Flock: Visual novel vignettes based on a D&D campaign

Flock: Visual novel vignettes based on a D&D campaign

Project Overview

What is this?

This project revolves around a series of short, small-scope visual novels based on Flock, a D&D campaign I've been running for roughly 12 years.

To commemorate the time, love, and energy my players have put into the campaign, and to push myself to complete a playable project I can take pride in, I've written five small scripts (with a potential sixth to come, based on player choices) revolving around the characters my players have grown most attached to. These feature a variety of stories from across the world of Flock, but all ultimately serve as short character studies of the people involved.

To ensure this project has a small enough scope that I can realistically finish it as a one-person dev, each script features between roughly 100-150 lines all told between their individual casts. Each visual novel is already functional in Ren'py, and it's my hope that including voice-acting will give life to these characters in a way that I could never achieve working alone.

I care very deeply about this world and its characters, and while I have no commercial intent for these visual novels, I do aim to make the collection a finished project I can be proud of. If we have the privilege of working together, I hope it can be the same for you.

The stories I am casting for are:
-Faithless: A soldier stands up to her merciless khan, asking his understanding for an escaped traitor--and for compromise between their differing religions.

-Doubtless: A young warrior writes a letter home to a land he can never return to, with help from new allies.

-Graceless: A fey knight confronts his father in his own domain: a ballroom in the sweet, enchanting haze of a dream.

-Masterless: Two old friends reunite, but the air is heavy with shared trauma, and apologies that have long gone unspoken.

-Flawless: The contents of a government mage-agent's journal, including cold analysis, moments of uncertainty, and a little bit of venting.

Content warnings: Alcohol, violence, religious themes, implied attempted suicide, occasional strong language.


-Talent should be 18 or older.

-Focus on performance rather than processing except where noted.

-Professional-quality mics preferred.


-Casting decisions will be made within one week after the audition deadline has passed.

-Some scripts contain LGBTQ themes, and homophobic/transphobic conduct will not be tolerated.

-Once cast, email or in-website communication is acceptable, but Discord would be preferred.

-Once finished, the visual novels will be available for public download, but not publicized or advertised. I am making these chiefly for my friends' enjoyment and to personally gain more production experience, and don't currently consider them accessible to a public audience.

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  • Two days left!

    The audition deadline's coming up fast.

    To everyone who's auditioned so far: it's been inspiring and emboldening to see and hear all the life you've all put into these characters, and a privilege to hear you lend your voices to my setting even as much as you already have. I can tell I'd be lucky to work with you in the future, whether on this project or another, and many actors who aren't cast for these scripts will be kept in mind and on record for roles in future projects.

    If anyone was considering auditioning but held off in the moment, this is your last-minute poke.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Jovault, The Courtier

A lead for the script "Graceless".

A gracious nobleman of the fey, whose enchanting influence causes mortals to spend their nights dreaming of lavish fey ball dances full of music and luxury… but which drains away their soul the longer they spend there. His half-fey son stays away from mortals for that reason, refusing to bring his father more prey, and so the Courtier spends his nights tormenting his son in the lavish nightmares instead.

Being fey, he is ageless to an extent, but he is old enough to have a young adult son. He makes a perfect lordly master of ceremonies, full of charm, dignity and gentlemanly confidence, but behind his chuckles, jokes, and wry observations, there is something ancient and uncanny and cruel.

  • english
Voice description:
  • visualnovel
  • aristocratic british
  • british (london)
  • male adult
  • american
  • all english accents
  • fantasy
  • all american accents
  • male young adult
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Warmly, to his son as a child. Smiling, gentle, superficially paternal nobleman.) “You hear the music, my boy, don't you? We call this a waltz. If you listen closely, you can hear the laws that govern it. One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three, and so beats the heart of the music.”

  • (Tut tutting, airy, dismissive, smiling as he tries to justify devouring mortal souls… with a glimpse of offhanded cruelty.) "So serious-minded, boy. You should stop thinking of it as such a burden, and instead consider it... a gift. Think of all the joy you would be giving them in their final moments! Your mother certainly had no complaints. Not even at the end."

  • (Low, cruel, staring down at his son with cold authority. Disdainful, focused on breaking his son’s spirit.) "You wanted so badly to be alone... and so I gave you that luxury. But you're the only one who IS alone. So obsessed with tormenting yourself just to spite me. To deny me a drop, when my cup is already overflowing. You choose to protest in the most pathetic way: one that would make a difference to no-one but you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Blazonry, the Warrior

A lead for the script "Doubtless".

A bold, earnest young swordsman and guardsman who was forced into exile from his homeland. Though somewhat simpler-minded than other allies of the party, he’s optimistic, protective, and good-hearted–though he sometimes misses home, putting a lot of effort into writing letters to send back.

Though he sounds like a strong, confident, burly young adult or late teenager, he is only a matter of weeks old–being a magic creation: a suit of knightly armor given life. Much of the world is still new to him: he often views his surroundings with a certain honest innocence, almost childlike, and his friends with unquestioning admiration and respect.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • male young adult
  • visualnovel
  • american
  • fantasy
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Earnest enthusiasm, boisterous and likeable. Words from a letter home.) "I've now spent one whole season outside of the caves! I think so, anyway. I'm still not great with the outsiders' calendars. Everything is always changing out here. The sky seems like it changes every single minute."

  • (Thoughtful, a little pensive, musing on his past of isolation and tension.) "It used to be that I thought everything and everyone on the outside was my enemy. And you can't hit... you know, the world. So I just stood guard. Waiting for a threat that everyone said was going to come eventually."

  • (Decisive, determined, counting his blessings: making a pledge of support to a new ally.) "I have a home. I have good friends. I have something to fight, and a good reason to fight it. And if you're going to be standing with us from now on, I'll fight for you too."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mosseau, the Mage-Agent

A lead for the script "Flawless". A minor role in the script "Doubtless".

A crisp, no-nonsense mage who works for the allied governments as a field agent, specialized in defensive magic and arcane shielding. Seen as uptight and cold by some, she believes any mission is achievable with enough prep time, and if her orders are followed to the letter. Everything must go according to plan, and she will write a multi-page report on everyone involved afterward. While rigid and exacting in her perfectionism, it’s born of an internal stress she rarely reveals. Seems somewhere between young adulthood and middle-age.

She has little patience for the wildcards of her team, and the unpredictable… though one of her fellow field agents, a well-spoken storm mage, often knows exactly what to say to push her buttons (or make her blush; a very new and confusing development).

In this project, all her voiced lines are excerpts from her personal journals and professional reports.

  • english
Voice description:
  • visualnovel
  • female young adult
  • all american accents
  • female adult
  • british
  • fantasy
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Crisp, disapproving, officious, by-the-book. Not necessarily taking pleasure in it, but absolutely sure of herself.) "It is now exactly thirty minutes past the time my colleagues should have arrived. This is unacceptable, even for contractors. I will be drafting a report for misconduct as soon as formal work hours are over."

  • (Shaken, reflective, inward. Facing a moment of dread, and trying to steel her resolve.) "Is that the reason I exist? Was the purpose of my birth to solve these problems? If I never manage to solve this anomaly, then… All this was for nothing. I was born alone and grew up alone for nothing. All the magic I've learned will mean nothing."

  • (Exasperated, grumbling, complaining about a chaotic colleague… but also grappling with conflicted feelings for her.) "She is insufferable. A wildcard whose only plans are outlandish, destructive, and impractical. There has not been a single moment working alongside her where I was certain of myself. And yet… I believe... she trusts me. Even though I have not made that easy to do."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dion, the Guardian

A lead for the script "Masterless". A minor role in the script "Doubtless".

A grand, majestic stag given intelligence, purpose and power by druidic magic. Once lost in despair and forced into an antagonistic role, he was betrayed and wounded by his Druid-Queen and dearest friend, both of them pawns of darker forces at the time. Eventually freed, and given a second chance, the burdens on his heart were lifted, and he began anew.

Once viewed as a mentor and leader among the animals of the druid circle, he speaks with sagely wisdom and calm authority, coming off as a man of experience and dignity. Though he still carries the weight of his traumas, he is calmer and more meditative now, and seeking (sometimes awkwardly) to reconcile old mistakes… though he also does pride himself on his romantic advice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • visualnovel
  • male adult
  • all accents
  • fantasy
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Serious, meditative, grim. Speaking to his queen about his new allies--and the threat they face.) "She gave me a gift not unlike the one you first gave me, when you awakened my mind to reason. But this revelation is something graver. A great and terrible foe she stands against—one she cannot hope to overcome alone."

  • (Sagely, nostalgic, paternal, reminiscing on good times with friends. Slyly teasing at the end.) "Yes, even I remember your wedding dance. And how you both stepped on each others' toes at once. That was when I first knew you'd need my advice on matters of the heart."

  • (Weighted with guilt and melancholy, but meaningful, trying to comfort a friend through mutual regret.) "What happened in the final days of our home was not your fault, nor a trial to be solved alone. You were sick with sorrow in a way that none of us truly understood until it was too late."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Autumn, the Commander

A lead for the script "Faithless". A minor role in the script "Doubtless".

A curt and direct soldier practiced in both magic and martial arts. Despite appearing as a possessed suit of armor, she sounds like an emotionally-grounded young adult. Once a commander of her own unit of soldiers, she was forced to abandon her command in disgrace after an incident defending her “brother” figure from her own superiors’ wrath.

She’s terse and focused, with little patience for the wishy-washy or for the abstract, and she much prefers expressing her frustration (or gratitude) through actions rather than with words. Having treasured the feeling of being relied on, losing her purpose has left her feeling adrift and conflicted--having to question her own loyalties and resenting it all the while. Now, she is determined to speak to her old king as she once did: with respect, but blunt directness.

  • english
Voice description:
  • visualnovel
  • all american accents
  • female adult
  • british
  • american
  • female young adult
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Stoic, musing on her career as a knight. Despite some curtness, it meant a lot to her.) "My aim was never to serve God. I've never been what I'd call pious. I served our people. They seemed to have faith in me. I didn't want it to be wasted."

  • (Firm, enumerating the sins of her brother figure... but relenting as she confronts her own conflicted opinions of him.) "Norin broke every code of the caverns. He's obsessed with the gods and rituals of every people but his own. Even beyond his deeds, it irritates me just to look at him... but he's weak. The weak should be protected."

  • (Kneeling before her king. She speaks with respect, but also a fierce directness that he respects.) "My lord Volcano, I swear to you that I have never been your enemy. What strength I have will bear your faith among my highest and heaviest honors."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Koda, the Druid-Queen

A supporting character for the script "Masterless".

A dignified and warm queen of the forest, appearing close to middle-age. Friend and mistress of the Guardian. Wife of the rakish, easygoing Pirate-Queen. Once overcome by despair, numbness and magical corruption, she nearly caused the deaths of all she cared about and thousands besides–but now, offered a second chance, she lives a quieter life with her love.

While her demons still haunt her, and her depression resurfaces now and then, she’s better-equipped to deal with it now that she has a stable home and more friends to support her.

  • english
Voice description:
  • visualnovel
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • fantasy
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Gracious, dignified, greeting a friend at the door, then calling out to her wife--who is not fond of this guest.) "I'm sorry, you've come all this way... Would you like to come in? Dear, do we have enough for two? We, ah... have a guest."

  • (Somber, meaningful, an apology she's held onto for too long... then a warm smile for an old friend.) “I'm... sorry for all the pain I put you through. For putting you in the position I did. But… I did miss you, you old hermit.”

  • (Haunted by old despairs. An agony she has no more tears for. Unable to let herself move on.) “How can we go back to normal now? After the pains he endured on my behalf, and at my hand? I led everyone to their deaths, I pushed you to such sorrows…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ruga, the Pirate-Queen

A supporting role for the script "Masterless".

A confident and informal young woman who once excelled in a life of piracy, but learned sea magic with the help of the melancholic Druid-Queen, with whom she fell in love. Despite her audacity and flippant nature, she is the rock in their relationship, determined to support the Druid-Queen in the ways she feels she failed her before.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • visualnovel
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (With rowdy, casual pride. Chatting, trying to make her wife laugh... but then sees an unwelcome guest.) "I’m the best chef in this whole damn house! Well, second-best. But he’s not here, so you get me. So who’s coming to dinner…? Oh. Well, look who finally showed up."

  • (Firm, knowing, trying to be a voice of reason, talking her wife through a moment of overwhelming guilt.) “Don't act like he's wrong for wanting your forgiveness. You don't think it'll mean anything? Fine. But you can't decide what it means to him.”

  • (Blunt exasperation. Cares for her wife and friend, but knows they're stuck in their own heads.) “You two seriously need to meet some people who you haven't saved or been saved by. People you aren't tied to by crazy magic or lifelong vows.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zhirva, the Shadow

A supporting role for the script "Flawless".

A reclusive, informal and sullen young stealth specialist who works for the allied government alongside the Mage-Agent. Laconic, low-key, sly, occasionally smug, she’s only seen when she wants to be, and takes a certain satisfaction in eavesdropping on important conversations–or writing “commentary” on reports she really shouldn’t have access to.

While she sounds like a low-voiced, low-energy young adult, a quirk of shadow magic in her blood gives her a somewhat raspy-sounding or slightly distorted voice. This can be achieved either through delivery or in post-processing on my end—experiment ONLY if you feel you can nail this, otherwise focus on acting in normal tone.

In this project, all her voiced lines are reading aloud snarky commentary she’s written on other people’s reports.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • visualnovel
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Languid, making fun of a more uptight colleague. Making a dry joke at her expense.) "Woooow. Ms. Bigshot comin’ through... Just checked the archives for your test. You messed up a question in the illusion section. See me after class."

  • (Faintly amused, making fun of someone she knows won't retaliate. Faux-ponderous.) "You know your nostrils flare wider the madder you get? You're like a little pouty bejeweled bull."

  • (Pensive, wry, reading papers that marked the beginning a grand, world-spanning conflict.) "That was when all this fighting really got started, huh…? Well, happy birthday to the war. Or something."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dice, the Trickster

A supporting role for the script "Doubtless".

A slim, enigmatically-smug Loki-like figure who knows more than he’s saying, and takes delight in sowing doubt and uncertainty in people’s hearts with casual implications and sidelong looks. Despite his subtle, sly manipulation, he’s also trying to turn over a new leaf from an amoral and destructive past. Despite some cruelly playful tendencies, not everything he says is wholly insincere anymore.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • visualnovel
  • all american accents
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Circling a more innocent ally with a sly smile, sizing him up, trying to get in his head and play on his insecurities.) “Tell me something, kid. You really don't like making your own decisions, do you? I can see how it's easier when all you gotta do is look where someone else is pointing.”

  • (Rueful smile, but more genuine: wryly seeing his ally in a new light. A little meaningful--he speaks about gods from experience.) “It's a real shame you skyfolk types only ever worship the animal spirits. Cause you got some kind of faith, kid. You're the kind of believer a god might live or die by.”

  • (Knowing, casual, a little comedic.) “Oh yeah, man. Cultists are bad news. You don’t wanna mess with those guys. Plus all the skulls, drippy candles--it gets real messy."”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Volcano, the Khan

A lead role for the script "Faithless".

A towering warrior-king whose every step shakes the earth beneath him. Though his anger is legendary, he speaks with resonant, steely focus. Proud, vengeful, and inevitable, he normally does not suffer traitors or defiance in any form. Now, forced to consider his judgment on an apostate who defied him—not only to save the khan’s life, but the lives of his people—he finds himself given pause.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all american accents
  • american
  • fantasy
  • visualnovel
  • male senior
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Cold, regal, with disdain for the outsiders' ways and absolute certainty in his strength.) “Do you know the difference between the Wyvern and the gods of the outsiders? The gods beyond us need faith to survive. It is a weaker breed of god that exists only by mortal will."

  • (Almost ceremonially asking his ally's loyalty. Cold and regal, but genuinely seeking trust.) "Are we truly united against a common foe? Do we both serve the Flock and its people? Will you bear my faith upon your shoulders, and give me an answer my god will not?"

  • (Some escalation. Challenging his old ally to defy him. Angry, but mostly keeping control.) "Tell me, then, that he is the exception to our rules. Challenge my judgment. Claim that all traitors must be punished but Norin the apostate."


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