Darkest Dungeon: Marvin Seo Journal Readings

JessieLove for Talon Mother (Slave's Diary)

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Voice Actor
Talon Mother (Slave's Diary)
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The Talon Mother is the hidden boss of the Falconer Class, she is without a doubt a ruthless, sadistic, and tragic woman.

Initially she was a slave, taken by a group of slaver after having seen her husband, brother, and son killed. She remained hopeful that she would be rescued but over time we see that hope vanish, and the harsh reality sets in. She sees a flock of birds circling overhead, she feels a connection to the animals and she allows them to feast on her arms allowing her to slip free of her bonds. She then goes on to slaughter most of the slavers and the slaver leader. By this point anything that remained of her old life and personality is gone, she gives everyone who is left alive a choice "Join her, or die", those who refused were torn apart by her flock.

We really want to see the journey she takes from a slave to a slaver herself. She should initially come off as an innocent woman, until she has been imprisoned for so long that she has lost all hope, and we see the shift in her personality again into a more ruthless and unfeeling woman. She becomes devoted to her philosophy of "Life for a Life" and accepts the new role as the leader of these slavers.

Any accent will work as long as it is believable and consistent.

  • (In a state of shocked horror)

    They slaughtered all the men. My husband, my brother, even my own son. They have us all tied up, ready for whatever cruel fate they wish to inflict on us. They are slavers.

  • (As though she is at Death's Door, she has not had anything to eat or drink for weeks)

    The birds surround us, eager to feast on our broken bodies, but I feel a connection. They ask for a sacrifice in exchange for freedom. They want to know that I am willing to give. The others yell and kick them away, but I allow them to approach me.

  • (Driven by revenge and ready to make the leader pay for what he has done, less shouting more sheathing with rage)

    I carved a path of bodies as I made my way to the leader of this slavers’ group, the first of many offerings I will make to my new found family. When I finally found their leader, I did not hesitate to gouge his eyes out and leave him as one final offering for the first feast of my flock.

Darkest Dungeon: Marvin Seo Journal Readings
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