Genshin Impact Fandub Round #2: Liyue Characters

Project Overview

Is it very important that you read through all of the rules and guidelines to understand what you may be signing up for! Please and thank you!

If you are looking for more roles to audition for, I have other open casting calls here and here. The Inazuma casting call may be found here.


DEADLINE: MARCH 1ST!! The deadline on CCC is NOT accurate!

Who Are We?

Ceragon Dubs is a fandubbing group that is currently dubbing over Shall We Date? otome games by the company NTT Solmare. Some of these projects include Wizardess Heart, Lost Alice, and Blood In Roses. In the past, we had dubbed some Webtoon comics, however, due to Webtoon's Daily Pass introduction, they had to be cancelled. The current focus of the channel and production is bringing otome games to life by voice acting. Right now, in order to be able to monetize our videos we are trying to come with more original content such as fanfic readings, gaming videos, etc. I would like to wrap up some of the other dubs so that I can bring new dubs to the table!

**Please note: The production team and I have received permission to fandub these otomes from the corporation (NTT Solmare) itself.

DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THIS IS PAID! I wish I could pay you all, but I am a broke college student drowning in debt. I am not earning money from the channel, our Patreon, or even our ko-fi so unfortunately there will not be any payment. In the future, if this changes I DO hope to start paying everyone involved, but that's only if start earning money. NO PROMISES! Even then, I cannot promise the pay will be good as it depends on how much I am earning from Ko-Fi and Patreon-- plus there's over 100 VAs on the server. 

Rules/Auditioning Guidelines:

1. Before auditioning you must keep in mind these are all LONG TERM projects. So please, audition at your own risk. Deadlines for lines will usually be about 3-4 weeks, but may be more or less depending on when the lines are needed. On rare cases, if the lines assigned are an emergency the deadline may be shorter(deadlines would be 1-2 weeks in this case).

2. Because this will be long term, you will need to be dedicated to your role. If you are going to audition, get casted, then leave once lines have been assigned/are due, please do not audition. Likewise, if you are going to ghost me (going MIA which is missing in action) then please do not audition. If you need to leave because of personal circumstances, I DO understand. I just ask that you contact me and do not leave me hanging! 

3. You will NEED a discord account. There are no exceptions. This is where our projects will be taking place, and how assignments will be given and received. Please understand that I will NOT be doing live direction/voice calls over discord due to personal circumstances and scheduling conflictions. If you specifically only want do to live readings, I'm sorry, but this is not the project for you. 

4. All auditions submitted must be professional. (Examples, but are not limited to: outtatakes/messing up mid-line, people in the background, etc.) Auditions that do not meet this requirement will be dismissed. No hard feelings, but I am ESPECIALLY picky about having good audio quality as this will be the new main priority of the channel. When you are doing your official lines, this will also be a requirement as well-- so in a way this is preparing you and letting you know what I expect ahead of time.

5. Submit 2-3 takes per line, each with different intonations in an AABBCC format(if you don't know what that means, then different line deliveries/emotions. "Takes" in the voice acting field means "repeating the line") If you do not do this, especially for a role that carries more responsibility and work, there is a high possibility we will not be considering you and dismissing your submission. If you need my reasoning for this: I need to know and trust that you'll be able to follow instructions thoroughly(instructions will be sent in a long PDF file that explains how I'd like everything/letting you know specific information) when I assign lines to you. When lines are being sent out I require multiple takes, so this is also something you will be doing often. 

6. Please be easy and professional to work with. All members in my team, whether it be staff members, your fellow VAs, myself, etc. must be respected. If I ask for retakes or ask you to submit things a certain way because it was done incorrectly, there is no need to be disrespectful and rude. I do not want to have to argue with you. Like you, I would also like to be respected. It is nothing personal, however, I would like to avoid this.

7. It would be helpful for you to include your discord + tag in the comments or notes of your audition. This will help the staff and I are ton when you are joining the server because we will know who you are and what roles to give you. If for some reason I am unable to contact you via Casting Call Club, I will have your discord account ready to contact. Understand that if you are not responsive on Casting Call Club and do not have some way for me to contact you outside of Casting Call, you will be recasted. Please do not message me your discord as I will miss your message!

8. Auditioning for any of these roles means you understand that you must be on top of your work. Strikes will be issued for missing or late work, and I have the right to remove you from the project if you have met all of your strikes. However, extensions may always be granted as long as you ask me. I will not say no unless it is an emergency. If you also go MIA (missing in action)/unresponsive I have the right to remove you from the cast. 

9. Due to the huge amount of characters that are in need of casting, you are allowed to audition for multiple characters. However, it goes without saying that it does not guarantee you'll be casted for any or all roles you audition for. 

10. You will need to be comfortable with swearing/cussing, or even saying insulting words such as but not limited to: "bastard, hell, damn, b*tch, etc." I'm not sure if we will 100% have anything like this in our stories, but as a precaution, please do not audition AT ALL if you are not okay with any of these. A LOT of comics I have gathered DO say these cuss/swear words so once again, PLEASE do not audition if you will not be comfortable saying them!

11. I don't know about the other writers, but I know I will be writing a ton of angst. So being comfortable in your acting ability range would help a huge ton! 

12. Good audio quality is a MUST. The team and I will be a lot more pickier with audio quality for this project. Please no muffled audio, echos, white noise, static, etc. I may make exceptions here and they if they are really minor or not noticeable, but if they are VERY noticeable I'm afraid I won't be able to. Unfortunately, auditions that do not fulfill this requirement may be dismissed. If that is the case, you're more than welcomed to resubmit.

13. PLEASE READ THE LINES AS THEY ARE! If it really seems like there was a grammatical error or something, you may contact me. Perhaps it may be something I accidentally missed(for some reason my brain auto correct everything so sometimes I miss these things no matter how many times I go over them), but most of these lines are written with intention. For example, Yun Jin's "methinks" line WAS INTENDED!

14. Lastly, there is a mandatory interview for every VA. This series will be called "Meet the Cast." If you will not be comfortable with this, please do not audition. If you are curious to see what the series is about, the link will be here. The Meet the Cast will only be optional for behind the scenes crew, such as artists, editors, etc. if they are not comfortable to speak using their voice. But it will be mandatory for the voice cast.

Just as a heads-up to all auditions: if you selected to join the team, there is a high possibility I will be using your auditions as a "voice reveal" type of announcement on the channel. This series may be viewed here. The purpose of this series is to kind of "hype" up the project, you and your voice, and the character itself.


I usually only do callbacks when the casting call has officially ended, however, in this case I will try to do callbacks sooner. That way everyone has a good amount of time to turn in their callback audition. If you do not know what a callback is, it means that the casting team or I enjoyed your audition, but would like to hear something different from you. Example of this could be a change of pitch, different line delivery, etc. Callbacks are very important as it will help the casting team and I decide who to cast out of the finalized talents. Not submitting a callback after a certain amount of time and no communication tells us you are no longer interested in the role, and therefore we may go with someone else. 

- A callback may also be me contacting you because I think your voice may fit what I am looking for for another character. If you don't submit a callback for the character(s) I requested, you will still be considered for the other character(s) you auditioned for. You just won't be considered for the character(s) I requested because if you don't submit a submission for the requested character(s) then that probably means you just aren't interested in them. 

- If a character has [Callbacks in progress] in the name, it means I have contacted certain talents for a callback, but it DOES NOT MEAN auditions are closed and the character has already been casted. You may still submit an audition! BUT if the CASTING CALL says [Casting in Progress] then late submissions unfortunately can no longer be considered as this means I have already sent the list of talents to my casting team.

Other Info:

- If you are sick, or getting a new set up, I would recommend you wait to send any and all auditions until you recover or until your new set up arrives. Otherwise, it may end up counting against you in the final selection. There should be more than enough time to get your audition if that is what you may worried about, as the deadline for this casting call will be in March.

- Voice lines are either from the game(some are tweaked to slightly avoid spoilers), manga, or from one of my fanfics/made up. Please proceed with caution as some may be spoilers! 

- For most of the characters, I am looking to voice match in order to be as accurate to the game as possible. However, there will be some characters where I am open to interpretation/reccomend interpretation. For these ones, I will specifically list the voice types I'd like the character to have, or just say "open for interpretations." Even if your voice doesn't sound exactly like the examples given, that's ok! I will be taking both the voice and acting into consideration. Upvotes, your following, and comments will not be playing a part in the casting decision.

- Please do not audition if you are a strong advocate for a strong Genshin Impact ship/cannot respect someone's ship(especially the artist's ship). Many of you who are in the fandom know how toxic it can be, so if you cannot respect the work of an artist or writer we are dubbing the work of please do not audition.

- Characters marked with a "⭑" mean they have more content/lines to be part of. A lot of the comics I found feature characters with "⭑" the most, so I am going to be a LOT more picky with castings for these characters. 

- This isn't a very important note, but more of a heads up: I will not be casting roles until the casting call officially ends. The only exception is accepting writers, comic editors, and artists early.

**All character info was taken from in-game profiles, voice lines, Genshin website, and the official Genshin Wiki. Though we are mostly doing audiobooks/fanfics, we are trying to keep to the character's original personalities and identities at the very least(unless there are AU's of course). I am trying to provide the bare minimum of information without containing spoilers for those who have not played the game or who aren't very far into it.

DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THIS IS PAID! I wish I could pay you all, but I am a broke college student drowning in debt. I am not earning money from the channel, our Patreon, or even our ko-fi so unfortunately there will not be any payment. In the future, if this changes I DO hope to start paying everyone involved, but that's only if start earning money. NO PROMISES! Even then, I cannot promise the pay will be good as it depends on how much I am earning from Ko-Fi and Patreon-- plus there's over 100 VAs on the server.

IF A CHARACTER YOU WOULD LIKE TO AUDITION FOR IS NOT HERE, THEY MOST LIKELY HAVE BEEN CASTED ALREADY OR WILL BE IN ANOTHER CASTING CALL! I am going to do them in rounds per region. The next casting call I make will be for Sumeru, and possibly the Fatui Harbingers + Abyss characters together as well. Inazuma characters are currently out now. I don't know when I will make casting calls for these characters so if you'd like to follow me to be notified when I do post casting calls for the other regions, feel free to do so. Please do not message me asking "can you message me or let me know when you post auditions for the other characters" because I will definitely forget to do this.

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Latest Updates

  • Extended Deadline

    Hello everyone! My apologies for being unable to make this update sooner. The casting call will be extended for a bit longer to give talents some extra time with resubmissions and callback submissions. The new deadline will be March 18th, and should be the last time this casting call is being extended! However, if this deadline does not work for you and you need a personal extension, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and we can work things out from there!

    To those interested in our Inazuma casting call(, that one has no determined deadline but I will make an update on that casting call when I come up with an official deadline! Thank you all so much again for your interest and support, and I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week!

  • Official Deadline

    Hello everyone! Thank you all once again for your interest and auditions! After testing the waters a bit and seeing how things are going, I have finally decided that the official deadline for this casting call will be March 1st. Please make sure to get all auditions and callbacks in before then! The listing date on CCC is NOT accurate! This casting call will officially close on MARCH 1ST until further notice! So if you are sick, waiting on a new mic, away from your set up and do not have the best audio quality, etc. I highly recommend that you wait until you recover(because I dont want you to strain yourself and cause permanent damage to your voice), get your mic, and/or return back to your set up to submit an audition. There should be plenty of time until the deadline! HOWEVER, if the March 1st deadline does not work for you, please contact me and we can work things out from there. I usually do not have issues with extending auditions as long as they are within reason; for example asking for a 2 month extension after the deadline is not something I would consider to be very reasonable. Please make sure auditions and callbacks are submitted on time, because if they are late unfortunately the casting team and I may not be able to see them in time!

    Auditions for Aether—which is an emergency re-cast—will be closing much earlier on February 14th because we have auditions for him ongoing from multiple casting calls and platforms(& not just this casting call). However, if this deadline does not work for you please contact me for an extension and we may work things out from there! Without his character, none of the videos he is featured in can be posted and because I do all of the editing on my own, these videos are taking up space on my computer disk and eventually I will not be able to edit more videos. In order to free up space, I need to be able to finish editing these videos and post them so that I may delete the projects and assets from my computer!

    Please make sure that you have read all of the casting call requirements and guidelines because there is a lot of important information regarding discord accounts, interviews, etc. Also, once again, as a precaution, please do not audition if you are not okay with the possibility of using swearing and insulting words.

    Please make sure that your auditions are all public. If your submissions are private and set to “only the project manager and auditioner can see” then the casting team will be unable to access them. I am relying heavily on the casting team for the Genshin Impact auditions to give everyone a fair chance so if they cannot access your audition, they won’t be able to hear your submission. If, for whatever reason you are very uncomfortable with leaving your audition public on CCC, then you may submit your audition here instead: HOWEVER, please know that your audition will not only be listened to by me— it WILL be listened to by the casting team as well!

    I do not have an official deadline for the Inazuma casting call (which may be found on my profile if anyone is interested in the Inazuman cast as well). Although Liyue and Inazuma casting calls are running at the same time, they will be having different deadlines. Once I find out the deadline for that casting call, I will write up an update on the Inazuma casting call's page.

    Lastly, I would like to give a friendly reminder to those whose auditions I have commented on: if I have commented on your audition saying that your audio cannot be played, please, please, please resubmit your audition either here on CCC, or one of the ways here:! You do not have to resubmit them right away, just do it when you are able. Either way, It is your responsibility to correct this and if it is not corrected by the time it is time to cast(March 1st), unfortunately there is not much the casting team and I can do to consider you for the role. I apologize if this seems unfair, but if we are unable to listen to your audition then we have no way of knowing how your audition sounds like! Thank you all so much for your time and interest once more, and I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

  • Emergency Role Added + Deadline Reminder

    Hello everyone! A new emergency role, which is the male Traveler (Aether) has been added. Auditions for this character would be greatly appreciated, as I am looking to recast him as soon as possible! Thank you so much!

    This is also a friendly reminder that the deadline on CCC is NOT accurate! Auditions will NOT be closing this month(January). Most likely they will close around February or March; depending on how auditions for both Round #3: Inazuma characters and Round #2 Liyue characters go. There is still plenty of time until the deadline, so please do not rush your submissions! Take your time! As soon as I find out an official deadline, I will be updating you all here. I have no intentions of closing it sooner than February, nor do I intend to cast any characters sooner than that time. The ONLY exception to this will be Aether as his casting is an emergency.

    Please also know that if I have contacted you because I am unable to play your submissions, please resubmit them as soon as you are able. If I do not have a playable version by the time the official deadline comes, unfortunately, there is not much I can do if the casting team and I are unable to view them. Please also make sure that auditions on Casting Call Club are not private! If they are private the casting team will be unable to look at them. If you prefer to send them privately so that other users on CCC may not look at them, you may email them or put them on a google form which both information may be found here:

  • Friendly Reminder

    Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for your auditions so far <3. I wanted to give a friendly reminder that this project WILL contain swearing and insulting words! Recently, I had talents reach out requesting that I disregard their auditions(they did not know how to delete it) as they did not know there would be swearing. Majority of the characters --even children-- swear because of the comics I have been finding and receiving permission to dub over. So once again, just a friendly reminder there is swearing in this project! Thank you all so much for your time. Happy New Years! :D

    Also, if anyone is interested, I have posted part three for Inazuma here:

EMERGENCY: Script Writers
cast offsite

SCRIPT WRITERS WILL BE HELPING FOR ANOTHER PROJECT CALLED CINDERELLA PHENOMEONON. Now that we have the majority of the cast, production is ready to be started! We are pretty much going to be turning a video script into a text script by typing it out.

With Cinderella Phenomenon, I am looking to go in a different direction and actually be able to provide text scripts for the cast. As a script writer, you're pretty much just going to be typing scripts up and helping me out with that, which will also include vocal direction. So this means you will have to be comfortable giving directions to the VAs. Vocal direction is basically adding adjective indicators and suggesting tones the should cast should go with. For example [happy, muttering]. By having the script writers helping me out with this, I will be able to have more availability to type up as many scripts as I can so that you all have less on your plate.

I am looking for at multiple script writers so that we can split the work and have everyone work in segments of 15-20 minutes. That way, there will be at least four people working on one chapter at a time. The more people working on a chapter, the less work we all have to do, and the quicker we can get scripts sent out. However, I will also be trying to take on as many scripts as I can on my own so that you all do not have to do as much work! For reference, at the moment, there are 35 scripts left needing to be typed up.

If you have written scripts before or directed, please provide a resume below! You will have to be reliable though. Although I will try to do some chapters on my own I need a reliable team to help me get work done faster and actually get completed!

Example of how scripts will look:

  • english
Other info:
  • script
  • typing
  • typing quickly
  • writing/typing
  • dubbing script
  • script writing
  • directing assistance
  • typing scripts
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Writing Team

The team and I are looking to expand the channel's content, and do stuff that is more original so they we may one day be eligible to monetize our videos (our dubs cannot be monetized due to contract reasons), so the plan is post fanfic readings. 

However, in order to do fanfic readings, I will need some help so that is why I am trying to create a writing team. Please do not apply if you will not be okay with us POSSIBLY monetizing the video your fanfic will be featured in in the future. There will occasionally be times where viewers can submit their own fanfics for a reading, but other than that the fics we will post on the channel will be original ones the writing team and I have come up with.

Once I am able to start earning a decent amount of money from the channel's videos(this will only happen once we get enough watch hours since thats the only requirement that is missing), ko-fi, or patreon, I will try my best to pay anyone involved with our videos. IF ALL WORKS OUT, AND IF THE I AM ABLE TO EARN MONEY, I cannot guarantee that you will be paid huge sums of money for your work. It really just depends on how well our videos, patreon, and ko-fi do. I cannot make any promises if this will work or not, so there is a chance you may be doing unpaid work as well. Please understand that I am currently a full-time college student and I cannot afford to pay anyone at the moment, so that is why it is very important that you understand what you may be signing up for by proceeding.

Please attach any fanfics you have written, or story in general that you have written(please no research papers/essays). 

If you are casted to join the team, I'm not really strict on what you do. I'm usually all for creative freedom as long as it is within reason(goes without saying, no racism, assault of any kind, etc. As for NSFW? I'm not really sure about that, it really depends on the comfort level of the VAs of the characters involved. So I'd like to avoid that if possible) I would mostly like to do one-shot fics, but chapter fics are allowed. I'd mostly like to have fanfics focus on character x audience/reader/listener (since that type of thing seems REALLY popular. or I guess they're just called character x y/n? I have no idea.) but ships are okay as well(a bit meh on this because I don't want to have ship wars in the comments), or they can be completely platonic ships! Like I said before, I'm pretty much open to anything. Writing is something you should have full range on and have fun while doing it so I am not picky. The only requirement is you will have to come up with one fic every 4 months. Submitting something every 4 months shows me that you are still interested in being part of the team. If you do not fulfill the requirement without any updates I may remove you from the team. I will be holding myself to this standard. I don't really care what kind of fandoms you write fics for either, HOWEVER, the team and I would like to mostly focus on Genshin Impact, The Arcana, and/or Wizardess Heart(so if you are part of any of the fandoms that's a huge bonus since you already know the characters, but if you are not, you might want to do some research on the characters). I am NOT opposed to the idea of doing fanfic readings for other fandoms though! I just want to have a main focus for fanfics on the channel, if that makes sense.

Please be friendly or at the very least professional. Some writers may submit their work in the writers group chat for feedback or proofreads, so they may ask for constructive criticism/feedback. There is no need to diss a fellow writer's work or make fun or them.

  • english
Other info:
  • amateur writer
  • creating writing
  • fanfiction
  • Say something you think would fit

General Artist Team
Role assigned to: mintruz Goblin Does Art juliebeep Ash

Please read through everything to understand what you may be signing up for by applying!

Artists of all experiences, levels, and styles are all welcomed to apply! However, you will need to know how to use digital software!

This is the general application for the production team. What that means is you will be helping to make thumbnails for the other projects-- mostly Wizardess Heart or for Genshin Impact. For Genshin Impact, instead of a black background, I will be asking the artists to either pick a scene from the fic (or I will choose it) and ask for that to be done. This will be used not only for the thumbnail, but throughout the audio reading as well. YOU WILL NEED TO DRAW YOUR OWN BACKGROUND IF IT IS FOR A GENSHIN IMPACT FANFIC THUMBNAIL! I will try to find a background artist team so maybe they can help out but if not you will need to make your own background.

How will this work? Thumbnail work is on a voluntary basis BUT you must participate AT LEAST once every four months. This shows me you are still interested in being part of the team. If you do not participate at all once every 4 months then I may remove you from the project as well because it is unfair to have your peers taking on work all the time and leaving everything up to them only with no help. The team will also have to work together to get assignments done. Work will be split into three positions: sketching, lineart, and coloring/shading. You do NOT have to draw backgrounds FOR LOST ALICE OR WIZARDESS HEART unless you want to! Otherwise, in-game backgrounds will be provided. Aspect ratios for thumbnails must ALWAYS be 16:9 or 1280x720 pixels. You are also allowed to work on a thumbnail entirely on your own if you desire.

The sketch artist will always be the one deciding how the thumbnail will go. When I give out assignments, I will be giving ideas of what I would like for the thumbnail, but ultimately it is up to the sketch artist. They can go with their own idea, or pick one of mine.

There will be 3-4 assignments per month, but may expand depending on if the team grows. Each artist has 2 weeks to get their portion of the work done. If you are doing your own sketches, inking, and coloring, you will get a month to get everything done. So work will kind of be going at a fast pace.

When submitting your application, in the notes of your audition please let me know which of the following positions you are interested in: sketches, lineart/inking, coloring/shading, or all of the above. If you prefer to do your own work with no help, it would help for you to mention that as well please!

If you do an assignment one month, you will be exempt from doing another assignment the next time one is assigned. That way, everyone pitches in to help! If you end up taking an assignment and you aren't able to do it, just let me know (preferably way before it is due-- not the day the assignment is due, and not when the assignment is late). I can ask if someone else wants to cover for you. However, when the next assignment is assigned you will not be exempt from it, and will be asked if you can help.

  • english
Other info:
  • sketch artist
  • shading and coloring
  • inking
  • digital artwork
  • digital artist
  • hobby artist
  • thumbnail artist
  • drawing/sketching
  • colorist
  • sketch art
  • Artist
  • digital art
  • Say something you think would fit

Assistant Directors
cast offsite

I couldn't quite find a role that best suits this position, so I went with the Director role. If no one in the mod team is online, you may also be require to help new members get settled in/sort out fights going on in the server. The cast does not talk much in the server so I highly doubt it will ever come to sorting out an argument, but if it does I need to let you know ahead of time so you are fully aware of the responsibilities and what you may be getting in to. You technically are second in command directly after the head director (Dawn; which is me), but your main priority is to help me out with behind the scenes work.

Assistants are the main staff team and will be given the most amount of work. This role is heavy in both work and responsibility. Assistants will help me with, but are not limited to: keeping track of deadlines, send reminders when lines are due, help making assignments, checking lines from the cast for any retakes/missing lines, answering NON-LINE & PRODUCTION RELATED questions from the cast on the server, casting opinions, typing out scripts if needed, editing videos if you have the resources to do so, etc. The assistant team will need to be on top of their work! When you first join I will give you little nudges here and there on what to do, (Example, pinging you and asking you to send a reminder for this), but pretty much after that I will need to be able to rely on you. I shouldn't constantly have to ping you to ask you to send a reminder on something. If you see that someone else in the staff hasn't gotten to a reminder, please step up. When I need casting opinions, please don't be afraid to add your input even if you do not know the characters! 

I know that to submit an application for this role you'll need to attach a link. You can just put a google doc link and in that doc please answer that following:

- What is your availability? How much time can you dedicate to this production? (Won't really influence decision, I know that everyone has other obligations of curse and don't expect ALL of your time to be needed)

- Assistants will now be required to be a section leader. What that means is they will be in charge of a certain section to help me keep track of due-dates for/assign stuff for. What section are you interested in? (Voice cast section leader, art section leader, editor/editing team section leader, or writing team section leader?) Being a section leader DOES NOT mean you are required to turn in work for that team. For example, if you wish to help with the artist section you DO NOT have to also do artwork unless you applied for the art team and got in. At the moment I am kind of mostly looking for Writer and Artist section leader but are still looking for some for the other projects.

- Why would you like to be an assistant? 

- Why do you think you are a good fit for our team?

- Lastly, do you know any of the projects we are fandubbing?(Cinderella Phenomenon, Wizardess Heart, Lost Alice, The Arcana, Genshin Impact) If you don't know any of these no worries, it just helps a lot of the assistants are fans since they are more likely to be dedicated!

If you are interested in any other positions, you may check out this google form here: (please do not submit an application for the assistant position on this google if you are sending it through CCC. It will cause a lot of confusion).

Positions available on there: server moderator team, recording team, and event coordinator team (this one is just for server fun, not production-related at all).

  • english
Other info:
  • directing assistance
  • project managing
  • leadership
  • leadership abilities
  • project management
  • Say something you think would fit

Video Editor
Video Editor
Comic Editors
Role assigned to: StarfireSeraphim

I will need a bit of help because as much as I'd like to, I cannot handle all of the editing on my own. 

Comic editors will be helping me edit comics from Genshin Impact, The Arcana, etc! It would be nice if you knew any animation so we could do stuff like this: / (not done by us), but if not then that's fine! 

You will be responsible in looking for music and sound effects to be used for the video you are editing(unless I provide you with specific soundtracks/SFX to be used or add suggestions). However, they must be under the creative commons license which means anyone can use the music/sound effect you are looking at AS LONG as credit is given. If we need to purchase a license to use the sound effect/music then I'd like to refrain from that if possible. I don't know how that stuff works-- as in, I don't know if *I* will be needing to purchase the license as well if it is being posted onto my channel. 

  • english
Other info:
  • comicdubbing
  • video creator/editor
  • comic dubbing
  • audio editing (basic)
  • Say something you think would fit

Composer/Soundtrack helpers

We are looking for musicians to help us out with original soundtracks for our fanfic readings! We are also looking for some extra help for those willing to help me look for soundtracks to be used! Sometimes it can be really hard to search through the internet to find music that fits the scene perfectly, so I figured opening this position up would be helpful. 

Music with a similar feeling to Genshin Impact's soundtrack would be wonderful, but isn't really required! We are open to anything honestly. I'd like to refrain from using any of Genshin Impact's original soundtrack as possible to prevent future copyright issues that may occur.

When a team is officially made, my plan is to send over the specific fanfic (or scene) that needs custom music(or something I need help finding music for) so the composer can get an idea of what is going on and what the mood is like (ex; happy, sad, etc.) Like the voice cast and artists involved, you will be credited in the description with whatever credits you give me! However, as a heads up please do not apply if you will not be okay with the possibility of us monetizing the video you music may be used for. The entire goal of making original content on the channel is to be able to monetize them (first we need to reach the needed amount of watch hours though.....) and then in the future we can hopefully be able to start paying everyone in the team. HOWEVER, if things do not work out, then there is a possibility you will be doing this for free and I need to let you know this ahead of time. 

There is a possibility the soundtrack you made for one of our Genshin videos will be used often by us in other dub projects (such as Cinderella Phenomenon as a majority of the owners do not allow their music to be redistributed so I need to use a completely different soundtrack anyway) and if that is the case you will still be credited of course. I don't want the piece you made to just go to waste for one thing if that makes sense but if you aren't okay with this (I will reach out and ask permission first) then I will respect your wishes!

  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Shadowcooper

**At the moment, Mika is a non-recurring (basically one-shot) role, so you will not be required to join the production server if you do not wish to. I will still send you the link in case you wish to keep an eye out for Cast-Exclusive characters or help out with behind the scenes, but you are not obligated to join. Mika is only in one fic I have written so far and out of the comics I’ve been scouting out to dub he hasn’t appeared in any. If he does end up appearing in more fics or comics in the future, I will contact you to see if you wish to reprise the role. 

Mika is the younger brother of Huffman, and is also a member of Eula's Reconnaissance Company. He is currently with Varka's expedition group to help scout for them. 

Seemingly shy and distant at first, Mika eventually warms up to the people he knows. To those unfamiliar to him, especially those with high rankings, Mika prefers to observe them and understand their personalities before properly interacting with them as a sign of respect. He does seem to rely on other people for decisions, such as when to talk or what to say.

Voice: Young, shy and timid, high pitched. Also open to voice matching his Japanese(Sanpei Yūko) VA or English(Robb Moreiera) VA. Most preferred Japanese.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • fandub
  • (Nervous and stuttering) H-Hello everybody, I am M-Mika, surveyor of the Reconnaissance Company. Uh, recently, I have been taking part in an assignment with the expedition team. I will now be reading Grandmaster Varka's letter aloud for you all.

  • (Clearly upset) I'm... I'm afraid I have some bad news..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

If you auditioned for this role on another casting call of mine, please DO NOT resubmit your audition! ALL auditions on previous casting calls will still be considered. I am just opening this role once more to gain more auditions, and once it officially closes, ALL auditions will be looked at and considered. HOWEVER, if you wish to change something about your audition, such as the pitch or different vocal direction, then that is fine. Just please do not submit the exact same audition and the exact same takes. Otherwise, it will cause confusion.

Lumine is also on my Inazuman casting call (link can be found on this project's page) so her auditions will be ending April 1st. 

A traveler from another world who had their only kin taken away, forcing them to embark on a journey to find The Seven.

All of the playable characters see the traveler in a positive light. Their personality is kind of up to the player through the dialogue options we can choose. However even if we react in a negative way or say something rude, the characters won't really react and nothing in the story changes at all. 

The twins are both travelers from another world. When they were going to leave Teyvat and journey to the next world, they were stopped by some unknown god. The twins defended themselves against her as best as they could, but are quickly overpowered by her. The sibling that does not get chosen to be the character you play as ends up being taken away by the unknown god first and is later missing. Due to storyline and spoiler reasons I will refrain from saying much else.

Voice: Would love to voice match Sarah Miller-Crews Must be able to switch to sounding cold and harsh as well when needed. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • fandub
  • female young adult
  • (Heartbroken & upset) And just like that, the God took away my brother. So while we used to travel from world to world, we are now trapped here.

  • (Surprised, teasing) With your size, I can't believe that you can drink that much liquid...and not explode like an Anemo slime!

  • (Full of anger and hatred-- bloodthirsty) I will not let this man roam the world any longer. I WILL put him down, even if I risk my life doing it! [Line 4] (Angry) DON’T TOUCH ME! (Cold, harsh) How dare you try to take pity on me after everything you’ve done. What a hypocrite!

[Reopening] Venti

If you auditioned for this role on another casting call of mine, please DO NOT resubmit your audition! ALL auditions on previous casting calls will still be considered. I am just opening this role once more to gain more auditions, and once it officially closes, ALL auditions will be looked at and considered. HOWEVER, if you wish to change something about your audition, such as the pitch or different vocal direction, then that is fine. Just please do not submit the exact same audition and the exact same takes. Otherwise, it will cause confusion.

One of the many bards of Mondstadt, who freely wanders the city's streets and alleys.

Venti is an unknown bard that came to Mondstad out of nowhere. He sometimes sings outdated songs, and will hum new ones that have never been heard of. Venti loves apples, wine, and lively atmospheres, but hates cheese and anything that feels slimy. It is said that Venti knows each and every song, from the past, present, and future. 

Venti has a somewhat recalcitrant, carefree, and playful attitude as well as a liking to rhyming in his speech. He sees a particular worth in music to the point where he names his lyre saying, “every being deserves a name to be called upon, and woven into a song.” He is also bold– not fearing to insult or ignore those who are supposedly powerful. He is also very well liked by the people of Mondstadt due to his musical talent.

Despite his normally playful personality as Venti the bard, he speaks wisely whenever he assumes his true identity: Barbados, the Anemo Archon and the God of Mondstadt. Venti does not mind revealing his identity and using his power when it matters most. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Erika Harlacher

I do not think the writers and I will be having him sing for anything, but just incase, I am just leaving this as a singer role. Please do not audition if you are not comfortable with the possibility of singing (or even humming) something.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • androgynous
  • fandub
  • male teen
Other info:
  • singing
  • (Gentle, soft, reminiscing/sympathizing) Y’know, I once had a friend who was special to me. And when they’re gone, it feels like a part of you is missing, doesn’t it?

  • (Cheerful, happy) Morning! What's in store for today?

  • (Curious at first, but when he discovers its the food he hates he becomes disgusted) What's that tasty morsel you've got there.... Eew!! A melted cheese pancake?! A smelly, sticky, disgusting mess!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Awaiting Trick] ⭑Xiao⭑

A yaksha adeptus who defends Liyue. Also heralded as the "Conqueror of Demons" and "Vigilant Yaksha."

Despite his youthful appearance, tales of his exploits have been documented for millennia. He is especially fond of Wangshu Inn's Almond Tofu. This is because it tastes just like the sweet dreams he used to devour.

Xiao has a reserved demeanor and has little intention of getting close to mortals. He acts cold and distant towards others to drive a wedge between them; he does not want to hurt mortals because of the karma he carries. He does not want sympathy for his past and believes his fellow Yakshas would also find it insulting.

Despite how reserved and intimidating he may seem at first, Xiao does have a softer and more kinder side to him. He is a kind-hearted person who does care about the people he swore an oath to protect, and will do whatever he can to make sure he fulfills that oath. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Yoshitsugu Matsuoka or Laila Berzins

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • fandub
  • It seems she places a great deal of trust in you. Well, how could she not. There are few people in this world as kind and good-natured as you.

  • (Confused and trying to understand) Wait. I am expected to place slices of meat in wrapping myself? And then... eat them? Together? Ugh, humans these days do not know what they are doing.

  • (Gentle and worried) I heard a scream. Is everything alright?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

No. 11 of The Harbingers, also known as "Childe." His name is highly feared on the battlefield.

Meet Tartaglia — the cunning Snezhnayan whose unpredictable personality keeps people guessing his every move. Don't be under any illusion as to what he might be thinking or what his intentions are. Just remember this: Behind that innocent, childlike exterior lies a finely honed instrument of war.

Tartaglia lives for the thrill of a fight and causing chaos. Although he appears to be relatively friendly on the surface, Tartaglia is a bloodthirsty warrior. The Abyss and his old master, Skirk, made him self-confident, solipsistic, and brash, thriving on the sensation of being alive. A warrior at heart, he constantly seeks ways to grow stronger, regardless of how he obtains said power. Tartaglia considers those who wish to become strong like him to be friends and takes pleasure in battling them on the battlefield. He lusts for combat and grows excited by fighting strong opponents, even if it could mean dying in the process. 

Amongst the rest of the Harbingers, Tartaglia is considered an oddball. While his fellow Harbingers prefer clandestine operations and staying behind the scenes, Tartaglia favors being front and center. He is a public figure known for attending social gatherings and even participates as an actor in plays and theater. As a result, Childe's coworkers are wary of him, while he holds them in disdain for their schemes and "intangible" methods. While he is easily capable of scheming, he only resorts to such approaches when necessary due to his straightforward nature. He also appears to treat his subordinates less harshly than the rest of the Harbingers, stating that he doesn't use lethal force against the recruits in his care nor does he threaten any of them.

Tartaglia dedicates himself to those he cares about wholeheartedly. He is unquestionably loyal to the Tsaritsa(Cryo Archon) and holds her in high esteem, seeing himself as her weapon of war. He also cares deeply for his family; he sends money, gifts, and letters home often. Tartaglia is exceptionally proud of his three younger siblings and dotes on them frequently, especially his youngest brother Teucer — he is willing to lie and even put himself in mortal danger, so long as it makes him happy. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Griffin Burns

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • fandub
  • male young adult
  • american
  • [Chipper] You look well. What's your secret? Care to exchange notes?

  • A warrior must always be ready to face any challenge with his blade. The outcome of the battle is irrelevant — what matters is that you learn from the experience.

  • (Muttered, full of guilt and upset. Has to sound like a genuine apology) I really am sorry… I didn’t mean to betray you like this..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Captain of her crew, The Crux. She's quite an unbound and forthright woman.

Captain of the Crux, with quite the reputation in Liyue. There are those who say she can split mountains and part the sea. Others say she draws lightning through her sword. Some say that even the mightiest of sea beasts are no match for her. For those not from Liyue, it may sound like a hearty joke, but those that have sailed with her will say— "No matter what sea beasts there may be, Beidou will be sure to split them all in two."

Beidou is well known across Liyue for her strength, easy-going personality, and her good judgment of character. She is well-liked by many, especially with children as they look up to her as an ideal role model. Beidou treats her crew with respect, and in return they are completely loyal to her. However,  criminals fear her great strength and try to avoid incurring her wrath.

Voice: Would love to voice match Allegra Clark

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • american
  • fandub
  • I'm Beidou. You've heard of my ship, The Crux, and it's crew? If you too love adventure, then join me. I've got your back.

  • (Affectionate/fond) Yaoyao always comes on board to play when we're in the harbor. Trouble is, when it's time for her to go she gives you the puppy eyes, and no one has the heart to send her away... Means we're always cutting it close by the time we manage to set sail.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ☆ raeya ☆

The Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing. Her wealth is unsurpassed in all of Teyvat.

Owner of the Jade Chamber in the skies above Liyue, there are stories abound about Ningguang, with her elegance and mysterious smile. As a Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, not only does she embody law and order, she also represents fortune and wit.

Ningguang is a professional businesswoman who has accumulated her wealth through hard work and perseverance. As the Tianquan, she is known for being highly meticulous in her work and holds a large amount of influence within Liyue.

She is a calculating and ruthless businesswoman guided by the sole aim of making Mora. She makes use of a large intelligence network and “pawns” in order to gain the information she needs. She will only make use of people whose weaknesses she knows. As a result, she is disliked by those with significant influence. However, despite her cold and business-drien exterior, she does have Liyue’s best interest at heart. She is fond of children, both because they give her vital intelligence and also because she enjoys seeing them smile.

Voice: Would love to voice match Erin Ebers

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • american
  • fandub
  • (Foreboding) Calm weather? Do not trust your eyes. Your eyes can lie to you.

  • (Mostly calm with an edge of warning and threat) If you ever make the mistake of mentioning these secrets to others....

  • These are some of Liyue's finest brocades, woven from silk flowers. This one is for you, and this one... I hope that someday son, you will be able to give it to your sister and I hope that she'll like it. I wish you both a happy birthday.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mao Xiangling
cast offsite

A renowned chef from Liyue. She's extremely passionate about cooking and excels at making her signature hot and spicy dishes.

The Head Chef at the Wanmin Restaurant and also a waitress there, Xiangling is extremely passionate about cooking and excels at her signature hot and spicy dishes. Though still young, Xiangling is a true master of the culinary arts with all the skills of a kitchen veteran. She enjoys a good reputation among the hearty eaters at Chihu Rock. There's absolutely no need to be nervous if she wants you to sample her latest creation. It will not disappoint. Promise.

Xiangling dislikes having to limit herself to a specific style of cooking, because she sees it as bland and uninspiring. Xiangling loves to cook for others, because seeing the smiles on their faces makes it worth more than all of the mora in the world. She will use pretty much anything for her recipes, even if they gross out others. If anything she makes is not to her liking, she will keep trying over and over again and not give up even if it means starting over from scratch. 

Voice: High to mid-high, chirpy, friendly and approachable. But if you want to voice match either her English or Japanese VAs (or even seek inspiration from) they are listed here. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • fandub
  • female teen
  • american
  • If you get a stomach ache, a cup of herbal tea with Silk Flowers will clear it up in no time! Huh? Of course you can trust my herbal remedies! We chefs are expected to know a thing or two about medicine as well you know!

  • (Kinda ranting and slightly annoyed) Is Hu Tao picking on you too? Ugh, that prankster always waits till I least expect it, creeps up on me from behind and then... BOO!... then laughs herself silly. Hmph.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A young man carrying a longsword who is frequently seen at book booths. He has a chivalrous heart and yearns for justice and fairness for all.

The second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, Xingqiu has had a reputation for being studious and polite ever since he was a young child. But there is another side to the mild-mannered Xingqiu everyone knows. A daring, adventurous and much more mischievous side…

To most people, Xingqui appears to be a polite young man who takes his studies seriously. However, he also has a bit of a mischievous side to him. In the presence of close friends and family, he is gregarious and chatty. Xingqui is an avid reader who is often looking for rare books and writing his own books from time to time. 

Being the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, Xingqui is extremely wealthy and posses a significant amount of influence. Despite this, he only resorts to using the guild as backup if the situation cannot be handled otherwise. Xingqui has a strong sense of justice, is very intelligent, and despises those who resort to underhanded methods and badmouths chivalrous heroes. 

Voice: Medium, polite and possibly smooth or elegant. Also open to voice matching Cristina Vee Valenzuela or MINAGAWA Junko.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male teen
  • american
  • fandub
  • You will find me in the same place as ever tomorrow. So I'll see you then. ....Unless you manage to get lost on the way.

  • I hate carrots. When I was young, my mother would mash them up into... [Disgusted] Ugh, I can't go on. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick...

  • [Shy] I couldn't possibly. [Happy, insisting] But please, you eat your fill. I insist.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A young exorcist from a family of exorcists. He does everything he can to suppress his abundance of yang energy.

An exorcist who roams the land with Liyue as his base of operations, evil spirits fleeing wherever he goes. As the heir to a clan of exorcists, he has always possessed abilities superior to most. However, these abilities are not the result of training, but of an inborn trait — a pure yang spirit.

One might find Chongyun to be a composed and stoic individual, however, his friends may disagree that this isn’t always true. Chongyun is quite literally a positive individual as he has an excess amount of positive energy (yang) in him. Because of this energy, he is vulnerable to things that warm him, such as food, drinks, clothing, the sun, and even blushing. If he isn’t to suppress the overwhelming energy, he will either enter a manic state of being excited, friendly, or faint. To counter the positive energy, he wears light-colored and light-weight clothing and eats cold food. 

Despite having a Vision, Chongyun is not as fond of him as others. He believes that training is the way to become a stronger individual. He usually does some intense training and his sole focus as an exorcist is to exorcise a demon. Because of this, he is extremely introverted. Chongyun is also quite gullible and has once taken the contents of a novel to be real life events.

Voice: I’m okay with voice matching any of his voices. However, I would prefer to stick to the English(Beau Bridgland) or Japanese(SAITO Soma) dubs. I will link the Chinese(kinsen) and Korean(Yang Jeong-hwa) dubs here if it helps!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • androgynous
  • fandub
  • [Relaxed] Ah, this weather is delightful.

  • [Apologetic] (Context: He is given a hot dish which he cannot eat until it is cold) I'm sorry, I know you mean well, but I really need to wait for it to cool off before I eat it.

  • We exorcists have been protectors of Liyue since ancient times, and our techniques have been passed down from generation to generation. Purging evil is second nature to us.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Reopening] Keqing

The Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing: Keqing. She is a workaholic and is subjected to pressure even at her young age. She has a strong sense of responsibility and tenaciousness inherited from her grandfather. 

Keqing has much to say about Rex Lapis' unilateral approach to policy making in Liyue — but in truth, gods admire skeptics such as her quite a lot. Keqing firmly believes that humanity's future should be determined by humans themselves. She believes that humans can even do better than what the archons and adepti have done for them. In order to prove this, she works harder than anyone else.

Keqing, unlike most of Liyue, is a great skeptic. She believes that humans should deal with their own problems. She was also a skeptic of Visions, viewing them as both challenge and insult and once tried to destroy hers–all of her attempts failing. She'd then realized the various uses of her Vision and learned to appreciate them.

Shopping is a favorite pastime of the Yuheng, often spending her free time with her friends in this sort of activity. Keqing may be an uptight and intimidating character, but she cares and respects each of her companions. It's only because of her outward image that she's unable to express how she truly feels.

Voice: Would love to voice match Kayli Mills

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • fandub
  • female young adult
  • [Reassuring, encouraging] It's not difficult, you'll see, just give it a try. "What if you try and it doesn't work out?" ...No, I don't believe that will happen. You've never let me down before, you don't seem the type.

  • [A little pushy and annoyed] Come on, enough procrastinating. Let's go.

  • Happy Birthday! I've got a very special gift for you. It might look like an ordinary old lantern, but this one runs on Electro energy and stays alight for a really long time. For those times when you need a little extra light in your life.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's mysterious consultant. Handsome, elegant, and surpassingly learned. Though no one knows where Zhongli is from, he is a master of courtesy and rules. From his seat at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, he performs all manner of rituals.

A mysterious expert contracted by the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Extremely knowledgeable in all things. Zhongli is a calm, reserved, and polite man, who holds an air of nostalgia. He knows much about Liyue's history and culture in part due to his time as the Geo Archon; like Venti, he has many experiences and memories, as he was a god well before The Seven even existed and one of the oldest still living in Teyvat. He holds philosophical ideas towards money and has great respect for Liyue's traditions, including those that have been forgotten or warped over time. Zhongli tends to be humble, being worried he comes off as a "bourgeois parasite."

Zhongli tends to forget about Mora in transactions, agreeing to spend large sums of it without having any Mora on hand and even taking "discounts" as granted despite being an obvious scam. He often ends up relying on his acquaintances for financial support, such as the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor or Childe. Although he works for Hu Tao, he does not like her childish behavior.

Voice: Would love to voice match Keith Silverstein

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • fandub
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • [Curious] Why is it that, once you finally get a break, rather than taking a rest, you instead come to me? Is it that you want to hear one of my stories?

  • Gold is Liyue's treasure. It is the blood that runs through her heart. As for whether your own heart shines like gold — we will have to wait and see.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Reopening] Xinyan
cast offsite

Liyue's sole rock 'n' roll musician. She rebels against ossified prejudices using her music and passionate singing.

Rock 'n' roll is an avant-garde art in Liyue Harbor and Xinyan is the pioneer in this field. She rebels against ossified prejudices, using her music and passionate singing to awaken dazed souls fatigued by worldly matters. If you get the chance, do not miss out on her next performance!

Xinyan is a fan of rock 'n' roll and returned to Liyue to spread it across the nation. Despite having difficulty in improving its reputation for many reasons, she is not discouraged and continues to play, appreciating all who come to her performances. She does not have any formal training for her music, having learned it herself on the go. As such, she is very supportive of others who show interest, even if they have no experience.

Having a fiery personality, she likes standing out in her own way, but many consider her to be weird and/or terrifying as a result. While aware of this, her attempts to make herself more presentable to them ends up in failure. 

I don't know if I want Xinyan to have the same accent as the her ENG Dub (I believe it is like a country accent) or just a regular accent. If you want to do both that helps.

Voice: Would love to voice match Laura Stahl or TAKASHI Chiaki.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • fandub
  • american
  • female young adult
  • [A little worried] Not afraid of me, are you? [A bit upset] Some folks say I've got eyes like knives, that I don't wear my clothes right, that I don't speak right. They give me a pretty wide berth, too. 

  • And here I was wonderin' why we got on so well! So you're not from this world, and that's why you don't care for its rules. [Lively] Now that's how life should be like! Lose the red tape, and live free!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The secretary to the Liyue Qixing. The blood of both human and illuminated beast flows within her veins.

Graceful and quiet by nature, the gentle disposition of qilin sees not even the slightest conflict with even the most arduous of workloads. After all, Ganyu firmly believes that all the work she does is in honor of her contract with Rex Lapis, seeking the well-being of all living things within Liyue.

Ganyu is usually very quiet and reserved due to her half-qilin heritage. She also completes whatever is given to her, whether it be tasks or food, even if she is reluctant to do so. 

Ganyu has served as the non-stopping secretary of the Liyue Qixing for thousands of years. The more important the task is, the more effort she puts into it, however, she also becomes increasingly nervous and is more prone to making mistakes.

She has a huge work schedule, often working overtime and is prone to falling asleep. As a result, Ganyu has very few friends outside of work. Due to her age, she is very forgetful, and she often forgets important details which causes her much embarrassment. She is very sensitive about her horns, weight and childhood, becoming visibly flustered when any of these three are mentioned in front of her.

Voice: Would love to voice match either her English(Jennifer Losi), Chinese(Lin Syu), or Korean(Kim Sun-hye) voices. But mostly looking to voice match English.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • fandub
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • Morning! [Concerned/worried] What's wrong, is there something stuck in my hair? ...Oh. [Flustered] Please don't stare at my hor—hairpiece.

  • [Anxious] Should we really be off work this early? There is still a lot left to do...

  • Copy that! Here is a draft Service Agreement for your review and consideration. Effective immediately, if all is in order... Ah! Wait a sec, wait a sec, I forgot to sign it... Gan... Yu... There. Right. Now... What was it you needed me to do for you exactly?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Awaiting Alii] Hu Tao

The 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. She took over the business at a rather young age.

Hu Tao is the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, a person vital to managing Liyue's funerary affairs. She does her utmost to flawlessly carry out a person's last rites and preserve the world's balance of yin and yang. Aside from this, she is also a talented poet whose many "masterpieces" have passed around Liyue's populace by word of mouth.

At first glance, Hu Tao appears to be a quirky and cheerful girl. She enjoys pranking people and despises sitting around and doing nothing, as she wishes to live her life to the fullest. Her eccentric and off-the-wall personality often leaves people with a negative impression of her, especially Qiqi, who states that she has a "punchable face" and should be stored in the fridge. In contrast, Xiao enjoys her sense of humor, finding it irritating but interesting.

On the other hand, when handling funerals and last rites, she becomes more solemn and constantly reminds her employees to never deviate from the client's requests. Due to the importance and traditions of the parlor's duties, she expresses a distaste towards people treating her or her employees with suspicion whenever they go to work at night.

Hu Tao accepts death as a natural part of life and tells others to enjoy their short lives. However, she is particularly eccentric about this in trying to bring as much death as possible for the sake of the parlor's success. She also loathes those who try to prolong their natural lifespan, and shows a lack of interest in her Pyro Vision.

Voice: Would love to voice match either her English(Brianna Knickerbocker) or Korean(Kim Ha-ru) voices (mostly English)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • fandub
  • american
  • We are entrusted by the people to loyally see out their wishes. Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is special, in that it carries a dual responsibility, to those both of this realm, and the next.

  • [Disappointed] *sigh* What a bummer...

  • [Excitedly telling a joke] Hu as in "Who put me in this coffin?" and Tao as in "I can't geT OUt!" Hehe... [Realizing no one is laughing] No, not funny?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Larkabel

A well-known legal adviser active in Liyue Harbor. A brilliant young lady in whose veins runs the blood of an illuminated beast.

A half-illuminated beast and highly-skilled legal adviser. She combines adherence to the legal codices and reasonable flexibility to find the perfect balance in her work. She devotes herself to protecting the fairness of contracts in Liyue with her identity as a legal adviser and her unique experience and methods.

Yanfei enjoys appraisal, reading and is very knowledgeable on many topics — most notably the law, due to her career as a legal advisor. With a strong sense of justice, Yanfei does not mind traveling to help her clients should they have trouble. She claims to have extensive knowledge of the laws of the other nations in Teyvat. She is well known by the people of Liyue for her knowledge and is considered the premier legal advisor of Liyue, a title that garners her many a client across the nation. Even Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, states that Yanfei's memorization of the law allows her to quickly close loopholes in existing laws faster than she would have been able to herself. 

Despite her playful nature, Yanfei takes her job seriously and practically, ensuring she and all involved parties of a case are well accounted for. She is also willing to do pro bono work as long as she isn't required to be deeply involved. Yanfei dreams of a day where people live honest and happy lives, and there is no longer a need for legal advisors. Should such a day ever come, Yanfei's backup plan is to become a rapper.

Voice: Would love to voice match Lizzie Freeman

  • english
Voice description:
  • fandub
  • female young adult
  • american
  • female adult
  • Sometimes the law is compatible with human nature, but sometimes the two conflict. Balancing the two is a discipline in its own right...

  • [Enthusiastic] Need a cure for insomnia? Let me read you the history of the development of Liyue's legal system! None of my friends have ever lasted longer than 20 minutes... Oh, you want something more fast-acting? Then I'll recite from the legal codices! Let me know in the morning which section I got to before you fell asleep! [Excited] Okay, here I go...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ravenmist4

An adepti disciple with a most unusual air about her. Having spent much time cultivating in isolation in Liyue's mountains, she has become every bit as cool and distant as the adepti themselves.

Even though she was born in the human world, she ended up being an adepti disciple. She grew up in the mountains far away from Liyue Harbor, her soul bound with red ropes, training both her body and mind. Despite having the elegant temperament of an adeptus, she seems to be shrouded in mystery.

Originally part of an exorcist clan, Shenhe once had a happy life as a child until her father attempted to sacrifice her to a malevolent god in order to bring back his wife. While Shenhe managed to defeat the remnants of the god herself, the incident scarred her for life, believing herself to be a "cursed" child and began growing a homicidal tendency. Despite the adepti's attempts to contain it, they have only done so by binding her soul with Red Ropes, which has also caused her to become mostly indifferent.

Even with the red ropes suppressing her homicidal tendencies, Shenhe often contemplates the most violent means to eliminate others and is almost always easy to anger, obliterating her surroundings whenever her emotions get the best of her. She throws hostile looks at Xingqiu, believing him to be threatening others. Despite this, Shenhe ultimately wishes to fit in human society and places great trust in the Traveler. She prefers speaking with a small numbers of people at a time.

As a result of living with the adepti, many of her fellow people worship her as one of them, something which deeply troubles her despite stating that she is just an adepti's disciple. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Chelsea Kwoka

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • fandub
  • [Confused] In the mortal world, at times likes these, is it not customary to... use an umbrella?

  • [Giving advice] If you feel fatigued after lunch, you should try meditating. It's very effective.

  • If I treat people kindly, they call me an adeptus, and if I put them in their place, they call me a witch. Heh... The one thing you'll never hear them call me is "human." They all seem to agree that I'm fundamentally... different from them.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Reopening] Yun Jin

A renowned Liyue opera singer who is skilled in both playwriting and singing. Her style is one-of-a-kind, exquisite and delicate, much like the person herself.

The current director of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe, a renowned Liyue opera singer who is skilled in both playwriting and singing. Her style is one-of-a-kind, exquisite and delicate, much like the person herself.

Yun Jin is a skilled director, playwright and singer who is well renowned throughout Liyue for her plays, enjoying this passion and going to many lengths to ensure that everyone who watches her performances leaves satisfied. While appearing to be refined and graceful in formal occasions, she is also known to be exceptionally friendly in private. She draws inspiration from many sources for her plays; she enjoys a wide variety of special drinks as one of her pastimes and she can write a play about one if she enjoys it.

Voice: Okay with voice matching her English(Judy Alice Lee), or Chinese(He Wenxiao)Most preferred English though

I do not think the writers and I will be having her sing for anything, but just in case, I am just leaving this as a singer role. Please do not audition if you are not comfortable with the possibility of singing (or even humming) something. Though she is an opera singer, I do not expect you to be able to sing opera. Opera is very difficult! Providing a snippet of you singing in-character would be nice, but is not required. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american
  • fandub
Other info:
  • singing (basic)
  • [Shy, embarrassed] My waistband has been feeling a little snug these last couple of days... Methinks I perchance have overindulged...

  • Hmm? My Vision? Hehe, I suppose the Lord of Geo must be a fan of the opera. Perhaps the old man was so delighted with my performance that he decided to grant me a Vision.

  • [Relaxed] Ahhh... Yes, I shall spare myself the hair and makeup routine today, and happily idle my time away!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ☆ raeya ☆

A mysterious person who claims to work for the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but is a "non-entity" on the Ministry of Civil Affairs' List.

Elusive, enigmatic, erratic - all of these are Yelan's hallmarks.

Yelan is said to be quite secretive and mysterious; while claiming to work for the Ministry of Civil Affairs, she's frequently absent from work most of the year. Despite this, Ningguang tolerates her general absence while Keqing appreciates her work, although the latter wonders as to where she gets her intelligence from. She employs psychological tactics to catch her targets and get all the information she needs from them.

Outside of work, Yelan approaches life at a calm and carefree pace. She frequently enjoys napping whenever possible, but will adjust her schedule as needed for the day's tasks. When handling particularly troublesome cases, she tries to save up her energy to complete everything in a single go.

In the presence of others, she is said to be very pleasant and polite. When alone, she's said to show a far different side of her as an extremely reliable, powerful and intelligent woman. She also has a high tolerance for spice, eating raw or dried Jueyun Chilis after deeming Xiangling's spiciest dish not enough for her. She dislikes sweets, claiming that they're too easy to get addicted to and disrupts focus.

Voice: Would love to voice match Laura Post

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • fandub
  • american
  • Call me Yelan. I think you may need my help, and I just so happen to be interested in some information you have. In other words — you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

  • (Warning, giving advice) Don't be too ready to believe people when they cross their heart and hope to die. Sweet talkers only say what you want to hear. 

  • [Serious] That said, if I ever have the honor of fighting side by side with the Conqueror of Demons, I will focus only on the mission. I cannot let myself be distracted by concerns about his status.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Although not much is known about Baizhu, and there are countless rumors of him, most say that he is very kind and clever. Others think that he is sly and that his business practices are shady even if they have proven to work time and time again.

Dr. Baizhu is a doctor who owns and works at Bubu Pharmacy. His traditional herbal medicines are almost always extremely bitter. Liyue’s citizens have complete faith in his medical skills. He is so gifted that even adeptus Xiao has heard of him. Despite this, is not regarded as “a man of high caliber or great courage.”

After meeting her by chance in the hills, Baizhu took Qiqi in, despite her being a zombie with memory so poor she could barely sort herbs or remember his face. His acceptance of Qiqi was tied to his own personal pursuits, and Baizhu has grown increasingly more relentless in his pursuit of eternal life since meeting her. Baizhu has long suffered from an ailment that he is unable to cure, resulting in a poor constitution and weak physical condition. This may explain his interest in eternal life. Despite having some ulterior motives in taking her in, is able to make Qiqi cancel orders she has given herself by embracing her and speaking words such as "I love you the most." However, the effect is greatly diminished because Baizhu speaks these words very lightly. At the same time, he quickly acquiesces to whatever she may request from him with no worry at all and affectionately refers to her as "my little Qiqi." Qiqi, who is well aware of his intentions, does not mind staying with him because of his concern. He is extremely protective over Qiqi.

Voice: Medium to mid-deep pitched, gentle, and mysterious. Also up for voice matching his original voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • fandub
  • [Soft, Amused] Haha, someone learnt a valuable life lesson today, then?

  • Anyway, I'm sure you didn't come all this way just to chit-chat. Knowing you, Yanfei, and given the specific nature of your question... I suppose you’re here to ask me to write an official affidavit?

  • [Troubled, upset] Miss Yun Jin, I'm afraid I have some... dire news for you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Aki

PAIMON WILL BE SWEARING, SUCH AS SAYING H*LL, DAMN, B*TCH, ETC. because of the comics I have found that she is in. Please do not audition if you are not comfortable with this or are in a living situation where you are not allowed to cuss.

Paimon is bubbly, outgoing, a little too honest, and naïve. She occasionally comes off as rude. She is obvious about who she likes and who she doesn't like, giving "ugly nicknames" to those who annoy her. She stands by what she thinks and tends to refer to herself from a third-person point of view.

She loves eating; despite her small size, she can wolf down large amounts of food before feeling full. Paimon also has great enthusiasm for rare treasure and Mora. She has extensive knowledge about the world of Teyvat, and acts as the Traveler’s guide to the world after saving her.

Voice: Open to voice matching any of her voices. However, I most prefer her Chinese(Duoduo Poi) voice or her English voice (but would want Corina Boettger’s first performance of Paimon rather than the current voice in the current versions). Here are her Korean(Kim Ga-ryeong) and Japanese(Aoi Koga) voices if they are needed.

  • english
Voice description:
  • child
  • american
  • fandub
  • female child
  • female teen
  • [Confused] Huh? But “The Boar Princess” isn’t in the restricted section! [Curious but still confused] What could be more unsuitable for children than that? ...Hmm, Paimon's curious...

  • Paimon thinks so too! The rooms are sure to be big and clean.

  • [Mouth watering] Oooo!! That looks so delicious!!

Wizardess Heart Main Character (Klaus Route-Emergency Recast)
cast offsite


**Before auditioning, please understand that this protagonist is a main lead. You will need a lot of free time and dedication for this role. You must be able to showcase a range of emotions (cry, being angry, happy, etc). After you do the audition lines, you're free to include some of your own little takes to showcase your acting range if you wish, but it is not required. Once you are casted, lines will be sent immediately after you join the server. You will be picking up where we left off on Klaus' route, which will be Ch. 7. Please DO NOT audition if you cannot commit. Klaus' route is ongoing on the channel and in very high demand. There have been so many issues and hiatuses with it and we are at the halfway point of his route, so lines WILL be sent in quiet often. Probably once a month, or even once every 2 months(all depends how my college schedule goes). I would like the protagonist's voice to be consistent in his route so if you will not be able to commit to the deadlines, please do not audition. The protagonist has a huge workload since she basically does all of the narration. Once his route is done, you will be voicing one other route. After that you're pretty much done! HOWEVER, the second route's work will probably be less as they will not be sent in as frequently. Lines are only being sent frequently NOW because Klaus' route is ongoing on the channel. 

There will be 5 VAs voicing the same character, and each VA gets a chance to voice act in two (2) of their own routes and be the main star of. HOWEVER, if one of your fellow VAs is unable to record, I may ask you to step in to help them out-- so in a way, it is a team effort where you may end up being an understudy for someone else as well. The workload and responsibility is very heavy, so once again, if you will not be able to commit, please do not audition! I do not intent to sound harsh or rude, but at the same time, the team and I would like to wrap up the dubs as soon as possible so this means we need to get more voice lines for the routes done ASAP. 

If you are NOT comfortable with singing, and choose to still audition, please say so. You dont have to be the best singer of all time, but you would have a higher chance of being selected if so. You just would have to be comfortable with singing a few bits and pieces(it doesn't need to sound like a professional is singing). The reason this is listed as a singer role is because she does a bit of spell-singing (casting spells with song) in some of the season 4 arcs. Because there are going to be 5 VAs total voicing the protagonist, there is a chance you will not be one of the ones chosen to voice a season 4 arc. I just prefer it if you were comfortable with singing in case you are chosen.

Although the project listing says you must have good audio, the team and I are not that picky with audio quality for our Wizardess Heart project. All auditions welcomed.

Age: 17-18

Occupation: Student

Personality:The protagonist is a kind-hearted, loyal, clumsy, and somewhat naïve girl. Her attitude is generally optimistic, and she tends to see the best in people, making her rather gullible and prone to being teased and pranked. She is also very innocent and easily embarrassed, though is very stubborn when she wishes to be--a trait shown particularly in Azusa's route.While she is genuinely kind and brave, the protagonist also displays occasionally reckless tendencies. She tends not to think her actions completely through, and thus disregards the possibility of potential danger to herself.The protagonist is canonically a rather terrible student, with a tendency towards carelessness and forgetfulness in her studies. She tends to be overwhelmed by emotion; for instance, she is so excited to receive the Acceptance Letter that she does not even read it through, thus missing out on various crucial details regarding the school and the provisional terms of her enrollment.She often thinks of others before herself and in acts of selflessness, gets into trouble.Voice: Mid-high or high pitched, sweet, innocent, optimistic, and possibly naive sounding. I'm looking to voice match one of her VAs (mostly example #1 as they did the most work and some of the fill-ins sounds similar) if possible. Example #1, Example #2. That way, when Chapter 7 releases there isn't such a noticeable difference in the voices!

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • fandub
  • female young adult
Other info:
  • main character
  • protagonist
  • (Narration) After searching for hours and hours, I finally found the girl's dormitory.

  • (Upset, down in the dumps/moping)I can't believe it.... I totally messed up on my first day here!!!

  • [Context: The protagonist gets nervous when Klaus gets closer to her. However, he is blunt or rude most of the time, so the protagonist is a bit upset with falling for him] (Frustrated) Ugh! Why did my heart have to flutter with him?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Audition deadline: Feb 14] EMERGENCY RE-CAST: Aether
Role assigned to: Itchi

If you auditioned for this role on another casting call of mine, please DO NOT resubmit your audition! ALL auditions on previous casting calls will still be considered. I am just opening this role once more to gain more auditions, and once it officially closes, ALL auditions will be looked at and considered. HOWEVER, if you wish to change something about your audition, such as the pitch or different vocal direction, then that is fine. Just please do not submit the exact same audition and the exact same takes. Otherwise, it will cause confusion.

Because of the heavy nature of this role, please DO NOT audition if you will not be committed to the role or do not have the time to do so. The previous actor had to be dropped from the project so auditions for this role would be greatly appreciated, please! It is a HUGE emergency because one of the videos this character appears in CANNOT be posted without his lines. Everything else is pretty much ready, we just need his lines ASAP! This role will be the only exception and will be the only one I will be casting ahead of the project deadline. My sincerest apologies!

Auditions for Aether—which is an emergency re-cast—will be closing much earlier on February 14th because we have auditions for him ongoing from multiple casting calls and platforms(& not just this casting call). However, if this deadline does not work for you please contact me for an extension and we may work things out from there! Without his character, none of the videos he is featured in can be posted and because I do all of the editing on my own, these videos are taking up space on my computer disk and eventually I will not be able to edit more videos. In order to free up space, I need to be able to finish editing these videos and post them so that I may delete the projects and assets from my computer! I really do apologize for the inconvenience!

A traveler from another world who had their only kin taken away, forcing them to embark on a journey to find The Seven.

All of the playable characters see the traveler in a positive light. Their personality is kind of up to the player through the dialogue options we can choose. However even if we react in a negative way or say something rude, the characters won't really react and nothing in the story changes at all. 

The twins are both travelers from another world. When they were going to leave Teyvat and journey to the next world, they were stopped by some unknown god. The twins defended themselves against her as best as they could, but are quickly overpowered by her. The sibling that does not get chosen to be the character you play as ends up being taken away by the unknown god first and is later missing. Due to storyline and spoiler reasons I will refrain from saying much else. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Zach Aguilar

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • voice match
  • fandub
Other info:
  • voice matching
  • impressions
  • aether impression
  • character impressions
  • Amber often runs errands for Lisa. Older siblings asking their younger siblings to do things for them so that they can slack off is a rather common practice...But my sister and I are the same age, so we had to decide these things via rock-paper-scissors.

  • (Surprised, teasing) With your size, I can't believe that you can drink that much liquid...and not explode like an Anemo slime!

  • (Heartbroken & upset) And just like that, the God took away my sister. So while we used to travel from world to world, we are now trapped here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ThatAdorableFox00

An apprentice and herb gatherer at Bubu Pharmacy. An undead zombie with a bone-white complexion, she seldom has much in the way of words or emotion.

An apprentice and herb gatherer at Bubu Pharmacy. "Blessed" by the adepti with a body that cannot die, this petite zombie cannot do anything without first giving herself orders to do it. Qiqi's memory is like a sieve. Out of necessity, she always carries around a notebook in which she writes anything important that she is sure to forget later. But on her worst days, she even forgets to look at her notebook…

Qiqi has a quiet, yet polite demeanor when dealing with customers at the pharmacy. As a zombie, Qiqi has trouble retaining memories and can quickly forget about people if she doesn't continually reinforce herself with an impression of them.. Due to her undead nature, Qiqi has a relatively flat voice and is unable to convey most of her emotions to others, nor does she have a particularly strong sense of smell. She prefers cold weather, as the heat reminds her of death and her flesh begins to decay if she stays too long in such places. 

Although zombies have to be issued orders when awoken, because Qiqi had done so herself, she is a rare case and has to give herself orders in order to perform her duties. These duties cannot be canceled and she must either finish the task or be forced to cancel it by hugging her with enough sincerity. She takes her duties seriously, carrying a notebook in which she details everything she needs to do for the day, which also serves as a reminder in case she forgets something. She also strives to improve herself so she becomes less forgetful. 

While she generally gets along with everyone, she loses it whenever Hu Tao comes or is mentioned, remarking that she has a "punchable face" and completely despises her, expressing an intent to throw the director into the fridge due to her insistence on sealing her away. Even after giving her an exception and pampering her, Qiqi still holds a grudge towards Hu Tao. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Christie Cate

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • american
  • child
  • fandub
  • Warm. Fake smile. [Serious, showing her dislike] Death. I despise Hu Tao.

  • [A little confused and conflicted, but still also kind of flat] I don't know why, but high temperatures make me feel rotten and disgusting. And closer to death.

  • I have a poor memory for most things. But as far as I know, that doesn't matter.


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