Doki Doki Literature Club! The Original Game Voice Dubbed

Project Overview

I am effectively creating a timeline for my character who will take become the MC in this game of Doki Doki Literature Club. The series itself will be a straight forward dub of the original game... however the twist is who the MC is. In my first project, "The Good Ending Act 1" the MC will be fully realized as his own person. In this game, that has yet to occur and my character is more or less "merged" with the MC until Monika breaks the fourth wall separating the MC from the "Courier" Revan. Or more to the point, separating the "player" from the MC. 

In DDLC, Monika knows full well, that the player and the MC are two different people. For the sake of storytelling, I am giving that player a name, an identity, a history, and reason for being in this game, much like any other player comes across DDLC sooner or later. Just a more interesting one. 

This project will be by the numbers dubbed over script by script with a possible alteration if it calls for it. But more or less a straight forward dub of the main game. This series is intended to give a solid background as a precursor to "The Good Ending" voice dub/modification of this game that takes after the main story has concluded.

The following project is in production with a different cast of voice actresses:

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  • Project is still on stand-by but not dead

    Auditions are still open for roles Sayori and Monika. While the TGE project is also being worked on. Have no fear, we aren't going anywhere. People need time and the month of May has been a rough month on everyone.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: radiantumbreon

She always has a calm, gentle expression and is portrayed as mature and hard-working.

Despite Monika's upbeat attitude in the Literature Club, it becomes increasingly obvious that she is actually sad and lonely, as a result of being aware that her whole world is just a simulation; a simulation in which she can't even achieve what is considered "happiness" (i.e. having her route completed). She is fixated on obtaining the love of player because they're the only "real" thing in her life. Monika's actions are also motivated by her desire to escape the torture she endures whenever someone quits the game, as when that happens Monika is trapped in a hellish void of noise, lights, colors, and screams, unable to move or even think. This is mentioned during Monika's Talk in Act 3. 

  • "I was thinking about Sayori earlier..."

    "I still wish I could have handled that whole thing a little more tactfully."

    "You're not still hung up over it, right?"

    "...Oh, my gosh, I can't believe I just said that."

    "That pun was completely unintentional, I swear!"

    "But anyway..."

    "I know how much you cared about her, so it only feels right for me to share her last moments with you."

    "You know how Sayori is really clumsy?"

    "Well, she kind of messed up the whole hanging thing..."

    "You're supposed to jump from high enough that the rope snaps your neck, making it quick and painless." "But she just used a chair, meaning she kind of just left herself to slowly asphyxiate. "But a few seconds in, she must have changed her mind or something..."

    "Because she started clawing at the rope, trying to free herself."

    "She must have kept at it all the way until she lost consciousness."

    "That's why her fingertips were all bloody, anyway." "Come to think of it, it was probably less 'changing her mind' and more just her survival instincts kicking in." "So you can't really fault her for that." "It's easier to think that she probably wouldn't have changed her mind anyway, right?"

    "It's not healthy to think about the things you could have done differently."

    "So just remember that even though you could have saved her, it's technically not your fault she killed herself." "I may have exacerbated it a little bit, but Sayori was already mentally ill."

    "Still, though..."

    "I wonder how things would be if you and I just started dating from the get-go?"

    "I guess we'd all still be in the clubroom, writing poems and having fun together."

    "But what's the point when none of it is even real?"

    "I mean, it's the same ending either way, right?" "The two of us, happily together..."

    "There's no reason to ask for any more than that.""

    I was just pointlessly musing - I'm really as happy as I could be right now."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Metanoia131

Sayori is initially portrayed as the archetype of a Genki Girl, expressing a bubbly and cheery disposition. She is very clumsy, noted for finding ways to accidentally hurt herself or to drop things. Regardless, she is shown to be a jokingly cunning individual who can trick others to get food, shown after managing to eat Natsuki's cookie without her permission. Sayori has also been known to obsess over an activity, only to drop it a few days later, as stated by the protagonist during an interaction between them. This could also be the case with writing poetry, as the protagonist wonders if she might drop it later on, though he also notices that she is a lot more passionate about writing, as she mentions earlier on that it helps her to express and understand her feelings better.

However, it is later revealed that she suffers from bad depression and works so hard to make the people around her happy to cope with her own lack of self-love amongst other things. She is also usually the only character, other than the protagonist, shown to break up arguments, Monika noting that her sentiments are necessary to keep a relaxing atmosphere in the Literature Club (proven by her absence in Act 2). Monika notes that while she may look like a good leader, Sayori is usually better when it comes to dealing with people, notably at mediations. Sayori tries her best to help everyone be happy and dislikes attention directed at her well-being because she feels unworthy of anything that others have to offer her.

  • Dear Sunshine

    The way you glow through my blinds in the morning

    It makes me feel like you missed me.

    Kissing my forehead to help me out of bed.

    Making me rub the sleepy from my eyes.

    Are you asking me to come out and play?

    Are you trusting me to wish away a rainy day?

    I look above. The sky is blue.

    It's a secret, but I trust you too.

    If it wasn't for you, I could sleep forever.

    But I'm not mad.

    I want breakfast.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: CloudyDecember

Yuri is portrayed throughout the majority of the game as being shy, generous, polite, apologetic, very intelligent, mature, eloquent, and passionate about topics she is interested in, although she is also very insecure, awkward, and has a tendency to act slightly condescending and patronizing to mask her self-doubt. Her facade of passivity and level-headed nature occasionally breaks, however, as Yuri does argue passionately and aggressively with Natsuki over their differing opinions on writing styles. Yuri has a deep desire to be liked by others and is afraid to speak her mind on matters as she believes it will make her seem unlikable. Due to her social ineptitude, she can be innocently insensitive, but once she realizes what she said could be considered rude, she almost immediately apologizes, repeatedly saying she did not mean it. As stated by the protagonist, Yuri likes to think before she says something.

Yuri is the "shrinking violet" (a term to describe a character who prefers to blend in with the scenery than to attract unwanted attention) or "dandere" of the club members because of her constant apologetic nature. The attribution is also because of being shy to discussions beyond her category of interest, her interests being literature, horror, and general surrealism, which she examines and articulates expertly and encourages others to follow as well. In the middle of Act 1, Natsuki and Yuri getting into a debate about their different writing styles. Choosing to side with Natsuki will cause Yuri to shy away from the player, and if the protagonist attempts to read their poem to Yuri, she will not respond, which will cause the protagonist to decide it is best to leave her alone. If the player calls for Sayori to diffuse the situation, Sayori will compliment both Yuri and Natsuki on their writing and capabilities. The argument will dissolve afterwards and both Yuri and Natsuki will be satisfied with Sayori's response.

Yuri's love of surrealism seems to be foreshadowing further events of the game, with Yuri's surrealistic eyes and the game's horrific nature after Sayori's suicide. Yuri prefers poetry that uses metaphorical symbolism and enjoys collecting unusual ornate knives, implicitly (in Act 1 at least) used for self-harm. The detailed summaries of the Portrait of Markov novel in the first and second act, when also taking the scattered dialogue references into account, all end up tracing back to her unstable nature and unhinged personality.

During Act 2, Monika amplifies Yuri's negative personality traits. This causes her to have sanity slippages that result in an abnormal obsession with the protagonist and her already-existing hobbies becoming more of perverted detailing and self-destruction, to the point where Monika suggests that Yuri cuts herself due to a fetish. This also causes her to become invasive and condescending to the other club members, asking Natsuki "Why don't you look for coins under the vending machine?", which causes Natsuki to cry and run away. In one occasion, Yuri shows a poem to the protagonist with blood and urine stains on it, telling him that she has put her scent on it. Yuri will then realize what she has done and leave the club, stating that she is going to vomit.

Yuri recognizes that something is wrong with her and that her comments and behavior are inappropriate, enough so to feel something bad will happen despite her happiness. She is ultimately unable to control her obsessive outbursts. It reaches a point where, after she confesses her love to the protagonist, she stabs herself to death out of over-excitement or rejection (depending on the protagonist's response to her confession, both lead to the same outcome, courtesy of Monika). Yuri's body is left decomposing for three days, and is then discovered by Natsuki, who immediately vomits and runs away. When she is discovered by Monika, both Yuri and Natsuki's files are deleted, leading to Act 3.

  • Yuri: "Welcome to the Literature Club. It's a pleasure meeting you."

    Yuri: "It's good to have you visiting."

    "We were all excited to hear Sayori was bringing a friend."

    "So thank you for deciding to come in."

    Yuri: (blushes) "D-Don't say things like that..."

    "It is really quite nice."

    "A hot cup of tea with a good book is one of the most wonderful things in the world."

     "I-Is that so?"

    "I think you will find it q-quite pleasing..."

    Yuri: "We'll do our best."

    Yuri: "So, Sam, what kinds of things do you like to read?"

    Yuri: "N-Not much of a reader, I guess..."

  • "I'm... I'm madly in love with you!

    It feels like every inch of my body... every drop of blood in me... is screaming your name.

    I don't care what the consequences are anymore!

     I don't care if Monika is listening!

    Please, Revan, just know how much I love you.

     I love you so much that I even touch myself with the pen I stole from you.

    I just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside of you.

    I want you all to myself.

    And I will be only yours.

    Doesn't that sound perfect?

    Tell me Revan.

    Tell me you want to be my lover.

    Do you accept my confession?"




    *Stabs herself*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Icy Lemonti

Natsuki appears to be a brash, blunt, cranky, and seemingly arrogant girl at first, with a cute, softer interior as a result of insecurity, convincing Monika enough to class her as the embodiment of a tsundere. While she is impulsive and can speak without thinking, Natsuki truly cares about her friends and, even when she has obvious anger issues, doesn't enjoy fights or arguments with people. Over the course of the game, it is shown that she worries about Yuri, and, on one occasion, gives the protagonist a note asking him to help Yuri, fearing that if she spoke out then it would cause more arguments. Natsuki is very stubborn and has a hard time expressing how she feels and what she wants. When repeatedly challenged, she often becomes awkward and tongue-tied, then aggressive, and then simply bursts into tears.

Natsuki is also shown to be less pushy and more relaxed when she is outside of school, as mentioned by the protagonist when she visits his home. She is also known to be skilled in baking, as she made delicious cupcakes for when the main character first arrives in the Literature Club, and for the festival.


  • "What are you looking at? If you want to say something, say it."

     "W-Why are you thanking me? It's not like I...!

    ...Made them for you or anything."

     "Ugh, I hate horror..."

     "I'm not cute!!"

     "If you really just came for the cupcakes, I would be super pissed."

     "Manga is literature!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The MC aka Revan aka the "Player"
cast offsite

The protagonist is one of the five main characters, one of the five members of the Literature Club, and the only playable character in Doki Doki Literature Club!. The protagonist uses whatever name the player gives him, but he is a separate entity from the player.

In Act 2, after the first few lines and the game script gets rewritten, the protagonist will have no memories of the events that happened in Act 1, acting as though Sayori never existed. In Act 4, he will have no memories of the events that happened in all of Acts 1, 2, and 3.

The protagonist was designed to function like a typical visual novel protagonist. He acts blunt and mean towards Sayori, his childhood friend; teases Natsuki, the tsundere; is warm to Yuri, the shy girl; and falters around Monika, the popular girl. According to Dan Salvato, he is deliberately given very little focus.[2]

More specifically, the protagonist is an underachiever, preferring to play video games and watch anime instead of applying himself and having friends. Despite this, when he does interact with others, he tries to be kind and thoughtful. He takes note of how people around him are acting and feeling, although more subtle things may go over his head. He is shown to be clever and observant in Act 1.

He tries his best to help even when he is out of his depth, as seen when he tries to ease Sayori's depression, despite not understanding it.

He shows a distaste towards those who are judgmental, shown by a scene in Natsuki's route, and in Yuri's route, he is accepting of Yuri's interest in knives, highlighting an open-minded personality.

The protagonist is true to his word and always attempts to keep his promises; he works harder if he knows people are counting on him.

Although the protagonist's primary interests are self-oriented, he does show a liking towards "cute girls", deciding to join the Literature Club on the basis of cute girls attending.

  • (Unlike a normal MC, I see this version, since it my character in play here, as more dark and gritty in his voice. Being forced to speak using predetermined script. But does so naturally. The player doesn't "split" from MC until Monika completely smashes the fourth wall to pieces, thus freeing the player from the script.)

    I-I have to do something, don't I?

    I have to stop this cycle.

    Repeating the same week over and over...

    They die, I forget, and we start over.

    Is that all my existence is meant to be?

    An endless loop of death and torture?

  • Revan, is it?

    I want to thank you for coming back to this world.

    Y-You came back for us...

    I need a companion. I can't do this alone.

    I'm not a special person. I wasn't ready for the truth abouot my world.


    *screen goes black*

    Sayori, Monika, Yuri, Natsuki...

    We're all trapped here.

    They deserve better.

    Whether I'm ready for it or not, I'm the only one who can help them.


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