"Disastrous of Saiki K" Season 2 English Fandub 2

"Disastrous of Saiki K" Season 2 English Fandub 2

Project Overview

We are redubbing my favorite anime, Saiki K. More details coming soon, but for now—roles are up and auditions are being accepted from any and all!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Saiki Kusuo

Kusuo Saiki is the main protagonist of "Saiki K" who has all kinds of psychic related abilities that almost nobody outside of his family are aware of. As the main character and the story is nearly driven by his narrative, Kusuo is a full, round character that changes over the course of the series. He tries heavily to not rely on his powers, wanting to achieve things for himself. As time progresses, he grows from not have any friends in his first year of high school, having no single thought of becoming close to anyone, to later thinking of himself as a friend of several of his classmates after much pestering from Riki, Shun, Kineshi, Kokomi, Chiyo, Reita, Aren and Mikoto. Due to a combination of his introverted nature and his subconscious ability to read minds, Kusuo holds little interest in social activities. Therefore, he typically spends his free time alone. 

  • [You're witnessing Aiura use her mysterious powers for the first time.]

    (To yourself.)

    I'm impressed. But how can she track people down? Not even I can find somebody without any clues. What is the secret behind that ritual?

  • [You're following up with Toritsuka after he begged you to help him out in a dire situation.]

    I re-read the manga since your first appearance to see if I really owe you. In conclusion, you did help me a few times, but I clearly helped you more. But what's important isn't the number. You've really done a lot. All of it is bad.

  • [You're leaving a hotel in the middle of the night after waiting a long time for some of your friends to fall asleep. You have a secret meeting to attend, and they were dragging the night on.]

    (To yourself.)

    Good grief. They're finally asleep. You'd think they'd be too old for a three hour pillow fight. [BEAT.] I've kept them waiting. I should hurry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Toritsuka Reita

Reita would do anything just to make girls fall for him. Like Kusuo, he was born with mysterious powers. Those powers being the abilities to see, talk to, and be possessed by ghosts. Reita uses these powers in selfish ways such as making ghosts do his bidding. However, he is shown to be very loyal, doing things as told usually, but usually messes these tasks up.

  • [You're disguised as Saiki through hypnosis. You impersonate him hastily in order to stop his classmates from becoming suspicious.]

    Wh-What are you saying?! Good..good grief. [BEAT.] What?! [BEAT.] What do you mean, you guys? Good grief. Good grief, what can I say? Good grief, me. Oh, good grief. 

  • [You're annoyed, explaining to Saiki that you are being punished by your religious father and the temple that you were brought up in.]

    It's for my temple. I can't eat anything for three days. They even took away all my toys and are going to keep me locked inside. Copying sutras all day is going to suck!

    [Saiki looks happy about this.]

    Stop smiling! It's not funny! I can't eat for three days!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Teruhashi Kokomi

When Kokomi was first introduced, she was shown to be very conceited and a gold digger. As the most popular girl in school, and probably the whole world, she is highly sociable. She is a smooth talker, making her able to manipulate and persuade nearly everyone with her beauty and easily gets away from others with just simple excuses. Being flirted on and getting extreme reactions is normal for her, therefore when Saiki Kusuo was not startled or star struck by her beauty she was puzzled as to why. With this reasoning, along with her stubbornness and pride, she started to pursue after Kusuo until she fully falls for him.

  • [Imu has asked you if you have feelings for Saiki.]

    At first I did not like him very much because he would not react the way I wanted him to...and I started trying to get back at him...but by the time I realized it, I was thinking about him all the time...

  • [You are at a party/mixer that your friend set up to help you meet boys. However, you still like Saiki.]

    It would be even more fun if Saiki were here though...Well, even if he came to a place like this I am sure he would just be sitting there with a blank expression on his face...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kaidou Shun

Shun used to be shy in middle school and he had no friends at all. Once he began attending PK Academy, he started changing his personality with the plan of becoming adult-like. However, he instead caught "chuunibyou syndrome". He developed a split personality, where he acts as a confident chuunibyou at school and around his friends. However, when feeling hopeless or around his overbearing mother, he acts like a normal teenager. He is physically very weak and is terrible at sports and physical activity in general. He also cannot swim. Shun has a delusional mind and a wild imagination. He often tries to be cool and strong in front of Kusuo, but ends up humiliating himself more often than not, and is often quick to judge others.

  • [You are shouting, shocked that your physically unattractive friend, Nendou, has received a love letter. On top of that, he has decided to reject the girl without even seeing her.]

    Are you out of your mind?! You don't have the liberty to be picky! Get on your knees and beg her to marry you! This is your one and only chance!

  • [You are introducing yourself, albeit somewhat dramatically.]

    I'm Kaidou Shun, an eleventh grader who attends PK Academy. Well, that's my official profile. A dark force called "Black Beat" dwells in my right arm.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aiura Mikoto

Mikoto came to PK Academy after reading her own fortune and learning that her soulmate would be there. All she knew about him was that he had pink hair, crazy abilities, and the intials "S.K." After witnessing Saiki's powers, she learned that Saiki was probably the guy she was looking for, and she started following him to try to get close to him. This appears to have worked, as Saiki trusts her to help him, as seen when she pretended to be his girlfriend to get rid of Rifuta Imu's affections, and when she helped him stop the volcano from destroying Japan. Mikoto openly shows her psychic powers to everyone and became popular in her class because of them. She has a uninformed sense of justice and wants to use her powers for good and to help people, which she says separates herself from Kusuo. She will immediately and openly use her powers to help those who ask her, compared to Kusuo, who is more discreet and puts more thought into his actions. Mikoto is one of the few non-family members that knows of Kusuo's powers.

  • [You have transferred schools to find your soulmate, and you two have finally met. You're surprised that it ended up being this person, but not upset about it. You are thinking this to yourself while walking with a friend.]

    Anyhow, that Saiki really saved me there. I wonder if we could stop this together. [PAUSE.] But, I wonder if he really is my soulmate. At first glance, I thought he was a loner. [PAUSE.] He could have been boring, but he has a bit of a sadist side. 

  • [You are in a cafe, arguing with Saiki about whether or not the two of you should help track down Mera's father who has been missing from home for several years. He thinks that you shouldn't be offering help irresponsibly, and you majorly disagree.]

    What's that supposed to mean? What's wrong with helping someone who is asking for help? Nothing will ever start if you don't get the ball rolling! [PAUSE. Saiki gets up to leave.] What a drag. 


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