Escape From Morinia (S2 ARC 1)

Project Overview

Season 2 of Escape From Morinia is now here! In this first Arc our main character, Miyo, is now accompanying two other players (Graywulf and Brawla) on their journey. Tired of being a pack mule for the two annoyances he, along with his sprite Fria, go into a local village as directed by a young boy. There, Miyo is confronted with a major issue, are these people inside the game real people or are they just a bunch of ones and zeroes like all the other players seem to believe.

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Latest Updates

  • Callbacks

    Hello! Thank you all for your current interest in the project!

    A quick update on the project, I have started contacting some auditioners for callbacks. The current callbacks taking place are for Amelia and Taran.

    This process will still be going until the end of the audition submissions, so feel free to continue auditioning!

    You all are so talented and I can’t wait to bring this project to life!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: atscherningVA

Female, Middle Aged, British Accent

Current leader of the village of blessings. Strong willed and headstrong, she intends to take the raiders who are invading her village on and take them out.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • british
Other info:
  • focusrite scarlett solo
  • focusrite scarlett 2i2
  • (Slight chuckle) You have quite the imagination, I can see why my son has found kinship in you. It is actually quite the contrary, our treasure is this:

  • I can assure you that we are plenty real, just because the raiders are no threat to you does not mean they are no threat to others. As a hero it is your duty to protect others.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Nashy

Male, Child Vocals Aged between 8-10, Voice Comp: Konohameru From Naruto Episode 2

Robyn is the son of the Mayor and Amelia. Cute Kid Vibez.

Voice description:
  • male child
  • young child
  • Tag you’re it again Fria! (Laughter)

  • Fria… are those meanies gonna hurt us like they hurt the village?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mayor Argon
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: TJVoiceActs

Male, Middle Aged, Slight Southern Accent

Mayor Argon is the leader of the village. He is captured by the raiders and is being held hostage.

Voice description:
  • american (southern)
  • male adult
  • My dear boy, I thought I’d never see you again! Where’s your mother? Is she okay?

  • I am not here to talk to you. I am here to negotiate with… The Psycho King of Raiders.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
cast offsite

Male, Middle Aged, Gruff, Voice Comp: Shan Yu from Mulan

Taran is the leader of the Raiders. He is a relentless man who only wants one thing. The Orb of Blessing.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Looks like you were too late hero, but don’t worry, we’ll be back because sooner or later (said louder to the group) someone will tell me where the damn blessing orb is! Until then, Hero. (Laugh)

  • Listen, I think a fair trade can be arranged here. I release all of the prisoners and let them leave, all I need is that orb of blessing.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
cast offsite

Male, Orc Being, Young Adult, Deep Voice

Gorgin is the second in command to Taran. He is a large Orc Being who would crush anyone.

Voice description:
  • deep
  • orc
  • male adult
  • Heh, I like you Argon, can I call you that? Eh, who cares. I’ll see if I can fetch you an audience with the Psycho King of Raiders. (Said to other guards) You two, keep an eye on him, I’ll be back.

  • I don’t think so (mockingly) hero. Take one step and I crush her bones in my hand. Think of it like a magic trick. You move, she disappears, Heh.

Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
cast offsite

I will be needing several pieces and loops to be used for the arc. I would prefer people who have an anime style sound or can replicate it. I would like something akin to Naruto and Black Clover.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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