Dangan Ronpa:Equestria Girls (Audio Drama)
Project Overview
this a dangan ronpa crossover
Warning: This story is a crossover with Dangan Ronpa so be prepared for: foul language, Blood, Murder, Dark Humour, and Over the Top Cartoony Violence(via execution).
In case you don't know what Dangan Ronpa is here are the first executions of both games to show what you are getting into: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeV-ph1lxfA & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eotlv4tE6RI the deaths of dangan ronpa normally have some sort of thematic or ironic design to them(Leon a star baseball player is machine gunned by a pitching machine and Teruteru a chef is deep fried.)
each case is split into there sections: murder, investigation. & finally Trial/Execution. i want to have fun with this so i am planning on challenging the Viewer/listeners to guess the victim, culprit, and method of murder for each case. the first person to correctly guess any of these will win a prizewhether it be a song cover, a reaction video to something of their choosing, pretty much anything i can provide within reason of course.
this series does not contain spoilers for the orginal games in anyway aside from monkuma there are no other characters from the series. all executions are unquie to each characters personality and talents and not a rehash of the orginal source material nor are they gorified saw traps(I'm looking at you Bullet Point!!).
Canterlot Academy is the most prestigious school in the world. Only certain incredibly talented individuals, affectionately referred to as Super Duper High Schoolers, can hope to enter its doors. One young woman, Derpy Hooves, once thought that this kind of place was light years out of her league, but when she received her acceptance letter, she knew at once that everything was going to change for her.
What she didn't expect was for them to change for the worst.
The moment she enters
the school she finds herself losing consciousness. when she wakes up, she and nineteen other Super Duper High Schoolers walk out to find themselves in a strange town, brought there by an enigmatic creature named Monokuma who refers to himself as the mayor. When they ask to be returned home, Monokuma gladly complies, on the one condition that whoever wants to escape must first commit the perfect murder.
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despite being refered to as male his orignal japanese voice is a woman so i am perfectly fine with accepting female auditions the more the merrier!
The main antagonist. Monokuma is a strange teddy bear who proclaims himself to be the Town mayor and initiates a life of mutual killing forcing everyone to experience the dog-eat-dog world and despair within their hearts. on the surface Monokuma may appear to be just a cuddly,harmless stuffed toy but in actuality he is a complete sadist wanting nothing more than to see the despair on his hostages faces as one by one there friends die. he is a master of psychological torture and is more then happy to toss around a motive or two in order to get the game going.
i see His voice being in the medium-high range and slightly childish with a playfully sadistic tone and personality. he is supposed to be annoying but gratingly so. Just imagine a hammy tv/radio show host.
But feel free to put you own spin on it! how do you think a homicidal teddy bear would sound? what ever you do just have fun.
*laughing maniacally* Nope, It’s the truth! In order to get out of the place, you have to kill someone! Any way will work, like beating, stabbing, drowning, etc. When you do kill somebody, only then will you be able to leave.
*panicing* AHHHH! You’re assaulting the mayor! MONOGUARDS, PROTECT YOUR MAYOR!
Uppupupu. Wow, what a stereotypical protagonist line that was! You may talk tough but I know you can’t back it up. Well I better get the motives for you guys. I’ll see y'all tonight!
the world's #1 DJ. Vinyl is known to be wild, unpredictable, and sometimes borderline insane, not caring what anyone else thinks of her words and actions
Derpy. Really? That is a weird name, but cool nonetheless.
Hey, calm down. Let’s check the rules that this psycho bear left us. It’s better than just standing here.
*Hey, I wasn’t scared I was um... um… asleep!
the main protagonist. derpy is bubbly and carefree. she does her best to make new friends and always look on the positive side of things despite the bleak situation she has been thrust into.
Wow, Photo Finish, never thought I’d meet you in person! My name is Derpy. *confused* Is… something wrong?
“You don’t need to apologize.” I’m glad I’m able to get her confidence up. We’ll need it once we go against that bear.
*presenting evidence* I’ll PROVE YOUR CLAIM WRONG WITH THIS!
a world famous fashion photographer
Did anybody ever tell you zat you could be a model?I’m being serious! You have ze body for it, ze face, ze charisma and ze smile!
Wow, Darling! Everybody will adore you when they see you in that dress!” She began to take pictures. “So tell me, have you thought about my offer?
Tell me something Derpy...Where would i be if didn’t have anything that inspired me? I’ll tell you. i wouldn't be able to see the world as it really was. You see we are all blank slates because we have not seen anything that would make us move forward. But once you find something that you really enjoy, you can use that to move forward.
Essentially Revy from Black Lagoon (both character share the same voice actress) Revy:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTQSBm5A_FI Gilda:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4PvYHvkxOw Both:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkIole_WpM4
Your name sounds dumb. Did your parents hate you or something?
*annoyed* Don’t waste my fucking time, you got that!
Well we know that we’re being forced to live here by that fucking psycho. Oh, and the only way to get off here is by murdering someone. Any more that we didn’t know, captain dumbass?
Casting Call Club: Mlp Dramatic Reading: Bullet Storm.uv-icon{-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;position:relative;-moz-transition:all 300ms;-o-transition:all 300ms;-webkit-transition:all 300ms;transition:all 300ms;width:39px;height:39px;position:fixed;z-index:100002;opacity:0.8;-moz-transition:opacity 100ms;-o-transition:opacity 100ms;-webkit-transition:opacity 100ms;transition:opacity 100ms}.uv-icon.uv-bottom-right{bottom:10px;right:12px}.uv-icon.uv-top-right{top:10px;right:12px}.uv-icon.uv-bottom-left{bottom:10px;left:12px}.uv-icon.uv-top-left{top:10px;left:12px}.uv-icon.uv-is-selected{opacity:1}.uv-icon 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Octavia is normally a cultured, sophisticated, and extremely uptight.
a talented musician she strives to one day be first chair cellist in the royal canterlot symphony.
Hey, don’t interrupt me!
I think I agree with you for once, That girl really needs to be taught some matters!
Yes, I’ll handle this. Go meet up with the others. Tell them that we're both busy with something. COME ON VINYL!
Your stereotypical high school drama love interest and sunset shimmer's ex-boyfriend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJgu1jegA8c
*dismissive* If you gonna ask me out for a date then I’m not interested.
Come on everybody! Lets confirm that she was the criminal!
derpy's best friend she is famous for her skill at making good smoothies. she is just you average highschool student, it is hinted that she has a minor drinking problem and we would like that reflected in your performance,try to keep it subtle enough to where we can tell she may be a little buzzed but not over the top and outright smashed. maybe a slight slur every once in a while but nothing to prounced.
*excited* Derpy? Is that you?
*hanging her head* You know something? Sometimes events happen out of nowhere and we all have to deal with it. You’ll never know what is gonna happen and how we deal with it.
*devilishly grining* Photo Finish. I never thought I would see you coming here. *lunging with her knife* You’re going to help me get out of here so I can see my mom again!