Danganronpa: Primetime - Side Characters and Team

TaigaTonic for (EMERGENCY RECAST)- Monomeleon

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ryan Beirl

(Reason for Recast: The Original Voice Actor for Monomeleon was not online, and has been unresponsive for months on end. We do hope he is doing well, and wish him the best. But for the sake of the progression of the project, we will be recasting Monomeleon. The Original VA Will be credited for the work he has done thus far for Primetime, as it is only fair to him to do so. No work is going uncredited, I will make sure of that. With that out of the way, Voice Reference for Monomeleon: A Sort of Gruff, A touch nasally Male or Female Voice. This little Robot is snarky.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • androgynous
  • visualnovel
  • raspy
  • neutral
Other info:
  • monokuma
  • mascot

    "Oh! Hey! You lazy scum finally woke the hell up. About time. I was waiting forever! ALRIGHT! Without Further Ado! Hello My Digilent Cast members! I am Monomeleon, your director for this grand project of life and death....or whatever."



    "Well good morning Cast and Crew! Hope you slept....fine. Listen, we have a limited budget ok? Just get your asses to the break room before I whip you over there."

    "Well....Yawn I guess it's past curfew. The Breakroom Is now locked until 6:00 PM. The rest of the building....Eh. Do what you want. I'm not your Mama. Good night though. I want to see you all bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning!" 

    ”Can't wait for the new motion picture you are about to put on for us! What will it be this time....A Film Noir? Science Fiction? A Low Budget B-rated Horror Flick with a shitty romance subplot? I guess we will just have to see, Because it's....PUNISHMENT TIME!"

Danganronpa: Primetime - Side Characters and Team
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