Attack on Titan: The Complete Fandub (Episode 1 Casting Call)
garretolson for Soldiers/Bullies/Townspeople

Extras for the series! I will not be casting everyone who auditions. These are very important roles. Do the best you can!
SOLDIER (MALE): (Kinda drunk) "Heh! The doc's kid has some fire in him! Listen, the only thing they've done to the wall in the past hundred years is scratch at it. I have the feeling if they get in their big heads to do somethin' else we'll be more than ready for em!"
BULLY (MALE): (Young) Heh! Where's your sacrilege now, huh? Or does your philosophy say it's wrong to fight back too?
TOWNSPERSON (MALE): (Sarcastic) "Oh, sure. Nothin' like seeing our hard-earned taxes go toward keeping those bastards fat and happy."
TOWNSPERSON (FEMALE): (Worried) Something's going on...
ALL (MALE/FEMALE): (Terrified screaming. Give it your all. You're about to be eaten.)