Danganronpa 8 Deadly Fate

Blake Cogdill for Jikoto Hanahara

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jikoto Hanahara
Role assigned to: BlueGianVO

Jikoto Hanahara is the Ultimate Illustrator. As Jikoto, you have to be able to sound tired and chill. Think of the Ultimate Barista from Danganronpa Deadication.

He sounds similar to the Ultimate Barista in Danganronpa Deadication.

Here's that game's VA track - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MpfSmeCbtw 

  • (Awkwardly) “Introductions right! I’m Jikoto Hanahara. If you ever need art, commision me!”

  • (Shocked) “Oh god, my insomnia has finally caught up to me! Stuffed animals don’t talk right?”

  • (Tired) “For the last time, no money, no art. That’s how commissions work.”

Blake Cogdill
Danganronpa 8 Deadly Fate
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