Genshin Impact Fandub Round #2: Liyue Characters
Remi for Qiqi

An apprentice and herb gatherer at Bubu Pharmacy. An undead zombie with a bone-white complexion, she seldom has much in the way of words or emotion.
An apprentice and herb gatherer at Bubu Pharmacy. "Blessed" by the adepti with a body that cannot die, this petite zombie cannot do anything without first giving herself orders to do it. Qiqi's memory is like a sieve. Out of necessity, she always carries around a notebook in which she writes anything important that she is sure to forget later. But on her worst days, she even forgets to look at her notebook…
Qiqi has a quiet, yet polite demeanor when dealing with customers at the pharmacy. As a zombie, Qiqi has trouble retaining memories and can quickly forget about people if she doesn't continually reinforce herself with an impression of them.. Due to her undead nature, Qiqi has a relatively flat voice and is unable to convey most of her emotions to others, nor does she have a particularly strong sense of smell. She prefers cold weather, as the heat reminds her of death and her flesh begins to decay if she stays too long in such places.
Although zombies have to be issued orders when awoken, because Qiqi had done so herself, she is a rare case and has to give herself orders in order to perform her duties. These duties cannot be canceled and she must either finish the task or be forced to cancel it by hugging her with enough sincerity. She takes her duties seriously, carrying a notebook in which she details everything she needs to do for the day, which also serves as a reminder in case she forgets something. She also strives to improve herself so she becomes less forgetful.
While she generally gets along with everyone, she loses it whenever Hu Tao comes or is mentioned, remarking that she has a "punchable face" and completely despises her, expressing an intent to throw the director into the fridge due to her insistence on sealing her away. Even after giving her an exception and pampering her, Qiqi still holds a grudge towards Hu Tao.
Voice: Would love to voice match Christie Cate
- english
- female child
- american
- child
- fandub
Warm. Fake smile. [Serious, showing her dislike] Death. I despise Hu Tao.
[A little confused and conflicted, but still also kind of flat] I don't know why, but high temperatures make me feel rotten and disgusting. And closer to death.
I have a poor memory for most things. But as far as I know, that doesn't matter.