate, headstrong, but nonetheless sweet and kindhearted. Now she's become cold, jaded, and ruthless. And this isn't made any better by the fact she's the one Rosemary gets her infamous temper from....

Voice Type: Adult woman, 30's-40's. Cold, sinister, and authoritative, though capable of sounding warm and nurturing. 

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Coldly) How disappointing. If you hadn't done that, I might've just spared you.

  • (Irritated) Are you questioning me? I gave you an ORDER!

  • (Warm, yet sinister) Please, Sweetheart, just listen to me. Don't make me do something I'll regret....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Pretty self-explanatory. No project is complete without a set of extra background characters. 

These range from random background students, to thugs, to miscellaneous Triumvirate enforcers. Go wild!

Voice Type: Any.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female adult
  • male teen
  • male adult
  • male child
  • female child
  • (Teenage Student) Goodbye! Good luck! Ugh, thank goodness those guys are gone....

  • (Rowdy Thug) WHOO! Yeah! Kill 'im! I'm having such a a good time right now!

  • (Soldier) They're advancing Southwest! GO! NOW!

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Sound Editor
cast offsite

While normally I'd take care of assembling the audio for these videos myself, I feel as though it'd be beneficial to have an extra set of helping hands. Send me some of your stuff! Samples of sound mixing, audio you've worked on before, etc. I'm looking for someone to help put each line of dialogue together, alongside sound effects and music, and make sure they're all balanced properly. If you have any questions lemme know!

Other info:
  • audacity
  • adobe premiere pro
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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