Poor Unfortunate Souls (Danganronpa V3 Edition)

Poor Unfortunate Souls (Danganronpa V3 Edition)

Project Overview

This is a Danganronpa V3 rendition/parody of "Poor Unfortunate Souls" from Disney's The Little Mermaid. This will take place during Chapter 5 of Danganronpa V3 (aka the most emotional chapter that had me crying to the next day), and will be sung by Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Kaito and Shuichi will have small speaking roles in it too!

While you are not required to have played Danganronpa V3 or know anything about the game, I would like your voices to stay as true to the original ENGLISH voices as you possibly can (ESPECIALLY Kokichi, who will also be singing). I have provided samples of the original English voices in each of the character's descriptions.

This project will require:

  • A Discord account

  • A high-quality sounding microphone

  • Efficient communication

  • A strong work ethic

  • Ability to take direction and correction

  • Overall friendly and positive attitude!

I have made a Danganronpa/Disney song parody before! This is one of Junko singing the Oogie Boogie song from The Nightmare Before Christmas! https://youtu.be/Fs6oUTM5xZQ?si=a8T1iovTV9IQHBk3

However, unfortunately THIS project has no female characters, so yours truly can't provide any of the voices. That's why I'm looking for strong MALE talent!

Anyways, if this project sounds like something you'd be a good fit for, then please feel free to audition, I'd love to have you!

Happy auditioning! MEOWY ZOWIE!!! <3

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kokichi Oma

LEAD ROLE! If you know nothing about Danganronpa V3 or Kokichi but would still like to audition, here are some voice lines from his original English VA, Derek Stephen Prince! (SPOILER WARNING AHEAD!!!) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pGxs5PMy8E

In addition to the lines listed, I would like you to sing the final verse and chorus of the original "Poor Unfortunate Souls" in the ORIGINAL 1989 MOVIE KEY, and in the higher octave too! You don't have to include an instrumental in your recording, but as long as you sing it in the correct key (D minor, since the key has changed at this point in the song) and octave, that I will accept! PLEASE include your Discord username in your audition, and PLEASE have your settings as "anyone" can DM you (not "Friends Only" please, or I won't be able to reach you)!

I will be looking for someone who:

  • Stays on pitch! This is a song, and so staying on pitch is absolutely crucial to this role.

  • Stays in character 100%! I've worked with many VAs who are incredible when speaking, but when singing they completely lose the character. I need you to commit to Kokichi 100%, both speaking AND singing!

  • Isn't afraid to make choices! If there's a certain way you want to say a line, go ahead! I might like it and wanna use it in the final product, you never know!

  • Takes direction well! This will especially be tested in callbacks for this role.

Here are the original movie lyrics just for reference (and this is just for the audition, for the final product the lyrics will be changed to fit Danganronpa V3's storyline, but still sing this like Kokichi please!)

The men up there don't like a lot of blabber

They think a girl who gossips is a bore!

Yes on land it's much preferred 

for ladies not to say a word

And after all dear, what is idle prattle for?

Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation

True gentlemen avoid it when they can

But they dote and swoon and fawn

On a lady who's withdrawn

It's she who holds her tongue who get's a man

Come on you poor unfortunate soul

Go ahead! Make your choice!

I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day

It won't cost much, Just your voice!

You poor unfortunate soul

It's sad but true

If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet

You've got the pay the toll

Take a gulp and take a breath

And go ahead and sign the scroll

Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her, boys

The boss is on a roll

This poor unfortunate soul!

Here's a karaoke track you can use to help- https://youtu.be/l26otPGveCA?si=4XR_SsNG-ll2l5E_

The audition section starts at 2:40. You can audition with the track or a cappella as long as you are in the correct key!

  • english
Voice description:
  • tenor
  • male young adult
  • Maniacal
  • Manipulative
  • male teen
  • kokichi oma
  • singing/vocals
  • kokichi ouma
  • Angel dust
  • strong singer
Other info:
  • discord
  • My dear, sweet classmates, you still haven’t caught on? That's who I am. It's all that I live for! Nothing brings me greater joy than the suffering of others, And THAT’S why I’ve masterminded this killing game! AHAHAHAHA!

  • But you’ll save Maki Roll! Don’t you wanna spare her from taking ANOTHER life? Life's full of tough choices, isn't it? Nee hee hee! Oh, and there is one more thing. We haven't discussed HOW this will end the killing game.

  • HE’LL HAVE NO CLUE WHO THE BLACKENED IS! He won’t even see the murder due to this ELECTROBOMB, ha!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kaito Momota

FEATURED ROLE, 3 lines. Spoken only, no singing.

This will use Kaito's English voice, provided by Kyle Hebert. Here are references (SPOILERS AHEAD!) - https://youtu.be/EnbZqz9s29k?si=6tHgFc3zpLSQI9oP (0:53 is more of his tone that I'm going for in this video.)

Ah, Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars, and also a best boi! While Kaito is usually a peppy energetic character, this is a much more serious moment in the story for him (if you know, YOU KNOW). So I'll definitely be going for the much more serious tone for this project. I'd like to hear at least two takes per line for this audition, and vary them as much as you can while still keeping a serious tone.

Please include your Discord username in your audition, and have your DM settings at "anyone" (not "friends only" please, or else I won't be able to reach you:/)

  • english
Voice description:
  • deeper
  • male teen
  • serious
  • male young adult
  • Determined
Other info:
  • discord
  • If I kill you, I'm gonna become the blackened, and I’ll either never visit space, or I’ll lose all of my friends!

  • Okay, how will it end?

  • But if no one can solve the case, then Monokuma will-

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shuichi Saihara

FEATURED ROLE, 1 line. Spoken only, no singing.

This will be using Shuichi's deeper English voice, originally provided by Grant George. Here is a reference to his in-game voice lines (SPOILER WARNING AHEAD!) - https://youtu.be/3iRoMyVswws?si=sN2YsG7lL8_yqcjJ

Shuichi is a kind and gentle soul who cares deeply about his classmates (and I would marry him in an instant if he was a real person). At this point in the story, Shuichi is finally learning who is putting him and all his classmates through this devastating killing game.

Since Shuichi only has one line, for the audition I wanna hear multiple interpretations of this one line. Please include your Discord username in your audition, and have your DM settings set to "anyone" (not "friends only," please, or else I won't be able to reach you:/)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • deep
  • male young adult
  • Gentle
  • Compassionate
Other info:
  • discord
  • Kokichi? You’ve been putting us through all of this?

Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

This will be $50 PER PIECE!!! So if you end up doing two art pieces for this project, you will get $100 total! And so on (I have NO IDEA how many I'll need for the project yet). I will still allow submissions after the deadline for artists (the deadline is mainly for the voice actors).

Ideally, I would love to see art pieces in the Danganronpa splash art style (like what you see when a HUGE "cutscene" is happening in the game). If you could show me any work or samples you have in those styles, please submit below!

Please also give me your Discord username, and set your DMs to "anyone" (not "friends only" please, or else I won't be able to reach you:/)

  • english
Other info:
  • discord
  • digital art
  • 2d art
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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