Danganronpa 8 Deadly Fate

Danganronpa 8 Deadly Fate

Project Overview

Another Fanganronpa video series?!? Exactly. Another Fanganronpa game with 16 students and death. Danganronpa 8 Deadly Fate is exactly that, another standard Danganronpa video series... Well, maybe fate can change. Designs here aren't finalized though. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chiharu Takenaka
Role assigned to: NikkiMoonlightVA

Chiharu Takenaka is the protagonist of Deadly Fate. She's the Ultimate Bioengineer, As Chiharu, you have to occasionally sound awkward, but other times, you have to be calculating and confident. Chiharu is like this mix of Kaede and Kyoko. You have this analytical and quiet side, but also this other side that is loud and brash. 

  • (Nervous) “I’m … Chiharu Takenaka. I’m skilled in bioengineering.”

  • (Confident) “From what I see, it’s impossible that this was an accident.”

  • (Insulted) “No that’s wrong. Just because I work with animals a lot doesn't mean I'm a furry.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ichika Yohashi
Role assigned to: deleted206502

Ichika Yohashi is the Ultimate Public Speaker. As Ichika, you aren't afraid of being loud. You have to be able to sound confused. Think of Ibuki from Danganronpa 2. The thing with Ichika is that she's really good at getting people's attention. She is willingly to say whatever and avoid every social cue there is just to get the spotlight. This can make her seem clueless or confused a lot.

  • (Cheerful) “Howdy ya’ll! Ichika Yohashi has just entered this conversation!”

  • (Casual) “So, what brings you here? Well, besides the whole waking up after probably being kidnapped part.” 

  • (Casual) "It's like when I first woke up, I was all like, 'Where the hell am I? What is going on?' Now, it's all like 'Where the hell am I? Why do I have to kill people?' You know."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tetsumi Fujioka
Role assigned to: RootBeer-Senpai

Tetsumi Fujioka is the Ultimate Weapons Expert. As Tetsumi, you have to have a wide range of emotions. She'll go from a psychotic persona to a calm persona in seconds. 

  • (Excited) “I’m Tetsumi Fujioka! Many calls me ‘The Ultimate Weapons Expert,’ but others calls me ‘mentally insane!’”

  • (Insulted) “You think I’d let some filth stain my knives. None of you deserves to be stabbed by me.”

  • (Playful) “Stabby stab. Stabby stab. Wouldn’t it be great if I actually know how to use these knives?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shiori Moriyami
Role assigned to: Cailiosa

Those lines are not a joke. Shiori Moriyami is the Ultimate Novelist, but she's mute. As Shiori, you make sounds. UPDATE - She's get a text-to-speech voice machine at one point. Try to sound like a machine.

  • *Agreement Sounds*

  • *Disagreement sounds*

  • (Robotic, emotionless) "Are you kidding me? This voice machine is way slower than my writing."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Michi Nagato
Role assigned to: AimeChambers

Michi Nagato is the Ultimate Tourist. Despite being a famous online influencer, Michi is extremely timid in real life. As Michi, you have to sound anxious. 

  • (Nervous) “I’m Michi Nagato. Um. Yeah. Please go … you’re intimidating me.”

  • (Shocked) “WHAT THE- Oh, it’s just a teddy bear. WAIT IT’S A TALKING TEDDY BEAR!”

  • (Nervous) “There’s way too many people here. I can’t handle it.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wakana Wakiro
Role assigned to: Lulu Limejelly

Wakana Wakiro is the Ultimate Jazz Musician. As Wakana, you have to be able to hum or sing a bit. You don't have to sing perfectly though. 

  • (Welcoming) “Hello there! I’m the Ultimate Jazz Musician, Wakana Wakiro! Nice to meet ya!”

  • (Singing/humming) “Please don’t kill me. I have so much to live for."

  • (Concerned) “Don’t you feel that disharmony? There’s great malice nearby.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Noriko Shimizu
Role assigned to: Sniffle

Noriko Shimizu is the Ultimate Council Member. As Noriko, you have to sound elegant and sophisticated.

  • (Welcoming) “The name’s Noriko Shimizu. Nice to meet you.”

  • (Commanding) “I don’t think that’s wise. Regardless, let’s vote on it.”

  • (Irritated) “The people have spoken! You suck!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Atsuna Asato
Role assigned to: WordsOfFate

Atsuna Asato is the Ultimate Horticulturist. As Atsuna, you have this gentle, soft voice, but also a loud voice. The thing with Atsuna is that she has a hearing aid. This means she'll occasionally not realize how loud she is. When she's not shouting, she has this gentle voice. 

  • (Loud) “Who are you? … I’m Atsuna Asato so who are you?”

  • (Optimistic) “Wow! That statement was just as pathetic as me.”


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ishikazu Iwatani
cast offsite

Ishikazu Iwatani is the Ultimate Lapidarist. As Ishikazu, you got to be able to occasionally voice crack. Ishikazu will voice crack whenever he yells or raises his voice. He won't voice crack all the time.

  • (Boasting) “Ishikazu Iwatani. I’m the best gem cutter out there. An expert in rocks, gems, and crystals.”

  • (Irritated) “Hands off you degenerate! I just finished organizing those.”

  • (Cheerful) “Wouldn’t it be the ideal life? Going hiking, collecting rocks, washing those rocks, shaping those rocks, posting it online, and then sleeping. Isn’t it wonderful?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jikoto Hanahara
Role assigned to: BlueGianVO

Jikoto Hanahara is the Ultimate Illustrator. As Jikoto, you have to be able to sound tired and chill. Think of the Ultimate Barista from Danganronpa Deadication.

He sounds similar to the Ultimate Barista in Danganronpa Deadication.

Here's that game's VA track - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MpfSmeCbtw 

  • (Awkwardly) “Introductions right! I’m Jikoto Hanahara. If you ever need art, commision me!”

  • (Shocked) “Oh god, my insomnia has finally caught up to me! Stuffed animals don’t talk right?”

  • (Tired) “For the last time, no money, no art. That’s how commissions work.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amashi Tachibana
Role assigned to: ChaseTheSon

Amashi Tachibana is the Ultimate Baker. As Amashi, you have to be able to sound concerned. 

  • (Casual) “Compared to my talent, that sounds way more exciting. I’m the Ultimate Baker, but also Amashi Tachibana by the way.”

  • (Concerned) "Does anyone need a snack? Did everyone use the restrooms yet?"

  • (Casual) "Yeah I won several baking competitions. What about it?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kenji Kumoshima
Role assigned to: VA Pavle

Kenji Kumoshima is the Ultimate Polyglot. As Kenji, you have to be comfortable with speaking other languages. Whenever he does speak in another language, try to make it sound natural. You don't have to speak the language, just sound natural no matter how strange it may feel.

  • (Distracted) “Kenji Kumoshima. Ultimate Polyglot. I speak multiple languages. Now scram.”

  • (Angry) “请问 (Qǐngwèn or any other language besides English (Excuse me)), how dare you interrupt my reading time!”

  • (Pissed) “Just so you know, I’ll start insulting each and every one of you in at least seven different languages.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Akubo Yoshikami
Role assigned to: TheDarkTemple

Akubo Yoshikami is the Ultimate Delinquent. As Akubo, you have to be able to sound heroic, but also a stereotyped cool teen. 

  • (Proud) “Akubo Yoshikami, as you may all know, is the shining light of liberation in this horrid society!”

  • (Offended) “That’s hurtful you know. Yes, delinquent is my title, but it doesn’t mean I’m some kind of degenerate.”

  • (Casual) “In our society today, there are people who get a headstart and others who are held back. Rules only benefit some while pushing others back. I may be a rule breaker, but I’m not heartless.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yuuto Inada
cast offsite

Yuuto Inada is the Ultimate Editor. As Yuuto, you got to have a deep voice like a lumberjack. 

  • (Relaxed) "Odd crowd eh. It's honestly quite strange. If yer wondering, name's Yuuto Inada."

  • (Casual) “I edit things. Often times it’s government things, but it’s things.”

  • (Casual) “Um … I don’t think I’ll participate in your game, Monokuma.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yonichi Fukami
Role assigned to: Blake Cogdill

Yonichi Fukami is the Ultimate Acrobat. As Yonichi, you got to be able to sound confused as he's clueless a lot. 

  • (Cheerful) "Yonichi Fukami the name, swinging around is my game!"

  • (Supportive) "Don't beat yourself up like that. I believe in you."

  • (Confused) "Mono-bear, dude. Are you stupid or something. If your students all die, then who would you be the headmaster over?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hikaru Nijishimo

HIkaru Nijishimo is the Ultimate Drag Performer. As Hikaru, you got to be able to have this flamboyant way of speaking. Think of actual drag performers. 

  • (Excited) “What’s up sisters! It’s ya queen, Hikaru Nijishimo!”

  • (Shocked) “Homegirl's wig got snatched!”

  • (Condescending) “I didn’t realize how bad the performance was. Figures as I wasn’t there.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Pixelandblazing

There's going to be 2 ??? characters for this game. While not yet revealed, both should have this announcer-like voice.

  • (Cheerfully) "Kill each other? Yup, seems about right!"

  • (Excited) "A body! Ooh yeah! Now the real fun can begin!"

  • (Angry) "That's all you have to do! Just take a knife and stab someone with it! How hard is that?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: CytheVI

There's going to be 2 ??? characters for this game. While not yet revealed, both should have this announcer-like voice.

  • (Cheerfully) "Please be safe out there!"

  • (Upset) "I- I knew this would happen. Somehow I couldn't stop it still."

  • (Angry) "Do you know how hard I worked to contain that? Yet here you are, screwing everything up!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: logicbreaker

Monokuma is the headmaster. Basically yeah, there's already this set of ideals when playing him. I'm looking for more of the Monokuma from the games than the anime. 

  • (Happy) "I'm your headmaster! It's Monokuma."

  • (Happy) "Murder! That's all you have to do. As long as someone dies by your hand, you can leave!"

  • (Angry) "As stated in your handbooks, 'no violence towards the headmaster.' I'm won't hesitate to enforce punishment you know."

Plot Writer

This is a person who has to be able to come up with the clues and connections for the murders.

Prompt Test- I want you to connect and create clues to a murder in a simulation case. 

The murder is the Ultimate Gypsy. The Ultimate Gypsy wears stereotypical gypsy attire. The victim is the Ultimate Therapist. This victim only wears a suit with a sweater vest. The way the victim was murdered was being burned alive. You need a minimum of 8-10 clues connecting the victim to the murderer. You need to prove why the Ultimate Gypsy is the only person possible to be the Blackened. You may create your own environment and cast of students. 

Again, I just need your clues and explanation for this case. Please send a Google Doc to me with your clues on it. 

  • Say something you think would fit

Background Artist

I would need to see your past works and art. 

  • Say something you think would fit

CG Artist

I need a sprite artist. Show us your works and sprites.

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
OP remixer

I need someone who is just willing to make a remix of the opening for this project. That's it, we'll probably just use the official ost for everything else. 

  • Say something you think would fit

Execution Artist

Has to be able to do basic animating while following a bunch of a storyboards.

  • Say something you think would fit


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