Friday Night Funkin' Lyricized

Project Overview
Friday Night Funkin' Chemmixed is a mod idea I got when I redesigned the characters
It's going to be very similar to base game just new songs+lyrics, Sprites (which almost all are done already) and Lore
Story basically the same just less goofy and they aren’t as stupid, I’m still writing descriptions but this is all i have so far. Don't worry about deadlines, i don’t like to rush people, work takes time and i respect that, don’t take that as an opportunity to bail on me though audition if your interested or for more info!
Good luck!
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put name of character in description or audio of your audition
"this is my audition for: Pico"
try not to have background audio please
must be okay with swearing
be confident in your voice
every character has voice effects, for this audition you don't need any, just give your own impression
for anybody using effects do a take with and without
you may use an instrumental of a song your singing if you feel uncomfortable sending the bare audio as of now
you may sing anything you want i'm just here to make sure your voice is good for this project
(don't worry about pitch everyone will have autotune)
You can also show your voice acting skill if youd like
available characters:
Daddy Dearest
Mommy Mearest
Cassette girl
*Say something you think would fit*

Write lyrics
Include slang and swears (not too many but not too little)
Just send a script/lyrics you wrote for any project you've been in
*Say something you think would fit*

send example of instrumental tracks you've made
Note: if your a musician you will send instrumentals only because the voice actors will put their voice over it
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions