Genshin Impact Fandub Round #2: Liyue Characters

LegionHero for Mika

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Shadowcooper

**At the moment, Mika is a non-recurring (basically one-shot) role, so you will not be required to join the production server if you do not wish to. I will still send you the link in case you wish to keep an eye out for Cast-Exclusive characters or help out with behind the scenes, but you are not obligated to join. Mika is only in one fic I have written so far and out of the comics I’ve been scouting out to dub he hasn’t appeared in any. If he does end up appearing in more fics or comics in the future, I will contact you to see if you wish to reprise the role. 

Mika is the younger brother of Huffman, and is also a member of Eula's Reconnaissance Company. He is currently with Varka's expedition group to help scout for them. 

Seemingly shy and distant at first, Mika eventually warms up to the people he knows. To those unfamiliar to him, especially those with high rankings, Mika prefers to observe them and understand their personalities before properly interacting with them as a sign of respect. He does seem to rely on other people for decisions, such as when to talk or what to say.

Voice: Young, shy and timid, high pitched. Also open to voice matching his Japanese(Sanpei Yūko) VA or English(Robb Moreiera) VA. Most preferred Japanese.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • fandub
  • (Nervous and stuttering) H-Hello everybody, I am M-Mika, surveyor of the Reconnaissance Company. Uh, recently, I have been taking part in an assignment with the expedition team. I will now be reading Grandmaster Varka's letter aloud for you all.

  • (Clearly upset) I'm... I'm afraid I have some bad news..

Genshin Impact Fandub Round #2: Liyue Characters
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