

I get knocked down- but I get up again! you're never gonna keep me down!

Joined Feb 2022 7 Following6 Followers
About JoshingOneVAs

About me: My name is Josh, I'm a voice actor. I have a young, yet deep voice, and a passion for the craft! I've been interested in voice acting for several years, and have taken several masterclasses on the subject, to be the best I can be.

My goals: This is my ideal profession and I'm happy to have entered the industry. Feel free to cast me in any role I'm useful in and I'm happy to give 100% in everything I do!

How I can help you: Well I have good narration and character voices, I've trained my voice to be very good in certain aspects of anime/animation. Mid-deep is my natural range but I work every day to broaden that range. My strengths are also in emotional acting, I can empathize with fictitious characters, let that drive me, and try to bring your complex characters to life!

My equipment: I use a 3rd Gen Scarlett Solo USB audio interface, paired with an AT2035 microphone. The software I use is Audacity, and I record in a quiet, soundproofed corner of my own room! 


I don't need prices put on good ideas, it's an honor enough to bring the ideas to life at all

What JoshingOneVAs is looking for

I'm looking to start a genuine, long term career in the world of voice acting, I want to voice for kid's shows, anime, and standard cartoons. That is my dream. For these projects I'm very interested in animations and manga dubs :D

  • @MrQuax

    Josh is an amazing voice actor , and they are extremely talented.  Although I haven't sent many scripts yet, their lines were performed perfectly.  I really suggest you chose them for any projects you are working on.

  • @whi_24

    I don't know why I haven't recommended JoshingOne sooner! They send high quality audio clips within any deadline you set, he messages you if there are any problems and on top of all that, his voice acting skills are absolutely amazing! He has been a big part of my first ever audio drama series for 3 episodes so far and even with badly structured scripts (as I haven't done anything like this before) he still sends amazing lines, seemingly without any problems! 100% recommend! If he has auditioned for a project and you are trying to decide who to pick for the role, then I definitely would pick him.
    Amazing job JoshingOne,