Flatmates (Male VA Needed)

Project Overview

Trailer: https://youtu.be/NNW3T-ZZkB8

A web-show series animation about a bunch of immature adult flatmates going about their 'usual' day. The flatmates are generally good friends with each other even if they sometimes drive each other to the brink of insanity.

If casted, all roles will be paid the listed amount (altogether) by the end of the show's season. Payment will therefore be done in intervals and be given out after the release of every episode. This will be done through Paypal (Note: payment will only be given if your role is used during the creation of the particular episode). If the show gets a decent following and starts to earn some revenue by the end of Season 1, everyone involved will be compensated further and will be further compensated for every episode released with their contribution.

Note: The assets of the show are still a WIP. Hopefully with this amazing community's help, we can make this show the best it can be!

There is vulgar language being used in this show, so if you are uncomfortable swearing please do not audition.

Some roles have already been casted to members outside of Castingcall, new roles will be added as time goes on!

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Latest Updates

  • First Official Trailer Released! and 2 new roles opened

    Here's the first official trailer for our new show! I would like to thank everybody who made this possible! https://youtu.be/NNW3T-ZZkB8 2 new roles needed: Animator and Female VA We need another Animator to help speed up production. A female VA is also needed to play the main antagonist of the show.
  • Update #3: New Female VA Role (Jasmine)

    This is just to update everyone that we now have another Voice Acting role for a female lead character in the show.
  • Update #2: Voice Actors chosen shortly and Artist needed

    Thank you to everybody who have auditioned for a Voice Acting role, the response has been incredible. The roles for Ryan and Mathew will be chosen shortly and finalised in the next couple of days. The deadline has been pushed back by a week as we are looking for an artist in order to help us speed up production (This is also a paid role). If you are interested or know somebody who would be interested please refer them to this role!
  • Animation Assets Overhaul

    Firstly, I would like to thank everybody for all the auditions. It's awesome to see that so many of you are interested in being part of this show! This post is to give you guys an update on the current situation of the animation process. We have done an overhaul on the character designs and decided to completely change how the animation will look like. If you had already auditioned do not worry, the personality and the traits of the characters will stay exactly the same, this is just a visual overhaul. Originally we were going for an animation style which was basically a semi-joke drawing style to compliment the show. We realised that this was not as appealing to everyone as we had hoped. We believe that the new designs will be much more appealing to everyone that watches the show. (Some of the new designs can seen on the updated pictures for the current voice acting roles)
  • Short trailer to give everyone an idea what the show will be like.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

(Currently looking for someone to replace our current William, as he won't be free to finish this animation)

William is a Canadian and is rather proud of being Canadian.  He is smart and is a jack of all trades, but this sometimes gets annoying to other people.

  • (Will is sensitive about being called William and introducing himself for the first time, he would like to make this clear)

    Hi, I’m Will, just Will and not William.

  • I am NOT american, I'm from Canada.

  • They were machinery, so technically they were never alive to undergo death in the first place. 

Role assigned to: Behonkiss

Another Animator is needed to help speed up the animation process. Animation will primarily be done in ToonBoom Harmony, therefore those who apply need to have a good understanding of this software.

Please show/link any work done in the past.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Black Mage
cast offsite

The black mage is the main antagonist of the show. She is a mysterious figure from an alternate reality, no one knows her true purpose or who she is behind the mask.   Her backstory is full of betrayal and is made for the viewers to sympathise with her.

  • I am what I am because of who I had to become. This was not my choice.

  • I was betrayed, everyone who I thought was good, everyone who I thought was the people I should look up to...

    They mean nothing to me now.

  • (Do whatever you need to make this sound like you're enchanting/casting a spell on something)

    Freeze like ice

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jasmine (New Role)
Role assigned to: sarahmorale

Jasmine is a redhead with red eyes who has absolutely no idea how she came to existance, all she knows is that one day a wormhole opened just outside the flatmates' flat and she came out of it with no recollection of previous events before the wormhole. Although not being able to account for anything before the wormhole, Jasmine stays rather optimistic and somewhat happy.

  • *landing on Ryan after coming out of the wormhole thus breaking his leg* 

    "(noises you make when you see people in pain) that must have hurt huh? (...) yeah listen.. I'm really sorry about that... I mean, it doesn't look that bad"

  • (sighs annoyingly) "I may have red hair and red eyes but I am not a demon."

  • "I'm not sure how I got here, where I'm from or if I even belong here. All I remember were a blur of flashing lights and then basically landing on Ryan"

Artist (Character design and Background)
Role assigned to: Rigiroony

An artist is needed to help speed up production, by helping to draw background scenes and characters.

The ideal artist for this role should have at least some knowledge on vector art.

Please provide some Art/drawings you have done in the past related to Character design/Background design.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Strange_Scott

Has a good heart and a desire to do what he believes is right, even when the other flatmates seem to mock and tease him about it.  Ryan hates to swear and thus creates unique alternatives to swear words. Ryan does get emotional at times too, letting his emotions get the better of him. Although Asian in the show, he has no actual Asian Accent, his accent is a lot more Western-ised.

  • Why? why in the world would you do that?

  • FLIP!  Frog finger fondler sticks!! (Alternative to swearing)

  • *Sighs* We are many things, but friends isn't what I would call us.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mathew (Austalian Accent)
Role assigned to: JLMoutray

Mathew is one of the few flatmates that live together and he is Australian. He has somewhat of a deep voice and is generally a nice guy. He does however, have a strange addiction to all things tuna.

  • "O (pronounced like a very short "Oh" similar sounding to "uh") you know what I mean though ,ay?

  • "Oh (not pronounced like "O" above) good on ya mate, but cunt, honestly, I'm flat out like a lizard drinking" 

  • " Cunt, Gotta grab me tuna for brekky"

Role assigned to: Danny

The current assets used in the animation is a WIP. Although the animation style is simple-looking, an experienced animator is what we are looking for in particular. The animator should be able to bring more to the animation as well as being able to improve upon the animation's current assets. The ideal animator should have experience with ToonBoom's Harmony animating software, (which is the software being used by our current Animator).

The payment amount listed is the total amount being paid by the end of the show's season. 

Please provide some animations done in the past by you. 

  • Say something you think would fit


Public Submissions

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