Danganronpa: Primetime - Side Characters and Team
Project Overview
Wait...What is this? Wasn't there already a casting call for this project?
Well...Yes. There was. But...that was only for main and important side characters.
I decided on holding one for the some of the other side characters, mainly the reoccurring ones for the Prologue and Chapter One.
I think I would be fun to get more people involved. So.....here we are for another CCC Listing!
That being said:
Welcome or Welcome Back to Danganronpa Primetime!
This is a Non-Paid Fangan that is currently in the stages of early development.
This Game is Currently being made in Unity, with a backup being made in Tryanobuilder.
Requirements for Auditioning:
Must have a discord, and to be active on it. (Just a personal thing. I would like an active Staff.)
Willing to read rules and follow directions. (I've had issues with this in the past. I do not want the past repeating itself.)
Have respect for others and their work!
Here are our socials! Feel Free to check us out!
---Danganronpa: PrimeTime Links---
Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/8CrAYm5dWX
Youtube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHq7Jg6n0CrT_ksJ9aVvd9Q
Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/DR_Primetime_22
With that all being said, Thank you for checking this project out and potentially auditioning!
Thank you, Stay Safe, and have a wonderful day, night or afternoon!
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(Reason for Recast: The Original Voice Actor for Monomeleon was not online, and has been unresponsive for months on end. We do hope he is doing well, and wish him the best. But for the sake of the progression of the project, we will be recasting Monomeleon. The Original VA Will be credited for the work he has done thus far for Primetime, as it is only fair to him to do so. No work is going uncredited, I will make sure of that. With that out of the way, Voice Reference for Monomeleon: A Sort of Gruff, A touch nasally Male or Female Voice. This little Robot is snarky.)
- english
- creature
- androgynous
- visualnovel
- raspy
- neutral
- monokuma
- mascot
"Oh! Hey! You lazy scum finally woke the hell up. About time. I was waiting forever! ALRIGHT! Without Further Ado! Hello My Digilent Cast members! I am Monomeleon, your director for this grand project of life and death....or whatever."-ANNOUNCEMENTS-
"Well good morning Cast and Crew! Hope you slept....fine. Listen, we have a limited budget ok? Just get your asses to the break room before I whip you over there."
"Well....Yawn I guess it's past curfew. The Breakroom Is now locked until 6:00 PM. The rest of the building....Eh. Do what you want. I'm not your Mama. Good night though. I want to see you all bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning!"-PUNISHMENT TIME-
”Can't wait for the new motion picture you are about to put on for us! What will it be this time....A Film Noir? Science Fiction? A Low Budget B-rated Horror Flick with a shitty romance subplot? I guess we will just have to see, Because it's....PUNISHMENT TIME!"
Devoted Woman of strong belief. She Currently believes her son is possessed and will do anything to help, even if those means are unorthodox. She gets quite emotional during the parts that she is in, such as screaming and crying. Medium-Low voice range.
- english
- visualnovel
- adult
- motherly
- female adult
(Worried, Highly Concerned) P-Please help my son, he’s been possessed! Please! Father you need to save him!
(Defensive, Determined) I didn’t fuck up as a mother, I only did what was right to protect my son.
The Priest of the Craven Order: An extremely devote man who founded a practice of which others have followed. A Pasteur, a Leader and a “Exorcist”, He is what those that believe in the Order a prophet of the powers that be. In truth, he does not believe in this, but he goes through with it anyways so that he feels some semblance of importance. Vocal Range: Medium-Low.
- english
- male adult
- adult
- visualnovel
(Determined, Unwavering): “You needn’t worry, my child. He’s finally awake, now I can crucify this demon inside your son. Now release this child you fiend!”
(Unsure at first, Confident near the end.) “….Kirari…You….ah…I see now. You did what you did with righteous intentions, but the result might be…catastrophic. You have no reason to worry. He will come home, His demons vanquished.”
(Scared out of his wits, Nervous) “W-w-w-what? What do you m-m-m-mean…I have to give up what I have done? I-I-I….I have saved people! Cured them of their physical and mental plights! I….You can’t…do this…”
Someone who has experience making Game UI in a style similar to Danganronpa. It doesn't need to be perfect, but it needs to look good. I will help where it is needed.
- english
Say something you think would fit
Must be able to make 3D models for Programs like Unity. I'll try my best to direct the best that I can, though honestly, I do not know much about 3D Software.
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions