"Into the Fog" Animated Series

Project Overview

πŸ‘‰ Submit here for the first round of Open Call Casting for "Into the Fog", a YouTube animated series! 🐰🐢

πŸͺ΅ After discovering unexpected ruins, two best friends from an isolated community seek divergent quests for adventure abroad and local solace, throwing their unprepared Neighborhood and friendship into The Storm's hungry path.

🚧 This gig is non-union.

🀝 Pay is episode & role dependent and currently ranges $20-$70/episode. Episode runtime averages 5 minutes with multiple episodes currently in the pipeline.

πŸ“§ For any questions, comments, or concerns please comment below.

For Direct submission, please follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/ITFaudition-J25

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Latest Updates

  • Casting Decisions Have Been Made

    Hello, this is the final update for "Into the Fog" on our casting call for our first two episodes.

    Across two platforms we received 882 submissions before the deadline hit and most of them came from here, casting call club. The people who have been cast have been notified. I waited until everybody was on board to make this announcement. Buckle your seatbelts before the car starts moving and all.

    I wish I knew how to best to convey how overwhelming and wondrous and motivating this whole experience was. There are so many talented and lovely people who I've gotten to meet over the last month, and I feel like I've learned so much from all of you. I really thought I'd get maybe 10 auditions at the most, and yet here we sit.

    Thank you so much to every single one of you who have offered their time, talents, and energy to this project throughout the audition process. You've made me believe that this little show could be a reality, and I'll never have enough words to say what that means.

    If these two episodes do well, we're sure to have more opportunities to join the cast later on, and I'd love to do another call here again.

    Official casting announcements will be coming along on all our social media in the next week. I've definitely assigned roles here, but I'm not sure where they show up--my apologies, after all this I'm still learning.

    As always, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns, feel free to email [email protected] and I will try to answer as soon as I can.

    Thank you once again, and break a leg on your next audition!!

    Catherine | Into the Fog Showrunner

  • Open Casting Call has Closed!

    Thank you all for your time, energy, and talent that you have poured into these characters the past few weeks. I'm so grateful to have been able to find this little corner of the internet and be introduced to a whole new world it feels! Across two platforms we have around 900 submissions so it will take some time to comb through them and find our characters. Excited to share with you once we do!

    Hope the last weekend of January is a lovely one for you!


  • New Role - Main Character - Geraldine

    With 9 days left in this casting call, we are opening up a new call for our main character Geraldine. She is the crux of the series and extremely close to my heart. I know her voice is out here somewhere and am so excited to find it!

    Geraldine is a stuffed toy rabbit who lives in a treehouse with a community of close-knit neighbors. After finding clues that shake her view of the world and cause an argument with her best friend Sampson, a stuffed toy dog, she decides to answer the mysterious call and set out into the world by herself to answer it.

    She is confident and friendly, energetic and impulsive. She moves through life in the present and has no concept of time, which gets her in trouble.

    Thank you all for helping these characters find their voices. What you do is magical, really and truly ✨

  • On the subject of Generative AI

    I would just like to take a moment and let you all know, our stance at "Into the Fog Productions" on generative AI is that it is theft that is somehow going unchecked. Nothing that you send in, no audio file or recorded session will ever be fed to some dataset to reproduce your likeness. As an animator, this medium is such a collaborative field with every person every step of the way getting to put their metaphorical artistic thumbprint into the project. A computer algorithm can't replace the warmth and bring that a human being will bring to the table.

    All the to say, I just want to make sure we're clear.

    This project will not be using generative AI during the audition process to thieve your voice and that policy stands throughout every aspect of production as well.

  • Punctuation Error Fixed - Sampson Audition Line

    Apologies if you have submitted for Sampson before 1/07 @9p. I fixed a punctuation error.

    Also -- Thank you to the almost 100 incredibly talented submissions! I didn't think this little project would get seen let alone have this much activity and it means a lot that all of you are sharing your immense talent! Very excited to sit down and comb through all of these auditions.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 70 USD
cast offsite

Series Regular. Geraldine is a stuffed toy rabbit who lives in a treehouse with a community of close-knit neighbors. After finding clues that shake her view of the world and cause an argument with her best friend Sampson, a stuffed toy dog, she decides to answer the mysterious call and set out into the world by herself to answer it. She is confident and friendly, energetic and impulsive. She moves through life in the present and has no concept of time, which gets her in trouble.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • You just wanted to bury it like a bone. But me? (beat) It got me itchy. And I need to scratch. I know our friendship can transcend the mist while I'm gone. So write to me, ok?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 70 USD
cast offsite

Series Regular.Β Timid and studious, Sampson the toy dog usually relies on his best friend Geraldine to structure his day around. He would rather be at home with his vast library of books and a warm cup of tea. When she leaves he's thrown into a frenzy of anxiety trying to understand his place in The Neighborhood.

Please submit two different takes, one as if he were sober as well as if he were drunk.

  • I don't love her like that, I'm just lost, I-- You don't know what it's like, what it's done to me, my nerves... She's gone and I don't know where or what to do anymore and nobody-- (A Beat. A Breath.) Nobody cares about the things I care about like she does.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 60 USD
Role assigned to: LivSmith

Recurring Character. This older ladybug is stuck in a precarious position which leaves her feeling very fearful at first. She warms up slowly and after a few jokes and an unexpected save, she's eager to share her savior and new pal with her gang of friends back home.

This ladybug being transgender and adding padding to her shells is essential to her character.

  • I was flipped a long time, you see. I never thought I'd feel the ground beneath my feet again. I am so glad you bumped into me.

  • **scared yell**

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: Larissa Crowe

Recurring Character. A single homemaker with a heart of gold, ear for gossip, and an eye for someone in the neighborhood, Sally is a toy seal who lives in The Neighborhood.

  • You can have your feelings about the whole thing! Just don't let them sit inside you too long. Maybe get them out in a letter? Even if you don't send it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Mark

Co-Star. Separated by distance from the rest of the neighborhood, Frogman is constantly in his pond and sipping a martini. He has the head of a merman, a human torso, and a mermaid fishtail. He was isolated at home and here, but he's always looking for a friendly chat. ReadΒ Whimsically πŸ’«

  • Perhaps, and this is just an observation -- an opine of a consistent projector of his own feelings and what have you -- her emotional state may have been tinged with a dash of... Loneliness?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Postman
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: rcohare

Co-Star. This worm takes his job EXTREMELY seriously! Navigating the fog to deliver mail and keep people connected is a tricky job, but he does it and does it well. He may be gruff at times, but The Postman sure does love delivering--melts his hearts.

Please submit at least two extremely varied takes including an Irish Brogue.

  • Now the Postal System we have here is very complex. Navigating The Fog isn't just walking from point A to Point B -- if you don't have that connection, you may just find yourself lost in it forever.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Giraffe
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Mazie Voss

Co-Star. Mrs. Giraffe is by far the most shy in The Neighborhood while her husband is the most talkative and opinionated. She's very thoughtful and though it takes a while for her to warm up to anybody, once she thaws she'll gab with you for ages. She loves her fancy hats!

  • He has his faults and all, which believe you me sometimes he makes me so mad I just have to stomp my hoof! But he listens to me when I tell him how I feel. At the end of the day, this gift makes me really excited and I want to share it with my best friend.


Public Submissions

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