Darkest Dungeon: Marvin Seo Journal Readings

Darkest Dungeon: Marvin Seo Journal Readings

Project Overview


Hello all,

We've completed the first video involving the base game journals, and now we want to keep the momentum going by moving on to the modded classes and their journals. We got the permission from the man, the myth, the legend, Marvin Seo, to do an audio reading of the journals in his mods.

You may also want to read through the comics that give the backstory for some characters, they can be found in the roles


  1. Please have a decent mic with little to no background noise. As this will be an audio heavy project good sound quality is needed.

  2. You may need to switch between softer voices and louder voices to add to the atmosphere. Some characters will require shouting, heavy (almost dying) breathing, panicking etc. so don't be afraid to let out your wild side but remember to keep the audio quality good.

  3. Deadlines are not set in stone so don't panic and try to give a rushed performance

  4. Don't harass other people on their auditions. Provide helpful feedback and advice. We're all here to grow and learn, we might as well get along with each other.

  5. You must be available for communication and have a decent response time.

  6. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to DM me on Casting Call Club or on Discord Matt_Man#2674

  7. Have fun!


Since this is a fan project I don't have the funds to pay, but I will write you a recommendation and do everything I can to make sure you get as much exposure as possible.

Final Notes:

We'll primarily be in communication via Discord, so you can either leave your tag in your audition or not and if you get the role I'll DM you on CCC instead. 

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Latest Updates

  • Deadlines Approaching and After Casting

    Hello everyone, We have about 1 day (More or less) to audition. If there are a role you want to try out, now's the time. Just an update on how things will go if you get the part. I will message you either on CCC or Discord to verify that you are still interested in the role. I'll get everyone together in a group chat to explain how I want the voice files sent to me. Side Note: The Unnamed Brothel Owner, is available for both male & female voices. If some of the ladies would like to audition for it, go for it. Good luck to you all and I look forward to hearing your auditions -Matt
  • Deadlines

    Hello everyone, We're approaching the deadline in about a week (more or less), and then we'll get to work. If there are any roles you haven't auditioned for now's the time. Best of luck and have fun. -Matt
  • Update to a role

    Hello everyone, After talking with Marvin and making sure that all the roles are gendered correctly, we opted to change one of the roles to allow both male and female VAs. The Journal was initially written from the perspective of a female, but I thought it was from a male perspective, and since it would be unfair to discount people who have already/plan to audition for the role, we'll allow everyone to audition for it. Best of luck to everyone, -Matt
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Euryale (Page from A Lost Diary)
Role assigned to: Stephanie Tobin

Euryale AKA The Lamia is a complicated character. She has the ability to shift between her human form, a young beautiful woman, and her beast form, a creature of tentacles and horror who can melt the skin off of men. She did some horrible things to keep her beauty and youthfulness, but she can only stay in that form as long as she carries her mirror. She cannot hurt anyone in her human form, only her beast form.

In her diary we read about how she returned to her city of origins and seeing what has changed and what hasn't. She hears about a gladiator ring and a champion that peaks her interest. She goes to attend and sees that the Champion is facing off against the Thrall (A hero of Marvin Seo). The Champion manages to defeat the Thrall, but in a moment of overconfidence, the Thrall gains the upper hand and kills the Champion. The crowd then becomes so upset they riot, while Euryale slips away before the real riot kicks off.

Her personality should come off as self-obsessed and sinister. She is confident that she is the most beautiful and most dangerous person in the room. Like everyone else is beneath her. Almost like an aristocrat or high-born noble. Although she is impressed by the Champion and somewhat horrified by the Thrall, it is a fleeting feeling, she moves on from it when she decides to leave the city.

Any accent will work as long as it is believable and consistent.

The Lamia comic and backstory: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130829365 

The Thrall comic and backstory being told: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1175904375 

  • (Sound annoyed by everyone talking about this person, and finally interested in seeing this Champion)
    I tried to brush off the chatter but as I wandered about, all I heard was more and more of this man's heroic feats. With my interest peaked, I'll be making my way to the gladiatorial ring soon.

  • (Initially sound enamored by the Champion, then sound slightly sinister at the end)
    The warrior was the physical embodiment of perfection. His chiseled body told of a man who had seen rigorous battles while his long flowing hair would have many believe he was born from the gods.... He was so perfect that I had reason to believe he had attained his beauty through obscure means, just as I had.

  • (In a shocked state as she recalls how the Thrall was still alive and killed the Champion)

    It all happened so quickly. Our admiration quickly turned to horror as the beast revealed that it was still alive. The creature caught the hero's leg in an iron grip. It pulled the man to the ground and, with its other fist, it slammed down on the champion's face.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Diana the Falconer (Journal of Diana, Falconer and Fugitive's Journal)
Role assigned to: ShinyTurtw1g

Diana AKA The Falconer is going to be the lead in two different journals. 

The first one recounts the events that lead to her being kicked out of the Flock and hunted by the Mother Talon. The second one will be about her journey in the Hamlet, and how her companion (The Lamia) transforms into her beast form to kill some Brigands who ambushed them. When she was part of the Flock, she was a skilled tracker until she accidentally killed one of her targets meant to be sold off, resulting in her going on the run. She manages to get to the Hamlet where she is recruited by the Heir.

Her personality is complicated, to say the least. She was once a noble turned into a mercenary. So she has some semblance of high society but she is also a ruthless, callous, mercenary, who sold other women into slavery. She should come off as a complete badass and knows it, she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, and is only out for herself. As her quote puts it, “She did not want a life of comfort. She wanted to be respected, to be powerful, to be infamous.”

Any accent will work as long as it is believable and consistent.

Her comic and backstory: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1089257023 

  • (Annoyed that she is being sent on this hunt, especially since it's with companions she despises)

    I am being sent by Mother on another hunt. This time we’re taking us one of those “exotic” women from the east. They’re passing through here soon and I am in charge of tracking this one. That useless cockroach Ascot is coming along. He is only dead weight to me. He will be good fodder at the very least.

  • (Exhausted from being on the run, pissed off that her life has come to this, and callous when she talks about how it's better for a noble family to die instead of her)

    This is tiring. That psychotic harpy continues to send more and more of her kin to hunt me down. I cannot live like this, in constant peril of the next ambush. It is time that I find a place to hide. Maybe life as a mercenary for a noble family will suffice. Best that those pompous fools die instead me when the time comes, after all...

  • (Horrified as she recalls how the Lamia killed the brigands in the ambush)

    The damned witch dropped her mirror to reveal her hideous form. A mess of tentacle, maw, and spit, screeching at her would-be assailants. Turid ran screaming just from the sight of the thing. When one of the cutthroats took a swing at the creature, it moved with impossible speed and vomited a putrid bile from its many mouths.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Talon Mother (Slave's Diary)
cast offsite

The Talon Mother is the hidden boss of the Falconer Class, she is without a doubt a ruthless, sadistic, and tragic woman.

Initially she was a slave, taken by a group of slaver after having seen her husband, brother, and son killed. She remained hopeful that she would be rescued but over time we see that hope vanish, and the harsh reality sets in. She sees a flock of birds circling overhead, she feels a connection to the animals and she allows them to feast on her arms allowing her to slip free of her bonds. She then goes on to slaughter most of the slavers and the slaver leader. By this point anything that remained of her old life and personality is gone, she gives everyone who is left alive a choice "Join her, or die", those who refused were torn apart by her flock.

We really want to see the journey she takes from a slave to a slaver herself. She should initially come off as an innocent woman, until she has been imprisoned for so long that she has lost all hope, and we see the shift in her personality again into a more ruthless and unfeeling woman. She becomes devoted to her philosophy of "Life for a Life" and accepts the new role as the leader of these slavers.

Any accent will work as long as it is believable and consistent.

  • (In a state of shocked horror)

    They slaughtered all the men. My husband, my brother, even my own son. They have us all tied up, ready for whatever cruel fate they wish to inflict on us. They are slavers.

  • (As though she is at Death's Door, she has not had anything to eat or drink for weeks)

    The birds surround us, eager to feast on our broken bodies, but I feel a connection. They ask for a sacrifice in exchange for freedom. They want to know that I am willing to give. The others yell and kick them away, but I allow them to approach me.

  • (Driven by revenge and ready to make the leader pay for what he has done, less shouting more sheathing with rage)

    I carved a path of bodies as I made my way to the leader of this slavers’ group, the first of many offerings I will make to my new found family. When I finally found their leader, I did not hesitate to gouge his eyes out and leave him as one final offering for the first feast of my flock.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mathas, The Witch Hunter (Journal of Mathas, Witch Hunter)
Role assigned to: The_Epicdemic

Mathas, The Witch Hunter, is the man we see in the Seraph comic who is leading the burning.

His journal tells his backstory as a man who hunts down evil and purges it from the world with holy fire. He set an entire city on fire just to kill one person he believes is a witch. This reaches a turning point when he tries to burn the Seraph at the stake, and she is granted the powers of fire and faith to become an angel of sorts. While everyone else accepts this miracle, he refuses to believe that she is an angel and turns his back on his faith, resolving to devote his life to killing the Seraph and saving mankind from the false prophet.

While he claims to do this in the name of his religion, we get an undertone that he's doing it because he enjoys it, and he loves the power and fame it grants him. He may have once been a good man but now, he is doing for himself not for some religion. He should come off as an arrogant, zealous preacher, who feels like he is always in the right because of his faith. Anyone who dies because of his actions are an acceptable loss. 

 We put him down as middle-aged to young adult, somewhere in his 30s

Any accent will work as long as it is believable and consistent.

Seraph comic and backstory: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1221097087

  • (Feeling justified in his actions, like he had done nothing wrong, and is ready to continue his work)

    Surely they must understand as I do that the loss of these peasants is a small price to pay for the eradication of evil. And so, with another monster put down for good, I continue my crusade against corruption. 

  • (Arrogant in his beliefs that he is a hero who will be remembered for all time. Almost condescending when talking about overseeing the execution and burning the witch at the stake)

    This will surely mark me down in the manuscripts as a hero of the Light! We have captured the heretical witch that had splintered our faith. I will be responsible for her execution, and there is no punishment more fitting for a false prophet than death by holy fire.

  • (Frustrated and angry, that the faith he once believed in now worships this false prophet)

    The worst thing has come to reality. The creature proved too strong, and now all have come to worship it as a demigod. I have been excommunicated from what was once a faith that fought the darkness but now is a cult praising a thing that mockingly resembles an angel.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unnamed Warlord (Scrolls of Unknown Origin)
Role assigned to: MisplacedText

The Unnamed Warlord recounts the lives of the Sisters.

 The Warlord, is the leader of his kingdom who is seen as the weakest compared to the others around him. He stumbles upon two twin sisters one day and begins to plan. One sister was an expert diplomat and the other was an expert warrior. They begin the long process of raising an army trained by the two sisters. After months of intense training their army is ready to fight one of the other kingdoms and they perform flawlessly. They plan to celebrate that night but when they awake in the morning they find that one of the sisters is dead, surrounded by their best warriors, and the other is missing. He believes that is was done by their enemies but in reality it was the other sister who trapped them both in one body and now they both inhabit the same body fighting for control.

The Warlord should come off as power-hungry and wanting to be viewed as a force to be reckoned with. When he has the sisters he should sound confident, almost arrogant, like nothing could stop him. Finally, when he loses the sisters he is enraged and frustrated by this setback.

Either no accent or a slight Asian accent. Please don't over-exaggerate and be offensive.

For a reference of what we had in mind, it would sound like Mako Iwamatsu or Greg Baldwin.
A very difficult accent to achieve, so there is no shame with auditioning without the accent.
Here's a reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD0kJmEJwvs&t=11s

Sisters comic and backstory: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1440822424 

  • (Impressed by the dedication and disciple of the sisters)

    They took quickly to our ways. They are a legend born in flesh. The Twin Flowers, one that trains in war, another that trains in diplomacy. Their technique is flawless, perfected, and we are eager to see disciples follow their ways.

  • (Confident in the abilities of his army, almost arrogant)

    Our flawless army triumphed this day and they will triumph for many more. Our enemies will finally know fear, and they will bow to us in time. We prepare for celebration, tonight will be a night remembered forever.

  • (Angered by the loss of the sisters, but determined to rebuild his army)

    They knew they couldn’t fight us directly, so they sent infiltrators to kill us when we were most vulnerable. This will not be our end. We will find the lost flower, and we will rebuild our army.  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unnamed Brothel Owner (The Teacher and the Student)
cast offsite

The Unnamed Brothel Owner, is one who deals in whispers, secrets, and gossip. They retell the story of the Teacher and the Student.

The Teacher (The Wraith) is a kind-hearted man who teaches his pupils through compassion and kindness, opposed to the other teachers who prefer fear and harshness. The Teacher becomes enamored with one of his pupils, the Student, who just appears one day. They begin to form a relationship in secret, with the Teacher and the Student spending more time together until they kiss under blossom tree. Then, tragedy strikes, for one night the Student slaughters all the fellow pupils. The Teacher confronts the Student but is unable to kill the one he loves, and the Student pierces the Teacher in the heart, allegedly killing him. However, the Teacher didn't die, instead he lived, he is shamed and his name is tarnished. The Shoguns make a deal with the Teacher, to collect 666 souls to be redeemed. The Teacher abandons his old life, and becomes a much more violent and harsher person.

That is the story being told. Our narrator, The Unnamed Brothel Owner, is a sly, mysterious person. Not evil, but definitely not a good person. They deal in information gathered from their courtesans. Trading that information for money, power, or more secrets. They are a devious person, who should have a somewhat sinister undertone. In some parts they have a cool arrogance, like they knows more than they're letting on.

We put them down as middle-aged to young adult. Somewhere in their 30s.

Either male or female for this position, they're either the proprietor or proprietress of the establishment
Either no accent or a slight Asian accent. Please don't over-exaggerate and be offensive.

Wraith comic and backstory: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1697037179 

  • (Curious about the gossip of the new teacher, and impressed with the Teacher's methods)

    Many are harsh and unforgiving, but there is talk of a different kind. A Teacher that shows compassion for his students. One that teaches through kindness rather than cruelty.

  • (Upset with the Student for possibly being an assassin sent to sabotage the Shoguns' plans, and disappointed with the Teacher for allowing his feelings to cloud his judgement)

    Words found in dark places tell that the Student has vanished, that perhaps he was an assassin sent to sabotage the Shoguns’ plans. Perhaps the Teacher could not face that his lover was not who he thought he was, and that his heart led him to failure.

  • (Surprised that the Teacher is alive, and is doubtful that the Teacher will be granted forgiveness)

    The Teacher did not die. They speak that he has returned from the dead, that the wound believed to have pierced his heart had actually missed. He begs at the Shoguns’ feet for forgiveness, but the warlords are not so easily swayed.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Banshee (The Whispers of my Mind)
Role assigned to: FalonEcho

The Banshee has a truly tragic story.
She lived with her parents, and her father abused her mother regularly. The Banshee's one hope of a better life was her husband, who was recently conscripted into the crusades. The day he was supposed to return, the Banshee went into the town and found him in bed with one of barmaids. This sight finally broke her and she decided to give into the voices she hears in her mind. She grabbed an axe and slaughtered her husband and the barmaid. She then goes back home, kills her father, and finally her mother.

For her personality, she should sound innocent and pure. She has been dealt a rough life, between the mental illness, abusive home life, and cheating husband, but does her best to stay hopeful. Until she sees her husband with another woman, this drives her over the edge, she begins to loose it. She becomes scornful and hateful towards the "creature" she believes has "taken her husband's skin"

When she finally gives into the voices and begins slaughtering her family she should sound like she is in a trance, as if something else is controlling her body and she is only watching it occur from her eyes.

Any accent is acceptable as long as it is consistent and believable

  • (Initially holding back tears, then in the second sentence when she begins to talk about her husband, becomes much happier and hopeful)

    As he grows louder, so too do the voices. I must not listen to them, for my Husband will return from his conscription soon and I will be here to welcome him. I am blessed to have someone so kind to love me, to care for me, despite my afflictions.

  • (Hateful and scornful of the "imposter" and is determined to see it wiped from the earth)

    This was an impostor, some insidious demon that had killed my Husband and now mockingly wears his skin. I could not let this creature walk the earth any longer, and the voices agreed...

  • (Sounds almost monotone and in a trance, like what she did was nothing)

    I had lost control of myself and hacked at the corpses of the two lovers, leaving them maimed and unrecognizable. My mind went blank, save for the voices.


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