Hi there!
Nossorgs' reading style is clear and lively and from a technical standpoint, the audio I received is as good as flawless.
Nossorgs did wonderful job reading texts for a project of mine "Archetypen und der Heldenreise für D&D", which is an attempt to bring at least two personal interests together: learning German, mythological storytelling and tabletop rolelaying.
Nossorgs took on all of the miscellaneous, couple line roles in Dead Gods. Despite how small the parts were, they were able to create distinct voices for all five characters. They recorded their lines promptly, and submitted clean audio. I highly recommend working with them.
A fabulous voice and an excellent worker! Very punctual with getting lines in and good with communication I am still working with them, as the project is yet to be finished or uploaded, but I am so glad to have had the chance to have them aboard.