Danganronpa: Primetime - Side Characters and Team
TheLastBestThang for Shoichi Hayakawa
The Priest of the Craven Order: An extremely devote man who founded a practice of which others have followed. A Pasteur, a Leader and a “Exorcist”, He is what those that believe in the Order a prophet of the powers that be. In truth, he does not believe in this, but he goes through with it anyways so that he feels some semblance of importance. Vocal Range: Medium-Low.
- english
- male adult
- adult
- visualnovel
(Determined, Unwavering): “You needn’t worry, my child. He’s finally awake, now I can crucify this demon inside your son. Now release this child you fiend!”
(Unsure at first, Confident near the end.) “….Kirari…You….ah…I see now. You did what you did with righteous intentions, but the result might be…catastrophic. You have no reason to worry. He will come home, His demons vanquished.”
(Scared out of his wits, Nervous) “W-w-w-what? What do you m-m-m-mean…I have to give up what I have done? I-I-I….I have saved people! Cured them of their physical and mental plights! I….You can’t…do this…”