“Gravity” is an animated stick figure film based on the concept of everyone in the world suddenly obtaining superpowers.
It stars Allen, a shy introvert who happens to be the only person in the world with superpowers. He doesn’t like all of the attention he gets, but knows he can’t do anything to stop it.
He starts to fend off superhumans who use their powers to target him and ruin the city, until a man by the name of Cassidy announces his plan to give everyone superpowers via hundreds of towers, with a secret motive to put everyone under mind control.
Allen supports this thinking it would get the attention off of him, but soon regrets it once he kills someone who was given powers.
Cassidy now has the whole world under his control after he exposed Allen of his crime now Allen must stop him and save the world.
This casting call is to find available voice actors for the film. See the details below and submit your applications for who you are most interested in.
The role for Allen and the main antagonist, Cassian, are already taken by GACam and CravCave.
Some characters do not have concept art yet.
(More roles are likely to be added)