Beyond the Dark Productions - ‘The Strata’ - Season 12 | Original audio drama

Beyond the Dark Productions - ‘The Strata’ - Season 12 | Original audio drama

Project Overview

The Strata is a gritty sci-fi / cyberpunk series and requires serious, grounded performances.  

Please take a listen to previous seasons of The Strata for an idea of the overall tone at


***Payment is set at USD $1 per line with the following categories***

Lead – (over 300 lines)

Major – (200 - 300 lines)

Supporting – (50 - 200 lines)

Minor – (fewer than 50 lines, $25 minimum)


Setting:  In a sprawling future metropolis called The Strata, society has continued to segregate between the classes.  The wealthy live in Highgate City, a place full of dazzling skyscrapers and creature comforts.  Organic body augmentations that allow citizens to extend their life for hundreds of years have become commonplace.  At the other end of the spectrum lies Dockerton, a slum area filled with crime, drugs and poverty.  Disease is rampant and basic facilities are almost non-existent.  There are many checkpoints maintained by police that help to keep the city segregated, and most citizens don’t bother straying from their own neighbourhood.

Disclaimer / Content Warning: This project contains mild profanity and some portrayals of violence (gunplay, drug use).

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Hourly 20 USD
cast offsite

***Payment is set at USD $1 per line ***

This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)

Angelina lives and works in the slum area of Dockerton.  She is tough, resilient, and loyal to those close to her, but she is also pragmatic and doesn’t tolerate fools.  She has no qualms about cutting ties with those who do wrong by her.  Angelina has a strong sense of right and wrong and doesn’t mind sharing her views on politics.  Like many others in Dockerton she has a great sense of disdain for the established power structures in The Strata.

As a young child, Angelina was closely bonded with Ximena, one of the main protagonists.  Along with Angelina’s brother Tanix, the three were inseparable for years and had many adventures together, getting into trouble as they learned to navigate the dangerous streets of Dockerton.  As they grew older, they saw less and less of each other.  Ximena moved to another part of town, and Tanix fell in with the wrong crowd where he developed a drug habit that transformed him into a different person altogether.  In recent times, Angelina has lost touch with both of them, and although she remembers those old times fondly, she knows there is little chance the three will ever be reunited.

Voice description:
  • american
  • female adult
  • (Discussing the brutality of Miliconn - the military force that has taken control in Dockerton - and the violent response of resistance fighters who are trying to stop them. Filled with disdain, contempt for Miliconn. Pronunciation of Miliconn - MILL-ee-con) “You’ve heard the stories, right? The ones about Miliconn arresting innocent people and dragging them away - locking them up for no good reason. Or worse, gunning them down in the street without any kind of due process. Me? I’m not surprised by the way things are going. Not one bit.”

  • (Authoritative, urgent, projecting her voice as she commands a group of citizens who are preparing for a Miliconn assault) “Okay, this is it! I know we have a couple of rookies here today, so listen up! You need to load up on acid-frags, it’s the only thing that eats through their damn armour. Without it, our bullets just bounce right off. As soon as they breach, hit ‘em with as many as you can.”

  • (Earnest, regretful as she tries to explain her actions to an old friend) “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but... I wish things had played out differently between us. Between all of us. This whole ordeal has cost me your friendship and your respect - how could it not? I lied to you and put you in harm’s way, and for that I’m sorry. But the truth is, I’m fighting for something greater. I hope you understand that.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Hourly 20 USD
cast offsite

***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***

This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)

Tanix is an old friend of Ximena, one of the main protagonists.  He lives in the slum area of Dockerton.  Like many others in Dockerton he has a great sense of disdain for the established power structures in The Strata.

As a young child, Tanix was closely bonded with Ximena and also with his sister Angelina.  The three were inseparable for years and had many adventures together, getting into trouble as they learned to navigate the dangerous streets of Dockerton.

In his adolescence he was considered to be streetwise and savvy, but also someone who had a kind heart, and who often saw the best in people.  After falling on tough times, Tanix found himself in trouble with the law and soon after began to associate with various criminals and lowlifes.  He developed a drug habit that transformed him from the young man he once was.  He became distant and began to self-destruct as his life fell apart around him.  Even Ximena and Angelina - who he once considered to be his closest companions - soon disappeared from his life.

In a last ditch attempt to get clean and pull himself together, Tanix has now taken a job opportunity with a mysterious employer, boarding a transport that will lead him far away from home.  Little does he know that his life is about to take a turn in a most unexpected direction.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • (Bitter as he stands before an old friend who is judging him without knowing the full extent of what he’s been through) “And what about now? Tell me what you see. A freak? Or maybe just a uniform? Another goddamn cog in the machine of oppression. Go on. Give it to me straight.”

  • (Holding a thug at gunpoint; grim and gritty, full of menace, intimidating) “I should execute you right here - tell everyone you were part of the Resistance. I have a kill order with them. Shoot on sight. Is that it, Rufus? Are you working for those slimy bastards?”

  • (Filled with regret, sorrow at what he has become. Discussing someone very special to him. He wants to prevent her from learning the truth about his plight) “Please don’t tell her what I was. Or what I am. Even if she’s the only person in this world who doesn’t think of me that way, then... well, that’s something.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Hourly 20 USD
cast offsite

***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***

This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)

Firefly is an inhabitant of the Deadlands, a bleak and unforgiving wasteland outside The Strata.  She is tough and resourceful, quick witted, sociable and loves spending time with her friends.  A long time ago she lived in the city, but eventually grew tired of the rat race and the selfish people who surrounded her.  She left the city and went far away to pursue a simple life at a remote outpost.  It was here that she finally found contentment.

Recently, however, she has fallen on hard times after being exiled from her home at the small outpost of Drayton Swamp.  Now, alongside her friend Grout, Firefly finds herself in a fight for survival in the wasteland.  Preferring to scout along the coastline, the pair spend their days looking for supplies - primarily to keep themselves fed.  Although even finding the basics is a difficult task, the pair hold out hope that they may be able to find something valuable enough to buy their way back into Drayton Swamp where they belong.  Little do they know that somewhere along the shoreline a discovery is waiting that will change their lives forever.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Responding with disdain after Grout suggests they try selling a newly discovered artifact to a powerful faction in The Strata) “Trust me, the only ‘reward’ those bastards will give us is a bullet to the back of our heads. And besides, how are the two of us going to get inside The Strata without credentials anyway? It’s not gonna happen.”

  • (Firefly has stumbled upon a secret facility where innocent people are being imprisoned. Here she urgently tries to explain the situation to a couple of newcomers) “Listen to me, both of you.. The man you’re working for - this filthy worm-sucker Dr. Becker - he’s bad news. He’s captured dozens of people and locked them away down here so he can torture and kill them. I’ve heard them screaming.”

  • (Patiently trying to convince Grout that they should make a trade with a group of people they meet in the wasteland. Grout, for his part, is wary and does not trust them) “So... as far as I can tell, the only thing we have worth trading right now is this thing lying on the deck of our wave-skimmer. Let’s hand it over to these people, and then maybe... just maybe, they’ll give us some rations in return, like last time. After we make the exchange, we get the hell out of here as fast as we can. All right?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Hourly 20 USD
Role assigned to: Toby J Smith

***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***

This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)

Doctor Becker is a dedicated scientist who is an expert in several scientific fields including biological augmentation and gene splicing. He is intelligent and well spoken, but can be cynical with people he believes are wasting his time.  In his younger days working in augmentation labs, Becker liked to push the limits of what was considered ethical in pursuit of results.  This led to several altercations with the law, and soon Becker was forced to find employment with labs that operated illegally and in secret. Recently Becker was given the opportunity to lead a large facility at a remote research outpost in the wasteland outside The Strata.  While initially optimistic, Becker soon learned that - due to a severe lack of resources and incompetent staff - he may have been handed an impossible task.  Even so, his employers expect results, and Becker is trying his best to meet their demands in the face of what seems like a hopeless undertaking.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Cynical and condescending as he addresses some visitors to the facility who have come begging for scraps. This isn’t the first time they’ve shown up and Becker is concerned they’ll spread word about the facility to the authorities) “Well, see... I can overlook you showing up on my doorstep once by accident. That’s just a simple mistake. But to have you dropping in here on the regular... like we’re some kind of goddamn robo-canteen you can hit whenever you need a bite to eat? No, that won’t do. Sooner or later you’ll tell someone, and they’ll tell someone else... and in no time at all, this facility will be the talk of the Deadlands.”

  • (Somewhat defensive as he’s confronted by one of his superiors who demands to know why Becker’s results at the facility have been less than impressive. The previous specimen offered by Becker was deemed to be inadequate) “That was probably just some of our weaker specimens. If you had given me a little time, I’m sure I could have offered you a demonstration that would provide a more reasonable standard - something more indicative of where we’re truly at.”

  • (Indignant, defensive when told by his superior that his results are not up to standard) “I have practically nothing to work with at this station. You stuck me and my team inside a derelict bunker that had been sitting out here in the middle of nowhere, exposed to the elements for a hundred years. And might I add, it was never even suitable in the first place!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Hourly 20 USD
cast offsite

***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***

This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)

Sterns is a researcher at a remote research outpost in the wasteland outside The Strata.  He is also part of the security team at the outpost.  He is cruel and cynical and likes to feel superior to those further down the food chain.  He is subservient to his boss Dr. Becker and fears the repercussions of any failures in his work.  Sterns has little regard for the value of human life and views people as disposable commodities.  Although he presents a tough exterior, he is somewhat of a coward at heart and generally avoids direct confrontations.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Condescending, cruel when addressing an underling) “You think I care about that, you little turd? Bringing those systems online is Becker’s objective, not mine. My objective... well, that’s simple. I just want to see to it that worthless shitbags like you get what they deserve.”

  • (Taunting an underling who is about to be sent into confinement) “Becker is making changes. The final data grid installations are being moved to low priority. Do you know what that means? Your days of walking freely around this station are coming to an end. You’re headed to a cold, hard cell downstairs. And this time, there’ll be no getting out.”

  • (Desperate, anxious as he suddenly finds himself at the mercy of an underling who has managed to overpower him) “Please, wait... I’m... I’m sorry, I... I shouldn’t have done that... if you’ll just... listen to me for a second… I can help you... I’ll do whatever you want!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Hourly 20 USD
Role assigned to: Zachary Scott

***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***

This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)

Banton is a hustler from the slum area of Dockerton who is somewhat lazy and unmotivated.  He is always short of creds and constantly changing jobs.  Banton is known to have a good heart among those in the local community, but he is untrusting of outsiders and authority figures.  Although often struggling to make ends meet, he still looks out for others in the neighbourhood and tries to help where he can.  

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Anxious and desperate after being cornered by a couple of outsiders from another neighbourhood. Banton does not trust them, despite their assurances that they mean him no harm) “Yeah, I’ve seen how this works. You try to lure me into a false sense of security, and the next thing I know, I wake up in some abandoned warehouse with you two standing over me with your pliers and blowtorches...”

  • (Opens up and begins to gush as he realises the person who has cornered him is somewhat of a celebrity - a vigilante who has been cleaning up the streets, killing criminals and driving gangs out of the area) “Oh, man. This is awesome! Hey, I saw some of your handiwork over on Flag Street one morning a few months back. That thug was split open like a sewer hog!”

  • (Relating a story about how he was confronted by men in suits from a corporation at a construction site in the slum area of Tinkford. Banton realised they were up to no good and left quickly) “I had a bad feeling about the whole thing. It just rubbed me the wrong way. The location, for a start. I mean... I walk past that construction zone all the time, know it like the back of my hand, and I can tell you it’s been abandoned for decades. They were gonna build some fancy mall district there back in the day - part of the whole plan to ‘revitalise’ Tinkford again - like that’s ever gonna happen.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Hourly 20 USD
Role assigned to: Garrett Niall

***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***

This role is in the Supporting category – (50 - 200 lines)

Bolger is a lieutenant in the group known as Miliconn - a branch of armed forces that is called upon in times of unrest in The Strata.  He is disciplined, uncompromising, dutiful, and does not tolerate insubordination.  Having been deployed in many skirmishes both off-world and in The Strata, Bolger is battle hardened.  There is very little he hasn’t seen over his decades of service, and his record is impeccable despite the many hardships he has encountered.  Now he finds himself stationed in the streets of Dockerton, a militarised zone where civil unrest is growing with every passing day.  Miliconn is seen as an oppressive force and the citizens want them out.  Resistance fighters have begun targeting Miliconn troops with deadly consequences, and their actions are becoming more and more radical as the conflict escalates.  Bolger is faced with the prospect of not only regaining control of the streets, but also with trying to protect innocent lives that may be caught in the crossfire.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Explaining his orders to a group of citizens) “I’m in command of a special unit targeting Resistance cells operating in this part of Dockerton. We have to go to them, root them out, or they’ll just stay here forever - dug in. And the longer they stay, the deeper the rot grows.”

  • (Trying to convince a citizen to supply inside information about the Resistance. The citizen has already declined to help, and now he turns to bribery in order to change their mind) “I want you to know that I’m not closing the door on this. If you decide to reconsider, I’m happy to talk anytime you want. And who knows? If you help us, maybe the idea of accessing one of those shiny bioclinics might become a reality for you and your family.”

  • (Using a loudspeaker to address the crowd; stern, steely) “Attention, citizens of Tinkford. Miliconn is enforcing a lockdown of the entire precinct, starting immediately. There are known fugitives in the area. The streets are not safe. Repeat, the streets are not safe. Stay in your homes. Our units will be entering each premises one by one to search for hostiles. Any attempts to interfere with this operation will be met with lethal force. You have been warned.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: Adam McLaughlin (Vox Multis)

***Payment is set at USD $1 per line***

This role is in the Minor category – (fewer than 50 lines, $25 minimum)

Ralph is a Resistance fighter in the slum area of Dockerton.  He and others in the Resistance have been using guerilla tactics to fight an oppressive military force.  Now, he and some others in his group find themselves trapped in a building as the military close in on their location.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Alarmed, urgent, calling out to the others about a new development) “They just raided a building a few doors down!”

  • (Full of dread, alarmed as a military airship arrives on the scene) “Ah, great... we’ve got an airship levelling out overhead! It’s right on top of us!”

  • (Calling out a warning as the assault begins) “Acid-frags out! Take cover!”


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