Flock: Visual novel vignettes based on a D&D campaign

Full Crit for Mosseau, the Mage-Agent

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mosseau, the Mage-Agent

A lead for the script "Flawless". A minor role in the script "Doubtless".

A crisp, no-nonsense mage who works for the allied governments as a field agent, specialized in defensive magic and arcane shielding. Seen as uptight and cold by some, she believes any mission is achievable with enough prep time, and if her orders are followed to the letter. Everything must go according to plan, and she will write a multi-page report on everyone involved afterward. While rigid and exacting in her perfectionism, it’s born of an internal stress she rarely reveals. Seems somewhere between young adulthood and middle-age.

She has little patience for the wildcards of her team, and the unpredictable… though one of her fellow field agents, a well-spoken storm mage, often knows exactly what to say to push her buttons (or make her blush; a very new and confusing development).

In this project, all her voiced lines are excerpts from her personal journals and professional reports.

  • english
Voice description:
  • visualnovel
  • female young adult
  • all american accents
  • female adult
  • british
  • fantasy
Other info:
  • audacity
  • audacity
  • (Crisp, disapproving, officious, by-the-book. Not necessarily taking pleasure in it, but absolutely sure of herself.) "It is now exactly thirty minutes past the time my colleagues should have arrived. This is unacceptable, even for contractors. I will be drafting a report for misconduct as soon as formal work hours are over."

  • (Shaken, reflective, inward. Facing a moment of dread, and trying to steel her resolve.) "Is that the reason I exist? Was the purpose of my birth to solve these problems? If I never manage to solve this anomaly, then… All this was for nothing. I was born alone and grew up alone for nothing. All the magic I've learned will mean nothing."

  • (Exasperated, grumbling, complaining about a chaotic colleague… but also grappling with conflicted feelings for her.) "She is insufferable. A wildcard whose only plans are outlandish, destructive, and impractical. There has not been a single moment working alongside her where I was certain of myself. And yet… I believe... she trusts me. Even though I have not made that easy to do."

Full Crit
Flock: Visual novel vignettes based on a D&D campaign
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