Englewood After Dark is a horror/comedy audio drama following the adventures of Finn Nightingale and Eve Pemberly.
Finn and Eve started this podcast as a way to uncover the many secrets lurking on the haunted campus of Englewood University and, after facing down an ancient secret society, they are beginning to believe their own hype. Their current case, The Locked Room Murders, pushes them to their limits and forces them to see their world in new ways.
Because Englewood really is haunted, and now, so are they.
We have two roles in this call, one recurring and one nonrecurring, so please apply with that in mind. However, in the future we will need more roles filled so watch this space! If you have already auditioned for us, please feel free to audition again. Lines will be recorded asynchronously.
Unfortunately this is not a paid opportunity, but we are working tirelessly on making it a successful drama.
Please record two takes of each line in an AA-BB-CC format.