Attack on Titan: The Complete Fandub (Episode 1 Casting Call)
wolfblade93 for Erwin Smith

Major Character
(Voiced by J Michael Tatum)
The leader of the Scouts. He first appears in Episode 1 with only 1 line, but plays a much bigger role in the story later on. He is held in high regard among the Scouts, and is very good at inspiring them.
*A low, calm voice. Militaristic*
(Straightforward) "We do have a proposal prepared. Whether it will work or not depends on how the debate unfolds."
(Complimentary) "Your nose is as sharp as ever, huh? Not bad."
(Testing) "What is it you think you see? Who do you think the real enemy is here?...Ignore me. Loaded question."


Thank you. :)

Thank you very much for auditioning! I apologize for messing up one of the lines, it should be "Your nose is as sharp as ever." Obviously you don't have to redo anything, I just thought I'd let you know. :) Thanks again!!

Ah crap, can't believe I messed that up. Xp

It was actually my fault for typing it like "noise," but either way your audition was fantastic! :D