Colourful Clues (Clue/Cluedo Inspired murder mystery kinetic novel) *BACKGROUND ARTIST NEEDED*

Project Overview
- Note, artwork for characters on this page are not final - updated images coming soon.
Inspired by the original Cluedo board game, but with a bit of a twist. Taking place in 1949 England, five unique people find themselves caught in a storm for one reason or another, so they all take shelter in a nearby manor where a host is holding some sort of mystery masquerade party where most guests refer to themselves by aliases. Intrigued by the events, the host extends the invitation to these mystery guests. Due to the storms malice, all guests present, both expected and unannounced are welcome to stay the night. However, things take a chilling turn when the murdered corpse of one of them turns up the next morning, throwing them under their own house arrest in order to solve the mystery for themselves, else more lives could be at risk.
Even if you don't have CCC you can audition via email - Just title the email "Audition for Cluedo" and mention the roles you are auditioning for, an alias to call you by, and please put the role's name in your file's title such as "Cluedo_Character_YourAlias" (mp3 is preferred, but I will accept WAV). OR you can send an audition to the CSR Creations Discord Server.
Currently, I am not promising a lot of money for this project, but I do hope that I will be able to. But as I do not know what the future holds, I will say these prices for now.
All I can say is to at least have a decent mic and avoid too much background noise when it comes to the actual project.
Feel free to audition for more than one character, it helps gives both of us options and lets me see your range.
ACCENTS - please pay attention to accents in the descriptions for each characters, especially the ones that say "ANY" on the character information. Some have accents they most have, and some have accents that are preferred over the other.
POC and Trans-Coded Characters - there are a couple of characters who are people of colour or mixed (one Black/Indian and one who is Irish/Japanese/Korean) and two characters who are potentially transgender (one AMAB and one AFAB). It is required that the POC be played by someone of the same decent and encouraged that the trans-coded characters be played by trans people where appropriate.
Warning: Aside murder, there are some mature and dark themes that are hinted at within the story (though some never explicitly stated), such as someone dealing with the trauma of sexual abuse they faced as a child, and thus confronting said abuser as an adult now, as well as attempted sexual assault and the abuse of servants, especially someone who is a person of colour, and slight racism (these things are very clearly frowned upon in the story and even seen to be punished). If you are not comfortable with these themes and being associated with, it probably is best that you do not audition. If you feel uncomfortable by them, but don't mind being associated, just don't want to be part in any scenes that allude to it, then it is best that you don't audition for Scarlett, White, Peacock, Azure, Grey, or Brunette (maybe even Peach as she might make vaguely racist comments from time-to-time).
That being said, I have a high preference that only people 18+ audition, which also makes sense, given that all characters are adults, none of them younger than their mid 20s.
Something other very important: The way I will conduct this project is through a live direction session for each scene with all or most VA's that need to be present, then allowing the VA's to record privately before the next part. I want to keep the cast mostly in the dark for the mystery until the end, and this feels like a fun way to achieve that.
By the way, I'm hoping to finish the whole project by the end of March for NaNoRenO, so if my VA's are able to get all their lines in by then, that would be amazing! However, I understand how that might be very hard to achieve. I am casting early, but even after all voice cast has been given roles, I will still accept auditions for artists and composers.
Thank you all so much and I look forward to what you all have to show!
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Latest Updates
The role of Nurse White is still open. I still would really like for her to be played by a person of either African and/or Indian decent, but I understand if that seems to be asking too much. For that sake, I also won’t be picky about her accent, so long as her VA is a person of colour.
Final Voice Actor Casting Decisions
I have started the process of offering roles, which is honestly always one of the hardest processes of the experience of working on projects like this. Everyone submitted such fabulous auditions, and so it makes me want to offer everyone a role, sadly, that's not how things work and I can only offer one role per character. If you have not received a role offer by March 6th or receive a rejection notice, then I'm sorry. You were still held in high regards. Apologies I couldn't comment on everyone's auditions, on top of there being more than I could keep up with to comment on, I got very sick the past couple days and was unable to focus the best, especially with writing or communication I will still be taking submissions for composers and artists! -
Paid Project
For those who had auditioned before I put estimates up, the project now will be a paid project! Currently, I'm offering mostly amateur rates, so I apologise for that, but I would still like to try and pay you all for your work! -
Reverend Green Accent Information Update
So I realised I accidentally forgot to update information of Reverend Green. When I first drafted the casting call, I said that I was fine with him having either an American accent or one from the UK, but after have gotten some of the writing, decided I’d highly prefer one from the UK. That bring said, I’ll still keep in consideration auctions for him with American or other accents, it’s completely my fault for forgetting to double check and correct that. Thank you for all the auditions thus far. You’ve all been wonderful to listen to.

I'm look for an artist who is good at background images and scenery. I won't be requiring them to ever draw characters, simply the images for the backgrounds during scenes.
There will be about 10-15 images required for this, most of them being locations based off the original board game (Hall, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen, Ball Room, Conservatory, Billiard Room, Library, and Study) and a couple extra such as the Hallway, and potentially the Bedrooms or Garden.
Say something you think would fit

I would like for someone who can compose and provide instrumental music for the project for the BGM.
The project takes place 1949, so time appropriate music is preferred, though not required. Since it is a mystery with some dark themes, that sort of tone should be met at times.
Say something you think would fit

I don't have anything in particular that the narrator voice HAS to be. I would probably prefer an accent from the UK, but that is not important, as long as the narrator is able to set the right tone.
If you've ever play JackBox 8's Weapons Drawn, the narrator from that has a great sound that I think would be fitting. Though, this does not need to be copied.
The evening sky was darker than usual, growing into a harsh colour in response to the even harsher storm that brewed from the maddening clouds that collected all day, ready to spill forth their fruit on this unsuspecting night in the Great British Isles.
Heard barely over the sound of the rain clanked red high heels up a hill toward an estate that was fair to call a mansion.
Now ringing the estate’s doorbell was someone most would assume to be a scarlet dressed harlot. Wearing red clothes and face makeup suited for evening outings and parties, a young unnaturally gingered person waited patiently at the door, in hopes that salvation from the rain was coming.Something about how lost in thought Scarlett gets over this could read as suspicious to some. Perhaps this was simply a person who was unsure whether or not to share their marital status, wether it be for their own safety or to hide guilt if adultery. Or maybe it was something deeper meaning than that.
There’s a moment where both Orchid and Mustard ponder for a moment what they had both just heard, their ears drums dancing around the sound in their brains. This is somehow familiar, but why is it? Perhaps, it is simply the camaraderie they both feel to meet another military man after all this time. Perhaps it runs deeper than that.With Nurse White’s ever watching eyes, none of the mystery guests dare to try sneaking about or splitting from the party as she swiftly leads them into the Dining Room.
Already seated at the large dinner table is a party of five, all decorated in masks and fancy garments.
A husky man who seems content to sip away at his soup more than meet the newcomers.
A seemingly prim and proper girlie that also seems to be unsure where to decide her attention.
A very analytical and mature women that looks to be sizing the group up.
A clever, yet coy young lady that has her eyes upon one in particular in the group as she takes a sip of wine.
And finally, the one sitting at the head of the table, assumed to be the host, our very dear Count Grey. His mask only had one eye hole for his left eye. Where the right should have been was a decorated and painted on design of an eye. His expression could be read as an almost malicious and hungry grin.
The butler from before is also present, standing by a trolley, waving over Nurse White who calmly dashed over to him in order to help.

Has to be of either black and/or Indian decent. Both not required, just needs to be at least one or the other. Her mother was from Botswana (African) and her father is Marathi (Indian).
Very headstrong and straight to the point, and though just a servant, still maintains a beautiful way of speaking; she seems to be agitated about something though, and tensions amongst the staff and employer seem a bit strained.
The story is that she has been in service to the host for quite some time as his maid and occasional cook.
(strict and formal) "I’m simply a maid and cook employed here. Tonight, you can call my Master, the host, Count Grey. You may refer to me as Nurse White, if there is anything you need require. Count Grey was just hosting a mystery masquerade party tonight, and since there is such a dreadful storm about, he thought it would add more excitement to extend the invitation to you mystery guests."
(annoyed but trying to hide it) "Can I help you?"
(angry at joke about the murder victim) "Have you any respect for the dead?!"
(being forced to play 2 truths 1 lie) "What, but I- *Grey insists* If I must…both my parents are from the Caribbean, I was born and raised in England, and I have a sweetheart who is also a staff member."
(slightly annoyed but mostly nervous reluctance) "You want me to play the harp for all these people? I doubt it would be up to par with modern ballroom music. *Grey insists* Fine, I’ll get it all ready."
(nervous) You really don’t mind sharing a room with me, despite my…position?(starts tender, leans toward a bit of disdain, then becomes apologetic) "Yes. If it doesn’t feel too much like an echo, I dare say that my lover also has saved my life. Gives me so much hope. Without my sweetheart, I doubt that I would survive a day in this wretched estate with that irredeemable Count. *after noticing Scarlett's nervous response* Apologies, I don’t mean to offend. I know you two were close. "

I require that Miss Scarlet is played by someone who is biologically male, but has a voice that passes for female or at least androgynous. It's not stated as to if they are a trans woman, non-binary, or simply a cis man who likes crossdressing, so I do not require the VA to be trans, though if trans women or non-binary individuals would like to audition for Scarlett, they are more than welcome to. The rest of the cast are under the assumption that Scarlett is a cis woman.
Scarlett is also mixed, Irish from their dad and Korean/Japanese from their mom. It is preferred that someone of Korean or Japanese descent voices them, but not required.
An Irish accent is preferred, but I'll settle for English.
Fun and friendly, one might assume them to be a harlot, but they’re honestly a sweetheart who enjoys a good time; though, they do seem surprisingly close to the host.
The story is that the cabbie got a bit too handsy, and when Scarlett refused him, he kicked them out, so Scarlett took to the host's place to escape the storm, since they know each other already.
"Well, I suppose most people assume I’m a Scarlet Letter, so we’ll go with Scarlett."
(in response to being told that they didn't need to hold open the door) "No need to be so silly, I’m already here, after all. Come in, the butler is going to try to figure out what to do with us wayward souls."(playful flirting) "Hello, my darling, long time no see. *Grey responds* Well if I didn’t, you might fall desperately in love with my facade only to find yourself disappointed that it’s actually me. *Grey responds* Shall we just skip to the pudding then, my dear Grey?"
(when someone notices them feeling sick) "Oh, I’m probably fine. Just feeling a bit, I don’t know, like I should lay down for a little while."(frantic) "No, no, no. Oh my fucking lord. This can’t be happening! Breathe, damn you!"
(super disheartened / in shock / having just witnesses a murder - though is trying to mask) "As I said to you before, the more the merrier. Though, I don’t think I can muster being very merry right now…"

First preference for accent is Latin American, second is any sort of European outside of the UK, third is English, absolute last preference is any USA accent (so anything that was not mentioned is preferred over USA accents, including ones from an Asian country etc).
I encourage POC actors to audition for him, but it is not required.
He seems rather proper and polite with how he speaks to people, women especially, like a true old fashioned soul and gentleman, though a gravel or raspy voice would be very nice; however, he seems like he is observing at all times, keeping an eye on his situations with a guard.
The story is that he is lost and he needs to ask for direction, but with the growing storm, might be forced to stay longer.
"Hmm…let’s see. Mustard: How about Colonel Mustard? Sounds about right."
"Thank you very much, Señora (or whatever is the native equivalent to your tongue). I should be holding the door for you.""Ah yes, once the fighting stops and you’re no longer needed, you need to work somehow to survive."
(when asked if he's ever seen atrocities on the battlefield) "Whether or not I have, I doubt it would hardly be a good dinner topic. I don’t want to make anyone lose their appetite, feels like bad table manners."(concerned) "Are you alright, Señora? You look as though you’ve seen a ghost."
(trying to figure out the murder) "Maybe we should split up and check the estate to see if there is another. If anyone slips away, we can deduce they were the killer and point fingers to them. But no going alone, we can split into groups or pairs."

English is preferred, even having a bit of a cockney accent (at least when he “breaks character") or Irish accent, American can also work but I think I’d like to steer away from that.
He’s a cheerful and seeming optimistic man of the cloth who seems eager to enjoy the party; though it’s questionable if he is simply easy to forgive vices or recognise them altogether.
The story is that his car broke down and so he was hoping maybe he can get some shelter until the storm passes.
"Alright, I’ll go next, I suppose. How does Reverend Green sound?"
"My, hope I am not disturbing anything. *Scarlett says "the more the merrier"* Good thing you say that, because there’s another lady not far behind me. *turns to face Peacock in the rain* Come along, love, let’s get you out of the rain. Much drier in here than out there."(nonchalant) "Not to worry, I’m not that kind of holy man. No preaching of the doom and gloom, and hardly ever judgments. We’re all children of God no matter where we come from or where we choose to go, right?"
(intrigued surprise, but more excited than trying to be rude) "A lady doctor, you say? And a coppa? We have some ladies in some interesting careers present tonight.""I think I’ll stay in here for a bit longer. Enjoy those small luxuries that life in my monastery tend not to keep around."
(trying to crack a joke as to why the Count would want to kill one of his staff) "I suppose if you thought he was terrible at his job."
(being suspicious after finding the corpse from a murder) "Well what about Mrs. Peacock? She may have been present in the ballroom, but she’s been a rather suspicious person from the beginning of the evening. Came already appropriately dressed for the evening as though she intended to be here in the first place, has a broken down car that no one seemed to have seen."

English or Irish is preferred, but French or Greek is also ok.
Elegant and posh, but mostly quiet and reserved; she seems like she has a lot of secrets hiding behind her fancy appearance.
Despite how fancy and extravagant she looks, her personality should be the opposite; Mrs. Peacock talks rather cold and callous, almost devoid in emotion.
The story is that she claims her car broke down immediately after Green said the same, though she’s not necessarily seeming honest about it.
"I suppose that would make me Mrs. Peacock."
"Thank you kindly, Monsieur. I think I would enjoy those sweets as well. Maybe I could even ask a dance from you?"(when told she can remove her mask) "If I take it off, someone might be able to tell who I am then."
(being forced to defend herself when being put under suspicion) "I’ve never met this person in my life. I’d have no reason to want to harm them. But as Monsieur Brunette said, we had been rather close all night. You and Green even resided in the ballroom to stand witness to this fact."
"It seems like there have been a lot of lies and secrets being kept these nights. *Brunette responds* Yes. Very true. However, I don’t think it’s that uncommon for people to do. Sometimes we humans even tell lies on instinct, like for events we don’t want to attend or to get out of explaining ourselves. At the end of the day, we all hold many secrets. I too, am quite the liar, but I told myself it was always for the good of others. In fact, I even told a lie last night."
(heartfelt condolences) "If it is the last one, I am very sorry for your loss."
(when asked about her old employer, this is one of the only times she's ever opened up and seemed tender) "A noble man, so very kind and caring, made me smile a lot for the first time in a long time, so I eventually made him my husband. I never cared about his wealth or status, just that he made me happy, made me love, something I thought I would never be capable of. I used to think I couldn’t even love if my life depended on it. But he proved me wrong. Of course, these feelings felt like false hope, being that he was a noble man and I nothing but a servant. I also had any doubts that anyone could love me and what I had become as a person. But he did. We couldn’t resist each other, like a moth to the light. He was my salvation when he hired me. And he was my salvation when he married me. I owe him everything. He saved my life."

Someone who is biologically female is preferred, especially someone who identifies as non-binary or agender, but has a voice that can pass for male or androgynous.
American accent preferred, I'll be lacked about from where in the USA.
Even better if of Jewish decent (doesn’t need to have the “jewish/yiddish accent”).
They are rather ingenious and down to earth with how the speak, having a rather fun and relaxed nature to them; being a professor in engineering, it seems surprising that they have such charisma to them.
The story is that Plum needs shelter from the storm and remembering that someone they know will be at this manor, the professor thought they should see if they could seek help here.
"Good evening. Sorry to be a bother, but it is quite drenched out here and I happen to know that one of my colleges was going to be here, so I was hoping to see if it was possible to wait out the storm here. *when someone them out as American* Actually, I prefer Jewish."
(lighthearted) "Always best to end on a big finish, correct? Im Professor Plum, charmed to meet you.""Ah, is that Silver Dawn I saw outside yours, Mrs. Peacock? *Green indicates the car is his* Oh…I didn’t mean to offend, it’s just not the type of car I thought a priest could afford, or more of, that a man of the cloth would feel comfortable driving. Well, I’m actually quite skilled with vehicles. If you’d like, I can take a look at your vehicles once the storm has passed. *Green agrees* And you Peacock? *Peacock delcines* Whichever you prefer, but I really don’t mind. You’ll just have to show me where it stalled when you get the chance."
"No, I don’t think so, Sir. There is genuinely no pulse to this woman. She is stone cold dead.""I will accompany you. It’s probably not safe to go alone."
"Am I interrupting something?"
"I think it’s better that we ask Miss Scarlett what happened between the two of them when Dr. Azure took her to the lounge in private."

She’s witty and clever with how she speaks, has that sort of charm to lull a patient into comfort; thanks to her family’s wealth, she was able to become a doctor, though it’s questionable as to what her reasons are for being in medicine.
(almost flirty) "Pardon my interruption. But I believe I was supposed to introduce myself. You can call me Dr. Azure."
(seemingly feeling threatened by think Plum is another doctor then proceeds to humble brag) "Is that so? What do you practice, sir? *Plum explains he's not a medical doctor* Hmm. Had me worried there for a moment, that I was going to have to compare with you, I mean. Given I have a PhD and all. Even became a physician. Oh, I also studied chemistry and pharmaceuticals at Oxford. But you know, I’m just a physician."(almost annoyed) "Oh please, who said I have any interest in men to begin with. Such incompetent and boring people. I much prefer to live like the Count and surround myself with intellectual and fascinating women. *turning toward Scarlett almost flirting* Wouldn’t you agree, dear?"
(getting into a fight) "Oh, like your one to talk, Rose! So bored doing nothing but being pampered by your family and husband, you decided you wanted something more exciting and joined the coppers in hope you’d be a detective one day. I bet you just sit around a cushy office all day, pushing pencils. At the very least, I worked hard to get to where I am!"(concern) "Oh, you poor thing, let me take you to the Lounge and help you rest. Get us some privacy there whilst the others venture to the Ball Room."
(almost eerily soothing) "Yes, that is very odd. Perhaps something you ate? Do you have allergies? *Scarlett responds* My, you really look like you need to cool down just a bit. *Scarlett responds* It’s alright, Miss Scarlett. You can trust me. I am a doctor after all, just trying to help. All you need to do is relax."

I’m open to any accent, either Latin American, European, American, or English can work, but I’m pretty flexible with him.
I’d want an almost mature voice worn by age; though he speaks very formally and strictly, it would seem his position as butler is not why that is the case as he has a military background.
"And who may you be, ma’am? *Scarlett responds without a name* Your name, ma’am?"
"Hm, another one. This storm might be bringing quite a few people in, I suppose. I’ll ask my master what he wishes to do. Please ask the other visitor to wait here with you in the hall. I’ll have the maid come get you in a moment."(explaining why he went from military to butler) "I once was a sergeant back in the day for my military. But wars are not forever."
(annoyed by the mask) "These obnoxious things are so ridiculous. *Mustard jokes that will upset the Count* He won’t see nor will he know, now will he? You seem like a comrade who can keep a secret. *Mustard responds* (sighs) Alright, before that man sees me without this on- *he puts his mask back on* There we go. I hope he doesn’t expect me to wear this outrageous costume again tomorrow."(when asked about the murder victim) "Perhaps the lady was just so drunk that when she tried to climb the steps, she slipped and hit her head wrong on the way down. She was a big fan of the spirits last night."
(being forced to defend himself against murder suspicions) "Look, I know what you’re thinking. People always suspect the staff of doing heinous things such as stealing silver or trinkets, maybe even planning the murder of our Master, and god forbid our skin colour is darker than yours, but White and I cleaned the estate before returning to our quarters, assuming that perhaps the Madame maybe snuck to a room without us paying attention. Count Grey, however, ordered us to retire rather earlier than usual."

English or German accent is preferred.
He comes off as quite a dandy and can be seen as effeminate, but he is still quite a powerful and intimidating man; he’s known for his charm and deviously morbid humour.
I've used Count's character before, so here is a reference of his original VA from his original story. You don't need to fully mimic it, but it's a very good reference.
"Ah, welcome, dear mystery guests. I will be your host for the evening, Count Grey. I take it you’ve already received your instructions from my dear Nurse White."
"I like to collect and gather unique things."
"I assure you, Inspector, I am ALWAYS planning a murder. Would you like to volunteer your services as the corpse?"(giving orders, and then almost becoming threatening) "You know, White, I’m sure the audience would enjoy a more live performance than that silly old gramophone. How about you show them your skills? *White tries to object* Humour me."
(defending Scarlett whilst being suggestive) "She was with me all night. We kept each other very preoccupied."(when forced to defend himself from suspicion of murder thus being sarcastic) "Hm, let’s see - I decided to invite a group of people into my home who have family and friends that know they’re here only for me to kill them in the very place people last knew where they be…oh and to top it off, I invited even more people despite that being able to foil my devious plot- do you think I’d be so careless?"
(making a joke about the murder victim) "Hm, that’s fair. It’s also one less pay-check for me to sign. *called out for being disrespectful* My dear, I hardly have any respect for the living."

She would probably be a very mature and refined woman, mostly no nonsense, but does love a good mystery; it is why she pursued the job of inspector in hopes of being a detective, and fortunately for her, her family had enough status to get a woman into the police work.
"Oh knock it off, you. Ignore the barbaric man, doesn’t know his respect. I’m Inspector Rose."
(picking a fight) "It’s actually humorous that you say such things, Brunette, when you’re not a married man and I believe your age has been creeping onto you for too long for someone to be proud for being a bachelor. And you, Azure, you announce your achievements so shamelessly, but let’s not forget that it’s thanks to your family wealth and fortune that you could even get your opportunities. Would be surprised if they even bought your good grades.""Whatever is that grin for, Count? You look like you’re planning a murder. *Grey responds with a morbid joke* Careful, else I might have to plan one as well."
(startled and frustrated) "Grey, is this one of your tricks?! Enough games!"(when accused of murdering a queer person because it's known she doesn't like queer people) "Shouldn’t everyone? They are disgusting and perverse, so I wouldn’t be surprised should anyone kill her for being one. But I have no use getting my hands bloody, and besides, I was in eyesight of everyone else all evening, then I went to bed with everyone else. The only people who left the ballroom before some made their way to the study were you, Scarlett, White, and Plum!"
(frustrated) "Fine! You all do whatever you want! Not like there’s been a murder or anything!"

English or French accent is preferred.
I want a mature voice, almost jovial or husky, as he is a bigger man who comes from a wealthy family; he knows very few troubles and he feels above the law.
(jovial) "Good evening everyone. Glad to see it’s a full house tonight! I’m Monsieur Brunette."
(morbidly flirty) "Missus, eh? You’re probably too young to be a widow-"
(flustered and judgemental) "Enough with the humble brag, woman. It’s unbecoming. I still say you sacrificed your chance at marriage by spending all those years learning to be a doctor, and now that you are one, any man would feel too emasculated to ask you to be his wife."(uncomfortable concern over a corpse but is just hoping it's a bad joke) "Grey, this wouldn’t happen to be one of your party tricks, would it? You said this was a mystery dinner party, after all. Is the little Miss just playing along and pretending to be dead?"
(defending Peacock) "Don’t be ridiculous! I doubt a little lady like herself would have the strength to bludgeon anyone to death! Aside, she and I danced together last night and were even making conversation until we retired for the evening."(trying to make light of the situation) "I agree with those two, let’s all go inside and relax. Perhaps call the authority to get them to solve this for us. *is told the lines are down* Oh…well still! We’ll let Mrs. Rose play detective in peace. If she would like to speak to anyone, I think I’ll retire to the Lounge."
(almost in a manipulative tone) "Pleasure is all mine, especially with a sweet little reward in exchange for the deed. Maybe a kiss for your dear uncle?"

I’m open to any accent, either English or American can work, but I’m pretty flexible with her.
I want a rather spoiled brat kind of sound for her, maybe even an unhinged callousness; she may seem like a small young woman, but she seems to have a rowdy crowd that follows her.
"And of course saving best for last is me! I’m the fabulous Mistress Peach!"
(cackles) "Yes, and you’ll both never compare to me and my following! "
(entitled, demanding, and rudely) "I need to powder my nose. *White seems confused* For god’s sake, are you really that dumb?! Where’s the powder room?! *White begins to tell her* Yeah, yeah, I got it! We’re not all as moronic as you to need so many instructions."(annoyed) "You staff members are all so useless!"
"What?! I’d never-! I was off powdering my nose, you unbelievable drip! You got some moxie, wanting to have a rhubarb with me like you did them, so let’s have it out! I bet you killed them and are just trying to put the heat on others! We both know they were a queer, and we both know you hate those type of people! But you could never get the proof you needed to book them due to their wealthy family!"
(frustrated) "Oh forget this! You’re all such a bore and keep talking in circles! I’m going to go back inside since it’s absolutely freezing out here!"(sarcastic) "Oh, what a gentleman. Careful trying anything with me, Professor. I may be a bit frazzled, but I am not that easily rattled to become so loose. I saw the way you were eyeing all the ladies last night."
(appalled and accusatory) "You seem awfully calm for having just found a second murdered corpse on your own estate; how do we know you didn’t do it?"
"Of course that stupid bastard had to kill the butler and keep the incompetent maid around."
Public Submissions