Fire Emblem Awakening: The Definitive Fandub (Wave 2)

Fire Emblem Awakening: The Definitive Fandub (Wave 2)

Project Overview

For those unsure of what each character sounds like, I HIGHLY recommend you look up the original voice line samples of the characters you wish to apply for. It should give you a better understanding of what we need to go for!

Yes, we've all seen those fan stories of this game, the support dubs, all those. But there's one important question that still has yet to be answered: Have you ever wondered what Fire Emblem Awakening would be like if THE ENTIRE GAME was dubbed? Don't wait around to find out, make it happen!

Calling all Fire Emblem fans! To celebrate Fire Emblem Awakening's upcoming 12th anniversary, it's time for this fan favorite entry and series savior to be dubbed like never before! Bring out your best imitations of the voice of your favorite character, and let's transform this game, together! ANYTHING CAN CHANGE!

This is the second wave in a series of three wave casting calls. This wave will contain all the other characters you will find throughout the story, like the characters you meet in the second half of the Plegia arc and the Valm arc, along with the villains of the game. The final wave will all be the child units.

Good luck to everyone who wants to participate! It's time to tip the scales!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Chatterbox VA

A young villager who lives on and island due south of Ylisse. When his village is attacked and robbed by a pack of ruffians, tries to escape and find help. Luckily, he manages to succeed in both those goals, finding Chrom and his Shepherds and taking back the village from the bandits. Donnel, also affectionately referred to as "Donny", is a novice to fighting, but Chrom suggests to him to fight and grow stronger and hone his potential. The people in the army and other people often say Donnel has "a funny way of talkin'".


Starting Class: Villager 

Gender: Male 

Original Voice Actor: Sam Riegel

First Seen: Paralogue 1 - Sickle to Sword

  • “Fight and get stronger, he says... Guess it can't hurt to try. I sure hope I don't get in the way! Gosh, that would be just awful...”

  • "I want to hone my…whatever he said. I want to keep this place safe! I never thought I was good for nothin’ more than shovelin’ dirt… But milord showed me there’s more I can do. More I needs to be doing!"

  • (from a support convo) "Well, I hate to spoil the fun, but there's lots on the farm what ain't a hoot. Stories I told only covered the good times. There's plenty what ruin a year's crop. Flood, drought, raiders... Plus, we lose pigs to sickness darn near every season. Yessir, the farmin' life's a hard one, and no denyin'."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lilith Embla-Vox

The taguel's sole survivor. She first appears to prevent the assassination of Emmeryn at the hands of Validar, sneaking in with a group of assassins and entering the Yllistol palace. After the fighting is over, she explains that she had a debt to repay, and explains her reasoning to Emmeryn. Because humans had obliterated the rest of her kind, she despises all of humanity, but upon meeting Emmeryn and the Shepherds, she slowly begins to warm up to them, but she's still wary all the same.


Starting Class: Taguel

Gender: Female

Original Voice Actor: Jessica Gee

First Seen: Chapter 6 - Foreseer

  • "I knew there was wisdom in slipping in with those rogues. Look at how these man-spawn claw at each other like savages! I will repay my warren's debt and then wash my hands of their race."

  • "I am a taguel. The... The last taguel. We are shape-shifters. Most of your kind calls us "beast" or "coney" in the midst of their hunt. I only helped because my warren owes Ylisse a debt. Do not think us friends, you and I!"

  • "...You seem sincere, man-spawn. You feel my pain as your own. ...I've never felt that before. Look at me. ...See what I am. I will never trust mankind. But you... Perhaps you truly are not like the others."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Riaki

A formidable Ylissean thief and bandit with a passion for sweets. He was hired by Validar, initially under the impression that they were going to break into some vaults that contained royal treasure. But upon finding out he had been had by hearing Validar's true intentions that it was a really murder plot and meeting Chrom, he decides to prove his good intentions. Gaius is a calm and collected thief with a clear mind, but anytime someone mentions any type of candy or he sees any type of candy, he instantaneously loses all sense of seriousness. It turns out that even within his cloak he hides about 50 types of "emergency snacks".


Starting Class: Thief

Gender: Male

Original Voice Actor: Gideon Emery

First Seen: Chapter 6 - Foreseer

  • "Woah, woah, did I just hear that right? We're to KILL the exalt?! I'm just here for the plunder. You know, line my pockets with some royal goods. The exalt's such a sweet lady... Sure, I'll rob her blind, but I'd never harm her!"

  • "Hey, believe it or not, just trying to make a living. I'm a thief, see? Bust open doors, crack into chests... that kind of thing. This lot said they wanted to break into some kind of vault. Nobody said anything about murder. I'd just as soon sit this one out."

  • (from a support convo with Libra) "I mean, let's say you make enough sweets for an entire orphanage. That's going to be a LOT of sweets, right? Massive piles of 'em. So maybe you might put aside a couple for, say, the man who gave you the idea? I mean, it's only fair, right?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ZoeClairVA

A recurring character throughout the Fire Emblem series, appearing as the same person, but completely different each game. In Awakening, she is a member of a family of merchants that travel the world and love making money off of it. A lot of people call Anna "the Secret Seller". The only known factor of this supposed secret is that all of the merchants you see in the game are all look the exact same and they carry the same name of Anna. This incarnation of Anna loves to make money, and naturally, likes big spenders.


Starting Class: Trickster

Gender: Female

Original Voice Actor: Karen Strassman

First Seen: Paralogue 2 - The Secret Seller (Can join party in Paralogue 4 - Anna the Merchant)

  • *mischievous giggling* "Careful, love. Prices aren't the only thing I can cut in half."

  • "It seems you've done a kindness to my fellow merchants. The name's Anna. Some folks like to call me the Secret Seller. Next time we meet, I'll be sure to cut you an extra-special deal."

  • "'Thief'? That's 'locksmith', thank you very much! But yes. Door or chest, I'll have it smiling wide in a trice. And it looks like there bandits have quite the hoard built up."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AZELLO

A young pegasus knight who is gifted and a perfectionist. She can do a lot of things flawlessly and she is hailed as a genius by many people, but she actually dislikes being called a genius, and is, in fact, heavily hazed as a result. From an undisclosed past, she joined the pegasus knights as part of a lifelong dream, and she had become smitten with Chrom, but she keeps these feelings to herself because she knows his affection lies elsewhere. Cordelia is first seen in the midst of a battle against Plegian forces on Breakneck Pass, warning Chrom and Phila about the incoming enemy reinforcements. She joins up with Chrom's group after the dust settles.


Starting Class: Pegasus Knight

Gender: Female

Original Voice Actor: Karen Strassman

First Seen: Chapter 7 - Incursion

  • *huffing and panting* "No! Plegians here as well?! Prince Chrom! Captain Phila! Beware! Enemy reinforcements to the rear! They'll be upon us soon!!"

  • "Gangrel himself led his might against us! The end was upon us when my knight-sisters begged me fly and warn the exalt... I should have stayed... I should have stayed! Ah, gods, I can still hear the screams…"

  • (from a support convo with Robin) "Please forgive me. It's just superiors called me that from the moment I joined the knights. It was so very hard sometimes... Little Lady genius, they called me. They teased and taunted me... They mocked me, too... My appearance, and my javelin technique..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Phoenix/KoKi

A manakete of an unknown tribe who is very young-looking, outgoing, and childish despite being over 1,000 years old in human years. Her peppy and chipper attitude helps keep people's spirits high, but she is aware of her lifespan as a manakete, and knows that she can't be with her human friends forever. She is first seen when Chrom and his squad charge into Plegia in an attempt to save Emmeryn from being executed. She escapes an auction block where she was sold, and is followed by a sellsword named Gregor. She mistakes him for a threat, and threatens him in return. But she is rescued by Chrom and joins his group. Rumor has it she learned a lot of things about the world from a wise, old manakete.


Starting Class: Manakete

Gender: Female

Original Voice Actor: Hunter MacKenzie

First Seen: Chapter 8 - The Grimleal

  • *panting and wheezing* "Have... Have I lost him? Wha-!? AUGH! GET AWAY! Everyone just leave me ALONE! My throat is dry, my shoes are full of sand, and some big weirdo is trying to KILL ME!"

  • "But! But what about me?! I WON'T go back on the auction block! Yeah, I was sold! To men more despicable than you can possibly imagine! They made me transform for them, they drank and laughed and called out tricks…"

  • (from a support convo with Frederick) "Gosh, you're just like a real knight! But SOMEONE has to tell you how great you are—and it might as well be me! So er... Well done! Good job! You're the best knight ever!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Missiletiller

An affable but hardened sellsword hired by Chrom. Or, according to him, a "swell sword". He has an unusual speech pattern, speaking in third person and having a Russian-esque accent. His age has begun to show, but he remains very capable and skilled, and he's also very wise, being able to give some important advice and tips to the rest of Chrom's group. Apparently, Gregor had just finished killing his previous employers by the time he met Chrom. He was attempting to rescue Nowi from the Grimleal before she was sacrificed to Grima, but he had to pursue her because of Nowi misinterpeting him as a threat.


Starting Class: Mercenary

Gender: Male 

Original Voice Actor: George C. Cole

First Seen: Chapter 8 - The Grimleal

  • "All? What is this "all"? Gregor is not one of "all"! Look close! Maybe you not see from so far? Gregor have innocent-baby face! I... Gah! Never be minding! Gregor is not enemy! You must believe!"

  • "Mmm... Gregor is mercenary, yes? Maybe you hire Gregor instead. True, Gregor just finish killing former employers, but still very reliable! So long as you not try to hurt little girl, Gregor will not hurt you. Also, Gregor need steady income. ...Many angry former employers."

  • (from a support convo with Miriel) "Gregor finds it lying on ground at edge of camp. Is very, very fascinating. Gregor is not knowing of these rules and laws governing natural phenomenon. But this book makes it fascinating subject. Time flies by for Gregor!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lucio

An Ylissean priest who is first seen rushing to Plegia in a desperate attempt to stop Emmeryn's execution at the hands of Gangrel. He is very patient and is stoic and caring to others. Upon hearing that news that Emmeryn was going to be executed, he and a bunch of Ylissean clergy had rushed to the scene, but Libra's fellow priests and clerics had been lost along the trek to Plegia, leaving only him left. Miraculously, he finds Chrom and joins his group to continue to the battle and save Emmeryn. Due to his appearance and feminine voice, he is often mistaken for a woman, much to his displeasure.


Starting Class: War Monk

Gender: Male 

Original Voice Actor: Cindy Robinson

First Seen: Chapter 9 - Emmeryn

  • "We hurried here to help as soon as word came of the execution. Alas, there were more with me. I lost many brave comrades along the way. In truth, I was starting to doubt the purpose of my struggle... But no longer! Pray, sire, let my axe serve you and your party!"

  • "...Man, sire. Man of the cloth. No sire, Women are clerics. I am a priest. Well, technically a war monk, if you care to split hairs... Oh no, it's all right, sire. You realized your mistake quickly enough. It could have been much more awkward. ...... MUCH more..."

  • (from a support convo with Lissa) "You're extremely expressive. You treat every person you meet fairly and equally. Your cheery disposition spreads to all those around you. You are ever true to yourself. I would gladly trade any element of my appearance for that beauty in your heart."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AZELLO

A sinister and rebellious Plegian dark mage with a dour demeanor. She has quite a knack with curses and hexes. Tharja is always cold and moody to just about everyone, apart from Robin, of whom she has a bizarre and unusual obsession for. She never really liked Gangrel as the King of Plegia, and always feels like she does a better job with "choosing who to hate on her own". She chooses not to fight the Ylisseans because she feels like she doesn't have a reason to. Upon meeting Chrom, she decided to join up with his group, intrigued by his admiration to save his sister and confidence that Tharja can help him.


Starting Class: Dark Mage

Gender: Female 

Original Voice Actor: Stephanie Sheh

First Seen: Chapter 9 - Emmeryn

  • "So we're to kill or die here, simply because the king demands it? Pfft. What do I care of these Ylisseans? We're given no reasons to fight, only orders. What's the point? Besides, I've always been quite good at choosing who to hate on my own..."

  • "Let's just say I'm keeping my options open. I mean, long live the king and all, but I'd like to keep living as well. And I have a bit of a rebellious streak, I'm afraid. A...dark side."

  • (from a support convo with Robin) *mischievous laughter* "Well, that's why I've been watching your every...single...move. Yesterday you read two books and part of a third. You snacked on an apple. And last night, you turned over 12 times in your sleep. ...Well below your average."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jade Alyssa

A timid, withdrawn, but exceptionally gifted dancer from Regna Ferox. Oddly enough, she performs dances just fine in front of just one person, or in front of a whole crowd, but when she's by herself, she feels extremely sheepish about it. Despite her shy demeanor, she's comfortable around most people in Chrom's group and with Basilio. It's mentioned she has been in Ferox for a while and has been with Basilio for just as long, but it's not stated exactly how long. She's first seen helping the khans of Ferox secure an escape route for Chrom and the others in the Midmire. Afterwards, she joins with Chrom's group, helping with their revenge plan on Gangrel.


Starting Class: Dancer

Gender: Female 

Original Voice Actor: Karen Strassman

First Seen: Chapter 10 - Renewal (Joins party in Chapter 11 - Mad King Gangrel)

  • "Y-yes, sire. It would honor me to have a part in giving her justice! Although all I can do is dance... And I'm not so skilled at that, if we're being honest..."

  • "Milord, I have come! Am I too late? I don't claim my dance as anything special, but Khan Basilio says it renews the spirit!"

  • (from a support convo with Frederick) "Khan Basilio never takes me seriously, no matter what I do. I guess I just don't have any appeal for older men. My dance teacher once told me I had to learn how to captivate everyone. Otherwise, no one would believe my performance."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jade Alyssa

A domestic and kind wyvern rider, and a former vassal of House Virion in Rossane in Valm. She's never seen apart from her trusty wyvern mount, Minerva. After the defeat of Gangrel, Cherche and Virion had to escape Valm in order to reach Ferox and Ylisse in order to warn them of what was coming. Although she is disdainful of Virion's boastful behavior, she remains loyal to him. When the Valmese soldiers reach Port Ferox, their claims are all confirmed, and Cherche joins with Chrom's group and fights back against the Valmese soldiers.


Starting Class: Wyvern Rider

Gender: Female 

Original Voice Actor: Amanda C. Miller

First Seen: Chapter 12 - The Seacomers

  • "First, concerning our origins... We hail from Rosanne, a fertile territory on the continent of Valm. Milord is the head of House Virion, and the rightful ruler of Rosanne. A fact he often reminds us of—and loudly."

  • "So, begging your pardons, but perhaps it is time to cut this long story short: Walhart has conquered our continent and now seeks to conquer yours. I speak only what I know for true, good people. As does my lord. ...At least, with respect to this matter."

  • "Might I join, sire? This may not be my country, but it is my cause. My dear Minerva here hungers for a bite of the action as well!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: EmpoleonNerd

A Plegian dark mage that's unexpectedly optimistic and is quite a jokester. In terms of personality and mannerisms, he's pretty much the exact opposite of Tharja. He's surprisingly chipper and likes making jokes such as puns and macabre jokes at the expense of other people's sanity and patience. He says he will follow the orders of his superiors, but he'll flat out ignore any order that he sees and deems "stupid". While he may come off to some as sinister, Henry's not really evil. Just maladjusted.


Starting Class: Dark Mage

Gender: Male

Original Voice Actor: Bryce Papenbrook

First Seen: Chapter 13 - Of Sacred Blood

  • (in the middle of a crow storm) "CAW! CAW! Are you folks lost? Or perhaps a lost CAWs? Heh ha! What's wrong? CAW-strophobic? Nya ha ha! Oh, I slay me! You know, I thought you were all right... Turns out you're all FRIGHT! Nya ha ha! I'd wish you good luck killing these monsters, buuuuuut...THEY'RE ALREADY DEAD!"

  • “Oh, don't let all the joking around fool ya—I've got kind of a thing for killing. Most funny people do, you know. The two things must be linked somehow.”

  • "Oh! Those ravens also said to keep an eye on those fortresses. If you're nearby when more monsters emerge, it could CAWs quite a stir!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lilith Embla-Vox

The princess of a kingdom in Valm called Chon'sin. She's an icon among the Resistance that fights against Walhart in his conquest of Valm. As the princess of a distant kingdom, Say'ri seems pretty different from the people of Ylisse. She has an old-fashioned look and it matches her manner of speech. Upon meeting Chrom and the Ylissian League, she pleads them for their help in her mission with the Resistance to take back Valm from Walhart.


Starting Class: Swordmaster

Gender: Female

Original Voice Actor: Minae Noji (Credited as Stacy Okada)

First Seen: Chapter 15 - Smoldering Resistance

  • "Mercy, friends! The tales of your strength were no exaggeration... I am called Say'ri, and I fight with the Resistance."

  • "Since ancient times, many of our people have worshipped Naga. More precisely, we worship the divine dragon's oracle, Lady Tiki. Though most know her only as the Voice. The Voice is trapped in her temple as Walhart's prisoner."

  • "The Valmese Imperial Army is comprised of three main divisions: one controls the north, one the south, and the third the lands between. Emperor Walhart commands the northern forces. Their might easily exceeds our own. The south is led by my brother, Yen'fay. His host is said to rival Walhart's."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ZoeClairVA

The Voice of the Divine Dragon, Naga. 2,000 years since she worked with Marth and his army during the time of Archanea, she has matured significantly from her childish demeanor. Since then, Tiki's personality has transformed into that of a strong-willed, calm, and serene woman. She has been worshiped by the people of Valm for a long time, and she is called upon by Say'ri, Chrom, and the rest of their group for help with Walhart's conquest. She also warns the group of Grima's rapidly approaching and imminent return. She hands one of the Fire Emblem's gemstones, Azure, to Chrom. Later, when she has taken in some of Naga's power, she joins their ranks, excited to be back in the heat of battle.


Starting Class: Manakete

Gender: Female

Original Voice Actor: Mela Lee

First Seen: Chapter 16 - Naga's Voice (Joins party in Paralogue 17 - The Threat of Silence)

  • "Here. Take Azure, exalted ones. With it, you possess two of the five Gemstones. Now you must seek out the others and perform the Awakening. Our world must be defended from Grima at all costs!"

  • "...It's strange. This power had always isolated me. Many were the days I wept alone, cursing the charge placed before me... But now my power has a purpose, and the world needs it to avoid a ruinous future. And so I shall offer it freely. Allow me to join you. I've had quite enough of living in solitude, thank you. Besides, I've always longed to better know this world. Now I can help you save it."

  • (from a support convo with Lucina) "I'm very grateful for your concern, Lucina. Truly I am. But remember that you are an important part of this army. Your first duty must be to your fellow soldiers. ...Especially as you once dared take the great name of Marth as your own."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lucio

A brave and strong-willed warrior and the East-Khan of Regna Ferox. She is first seen early on, but joins the party near the end of the game. She meets Chrom when they cross the Ferox border to request assistance with Plegia. Flavia requests to Chrom to champion her in the upcoming tournament that decides the next khan of Ferox. A while afterwards, she joins up with Chrom's group again to fight back the invading Valmese army. Much later again, she concocts a scheme to thwart Validar. She's often seen with the West-Khan, Basilio, her rival and best friend.


Starting Class: Hero

Gender: Female

Original Voice Actor: Tara Platt

First Seen: Chapter 4 - Two Falchions (Joins party in Chapter 23 - Invisible Ties)

  • "One of them, yes—the East-Khan. My name is Flavia. I apologize for the troubles at the border, Prince Chrom. You are welcome in Regna Ferox."

  • "Ha! On the contrary. The khans themselves do not fight—they choose champions to represent them. Otherwise our land would be rife with blood feuds and dead khans! We don't involve comrades or kin for the same reason. Over time, it was decided the tournament should be fought by outsiders. Although the outsiders have never included foreign royalty. ...That I know of! Ha! Regardless, it is your choice to make."

  • "Who else would desert half our vessels and turn them into flaming cannonballs? And there was still enough room on the remaining ships for all our troops. It was so simple, and yet the Valmese never saw it coming. They never considered anyone might be willing to sacrifice half a fleet..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Missiletiller

A hardened veteran warrior, and the prideful, but surprisingly slapdash West-Khan of Regna Ferox. Much like his close friend and rival, Flavia, he's seen very early on, but only joins the party near the endgame. Initially the regnant khan of Ferox, he's removed from power once Chrom and his team succeed in the tournament that decides the next khan to be in power. He gives them a gift of his own upon his defeat, Lon'qu, his former champion. He had newly championed an enigmatic masked swordsman under the alias of the legendary Hero-King, Marth. Much later on, he teams up with Chrom's group to fight back against the invading Valmese Empire, and later still, to thwart Validar's plans to resurrect Grima.


Starting Class: Warrior

Gender: Male

Original Voice Actor: Patrick Seitz

First Seen: Chapter 4 - Two Falchions (Joins party in Chapter 23 - Invisible Ties)

  • "Victory can be bitter as well as sweet, boy. It's good you learn that now."

  • "Luck and more be with you all. We'll meet again soon. I fully intend to outlive all you sprogs—just see if I don't. And as for your "future," it can kiss my big brown Feroxi arse!"

  • "Don't you put any stock in this destiny hogwash! Let the dead whine about their fate... As long as I draw breath, I choose to keep fighting! That's what life is all about!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: EmpoleonNerd

The bloodthirsty, vengeful, and sadistic Mad King of Plegia. Even though he is the king of Plegia, he doesn't care less about the country itself or even his people. All that he desires is destruction of Ylisse and the death of Emmeryn. He is first seen when he has taken Maribelle hostage, claiming that she razed a village on the Plegian border, when in truth, Gangrel himself did it. He uses this as an excuse to claim the Fire Emblem, something he has been craving from Ylisse his entire life, as the Fire Emblem grants tremendous power. After a while, he meets with Chrom to have their final duel near the end of the war against Plegia, when most of his soldiers desert him.


Starting Class: Trickster

Gender: Male

Original Voice Actor: Anthony Jenkins

First Seen: Chapter 5 - The Exalt and the King

  • "You say that without so much as an apology? Why should I even bother with parley? I'm within my rights to have her head this instant and be home in time for supper. Now then, Your Graceliness. Perhaps we can arrange a trade? You give me the Fire Emblem, and I return Mari Contrary here in one piece."

  • "Aversa, there is a truth about he world this Ylissean welp must learn. A man is either strong...or he is dead! Bwahahahahaaa!"

  • "Men are beasts! Nothing more! We fight! We kill! We devour our prey! Beasts do not stand behind beasts, little prince... They use each other so long as it suits their own selfish purpose!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Missiletiller

The ruthless and forceful emperor of Valm, commonly known as the Conqueror. Using force to unite the continent, Walhart has become recognized as both a savior by most of the people of Valm, and as a tyrant by the people who oppose him. He's mentioned several times across the story, but once Chrom and his units take hold of two of the three factions across the continent, he is seen, ready to battle Chrom and stamp out the rest of his unit as they pose the final threat to his conquest. He is a giant horseback rider who has an incredibly daunting presence. 


Starting Class: Conqueror

Gender: Male

Original Voice Actor: Richard Epcar

First Seen: Chapter 17 - Inexorable Death

  • "Glory is won on the battlefield! Glory is meeting your enemy's eyes and watching the hope drain away with his life... Glory is not won holed up in a castle with plots and cowardly schemes. And I'll be dead before I let some dynast farm lord take today's glory in my stead."

  • "You do your sister's legacy proud, Prince! But humanity already has a savior. A conqueror who broke stronger men that you when they refused to bow. Warriors of Valm! Ride with me now! Together we will stamp out this final pack of insurgents and unite the world!"

  • "Look at you! Are you not ashamed?! Your mind is filled with nothing but secondhand beliefs. You dance upon the stage of your gods like a mindless puppet! THAT is what I reject: being a slave to tradition, to obligation. The old ways. Damn the gods! Damn their fates and their destinies! I will have true freedom! Any man who offers less is my enemy."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lucio

A cruel, manipulative, and cold woman with a magical gift. Oddly enough, she's also a bit of a femme fatale. Taken in by Validar, she was raised to be a fiercely loyal woman to her superiors. She has since then become a fanatic obsessed with Validar and Grima, ready to die for either of them. She first was seen as Gangrel's protege, but then after Gangrel's defeat, it's revealed that her true loyalty lies with Validar and the Grimleal.


Starting Class: Dark Flier

Gender: Female

Original Voice Actor: Cindy Robinson

First Seen: Chapter 5 - The Exalt and the King

  • "You aren't listening. All of this—every word and action—has been orchestrated... Gangrel held the exalt in contempt, yes, so Validar and I used him. In life AND death. The king's demise threw Plegia into chaos. It drove the people to Grima... Now their life force and rancor can be laid before the fell dragon en masse."

  • "Oh really now, how amusing... You're so cute when you try to be clever. But Master Validar already considers you stronger and smarter than I... Whatever shall I do if he decides you're more witty as well? Perhaps I'd best kill you before you ripen and become his everything..."

  • "Ahahaha! You damn fool! Not literally! But Validar did raise me as if I were his own. Taught me everything... I was a poor orphaned wretch with dirt for food, yet Master Validar took me in. He provided when others would have watched me starve. I would never presume that he loves me... But he is everything I know of love. I would gladly die at his command."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ExiledPhoenix

A fanatic obsessed with Grima and an overarching antagonist in the story. He takes his duties as the leader of the Grimleal very seriously and is fully devoted to the role as their leader and as a descendent of the Fellblood. He is willing to do whatever it takes for Grima's resurrection. He goes to intense methods to gain some followers as well, such as capturing Aversa and brainwashing her to serve Grima. Due to his fanatic beliefs, he has become overconfident for serving Grima, believing that there is no way destiny can ever change.


Starting Class: Sorcerer

Gender: Male

Original Voice Actor: Kyle Herbert

First Seen: Premonition - Invisible Ties

  • "Gyahaha! Fools! Struggle all you want! You cannot unwrite what is already written!"

  • "Chrom... Come to witness the glorious culmination of your failure? How nice. I have the Fire Emblem, and the Dragon's Table is set for a feast. I will return Grima to this world!"

  • "My dear boy, we already know how this story ends—you and I both! And yet you rush here... Are you so eager to meet the fell dragon yourself? Or perhaps your own fatal destiny—you would have that realized first? Ha ha!"


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