Cain and Mabel

Cain and Mabel

Project Overview

"Cain and Mabel" is a sweet Pokemon comic by Scapegoat Comics following the various adventures and hijinks of the titular characters, Cain and Mabel, alongside their other Pokemon friends! Scapegoat Comics have given us permission to dub their works and there are quite a few roles left to fill.

Two episodes of the series are already out on our YouTube channel, so be sure to check those out to see examples of the project.


If you'd like to read more "Cain and Mabel", head over to Scapegoat's Webtoons page.



  • Deadline for auditions is Friday Jan 26th, 11pm EST. This is a hard deadline with no current plans to extend.

  • Roles will be assigned no later than Monday January 29th, 11pm EST.

  • Deadline for takes is Saturday February 10th, 11pm EST. If you are unable to record/provide lines by that date, do NOT audition. If we do not receive your takes by that date, you will be recast without payment.

  • Some of these roles are reoccurring. Some characters have already returned in future chapters of the web series and the others may as well. If you would or would not like to return for future episodes, let us know in a note on your audition or when we contact you after casting.

  • This project has paid roles. Each role is paid a flat rate of $1/line rounded up to the nearest 5 (21 lines = $25 pay). Minimum pay starts at $20.

  • Payment is through PayPal. Payment will be sent out when your takes are delivered and reviewed. If you do not have a PayPal and still choose to audition, don't expect to be paid.

  • Provide an email for contact, line delivery, and sending takes. Once cast, we will DM you on CCC to get your email and PayPal info. Lines will be sent to this email and ideally you will be able to send takes the same way - either by uploading the files directly or through a Drive link.

  • Retakes may be asked for, but only at rare instances. These instances can include a missing word, incorrect tone/pronunciation, corrupted audio, etc. We will review your takes as soon as possible to request retakes if needed.

  • First time retakes will be compensated with the same rate ($1/line) and added onto your final payment. However multiple requests for retakes or suspicion of deliberate bad performance can result in recasting without pay.

  • Maximum 2 takes per line. Please refrain from sending an audition with 7+ takes of 1 line. Trim it down to your best 2 takes.

  • Line recording format is AABBCC.

  • Feel free to submit multiple auditions. This can either be for the same character or multiple characters.

  • Have fun! :)


Any updates will be posted here and on our Twitter. If you have any questions, leave us a comment on this casting call or send us an email: [ovascontact@/].

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing your voice!

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Latest Updates


    "Cain and Mabel #3" is going live today with the debut of the characters in this casting call!

    A big thank you to all who auditioned! We were blown away by the response and the amount of talent on display. We plan to do more casting calls in the future with more characters as we cover more content so we'll see you soon!

    Take care everyone!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 70 USD
Role assigned to: Soulia Sora

★ POC actors encouraged! â˜…

A bright and excited young girl - although she can go a bit overboard sometimes. We'll be looking for your typical protagonist style female character voice, but don't be afraid to try something different! [[69 lines]]

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • [excited and over-eager to meet someone new] "OH! Hello there! Are you Nana's assistant for today???"

  • [casual remark before bleeding into boredom] "I've done my homework, Nanny. ...Aaaaannnd mom's not here yet."

  • [problem solving and determined] "Okay. Pull mainly from your side, Sham. On the count of 3! 1... 2... 3!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Integra
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Candace Marie

★ POC actors encouraged! â˜…

Kind, gentle, and informative, but an authoritative air and is not afraid to be stern. A real mother/teacher-figure. An older sounding voice would be preferred. Nothing grandma-like, just around 30-40 year old. [[38 lines]]

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • [motherly scolding, the nice kind] "Now don't spook my little helper. Where are your manners? Introduce yourself."

  • [neutral informative] "And so my friend in Lumoise will be talking with Clemont, so we can get the land rights for a new desert preserve on the outskirts of the power plant."

  • [proud mom] "Oh bravo! Your training paid off beautifully. Two months well spent."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: Banana Van

A chipper yet down to earth vulpix. Much like her trainer Clara, Onyx has a bit of a protagonist vibe to her, though slightly more mature than Clara's. [[30 lines]]

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • [when asked about the new hairstyle Clara gave her; casual and happy] "I love it. It totally fits my personality."

  • [friendly conversation dispute; tad aggressive, but very proud] "Well I'll show her! Clara and Integra are the BEST humans!"

  • [happy pokemon sounds] "Vul-vulpix! Vul!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: TheVoiceOgre

The big man himself. He's a fully evolved pokemon and holds quite the authority in the pokemon preserve so a good dad-like or even kind military general style voice would be great for him! [[19 lines]]

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • [gentle] "Hello little one. You seem to be in a pickle."

  • [informative with a hint of scolding] "That may be, but these berry feeders are no joke! If we're not careful, there could easily be an accident."

  • [kind and joking] "Perhaps wait until you grow wings before going into the feeders, eh Weedella?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: ryan_jhughes

A good lad, but he can be a bit aggressive and sassy towards certain pokemon. He's still just an oshawott so a male voice on the higher range and/or a bit gremlin or scratchy sounding would be preferred. [[11 lines]]

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • [trying to help a pokemon; can be neutral or a little sassy] "We're not going to capture you! If you stop squirming, we can help!"

  • [aggressive, about to fight] "Scummy?! Oh you're asking for it!"

  • [happy pokemon sounds] "Osha!"


Public Submissions

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.