Disventure Camp: Season 4 (Indie Animated Series on YouTube)

Disventure Camp: Season 4 (Indie Animated Series on YouTube)

Project Overview

Hello everyone!

We are Odd Nation Cartoons, a place for loud minds. We are a small, but dedicated team of indie writers, voice actors, animators, storyboarders, sound designers, and production coordinators. 

You can find all the Odd Nation Cartoons projects on YouTube:


The official Odd Nation Cartoons Patreon:



For creators and showrunners Jared Madrigal and Robert Castellanos, what started as a passion project and fan series greatly inspired by Total Drama Island and similar shows has grown over the years into a fully-fledged series with its own identity and fanbase. 

Currently Odd Nation Cartoons has over 300,000 subscribers on Youtube and over 1,500 monthly patrons on Patreon. And these numbers are only growing.

ONC’s staple show is Disventure Camp. Disventure Camp is an established indie series on Youtube with two fully completed seasons and a third season, Disventure Camp: All-Stars, that is currently airing on a weekly upload schedule and nearing completion.

Disventure Camp is both a comedic and dramatic animated Reality TV competition show, in which many characters of all shapes, sizes, identities and backgrounds compete for a cash prize. However, while this is the set-up, the show's true heart exists within the complex relationships between these contestants and their relatable life struggles.

(Odd Nation Cartoons is also experimenting with other genres, as we are trying out more “slice of life” stories in two upcoming mini-series.)

That brings us to this casting call! We are super excited to announce that Disventure Camp: Season 4 is currently in production! We have a brand new cast of incredible characters that need incredible voice actors!

All character breakdowns can be found below. Our cast features a very diverse set of characters. Our priority is to cast mindfully and authentically. 


The final casting WILL NOT take place on this website. Our top selections from this audition will be contacted DIRECTLY with an invite to CALLBACKS after this audition has closed.

We are running callback auditions as a means to find the best possible fit for each character and to see how well the actors work with the Voice Director.

Final casting will be determined after Callbacks. Callbacks are scheduled to take place on August 7th and 8th. Further details will be provided to any actors that accept callback invitations.

Recordings are scheduled to start as soon as August, 12th. Please do not audition if you are unable to begin recording around this time.


As of now, we are unfortunately unable to provide a specified amount of guaranteed compensation. We hope that our growth continues, so we can further expand the budget to properly compensate our voice actors.

However, all voice actors will earn compensation through personalized greetings purchased by fans and supporters of the show. Think of these as Cameos for your characters. Greetings average to about 30 seconds of fully voice-acted animation and vary from birthday wishes, to singing a part of a song, to answering questions in character. 

We implemented this Greeting option in the third season of Disventure Camp and found them to be very successful in getting the actors much-deserved support!  Odd Nation Cartoons does not take a cut from these Greetings as they are purely meant to support the actors and artists behind the production.

Further details on compensation will be provided to those who receive Callbacks!

AUDITION INSTRUCTIONS! (Please follow these closely.)

  • Each character will have three sample lines. Please record up to 2 takes of each line in AABBCC format. We ask the first take to be read verbatim, and it is encouraged (but not required) to add improv to the second take!

  • No slates please!

  • Please do not audition for characters you feel you can’t properly represent.

  • Please limit the number of characters you audition for to 3 or less.

  • You may still be considered for characters you didn’t audition for if we liked your auditions in general, so don’t worry about missing out.

  • Please provide your contact information in your audition post! Discord is preferred as emails seem to give issues when people try to post them. (If you are asked to Callbacks we will require an email address.)

  • Linking your Demo is highly encouraged! (Having a demo is not required.)

  • If you can sing we would love to hear it! (Singing may be part of an episode or two!) Please include 10-20 seconds of you singing anything of your choice at the end of your audition if you feel compelled.


  • All actors must be 18+ by the time auditions close. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  • All actors must have quality set-ups with minimal background noise. It is expected this sound quality is maintained throughout production for any official recordings.

  •  As far as mics are concerned, a broadcast mic with an audio interface is preferred, but good-quality condenser USB mics are perfectly acceptable. Please no gaming headsets, webcam mics, or cellphones!

  • All actors must have a Discord account or be willing to make one. (Only those cast will be asked to join ONC’s production server. There will also be a separate Discord server established purely for call backs.)

  • Professionalism, punctuality, and strong communication are all highly-valued traits in our voice actors. 

  • Ability and willingness to work with the Voice Director and apply feedback.

  • Willingness to take risks and make the characters your own. 

  • Respect for all staff members and fellow voice actors on the production.

  • Proper conduct when representing the show online and engaging with the fanbase.

  • Not participating in or promoting the leaking of any official ONC content before public release. (This is grounds for immediate termination. Patreon is the primary way the series is funded and leakers discourage people from becoming patrons.)


Due to character designs being finalized and a key bonus of our Patreon subscribers being "early access," we are currently unable to provide detailed descriptions and images of the characters. We apologize for this inconvenience. More character details will be provided to those who receive Callbacks.

Please use your best judgment when interpreting the characters based on the details provided. Some characters are preferred to have specific accents and be played by actors of certain identities.

All character names are in "quotation marks" because THESE ARE NOT THE OFFICIAL NAMES!! These are placeholder names for the sake of keeping leaks to a minimum.

That just about covers it! Good luck, make strong choices, and have a blast!

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Latest Updates

  • Callbacks Have Been Selected!!

    Hello everybody! Thank you very much for taking the time to share your talent and perspective in your auditions for this project. The sheer amount of auditions was truly humbling to see and I'm extremely grateful. At this point in time, everyone who has been offered a Callback invitation from this audition has been contacted directly by myself.

    If you did not receive a Callback I still wanted to thank you for your time. This decision was by no means easy. And I hope you all consider auditioning for any future projects with Odd Nation Cartoons. Best of luck to those who received Callbacks! Have a wonderful day everybody!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 30

Gender: Cis Man

Nationality: American

Ethnic background: Moroccan

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • general north american english
  • You know what they say, if you can’t handle the heat… get inside! It’s hotter than blazes out here!

  • A sprinkle of this and a dash of that, oh the ideas in this brain under my hat! Just one dash of paprika and… GAH! IT’S RUINED!!

  • What you did was smart, but it was far from honorable.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 26

Gender: Cis Woman

Nationality: American

Ethnic background: Hungarian

Slight Hungarian or Eastern European accents preferred, but not required.

  • english
Voice description:
  • general north american english
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • eastern european
  • hungarian
  • Hold on, is that my camera? Pshhhh, I’m joking! I promise I’m not one of those types.

  • Yeah great weather we’re having! (pause) Uh… how about that traffic? (awkward pause) No please come back! TELL ME WHAT TO TALK ABOUT!

  • The people on those sets don’t know me. They see me, but it feels like the light inside my soul is turned off, ya know?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 21

Gender: Cis Man

Nationality: Canadian

Ethnic background: Mixed Japanese and French

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • general north american english
  • Guess what they say about string theory is correct! Heh… um, yeah? Of course I know what string theory is!

  • Yep! I got the puzzle portion, no problem team. (secretly checks phone) C’monnnn, c’monnn, why doesn’t Google work out here?!

  • Everyday is overloaded with expectations. I just… I just can’t do it anymore.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 25

Gender: Cis Woman

Nationality: American

Ethnic background: South African

  • english
Voice description:
  • general north american english
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • Careful…careful... AH! Jesus! You’re lucky I can suppress my panic. If not, your pretty face would’ve been a lot less pretty.

  • Let’s go team! Deep breaths. Use your glutes! Hup hup hup hup!!

  • You think it’s all games, huh? My brothers and sisters in that squad… I still hear their voices every night.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 46

Gender: Cis Man

Nationality: American

Ethnic background: Scottish

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • general north american english
  • Read ‘em and weep fellas! Um, no, it’s not cliche? It’s a super epic awesome badass catchphrase.

  • Wait, hold on. See the way he’s subtly scratching his elbow? He’s clearly nervous. Pick him as your opponent.

  • Go on, leave! Everyone else does! I’m just a sad sack of a man who plays games all day, right?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 19

Gender: Cis Woman

Nationality: Canadian

Ethnic background: Filipina (Tagalog)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • general north american english
  • Gosh today is just GORGEOUS. I love the feeling of sun on my skin. It makes me feel alive.

  • You’re a great guy. I’d pour you a drink on the house, anytime. Assuming you can handle it.

  • If I can’t see the good, then… then what’s even the point? Mom always said you have to smile through the pain.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 20

Gender: Cis Man

Nationality: Canadian

Ethnic background: German/Irish

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • general north american english
  • There’s a lot we could do! Swimming, rafting, surfing, body-boarding, boogie-boarding, swimming again, boating…

  • Woah there, tiger! Leave some muscles for the rest of us! Heh.

  • My family’s not too keen on the whole thing so it’s best to avoid the subject. But god damn it my stupid heart just won’t listen!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 29

Gender: Cis Woman

Nationality: American
Ethnic background: Nigerian

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • general north american english
  • We need to think carefully about this. Whoever we don’t choose will inevitably have to do the foot race part of the relay. I promise my idea will work.

  • You really think you can break me, huh? Try me. I’ve heard it all at this point.

  • Watching those turtles splash around in the tank… just makes me forget everything.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 21

Gender: Cis Man

Nationality: Colombian

Ethnic background: Colombian

Colombian accents preferred!

  • english
  • spanish
Voice description:
  • colombian
  • male young adult
  • And to your left you will see the ghost of Camp Tipiskaw! OOooooohhhH! (chuckles) Oh I’m kidding! You’re easy to spook.

  • This is my list of favorite places I’ve been, alphabetized by population, types of cuisine, how likely you are to have a summer romance there…

  • I have to get there! Time’s ticking! What if I… what if I miss out?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 23

Gender: Cis Woman

Nationality: Argentinian / American

Ethnic background: Argentinian

Argentinian accents preferred!

  • spanish
  • english
Voice description:
  • argentinian
  • female young adult
  • Hola, mis Bible Besties! I’m here with an update. I actually got on the show! I can’t wait to help spread- hey! MY PHONE!

  • Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, oh lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

  • Of course I don’t look down on you for that. …I believe in God, yes, but I think it’s beautiful that she gave everyone different hearts and minds.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 51

Gender: Cis Woman

Nationality: American

Ethnic background: Danish

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • female adult
  • general north american english
  • I hope you don’t mind the little old lady ending up on your team! I understand I’m not the most desirable. (under her breath) …Imbeciles.

  • I figured they’d underestimate me, but I’ll be the one pulling the strings! Just like my vintage collection of marionette puppets, I’ll make them dance!!

  • 51 years and what do I have to show for it? A mediocre marinara recipe?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 61

Gender: Cis Man

Nationality: Canadian

Ethnic background: English

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • general north american english
  • male adult
  • Pivot!! Arms up!! Cheese on toast… STAY ON YOUR MAN!! NO, NOT LIKE THAT!!

  • Yes, I said my husband. Need yer ears cleaned? He can help with that! He’s an otolaryngologist.

  • My beautiful daughter… she’s my everything. She deserves everything. Not some stinky old basketball coach who barely makes enough to get by…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 38

Gender: Cis Man

Nationality: Italian

Ethnic background: Italian

Italian accents preferred!

  • italian
  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • italian
  • Hm? Oh sorry, were you saying something? Screaming? I didn’t hear. I was in the zone… do you think these colors say… wistfulness?

  • All artists experience tragedy. It’s part of the gig.

  • That spark of inspiration, always out of reach. You need to live life to find it. And I haven’t been living much lately.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 24

Gender: Cis Woman

Nationality: Russian / Australian

Ethnic background: Russian

Russian accents preferred!

  • english
  • russian
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • russian
  • Look but don’t touch, that costs extra.

  • I absolutely love your outfit. Gorgeous! Let me guess… Versace? Maki? What? Huh? Who is this… Gap?

  • It doesn’t matter how beautiful you are. People will jump at the opportunity to detest you. I didn’t leave, I was driven out.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 20

Gender: Cis Man

Nationality: British

Ethnic background: English/Irish

British accents preferred!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • british
  • Let’s stick to the task at hand, please?

  • There were unforeseen variables! It’s not like you saw them either! Ugh, that’s it, I’m going to my tent! …uh, pretend I slammed a door just now!

  • What’s there to say? He broke my heart. Wish I could understand people the way I do formulas.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 28

Gender: Trans Woman

Nationality: Puerto Rican

Ethnic background: Puerto Rican

Only actors who are Trans Women will be considered for this role!
Puerto Rican accents preferred!

  • spanish
  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • puerto rican
  • You. Me. We’re best friends! Not taking no for an answer, sweetie. Oh my gosh, you remind me so much of this cutie patootie I follow. Shit. What’s his name again? I follow so many cutie patooties.

  • Hey, I’m listening. You have my full undivided attention. Uh huh… wait, there’s sand on your shirt… okay, continue.

  • I get told I’m too much all the time. Like, sorry that’s just me! Fuck!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 18

Gender: Non-binary

Nationality: Canadian

Ethnic background: Norweigan

Only actors who are Trans/Non-binary will be considered for this role!

  • english
Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • female young adult
  • androgynous
  • general north american english
  • male young adult
  • I know you’re behind me. You’re not very discreet. Cute try, though! (giggle)

  • Who did you expect? Wednesday Adams? Nah, I’m just Skyler. I hate conflict, my favorite animal is a bunny, and I’m allergic to penicillin!

  • That’s what I like about clothes. They aren’t gendered. People just prescribe them gender. I want to flip the script.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Age: 36

Gender: Cis Woman

Nationality: American

Ethnic background: French

Slight French accents preferred!!

  • english
  • french
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • french
  • It’s okay, not all of us work in highly-stressful environments. It’s natural you would feel at ease right now.

  • Here’s my card. For your consideration. Hm? Why yes, it is in fact lavender-scented! You like?

  • You must learn to look out for yourself. No one else is going to do it for you.


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