"Gravity" Original Animated Movie
glitchmemes for Zebulon
Loves movies and tv-shows
Strong feelings and opinions about media
Doesn’t like dealing with people with depressing emotions
An asshole
Likes talking about himself
Has a secret real name that he keeps hidden because he doesn’t like his real name.
Zebulon is a nickname that he thinks sounds cool
Friends call him Zeb
Wants to be respected but acts very immaturely
Man child
Will reference shows and movies whenever he is given the opportunity
Has many ideas for shows and movies but never acts on them
Low ambition
Roommate of Sam and Niko
Doesn’t like to go outside unless he’s going to eat
Likes playing video games occasionally but is very picky about what he plays
- english
- male young adult
- animation/character
Hell yeah, I do! What we’re gonna do is sneak into the tower, all jump Cassian at the same time, tie him to a chair, and then pull his mask off to see who he really is!
You say something, ladies?
Nope! Fuck this shit!
I have faith in you, good luck. Your voice fits this guy