Dragon Code

Project Overview

Welcome! My name is Berry and this is for voice acting in my series Dragon Code. Dragon Code is basically a minecraft roleplay series made by me and my partner in crime Rose, it consists of drama, fantasy and some romance. Sometimes it takes awhile to post so there may be a wait for lines for a little bit, sorry for any convenience! Thank you so much for your time and I can't wait to work with those who are accepted! <3 

I'm not one to be strict on rules so some I might bend XD 

~ Rules ~ 

1. Must be able to be on time and available when needed (Though I know sometimes others might have stuff come up and thats completely fine as I do understand!)

2. Have a good mic and as little background noise or static sound! (I usually prefer you to have a mic rather than using Ipads or Phones but depending on the quality I might accept it)

3. Must have Discord or Skype

4. Be over the age of 14 (although I do have some younger people on my team so really as long as you fit the part there can be exceptions)

5. Have Fun~

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dragon Prince

The Dragon Prince is pure at heart, but he also has a very split personality if you talk down to him, loved ones or his home (Dragon Kingdom) 

He is very fascinated with new things and loves to learn more to improve his knowledge and skills for his future as king. 

He has a very strong and leader tone to his voice 

  • This is it Berry, The portal that will take us into the dragon kingdom ~ Normal Tone

  • You dare think you can speak that way to someone above your level! Next time....hold your tongue..that is before you loose it ~ Angry, Scary Tone

  • What is this contraption! It's amazing! Look at the water swirl! ~ Shocked Tone

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The Prince has a very friendly character, at first you wouldn't have thought he could hurt a fly

As he is a Prince, he knows when to step up and care for his friends but he also does love to tease with them

He has a very friendly and tease tone to his voice 

  • Oh hey Berry, I haven't seen you around the kingdom for awhile ~ Normal Tone

  • Look I think you should just back off, I was only asking her a question! ~ Angry Tone

  • Do I know you, I feel like we've met before... ~ Confused Tone

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Migual is a very sly but smart sorcerer, he is one of the best at magic

Migual as a sorcerer has never got to have true love...those he had thought were the ones always chose to leave rather than to stay by his side.

He has a sly/feminine tone to his voice 

  • I'm Migual, I don't think we've been formally introduced ~ Normal, Sly Tone

  • People are more than just toys for your amusement!  ~ Angry Tone

  • Sometimes it comes down to a choice... between saving one person or saving the whole world, I've seen it happen, and I'm still selfish enough to want the person who loves me to choose me.... but they will always choose the world ~ Sad Tone

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Girl 1

Girl names will be added at a later date~

Girl 1 ~ Sweet, kind and caring, mother like character who takes care of making sure Berry, Rose and the Dragon Prince is safe

Tone ~ Any kind :D

  • Hi there! You must be here looking to become a roommate ~ Normal Tone

  • Look here, you can't go around talking to people like that, she might not be the smartest but you have no right to talk to her like that ~ Angry Tone

  • W-wait you aren't from this world!? ~ Shocked Tone

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Girl 2

Girl names will be added at a later date~

Girl 1 ~ She's very curious on the characters, seems like she knows something about them but isn't quite sure what it is

Tone ~ Any kind :D

  • Hmmm You guys look pretty interesting ~ Normal Tone

  • Look I don't know what you guys are playing at but I know something is up ~ Scary/ Curious Tone

  • W-wait you're a w-what??? ~ Shocked Tone


Public Submissions

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