Batman: Gotham Crusaders (Season 1)

Batman: Gotham Crusaders (Season 1)

Project Overview

 A war has broken out in Gotham City, and the GCPD has met their match. As a last-ditch effort to help save the city, Batman and Robin are deputized and begin a partnership with District Attorney Harvey Dent and the GCPD. Batman, Robin, and many more take on the crusade to save Gotham, one supervillain at a time. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Batman/ Bruce Wayne
Role assigned to: JBC

Batman's voice should be deep and authoritative, but not like a boss, more like a father. Batman should be able to be understanding and feel wise. But, when angered he should feel like he's holding trauma and anger behind every word. When afraid it should be feeling like it's coming from experience. 

This role also requires the voice of Bruce Wayne. Bruce is a philanthropist, his voice should calm people and make them feel safe. He should also be able to play the role of a playboy, being interested in women and almost cocky in his delivery. 

Your voice should actually resemble more Bruce Greenwood's Batman, but Kevin Conroy's is okay to go for. 

  • (Talking to Owlman)

    There is a difference between you and me. We both looked into the abyss. But when it looked back at us... You blinked. 

  • (Angry)

    When the mugger or the thief stops to think twice - that is fear. That is what I am. That is why they hired assassins - because I am the reason that the criminals breathe easy when the sun rises. 

  • I am Vengeance! I am the Knight! I am Batman!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Batgirl/ Barbara Gordon

Barbara should be young, spirited, and smart. She's a daddy's girl. And she should represent that. But she's stubborn, when she sets her mind towards something, you're going to struggle to find a way to convince her otherwise. 

This should sound similar to Tara Strong's Batgirl.

  • (Talking to Commissioner Jim Gordon)

    Dad, I wanna do more with my life. You put your life on the line every day and I just wanna do my part. 

  • (Talking to Batman)

    You're not alone I’m here fighting with you. We can save Dick but we need to hurry.

  • (Talking to Robin)

    Dick, you are the most important person in my life and I don’t wanna lose you. Please, hang on, we’re almost there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred Pennyworth is Batman's sarcastic, father figure. He's the only one who can tell Batman what to do. He's also a secret badass, with his former SAS training. 

Take inspiration from Robin Atkin Downes or James Garret's Alfred Pennyworth. 

  • (Talking to Batman)

    I'm actually surprised that you didn't add winged fins to the rear fenders and make it a true "Bat-Mobile"! 


    Oh, good lord! You're actually considering it!

  • (Talking to Robin)

    Don't tell Master Bruce about this little spot, Master Dick. I'm sure it'll come in handy when he's upset. 

  • (Talking to Batgirl)

    No need to take it personally, Miss Gordon, Master Bruce doesn't trust anyone.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Penguin/ Oswald Cobblepot

Oswald Cobblepot is THE mob boss of Gotham. The Falcone and the Maroni Families ask him what to do, for now. The Penguin wasn’t always at the top of the food chain, he’s short, round, had a nasally voice, and didn’t get to the top out of violence. Well, not personal violence. He called the shots and had hired muscle so his hands were never dirty but he reeked of criminal activity, and the new DA Harvey Dent has made it his mission to clip this Penguins wings.

Take inspiration from Nolan North, Danny Devito, and Bobby Moynihan's interpretations of Oswald Cobblepot. 

  • Me? Get my hands dirty? You’re crazier than the bat!

  • I am this city, I keep the thugs in line so the cops don’t die, so they can still go home to their kids. Without me, there is no Gotham.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commissioner Jim Gordon

Commissioner Jim Gordon, the last honest cop in the city. He's a father first, and a cop second. He's dedicated his life to cleaning up the streets of Gotham City and has proven to be one of Batman's most valuable allies. 

Take inspiration from Neil Ross or Bruce Thomas's interpretations of Commissioner Gordon. 

  • (Talking to Barbara Gordon)

    Are you sure you're not just worried about your, old man, Barbara? 

  • (Talking to Batman about the Joker)

    I want him, brought in. And I want him brought in by the book. We have to show him, Batman! 

  • (Talking to Harvey Dent)

    Harvey, I need to know, are there any more skeletons in your closet? Gotham won't be able to handle more than one of these little scares. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Detective Harvey Bullock

Gotham City Police Detective, once a corrupt GCPD cop, until he turned over a new leaf and made a conscious effort to be an honest lawman. Harvey, is now one of Jim Gordon's closest allies.

  • The little things matter. Act by act, deed by deed, it means something. Even if no one notices, or cares. 

  • Look Jimbo, we can run around all night like some junkies and we still won't find, Dent. Now if you excuse me I'm gonna get myself a chili-dog. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Renee Montoya

Renee Montoya is a detective from the Gotham City Police Department, who was assigned to the special crimes unit. She is also a closeted lesbian. After, frequently coming into contact with Batman she eventually trusts him with her secret. 

Take inspiration from Krizia Bajos’s interpretation of Renee Montoya. 

  • You’re fighting a losing battle, Batman. You can’t do this alone. Just, let me help you. I have connections in the GCPD I can help just trust me.

  • I lost allot of people in my line of work but I get going because I have people counting on me. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jason Bard

One of the GCPD's last honest officers, Jason Bard is a young police detective, who seeks a relationship with Barbara Gordon. Jason has a cocky side, keeping track of every person he's arrested and doing anything to stop them. Jason sometimes struggles though to put the people first. 

  • Barbara, I'm sorry that my vendetta on crime and Gotham led me to frame your father. I take full responsibility for that. But I would like to spend some time with you to get to know me. The real me. How you've changed me. 

  • Every time we get close, you pull away. Like you're afraid of what this could be and want to see if I'm going to give up on us. I won't because I have truly fallen for you. 

  • Okay, look here, Gordon, I spent 5 years on the police force in Metropolis, I think I know exactly what I am doing. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mayor Hamilton Hill

Mayor Hamilton Hill, who is becoming better after his corrupt actions nearly led to the destruction of Gotham as a whole. Now working to truly be a good person and help Gotham will struggle to keep himself as a good of a person as he would want to be. 

  • I willingly ruined thousands of people's lives, and lived good. Then, it came back to bite me. I was forced to watch all the people of Gotham go through that suffering. I will not do that again. 

  • Stay out of my house, Cobblepot. I don't work for you. Not anymore. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Two-Face/ Harvey Dent

Harvey Dent is Bruce Wayne’s closest friend. Born in hardship and raised by an alcoholic and abusive father, Harvey suffers from dissociative identity disorder due to his traumatizing childhood. Now focusing on helping Gotham City and moving forward in his life only barely managing to hide his illnesses. 

Harvey Dent is going to be taken to the brink and then be shoved over the edge. He will become Two-Face and when he loses it, he really loses it. 

As Harvey Dent, I would take inspiration from Ike Barinholtz or Josh Duhamel’s Harvey Dent. As for Two-Face’s voice I would take inspiration from Josh Duhamel’s Two-Face. 

  • (Harvey talking to Bruce)

    I need your backing on this, Bruce. You’re my best friend and Gotham’s most prestigious citizen. You make the mayor, look like a grocery bagger. I need you to back me.

  • (Harvey talking to Gordon about Batman) 

    We can’t find a single piece of evidence to nail Cobblepot. And I will need it. Maybe our mutual friend can get some. 

  • Justice has two sides, just like this coin. Innocent or guilty. One side clean, the other side scarred. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hugo Strange

Hugo Strange is a brilliant scientist, psychologist, and current warden of Arkham Asylum, who is driven by his obsession to to fight against Batman. He is using his status to perform genetic engineering experiments on the patients there. 

Take inspiration from B.D. Wong’s interpretation of Hugo Strange. 

  • Don't worry, here at Arkham we have a number of intensive treatment programs. I am more than confident that we'll be able to facilitate your... rehabilitation.

  • The beauty of life can spring forth in even the harshest of climates. 

  • (To Batman) 

    I know exactly who you are... Mr. Wayne. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amanda Waller

The sociopathic director of A.R.G.U.S. and specialist, who oversees research and experimentation into metahumans, Amanda Waller is a genius who has tremendous determination and strength of will, which make her an extremely formidable opponent. 

Take inspiration from C.H. Pounder’s interpretation of Amanda Waller

  • Everyone has a weakness, and a weakness can be leveraged. 

  • Getting people to act against their own self-interest for the national security of the United States is what I do for a living. 

  • I want to build a team of some very bad people who I think can do some good. Like fight the next war or defeat the next Superman. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucius Fox

Friend of the late Thomas Wayne and his son, Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox is the genius mind behind all of Batman's high-tech gadgetry. He is also the father to Tim, Luke, Tamara, and Tiffany Fox and the acting CEO of Wayne Enterprises. 

Take inspiration from Ernie Hudson or Dave Fenney's interpretation of Lucius Fox.

  • Bruce, I've always been there for you, just like I was for your father, and I always will be. 

  • I designed these new armors with stealth purposes in mind, Mr. Wayne.

  • The Bat-Signal can handle the weather. But, I'm worried about you. Are you sure that the Batman being deputized is going to change public perception of him?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ignatius Ogilvy

The Penguin's friend and personal assistant with dreams of being Gotham's head. Seeing an opportunity if Oswald is taken down he intends to flip on Oswald the first chance he gets. 

  • Oswald, I don't suggest drinking during this, it's very important to your image that you are seen as a caring donator. 

  • I will be the king of Gotham, I don't care what I have to do to get there. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Firefly/ Garfield Lynns

Garfield Lynns is a sociopathic pyromaniac with an obsessive compulsion to start fires. This was sparked by his father, whom he burned to death as a child. Later becoming a pyrotechnic for a movie studio before an accident burned 90 percent of his body. 

Now an assassin and arsonist for hire who only wants to see Gotham City burn. 

Take inspiration from James Arnold Taylor’s interpretation of Firefly. 

  • Any idiot can set fires. But, it takes a professional to do it right. 

  • The flames always looked beautiful from up here. The wisps of smoke. 

  • As long as something is burning then I’m happy. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Catwoman/ Selina Kyle

Orphaned and forgotten when she was young Selina roamed the streets of Gotham sulking and stalking the shadows unseen and unheard she snatched what she could. She lived off of scraps and got into scrapes, but made it out through her formative years. A skilled thief and a master sleuth, getting what she wants almost no matter what she wants. Today, Selina lives comfortably doing what she wants when she wants without a care in the world. 

Take inspiration from Laura Bailey or Rosario Dawson's interpretations of Catwoman.

  • Mmmm, A new bird boy, did the other one fly the coop?

  • This is where your money goes? To be dull and dead inside? 

    (Under her breath) 

    Good thing I’m taking it all.

  • As Selina in a sarcastic tone, “Is that really all that you could do? I know what you are, what you’re capable of.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Solomon Grundy

The undead monster known as Solomon Grundy was formerly a man known as Cyrus Gold. But after his untimely death in Slaughter Swamp, his life is now a never ending cycle of life, death and rebirth. 

Solomon Grundy doesn’t speak much but when he does say something more then his old nursery rhyme, you know you’ve pissed him off. 

Take inspiration from Fred Tatasciore’s interpretation of Solomon Grundy. 

  • Solomon Grundy, born on a Monday, christened on Tuesday, married on Wednesday, took ill on Thursday, grew worse on Friday, died on Saturday, buried on Sunday -- but that was not the end of Solomon Grundy!

  • You hurt Grundy... So Grundy hurt you!

  • Grundy doesn’t like Batman. Grundy rip Batman apart!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Victor Zsasz

Victor Zsasz is a serial killer who cuts a scar on his skin for every person he kills. He works as an assassin for hire before becoming obsessed with the hero known as Batman

  • You see these scars? Each scar is a life. A life I took. You have a scar too, now. Don't you, Dent? Did you like it? Did you feel the release? 

  • I suppose you know what these notches in my skin represent. 

  • You have two choices. Become a scar, or tell me where the Batman is!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Ventriloquist/ Arnold Wesker

A shy boy Arnold was beaten, battered and abused by his father seemingly for no reason. Alone Arnold endured…until he found a friend. A discarded Ventriloquist puppet sat out on the street and when Arnold came home from school he came across it. Arnold spoke through the puppet for he practically had no voice for himself anymore. The puppet led to Arnold no longer being abused by his dad. The puppet named Scarface took care of Arnold from the day he found him until now, his late 50’s an inseparable pair.

  • Batman, I don't know what he's doing. I only ever do what he says. I don't ask questions. Not anymore. 

  • I'm sorry, Mr. Scarface, I had to tell him, he would have killed me if I didn't talk. 

  • Why hello there puppet? Will you be my friend?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A ventriloquist puppet is seemingly alive with the ghost of criminal mafiosos encouraging its wearer to commit violent acts and crimes.

  • I ain't no dummy, Dummy! You got yourself a deal!

  • You're here for one reason and one reason only. And that's to keep your hand up my backside and not speak unless spoken to. You got me? 

  • Now I don’t wanna hurt ya but that’s a lie, you got money I want and I’m gonna take it. Forcibly.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Freeze/ Dr. Victor Fries

Victor Fries is the lead and head scientist for Wayne Enterprises cryogenics division working on prolonging and fighting diseases. After just turning 50 his wife Nora is given the news that he has cancer. Stage 4 terminal cancer. Victor desperate brings Nora into the lab one night and puts her on ice. Weeks pass by until another coworker discovers Nora and reports Victor. Victor is fired and a belligerent mess he storms back into the office tossing beakers and flasks and lab equipment trying to get what he can to help Nora but ends up giving himself Cryogenic poisoning and has to put himself in an experimental Cryo Soldier suit to keep him alive. With the suits added strength and battery life he takes Nora and leaves disappearing for now.

  • Ill save you Nora, even if it kills me, I’ll keep you alive if even for just a little longer.

  • You can’t stop me, not until I save Her. You can kill me you can arrest me. But. Not. Until. I. Save. Nora.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy is an enemy of Batman she is one of the world's most prominent eco-terrorists. She uses toxins from plants and her bloodstream to attack people who threatened the ecosystem of Gotham City. Through experimentation, she has gained the ability to turn people into plant monsters, control plants, and manipulate the human mind using toxins. 

Take inspiration from Peyton List's interpretation of Poison Ivy. 

  • We both strive to see evildoers punished. But, while you have your gallery of rogues, I have my grove.

  • They can bury us deep, but we always grow back.

  • I am nature's arm, her spirit. Hell, I am mother nature.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Man-Bat/ Dr. Kirk Langstrom

Kirk Langstrom a hard working scientist who works for Hugo Strange. He has made a break through in coming up with a cure for deafness. But Hugo strange saw that the formula could be use for the military as a weapon to get intel from targets. With learning what Strange was up to Kurt takes his untested formula and injects himself with it because is partially deaf. At first it works but then he starts to change into a bat like creature that frames Batman for crimes he did not commit. 

Take inspiration from Robin Atkin Downes, Xander Berkeley, or Phil Lamarr's interpretations of Man-Bat/ Kirk Langstrom. 

  • Strange you can’t do this!! You can’t weaponize my formula, millions of people can be cured!

  • I’m not Batman, but I will be feared just like him.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Flash/ Barry Allen

Barry Allen is the forensic scientist for the Central City Police Department. He's also secretly Central City's protector, The Flash. His abilities as the Flash grow as he works with his partner Wally West. Among meeting Batman he soon learns certain necessary skills to be a proper hero, while teaching Batman a few tricks of his own. 

  • I watched my mother be murdered by a man in a yellow suit when I was nine. And my father was framed for it. I know a traumatized person when I see one. 

  • Life doesn't give us purpose. We give life purpose. 

  • We have to do everything in our power to protect the world, even if that means that I have to die. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Cold/ Leonard Snart

Not very many villains are as likable and understandable as Captain Cold. He sees himself as a working man with a code of honor, that prevents him from killing innocent people. But that doesn't mean he's against robbing them.

  • There are only four rules you need to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw out the plan. Follow my lead, you'll be fine. 

  • We have to stop meeting like this, Flash. You know my gun can kill you, right? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Riddler/ Edward Nashton (Nygma)

A former newspaper editor at the Gotham Gazette in his 40s, Edward Nashton was in charge of all the puzzles and games that went into the paper every week. After reports of his puzzles being too hard for the common reader to solve Nashton was fired from his post and left broken but determined to find someone to solve what he thought were perfectly crafted puzzles. His obsession to get his questions answered can either make Nashton an incredibly dangerous character or a blundering buffoon begging someone to give him that relief. 

Take inspiration from Matthew Gray Gubler, Wally Wingert, or John Leguizamo's interpretations of the Riddler. 

  • No, no, no, no, NO! It’s not good enough. It never is.

  • You’re gonna have to be smarter, you’re gonna have to try harder.

  • Answer this riddle or get riddled yourself.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kite-Man/ Charles Brown

Charles Brown is the best counter surveillance man in the business. Professional stuntman and tech expert. He is a genius in technological and vehicular-based crimes, rivaling even Edward Nygma's genius. But that was taken as a challenge, and after being outsmarted by Charles, Riddler poisoned the string on the kite that Charles's son was playing with, killing him. Distraught, Charles, created a wingsuit and created kite-based weaponry, and went on a hunt for revenge against the Riddler.

  • Not meaning to upset everyone, but I just saw the Bat-Mobile pull up!

  • Now they see you. Now... they don't. 

  • Kite-Man, hell yeah!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Killer Moth/ Drury Walker

Drury Walker is a wanted criminal. He wanted to be an anti-Batman. Being Batman's greatest enemies and featuring a large and wide arsenal of skills to aid the criminals rather than the police. He even had his own Moth-Signal and Mothmobile. But no one took him seriously. 

  •  I am everything that Batman wishes he could be. And more!

  • It's time that I let you guys see my hideout. Let's go to the cocoon and get busy! I've got a whole lot of ideas!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Superman/ Clark Kent/ Kal-El

The Man of Steel is an ultimate symbol of truth, justice, and hope. He always looks for the good in someone, to an almost naive point. Currently friends with Lex Luthor, he soon is going to learn a dark truth about his friend that changes his opinion and matures his activities as a hero. He's a natural leader and should feel like everyone's friend. 

  • You're much stronger than you think you are, trust me. 

  • I once thought, that I could protect this world by myself. But I was wrong. 

  • There is a right, and there is a wrong in this universe. That distinction is not hard to make. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jimmy Olsen

An intern at The Daily Planet in Metropolis, Jimmy is a photographer in his spare time hoping to shoot for TDP as his career and was the first person to take a photo of Superman (although it’s not the best pic of him). 

  • I mean... what are friends for if we don't help each other. 

  • Here is your coffee? Is there anything I can get you, Mr. White? Perhaps a few pics for the front page?

  • I did it! I saw him! I saw Superman! Look, right here on my camera, it’s him. No that’s not a bird. Or a plane. It’s him, Superman!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lois Lane

She's smart, brave, fearless. She rushes headfirst into danger, which has occasionally created the need for Superman to save her. Lois absolutely despises bullies and she respects the truth, more than her authority.  

  • Your life falling apart doesn't mean that you are special. It means that you are human.

  • Are we good? No more, of those... whatever those were? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor is an egomaniacal genius, billionaire industrialist, self-titled philanthropist, and narcissist. He is the smartest man on the planet, rivaled only by Mr. Terrific and Batman, and has spent years trying to prove that he is a better man than his father. Only now though does he show his true colors to his former friend and partner, Superman.

  • I have everything under control. 

  • I can say without a doubt that there are infinite universes. Some are just like our own... but for one or two significant events, exactly the same.

  • I don't care about the past, Superman. I believe in the power to reinvent yourself. Much like how I have since being released from that cell you left me in. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The perfect (or more imperfect) opposite of Superman in every way, created by Lex Luthor in an attempt to clone Superman. Also as a weapon in case Superman ends up turning on humanity.

  • Bizarro is confused why am Bizarro alone.

  • If the world were perfect it wouldn't be. 

  • You are not you! Me am you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harley Quinn/ Harleen Quinzel

A young blonde girl fresh out of her home tome University at New Jersey with a degree in Criminal Psychopathy moves to Gotham for a chance to work in the longest running asylum in the country. She is tired of taking everyone’s nonsense since she is young and blonde but is willing to do so in order to move up the ladder. Her New Jersey accent should be a little subtle when she is Harleen but really come out when she is Harley.

Take inspiration from Arleen Sorkin and Hynden Walch's interpretations of Harley Quinn.

  • Hiya Puddin’, what can the doctor do for you today?

  • Mistah J’, thank you for freeing me from my own asylum!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tony Zucco

The Penguin’s favorite lackey. Zucco has been in Gotham for his whole life, always been the school yard bully, even when school became it relive the after 8th grade and he had to do more for his family. He was and always will be a family man. His family comes first. But when the Penguin risks Zucco’s family, Zucco will have to risk another family to save his. 

  • Have you seen anything little cat? Anything that the boss would want to know?

  • We would hate for anything and to happen to your little birds.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Catman/ Thomas Blake

Young and abandoned just after birth Thomas Blake was raised in an orphanage for his most vulnerable years until he met a a young thief in the streets named Selina Kyle. Inspired by her personal strength Thomas ditched the orphanage and lived with Selina learning what he could but she had a head start but lacked the muscle needed to accomplish some things. Thomas became that muscle. Together they lived off of the streets of Gotham. Now in his mid 30’s Thomas is muscle for hire for the highest bidder.

  • What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?

  •  Careful this kitty has claws that cut.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Holly Robinson

Born above the grimy Gotham streets Holly met Selina Kyle when they were in their early teenage years and fell in love with her and everything about her, her strength, her mission, her motivations. Holly wished she could run away and join the Cat Pack of Selina Kyle and Thomas Blake but Blake wouldn’t allow it. Instead, Holly kept in contact and helped out the soon-to-be Catwoman with information about rich people and their belongings.

  • I heard that Mr. Wayne has a boatload of gold hidden under his manor and that’s how he’s so rich.

  • The Falcone’s and the Moroni’s pay their share to the Penguin, so you could try to get some from them but you’d be better off going after the Elliot fund.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clayface/ Basil Karlo

Actor, Basil Karlo was in a car accident, after learning about his father's untimely death. Permanently disfigured, Karlo used a facial cream called Renuyu from Roland Daggett. But after becoming addicted to the cream and failing to make good on his half of a deal with Roland Daggett, he was exposed to an overwhelming amount of Renuyu which changed his physiology. He now has the ability to shape shift and take the form of any person he would like.  

Take inspiration from Nolan North or Ron Perlman's interpretation of Clayface. 

  • From star to sludge, can’t somebody help me?

  • What? What gave me away? How did you know it was me? 

Video Editor
Video Editor
Video Editor

You would be editing the first season of Batman: Gotham Crusaders. 

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer

You would be composing several themes to be used for Batman: Gotham Crusaders (Season 1). 

  • Say something you think would fit


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