Balto IV: Wolf Destiny [Fan film]
![Balto IV: Wolf Destiny [Fan film]](
Project Overview
hello everyone! we are STEFAN BALUGANI PRODUCTIONS. Since many Balto's fans have been waiting for a fourth movie, we have decided to make one with you. the movie is called "Balto IV: Wolf Destiny".
"Balto has accomplished a lot in the last 4 years, from the serum run, to rescuing Duke, to just plain being a father to his 6 now grown children. And with Balto finally being accepted in Nome by both dogs and humans alike, he couldn't be happier. However, when starts having vivid dreams of his daughter Aleu being in danger, he must once again head off to save the wolf pack. But as he undertakes this journey, secrets about his past will be revealed; and these secrets will go beyond his imagination."WHY YOU DECIDED TO MAKE A FOURTH MOVIE?
Because we think the third Balto movie, and the others in general, don't focus enough on our hero's past. For example, we don't know why and how Balto was separated from his mother when he was just a puppy or who his father was. In our movie, however, we will try to give as many answers as possible to the questions that fans have asked over the years.
No. Our movie is going to be a Non-profit project, made by fans for fans, and won't be endorsed by Amblimation or Universal Studios.
Here's what we need from you, in order to help us making the movie:
1) people to make the animations:
NB: the animation must respect the designs of the previous films as much as possible.
* Balto
* Togo: Balto's brother.
* Kodi
* Dusty
* Jenna
* Boris, Muk, Luk
* Aniu
* Aleu
* Fengen (antagonist): dark brown furred wolf.
* Tarkus: part of Aleu's pack. initially seems good, but then turns out to be with Fengen.
* Handya: black-furred wolf. scar near one eye. Tarkus' best friend.
* Kurat: beige furred wolf. Handya's best friend. seems bad, but he is not. he hates Tarkus
2) actors voices:
* Balto: male
* Togo: male
* Kodi: male
* Dusty: female
* Jenna: female
* Boris, Muk, Luk: male
* Aniu: female
* Aleu: female
* Fengen (antagonist): male
* Tarkus: male
* Handya: male
* Kurat: male
* If you want to make the animations of the film: send an email to [redacted] with attached animations of some characters (Balto included).
* If you want to be part of the cast: send an email to [redacted] with attached audios in which you speak as you would normally do ( we need to hear your voice just as it sounds, without any kind of alteration). remember to write which character you would like to dub.
we will reply as soon as possible.
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we're going to put a song in the credits, but we need a singer to do it. if you think you are the one, do your audition.
We intend to add a song (perhaps in the credits) to the film. For this reason we decided to add this role: to find the perfect voice for the singer. As you sing, your voice should express hope and will to live.
(singing the melody of 'Everything Flies') The wind across the water
And clouds across the skies
The music in the echo
Of the eagle as she cries
The winter light at sunset
The full moon on the rise
Everything, everything flies
(singing the melody of "Reach for the Light") Deep in the night
The winds blow cold
And in a heartbeat
The fear takes hold
Deep in the storm
There's a place that's soft and still
Where the road waits to be taken
If you only will
The voices inside you
Can lead your soul astray
Believe in what you dream
Don't turn away
Don't you turn away
Reach for the light
You might touch the sky
Stand on the mountaintop
And see yourself flying
Reach for the light
To capture a star
Come out of the darkness
And find out who you are
(singing the melody of "You Don't have to be a Hero") You don't have to be a winner, if you give it your best
Believe in who you are, and then time can do the rest
Your heart is his example, brave, and strong and true
You don't have to be a hero, you just have to be you
Trust in your son, he's more than he seems
Like you, he can run
Like you he has dreams!

the voice doesn't have to be young, but neither old: between the two.
[you're talking to Jenna, who asks why you have trouble sleeping at night] (worried) I always have the same dream, Jenna. I... I always dream of being on the edge of a precipice with Aleu, who is about to fall under and screams my name... but i can't move.
[you have just discovered that the wolf who called himself your father has been lying all this time...] (sad but angey at the same time) Who are you?! What do you want from me?!
[the antagonist has just killed one of your friend] (shouting and crying) NO!!!

quiet and confident voice.
[you are talking with Balto because he doesen't sleep well anymore] (worried) What's wrong, Balto?
[you are trying to tranquilize Balto about the situation] Don't worry, Balto: dreams are just dreams, not the future. We are the one who make our future.

the voice has to be the one of a young wolf, but who already had experiences on how life can, sometimes, be really difficult.
[you're alone with your father and you notice he's behaving strangely] (a little worried) Dad, I see you... I see you tired, what's going on? Are you all right?
[you just heard your name spoken by a wolf you've never seen before] (speechless) What? but I... I never told you my name!

young she-wolf, but capable of leading her pack even in the most difficult situations.
[you see your father again after a long time] (speechless and with tears in your eyes because of happiness) Dad? Is it really you? Dad! I'm so happy to see you again, I've missed you so much.

strong and almost threatening voice, but the character is actually very kind and caring.
[you're looking for Muck and Luck, who are nowhere to be found] (worried and angry at the same time) Where in the world are you people! This is no time to play hide and seek now! (muttering to yourself) Those bears will get into a lot of trouble one day.

talks fast but you can still understand what he's saying.
[you just saw a ghost] (terrified) Uncle Boris!!!

very wise she-wolf
[you're talking to Balto] (neutral) I can't reveal anything about your future or the future of any other wolf. The future is like a big green meadow: if you take away one version of your future, there are so many other versions of it; even if I tell you, it would be useless.
His voice is very sweet, but he is actually the antagonist of the movie.
[you see Balto and decide to pretend to be his father] (speechless) Balto? is it really you?
[you're revealing yourself to Balto and the rest of Aleu's pack for what you really are: the antagonist]. (laughing at Balto's naivety) Come on, did you really think I was your father? Then I'll tell you this, half-breed: (threatening voice) I killed your father. He was like a brother to me, but then he betrayed the pack: he wanted to abandon us to stay and live with that she-wolf with the white fur... so I killed him!
(with anger) I thought he was my friend, but he betrayed me!
The voice must be powerful, during serious moments, and normal in the others.
(with sadness): You really don't recognise me?
(With sadness) Of course you don't remember... how could you! You were just a puppy when it happened.
The voice must be that of a wise wolf, who always knows the right thing to do.
[You just said the name of Kodi, but nobody told you… so Balto and Kodi are asking you to explain it to them] (with tranquillity) The fact is that i was born with this gift: I can understand everything about every single wolf I meet just by a glace. I know their past - or at least the one they remember -, their present, and I know very little about their future.
[Kurat, who used to be your best friend, now hates you. But Balto and Kodi don't know why, so now you explain it to them] (your voice, from a normal one, becomes more and more sad as you narrate the story) Once Kurat was good: He smiled at everyone, helped those who need help and was our friend. But one day everything changed. One day I had a vision, my first vision. In that vision, I saw that a pack of wolves attacked and killed four of my brothers; but I didn't mind it, Because I thought I just had a bad dream. The next evening, however, it happened: A pack of six wolves came and attacked us, because they wanted to steal our food. We chased them away; but in doing so, four wolves died. Among these four were also Kurat's parents. I was desperate and so were all the other wolves. Kurat went hunting and therefore was unaware of the tragedy. When I told him what happened, his face filled with sadness. Then I did something that I still regret: I told him about my vision. I did it because I felt guilty about what happened. I was afraid that if he found out for himself, he would have hated me for life; But apparently I was wrong. When I told him, Kurat became furious and he hates me ever since, and hates any other wolf who is not part of the pack, in this case… you two.
we need someone who can draw Balto, Jenna, Kodi, Aleu, Muk & Luk, and wolves in general. the drawings will have to be made frame by frame, we will then animate everything.
Say something you think would fit
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