Attack on Titan: The Complete Fandub (Episode 1 Casting Call)

Attack on Titan: The Complete Fandub (Episode 1 Casting Call)

Project Overview

- Spoiler Alert -

Thank you for clicking! My name is Joe, (although you may know me as Dr. Bonehead), and I'm starting a brand new fandub of Attack on Titan. Before you audition, please pay attention to these key factors...

• You will be subjecting yourself to many spoilers when you audition for this project. Only audition if you have either seen the series, or if you do not care.

Only audition if you have a good microphone. I may not cast you if I hear a lot of background noise.

• We want the characters to sound as close as possible to the original English Dub. However, we are open to something new as long as it fits the character. If you do not know what they sound like, please look up a clip. All of the below characters are in Episode 1, which is available here:

• Before you send in lines, you will have to watch the episode and match the character as close as possible. Again, we are trying to sound as close to the original English Dub as possible.

• This is a huge cast. More projects will be posted as we complete episodes.

• I will most likely be self-casting myself as Armin. However, still feel free to audition. If I find you have a better voice, I'll cast you instead.

• If I feel that a certain character does not have a good enough voice yet (or I'm still undecided), I may go past the deadline with that character still remaining open.

• YOU MUST BE COMMITTED. Only audition if you know you can stick with this project for a long period of time.

We're going to be dubbing as much of Attack on Titan as possible. Thank you for auditioning!

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  • Congratulations + Looking for extras!

    Hey everyone, thank you all SO much for auditioning!! We hit 132 auditions, which is absolutely incredible!

    I'l like to congratulate the following actors on their casting (from both waves):

    Corevoicey as Eren Jaeger

    Tiaaaa as Mikasa Ackerman

    Dr. Bonehead as Armin Arlert

    Killertioletbowl as Grisha Jaeger

    Insomniaticvoiceactress as Karla Jaeger

    Admiral Handsome as Hannes, Keith Shadis, & Moses

    Wolfblade93 as Erwin Smith

    Inrezairo as Moses's Mother

    Congratulations~!! :) On that note, we really need extras. I'm about to contact a few of you who auditioned specifically for "Additional Voices," but if you would like to stay apart of the project, PM me your email, skype, and real-life name (for credits) and I'll add you to the group! :)

    The second page is also up: - Auditions are held until January 20th.

    Thanks again everyone!


  • Congratulations + New CCC page!

    Congratulations to everyone who was cast during the first round!

    1) Admiral Handsome as Hannes, Keith Shadis, and Moses

    2) Wolfblade93 as Erwin Smith

    3) Insomniaticvoiceactress as Karla Jaeger

    I also decided to self-cast as Armin. I judged the auditions fairly, and picked what I truly thought was the best.

    The final round of auditions for Episode will be decided on December 31st. But, while you are waiting for that...the Episode 2-4 Casting Call is officially online!! Click here to check it out!

    Thanks again! Happy auditioning~!


  • First Round of Casting

    Hey all! I'm going to cast the first round of characters on this page on December 9th. I will be casting characters/actors that I feel 100% confident in. So if you aren't cast, don't worry! All of the other characters will be cast December 31st as planned. Thanks!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Karla Jaeger
Role assigned to: InsomniaVA

Supporting Character

(Voiced by Jessica Cavanaugh)

The mother of Eren, and the wife of Grisha Jaeger. She loves her family very much, and forbids Eren from having anything to do with the military. She is killed early on in the series, eaten by one of the many Titans during the fall of Shiganshina. Kind, caring, and strict.

*A medium-toned motherly voice*

  • (Motherly) "Your earlobe is red, which means you've got something to hide. Mikasa helped you again, didn't she?"

  • (Scolding) "Get that ridiculous thought out of your head right now, young man! No son of mine is going to be fodder!" 

  • (Screaming, emotional) "Will you just shut up and listen to me for once in your life! One thing I'm asking you. One thing!...Sweetie, listen to me... My legs have been crushed, even if you can get me out of here, I can't you want all three of us to die..?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Armin Arlert
Role assigned to: Joe Goffeney

Main Character

(Voiced by Josh Grelle)

One of the main protagonists of Attack on Titan. A young boy who lives in Shiganshina along with Eren and Mikasa. After his grandfather is killed, he decides to join the Cadets along with Eren and Mikasa, despite his lack of strength and skill. He acts as the strategist of the group, and is considered a genius by his fellow classmaters and instructors.

*A medium/high light voice*

  • (Child) The walls are a powerful idea. We've survived for a hundred years because of them. No one's keen on tempting fate. I may not agree with that sentiment, but I can see where they're coming from. It's human nature, Eren. When all's said and done, the government's policies are a reflection of our fear.

  • (Yelling) "I am a soldier! And I have dedicated my heart to the restoration of humanity, sir! Nothing can make me prouder than dying for such a noble cause!!!

  • (Narrator, slow and calm) "In the year 845, two terrifying new breeds of Titan appeared: the Colossal and the Armored, barreling through the outer walls as if wholesale destruction was child's play. The territory couched within the circle of Wall Maria was abandoned. Twenty percent of the human race perished. As the Titan onslaught advanced, our only choice was to withdraw behind Wall Rose. In the year 850, the Colossal Titan again appeared and decimated yet another barrier between us and them. Once more, mankind retreated in panic before the advance of its greatest foe. Brave soul after brave soul perished. Eaten alive."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eren Jaeger
Role assigned to: Corey Hendricks

Main Protagonist 

(Voiced by Bryce Papenbrook)

The main character of Attack on Titan. Eren has spent his whole life dreaming of becoming a Scout, one of the special units trained to fight Titans, and after his mother gets eaten by a Titan, he vows to kill every last one. Fiery and loud, he says things without thinking and often gets into trouble because of it. Although he isn't the strongest of soldiers, he makes up for it in bravery and determination.

*A medium, loud, sincere voice* - Fair warning: if you get this role, you will have a lot of lines.

  • (Child, blunt) "You’re drinking again? Uhm… Aren’t you on duty? But if you’re drunk, how are you gonna fight? When they break down the wall and come in!"

  • (Inspiring) "I want to see and understand the world outside. I don't want to die inside these walls without knowing what's out there! On top of that, if no one takes on their jobs, then those who lost their lives will have died in vain!"

  • (Emotional, inspiring) "We’re born free. All of us. Free. Some don’t believe it, some try to take it away. To hell with them! Water like fire, mountains of ice, the whole bit. Lay your eyes on that, and you’ll know what freedom is, that it’s worth fighting for! Fight to live, risk it all for even a glimmer of real freedom! It doesn’t matter what’s waiting outside the gate, or what comes in! It doesn’t matter how cruel the world can be, or how unjust! Fight. FIGHT! FIGHT!!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Erwin Smith
Role assigned to: wolfblade93

Major Character

(Voiced by J Michael Tatum)

The leader of the Scouts. He first appears in Episode 1 with only 1 line, but plays a much bigger role in the story later on. He is held in high regard among the Scouts, and is very good at inspiring them.

*A low, calm voice. Militaristic*

  • (Straightforward) "We do have a proposal prepared. Whether it will work or not depends on how the debate unfolds."

  • (Complimentary) "Your nose is as sharp as ever, huh? Not bad."

  • (Testing) "What is it you think you see? Who do you think the real enemy is here?...Ignore me. Loaded question."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Admiral Handsome

Minor Character

(Voiced by Jeff Johnson)

A soldier of the Scout Regiment. Dies in the very beginning of the series. If you get this role, you will also voice extras as needed.

*A medium-toned, soldier-esque voice. Determined*

  • (As he attacks a Titan) "Haaaaaaah!! For my brothers! For humanity!!"

  • (Urging his horse forward) "Hyah!"

  • *Additional grunting*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Extras for the series! I will not be casting everyone who auditions. These are very important roles. Do the best you can!

  • SOLDIER (MALE): (Kinda drunk) "Heh! The doc's kid has some fire in him! Listen, the only thing they've done to the wall in the past hundred years is scratch at it. I have the feeling if they get in their big heads to do somethin' else we'll be more than ready for em!"

  • BULLY (MALE): (Young) Heh! Where's your sacrilege now, huh? Or does your philosophy say it's wrong to fight back too? 

  • TOWNSPERSON (MALE): (Sarcastic) "Oh, sure. Nothin' like seeing our hard-earned taxes go toward keeping those bastards fat and happy."

    TOWNSPERSON (FEMALE): (Worried) Something's going on...

    ALL (MALE/FEMALE): (Terrified screaming. Give it your all. You're about to be eaten.)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mikasa Ackerman (Recast to Ash503)
Role assigned to: tiaaaa

Main Character

(Voiced by Trina Nishimura)

One of the main protagonists of Attack on Titan. Orphaned at a young age, she grew up with the Jaeger family, and as such, she really only spends time with Eren and Armin. Her skill is legendary, and she immediately becomes one of the Elite soldiers after graduating from cadet training. Quiet and softspoken, she's usually the one to get Eren out of trouble.

*A quiet and calm voice. Somewhat monotone*

  • (Honest) "I don’t care whom I have to fight, I will not let Eren die."

  • (Taunting, blunt) "My specialty is tearing through flesh. If necessary, I am willing to demonstrate at any time. If anyone would like to experience it firsthand, I invite them to be the first to approach."

  • (Truthful) "If you think it’s natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grisha Jaeger
Role assigned to: killertoiletbowl

Supporting Character 

(Voiced by Chris Hury)

The father of Eren, and the wife of Karla Jaeger. A well-known doctor of Shiganshina, he travels around the district, administering to the common people. His character is somewhat of a mystery, as he mysteriously disappears after the fall of Shiganshina.

*A low/medium fatherly voice*

  • (Honest) "It's a nightmare, Eren. The outside... You really have no idea."

  • (Calm) "Karla, nothing can surpass a human’s curiosity."

  • (Persuasive) "Eren. Behave while I'm gone and I'll let you in on what I've been doing in the cellar. Agreed?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Moses's Mother
Role assigned to: inrezairo

Minor Character

(Voiced by Linda Young)

The mother of Moses. She loves her son very much, and is absolutely devastated when she finds out that he died.

*An elderly voice*

  • (Worried, scared) "Moses? Moses!! Beg you pardon...where is my son? He should be with you all! Oh please, tell me he made it!"

  • (After finding out he died. Still keeping her cool) "He...h-he did good, y-yes? H-he was b-brave?"

  • (Loses her cool) "Tell me my son stood his ground to the bitter end. That his death meant something!! Tell me his sacrifice gave us a better chance!!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Admiral Handsome

Major Supporting Character

(Voiced by David Wald)

A member of the Military, he is introduced as a lazy soldier who takes his job lightly. He saves Eren and Mikasa during the fall of Shigashina, leaving behind Eren's mother Karla, who's death he blames on himself. He remains a friend of Eren's, occasionally appearing throughout the series.

*A low, raspy voice*

  • (Teasing) "Somebody messin' with ya? Or did you just get on Mikasa's bad side?"

  • (Consoling) "Come on Karla, that's not our only option. I'm a trained soldier. My skill set is killin' titans and savin' lives!" 

  • (Emotional) "The reason...the reason I didn't fight the Titan was because I lacked the courage!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keith Shadis
Role assigned to: Admiral Handsome

Major Supporting Character

(Voiced by Patrick Seitz)

A member of the military, a commander of the Scout Regiment, and the one who teaches the Cadets to become full-fledged soldiers. A very serious man, he often uses intimidation to strike fear into his trainees. But underneath the mask, he's a kind-hearted man who cares deeply for his soldiers.

*A low, militaristic, loud voice*

  • (Serious) "Either we secure thsi ground as mankind's first stronghold beyond the walls or we die!"

  • (Proud) ", your son...became a soldier."

  • (Fighting back the tears) "...He was brave! But...his sacrifice meant nothing. So with all our's ever the same. (Through tears) THE DAY WAS LOST!!! WE HAVE...NOTHING!!!!! Your son died because of me!!...I sent him to his death!!! I sent them all to their deaths!!!...AND THERE'S NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT!! ALL OF IT AMOUNTS TO NOTHIIIIIING!!!!!"


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