Arytalia (Needing artists and an editor)

Project Overview
Arytalia is an original fantasy, drama, and romance, upcoming Webtoon/Webcomic and YouTube series. It tells the story of Alix, Nitro and Thistle as they journey to save the world of Arytalia. Set in the world of Vronatheria. Tons of lore, detailed characters, and fun. If you like things like Dungeons & Dragons, this is for you!
" While on the run from a coming threat, Princess Alixir meets another runaway royal named Nitro, and the two become involved in a mess of destinies, monsters, and magic."
Looking for passionate and dedicated applicants only - Staying along for the entirety of the project is mandatory!) Not following all of these will make you disqualified for the part(s).
- You must be 17 years old or older (18+) to apply for a role.
- You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server.)
- We suggest applying for more than one character.
Extremely Important, please read: We want people who are passionate about voice acting but we're also really looking for people who are enthusiastic about the project and community. We select you to be apart of the cast by: Your ability to take direction, how your voice fits the character, your community engagement, and your personality. If we cannot talk to you comfortably, we probably won't work well together, sorry. (We hate to have to put this in here. It's probably surprising but we have to say it due to past and recent issues...)
- Make sure your voice is heard loud and clear! We recommend having a quality microphone set-up. If you can, use Audacity to clear your voice and remove background noise. A good process to follow to clear up for quality audio:
- Please, do 2-3 takes of the lines and do all of them in one go.
- Please, do not mash your audio together. Leave a break in between lines, if not takes as well.
- Try not to copy the person above you. Try to make your own rendition/idea of how the character would sound, play around with different voices even.
- Try to gives the lines all you got. These characters are really emotional, if not, dramatic. We love to see you get into it!
There will be no compensation/pay/money. Please make sure you have no prior or future engagement that will make you completely unavailable for the project.
We can't wait to see your creativity and passion!
*Important* : This is the last chance to be apart of this project. After this audition set, there will be no future auditions for voice acting.
(This was for the first round so you can get an idea of our project!)
When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.
Latest Updates
I have sent out DMs for callbacks through Discord, please be on the lookout for those so you can turn those in today!! If I don't get a response from you within 24 hours, I will assume you have quit the project. Thank you!
Episode One out! So excited :heart: -
About the closed auditions
They have not been cast to offsite actors, that is just what CCC puts when you close the role/character. We just have too many auditions for those roles and I would love more for the others. -
I just wanted to post an update since it has been mentioned a couple of times in the Discord server about getting advice or comments on your auditions. Feel free to ask anyone in the chat to listen and/or give critique. I sadly do not have any time with hundreds of auditions and people applying, managing the server, all the while working on the project. I may occasionally like your audition or comment to redo something or give a small advice but I most likely will not be giving every single one of you a comment. I really wish I could... Thank you. -
Casting Call Results!
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Bell-mare) Bellmare uses she/her pronouns. Bellmare is Nitro's mother. Somewhere around her 40's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a powerful, mature, conniving, and cruel feminine voice. Older mature feminine voice.
Voice example(s): Morticia Addams - (Newer live action version)
Slightly annoyed, rolling her eyes, focused on something else, dealing with kids.
“You two need to deal with this so I can keep working, really now.”
Slightly loving, sly, coy.
“Oh dear, you look so tense. You’ve been working too hard. Why don’t you let me handle this…?”
Mischievous, evil, sly.
“Don’t worry, mommy has got this covered.”
Looking for individuals who are interested in making the project a lot bigger. We will be working on a webtoon format and a video with voice acting and music!
Say something you think would fit
Whether video editing or putting together the comic or audio!
Say something you think would fit
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Zan-thus) Xanthus uses he/they pronouns. He is a unique leyvhin that will be accompanying the group at some point. He has a meek and shy personality but is not afraid to stick up for what's important to him. In his younger 20's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a slightly feminine male voice. He will have moments where his voice cracks or he gets an emotional undertone but for the most part, he is kind of quiet but will speak up to make sure he is heard when needed.
Voice example(s): Hunter from the Owl House
He finally gets the chance to speak up so he stutters right at the beginning but the mindset he has about this situation is he's confident in his decision to seek out what he wants.
“I-I want to go with you!! If... that would be alright?”Sweet and coy/shy/blushy.
“I think that would be really nice…”
Scared and nervous.
“W-what? What do you mean…?”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Th AE-dee-uhs) Alix's loyal horse companion. He is strong, caring for Alix, but extremely sassy
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a masculine male voice. Slightly deep or average, not feminine. No country or southern accents.
Voice example(s):
Scared, concerned.
“Who… Who are you? What do you want with me?!”
Confused, concerned. Maybe even slightly annoyed.
“I don’t understand, what does this mean?”
Meaningful, Worried but full of love.
“She... means a lot to me, more than you could ever understand. She is more than just a person, she’s… my person…”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Hail) Hale goes by he/him pronouns. Hale is a scientist of sorts whose career is working with herbal medicine and magical practices but has a love for astrology, the ocean, and spirits. Older 20's, younger 30's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a reserved and intelligent masculine voice. Not too deep and not too feminine.
Voice example(s): Frankenstein from Soul Eater -
Refined but in awe.
“When the moon passes over the everlasting darkness, just the smallest glimpse of light dances in the sky… It’s wonderful.”
Gentle and sweet.
“I don’t think I could ever witness anything as beautiful as you, my dear…”
Curious then quickly excited.
“You really think that would work? Hm… Yes! Of course!"
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Win-er-ree) Wynn goes by she/her pronouns. Wynnery is Hale's best friend who lives by the ocean. She is very bubbly and sweet. Mid 20's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a soothing and sweet feminine voice.
Voice example(s): Perfuma from She ra -
Sing songy and excited.
“Good morning everybody, are you ready to head out?”
Giggly, blushy and coy
“Oh Hale, you're so funny.”
Surprised and genuinely concerned.
“Your ladyship! I really don't think that's appropriate…”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Ten-eh-bris Mel-drah-comb) Tenebris He uses he/him pronouns. Lord Tenebris is the ruler of the Meldracomb kingdom. Older 30's, 40's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a slightly feminine male voice who tends to be a little chaotic. Make him flamboyant!
Voice example(s): King George from Hamilton -
Intrigued and flirtatious.
“How lovely it is to see you all!”
Slightly chaotic, high energy, excited.
“Oh, what fun we’re going to have!”
Just a tinge of crazy but still smirking/smiling.
“You really don’t want to do that. You don’t want to see how I am when I’m upset.”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Ray-uh) Raya uses she/her pronouns. Raya is married to Vale, they are close friends with Fenno and Quilla. Older 20's, younger 30's, mid 30's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a confident but loving mature female voice. Not too deep and not too feminine.
Voice example(s): No real specific voices as of yet.
Deeply concerned for someone’s well being.
“Do you think she’ll be alright dear?”
Really happy but somewhat sad. (Going for a hug)
“I really missed you two.”
Sad but trying to stay happy.
“I couldn’t ask for anything better. You make me really happy Vale.” (Like Hail but with a V)
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Hail with a V) Vale uses he/him pronouns. Vale is married to Raya, they are close friends with Fenno and Quilla. He is somewhere around his 30s.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a goofy, confident but loving mature male voice. Slightly deeper than average.
Voice example(s): Isshin Kurosaki
Rushing/panicked but trying to keep cool.
“You’ll be ok. Hurry! Get to safety there, I will be right behind you.”
Being cute and teasing.
“Do you think she has my features or yours more?”
Surprised and happy to see people.
“Hey you two! It’s so great to see you~”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Ten-uh) Tena uses she/her pronouns. Tena is a monster character that is best friend's with Thistle. Mid 20's to Mid 30's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for an energetic brash masculine female/androgynous voice. Slightly deep for a female.
Voice example(s): A mix between Scorpia from She-Ra and Jasper from Steven Universe -
Shaking her head, ashamed but teasing.
“The things I put up with for you Thistle, you’re lucky I love you.”
Standing over someone looking scary and quickly turns into laughing and friendly.
“Hey. Watch where you’re going… Ah, I’m just kidding, it’s nice to meet you!”
Teasing/playful/loud and punching an arm.
“You’re alright kid!”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Em-er-ree) Emery uses she/her pronouns. Emery is the ruler of a underwater temple. Younger 30's, mid 30's, younger 40's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a confident, strong, mature feminine voice. Not too deep and not too feminine. At times will be goofy.
Voice example(s): Has the energy of the queen from deltarune -
Karin from Street Fighter 5 but a little more mature -
Refined, poised.
“I am the Lady of this house, yes. Is there something you wish to speak of?”
Slight giggling, amused, cheeky.
“They treat me almost like a mother…*Give a good oh ho ho laugh*"
(Like the Queen from Deltarune, slightly angry, frustrated.
“I’m starting to get really tired of your defiance. I’m giving you one more chance or you will be banished.”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Ah-san-ah) Asana uses they/them pronouns. Asana is the ruler of the Luimbium Kingdom. Somewhere around their 30's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a reserved, aloof, and poised androgynous voice. Not too deep and not too feminine. Maybe more leaning masc?
Voice example(s): Whis from Dragon Ball -
Refined, poised, but yet mysterious.
“You’ve come to my kingdom asking for my help, yes? Then, so be it.”
Slightly annoyed but still refined.
“You’re a real charmer Lucien…”
Anger, giving a lot more energy but still that refine-ness to their voice.
“You will not enter these grounds so long as I stand. This war will be won by the great light!”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Loose-e-en) Lucien uses he/they pronouns. Lucien is the ruler of the Coinius Kingdom. Somewhere around older 20's to 40's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a reserved and intelligent masculine voice. Not too deep and not too feminine.
Voice example(s): Howl from Howl's Moving Castle -
Dio from Jojo -
Hisoka Hunter x Hunter -
Angry, annoyed, huffy.
“I know you stole it! Who else would it be?!”
Cheeky, slightly flirtatious, teasing.
“You love me babe.”
Cheerful, welcoming.
“What a glorious surprise. Come in, come in! It’s been so long since we had guests!”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(fal-un) Fallon uses he/they pronouns. Fallon was a simple minded individual, searching for the greater pursuit of knowledge. He is now a book.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for dramatic and expressive fem-masc or masculine voice, who also are able to read like a narrator. Not too deep and not too feminine.
Voice example(s): Sunburst from MLP -
Innocent, smiling, friendly.
“Greetings! I’ve longed for a great adventure. Though… I don’t quite know what I’m doing.”
Shouting up at, confident.
“I come to you with a proposition, oh, great one. Hear me now, for I am no harm to you!”
Narrating, feel free to improvise.
“Long ago, there was an extraordinary quest. One not many had sought after, for it was dangerous. Only one’s so foolish willing to change their very lives before them.”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
A great dragon spirit. Uses he/they pronouns.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a confident, strong, almost scary voice, booming?? masculine voice. Will need to be deep.
Voice example(s): Dragon from Dragon Prince -
Chaotic, dangerous, angry, huffy.
“You dare disturb me in my own home! You wake me from my slumber for your selfish needs?!”
Intrigued, cautious yet curious.
“What have you brought me, small one…?”
Angry, Hissing, sly, evil.
"You will not talk to me in such tones. Foolish, foolish creatures. Prepare for your death. To not only you but all of your people!”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(E-rolling r-ith) Erith uses she/her pronouns. Erith is Nitro's older sister, she is the middle child. Somewhere around her 20's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a conniving, sly, manipulative and sadistic feminine voice. Not too deep and not too feminine.
Voice example(s): Emira from the Owl House -
Genuine disgust and "I am above you" attitude.
“You've never amounted to anything, I'm not surprised. Disgusting.”
Slyly excited.
“Really...? That bad? Hmm... intriguing~”
Anger, rage.
“How dare you speak to me that way, you worm!”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(Zex-eh-tur) Zxeter uses he/him pronouns. Zxeter is Nitro's older brother, he is the oldest child. Somewhere around his 20's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for a conniving, cocky, manipulative and sadistic masculine voice. Not too deep and not too feminine.
Voice example(s): James from Pokemon (But slightly toned down) -
Condescending, mischievous, and mocking.
“Oh, Nitro...You’ve caused so much trouble back at home… Mommy and daddy won’t be pleased once they find out what you’ve been doing.”
Confident, firm, demanding but excited.
"Go forth, rain terror! I don't want you to return unless you bring them back, dead or alive."
Dramatic, pouting, frustrated, upset.
“But, I wanted a turn to play ruler! You guys never let me have any fun...”
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for any role: (I will be contacting through Discord DMs about callbacks.)
This is the final audition for voice actors, if you are considering being in the project, this is your last opportunity!
If you would like to leave a demo reel in your description so that we can see your range and skill, please do so~!
Character Background/Information:
(aan-gawl) Angal uses he/him pronouns. Angal is Nitro's father. Somewhere around his 40's.
Tone and range needed: Will be in dynamic/dramatic/important scenes! We are looking for an intimidating, scary, heartless, and vile masculine voice. Slightly deeper than average, full of spite.
Voice example(s): Roy Mustang -
Silva from Hunter x Hunter -
Annoyed, angry, frustrated.
"You know how busy my schedule is! I don't have any time for this, I don't have the energy to waste on useless things."
Pure evil, spiteful, sadistic.
"And you thought you could defeat me! I'll make sure it's quick. Perish, all of you!"
Slightly loving, cooing, tired.
"My fox... My wild thorn... You spoil me darling."
We are looking for more feminine sounding folks or ladies. We have a lot of males or masculine sounding folks in our project thus far and we need more extras that are willing to jump into any part of the project to voice the ladies or feminine sounding creatures.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Friendly or serious customer service voice. I don't need fake or forced customer service voices.
"I hope you have a good day/evening/night/afternoon!"
"Here's your drink/coffee/tea/food/stuff"
"Thank you for coming."
"Oh no problem."
(Improvise)Type of tone needed: Sweet, kind, friendly. Concerned, weary, and cautious. Firm, serious, motherly. (Farmer's Wife)
"Here's your food sweet heart."
"Are you sure you don't want to come inside?"
"Are ya'll ok out here?"
"Those things are beastly"
"You let them just handle these insane creatures!? Ragden!"
"Here's some soft blankets and pillows for you sweeties..."Type of tone needed: Any?
I'd love to see anything here really or just do the lines provided : )
This character shows up in: Chapter 2, Part 1, 2, & 3.
Type of tone needed: He doesn't need an extremely deep voice. It's more gruff/rough with being rounded from hard work. He's a cool guy so still bring in undertones of that, I don't need an "asshole boss" or "aggresive farmer" types. He's more firm or serious but still shows emotions.
Voice examples: I would love an accent. Definitely a more masculine and mature sounding guy.
Character Background/Information:
Ragden is the owner of the farm, the lead farmer. He has been dealing with a horrible problem on his farm, pests in fact. They have been bothering his animals and have even attacked a couple of his farm hands, even got close to attacking him. He's a more serious man but he's not a jerk. He's a good boss.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Annoyed, confused, and concerned.
"These damn beasts keeping bothering my chickens. They even attacked Dentro (Dent-row) over there, almost ripped off his arm!"
Type of tone needed: Babying, being sweet to an animal
"Even poor Rufus is having trouble keeping up with them, he tries his best. I swear he would take down an abohlim (ab-oh-limb) for my creatures. He treats them like they're family... What a good boy."
Type of tone needed: Shocked, slightly scared, coming over to a horrifying accident
"Are ya'll ok?! Is everyone alright? Ah shit, you're not... ok... ok... boys get the supplies from the house. I got these beasts alright? We got them, don't you worry. Make sure you three are safe..."
This character shows up in: Chapter 2, Part 1, 2, & 3.
Type of tone needed: Quiet, soft spoken at times, a little anxious, not completely confident of himself.
Voice examples: It doesn't have to be a southern accent but it very much could. He can sound a little young, any male voice is fine.
Character Background/Information:
Dentro (Dent-row) is a younger farmhand on Ragden's farm. He works as best as he can be he isn't completely sure of himself at times. He can be a little nervous and shaky at times as well. He really tries his best. He got attacked by one of the "pests" that keep bothering the farm. He was out working one evening and the beast latched onto his arm and he is now in a cast/sling while recovering. It's made him feel a little more brave.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Slightly anxious but he's really trying to be confident and serious about what he's talking about.
"Y-yeah! The beast almost ripped my arm clean off but luckily... I... well... I tried, I really did! I fought the beast off best I could!"
Type of tone needed: Friendly, honest
"Yeah, I do a lot of the work here, I'm the youngest after all. I gotta put in more work to prove I got what it takes. I appreciate your concern but, I love my job..."
Type of tone needed: Scared, panicked
"Oh sweet mother, oh gods! What's happening?! Are ya'll alright? OH- oh ok! Yes, sir, Mr. Ragden, sir. I'll be right back!!"
This character shows up in: Chapter 2, Part 1, 2, & 3.
Type of tone needed: Gruff, seems like he's easily annoyed but he's just monotone.
Voice examples:
Character Background/Information:
Frellow (Frel-low) is a farmhand on Ragden's farm. He's just a big strong and silent type. He works hard at what he does but he really is there to do what he has to do and go home. This doesn't mean he doesn't care.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Serious but friendly
"Welcome. Yeah, this is Ragden's farm. You lookin' for somethin'?" "Sure, I can help ya..."
Type of tone needed: Helping out around the farm, may be grunty a little
"Hmmpff. Yeah, I hear ya. Come on Rufus, let's get ya some grub."
Type of tone needed: Concerned but he is serious and strong in a face of panic and destruction.
"I'll make sure everything gets done sure. Ya'll will be ok, we'll take care of ya. I'll make sure to let the missus know what's going on."
This character shows up in: Chapter 2, Part 1, 2, & 3.
Type of tone needed: Any.
Voice examples: It doesn't have to be a southern accent but it very much could. This character can be feminine, masculine, or androgynous. They do not have a set gender as of right now.
Character Background/Information:
Siglan (sig-lan) is a farmhand on Ragden's farm. They are just a normal helper and live on the farm like Dentro does.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Friendly
"Yeah, come on in. Let me show you around until the boys get back. This is Rufus, this is our chickens."
Type of tone needed: Serious
"You need help over there? Alright, I'll be right over in a second."
Type of tone needed: Nervous and extremely concerned
"Thank the gods it wasn't worse than that. Those damn beasts, they always go for the arms. Stay right where you are Hun, everything will be ok."
This character shows up in: Chapter 3, Part 1, 2, & 5. They may show up later.
Type of tone needed: Adorable.
Voice examples: Any toy that speaks but can have a cat or animal kind of tone to it.
Character Background/Information:
A really fun character(s) to play. They are a special toy/figurine that a couple of the characters have in the story. They are adorable little animals with magical powers or outfits.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Adorable, cutesy, friendly
"Hewwo dere! I'm a FireBlast Mew Mew and I am your best fwiend. I love you!"
Type of tone needed: Adorable, cutesy, friendly YET fierce
"Fireblastttttt attack! We will fight the bad guys of the world together."
Type of tone needed: A little more mature but still cutesy
"I am FireBlast MeowMeow, a rare friend to have indeed."
This character shows up in: Chapter 3, Part 1, 2, & 3.
Type of tone needed: Squeaky, high energy, full of emotions. Talks quickly but not so quickly you can't understand him.
Voice examples: No where near mickey mouse. Closer to the shrimp from Shark Tale but more squeakier.
Character Background/Information:
Ralru(Rall-roo) is a small mouse man. He is one of Thistle's employers/bosses. He's kind of a jerk... or at least frustrated easily.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Frustrated and annoyed, huffy
"Honestly thistle, I can't believe you! This is exactly the kind of behavior that proves my point. "
Type of tone needed: Questioning, a little sad and annoyed
"Come on Thistle, where were you today? I was counting on you. "
Type of tone needed: Shocked, scared but thankful/excited
"Ah! Thank you nice lady! I'm out of here..."
This character shows up in: Chapter 3, Multiple parts.
Type of tone needed: He's a little more calm and quiet, sometimes questioning/cautious.
Voice examples: No real example other than making him sound like a frog dad. Not super masculine.
Character Background/Information:
Gerald or Gerry is a small frog man. He is one of Thistle's employers/bosses. He has a big family but currently he is only taking care of 6 of his kids. 3 of them come into view or speak.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Confused, guarded/cautious, concerned
"Oh, uh... Thistle. Good to see you... Is there something you needed?"
Type of tone needed: Happy, friendly, honest
"Of course, you're welcome anytime! Thank you for helping us out, we really appreciate it."
Type of tone needed: serious, kind of sad, deep down is really happy
"Thank you my boy, you've really grown up. I'm glad to have been here for you, no matter what happened."
This character shows up in: Chapter 3, Part 5.
Type of tone needed: Sweet and giggly. Tough and baby.
Voice examples: Baby or children voices. Male and female.
Character Background/Information:
Celia, Oki, and Pela are all Gerald the frog man's children. They have a lot of siblings so they have to go back and forth from the parents houses. They are all precious.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Celia Lines- She's very sweet, caring, giggly, little girl energy.
"oh, hello! I'm Celia (Sea-lee-uh), nice to meet you! Here this is my doll, isn't she pretty?"
"Hehe... I like you..."Oki Lines- He thinks he's the man of the house, this little one. He's a sweet little boy but he tries to be all rough and tough.
"Well, I don't like them. They're weird and they smell..."
"You wanna go?! I'll kick you out of the house! My papa doesn't mess around and I don't either!"Pela Lines- Literally a baby, she is squeaky and kind. Big doe eyes.
"I don't think you're just some big scary monster."
"You can hold my hand, we will show you the house. It's mostly because I'm not allowed to walk around by myself because I could fall into a puddle and I don't know how to swim yet..."
This character shows up in: Earliest is Chapter 2, he shows up later again in future chapters.
Type of tone needed: He sounds sultry, sort of seductive but he's not trying to be. He has that elf/elven/fae/fey voice.
Voice examples: Artagan from Critical Role
Character Background/Information:
Tarlach (Tar-lock) is a Meldracomb Leyvhin (Nature Elf/Fae). He is an aristocrat, a very rich individual. He meets the Alix and Nitro on the road to the monster villages and offers them a ride. He is cheeky but extremely friendly. He offers to tell the story of the Medlracomb at another point in time.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Teasingly
"Oh? Hmm... somewhere else... I don't know...Why do you ask?"
Type of tone needed: A little proud, informative
"“I come from a much older race, in fact. The meldracomb people. We we're a nature based Leyvhin.”
Type of tone needed: Extremely friendly
“I really wanted to thank you more than what I’ve done. I hope that could help you!”
This character shows up in: Shows up Chapter 2, he returns a couple of times and will end up being something big in the end.
Type of tone needed: teasingly, bullying, evil.
Voice examples: Definitely not squeaky or super deep. More in the gruff range, they tend to draw out their voice like they are mischievous.
Character Background/Information:
He has a real name but that will not be revealed until later. They will appear in dreams and the like, so try make him more smooth.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Evil, aggressive, manipulative
"Oh... you poor thing... You really think you're someone great? You're nothing. You're not going to be able to do anything for anyone..."
Type of tone needed: Monotone, not caring
"I could care less about some mere mortal... and their... feelings... ugh..."
Type of tone needed: Surprised, less evil
"Oh. I uh... wasn't expecting that. You... care for me?"
This character shows up in: Chapter 3. Will continue to be in the story on and off.
Type of tone needed: A range of them.
Voice examples: Sultry, flirtatious, elven/elf/fae/fey like, vampire? He's got Loki vibes?
Character Background/Information:
Bhairon (Baron) is a chaos, a type of leyvhin that has parents of a leyvhin and fairkhis. He meets the main 3 on a very interesting mission. He acts like he is always up to trouble but it's because he's been through some things. He is extremely flirtatious towards most people, it's his way of teasing. But man does he crush hard on Alix.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Teasingly
"Oh what a cute party... You all look so chummy don't you?"
Type of tone needed: honest, serious, still slightly flirtatious
"I give you my honest word. I give my promise, to you my dear. Something very important where I come from..."
Type of tone needed: Surprised, confused, feels needed
"Wait, really? You're not joking with me... You're willing to help me out? Me...?"
This character shows up in: Chapter 4 and later again.
Type of tone needed: Caring, gentle but still a hint of serious. Slightly deep but not super deep, closer to average?
Examples: Personality and acting like -
Character Background/Information:
Fenno is Quilla's husband. He is a sweet man but very protective of his wife. He is also a slightly panicked man because she is pregnant. Their family becomes a safety net for the main cast.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Serious
"Now, we don't want any trouble... This better be something important..."
Type of tone needed: Honest and friendly
"We appreciate your help, if you ever need us, we'll be here for you."
Type of tone needed: Sweet and caring, concerned
"You alright honey? It's ok, be gentle getting down now..."
This character shows up in: Chapter 4 and later again.
Type of tone needed: A range of them.
Examples: Personality and actions- (Do not give her a country accent.)
Character Background/Information:
Quilla is Fenno's wife. She is a sweet woman who is just trying to get by while being pregnant. She loves everyone and is extremely kind. She tries to push herself a lot but she understands her limits. Their family becomes a safety net for the main cast.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Firm, slightly scolding but teasingly
"Honey, don't be rude now. They're just trying to be polite. Yes, you can help us, don't mind him."
Type of tone needed: Questioning, slightly shocked
"Doesn't she remind you of anyone Fenno?"
Type of tone needed: Sweet
"Please, rest yourselves now. I'll bake you some delicious cookies and make sure you're right at home."
This character shows up in: Chapter 4 and onward. On and off.
Type of tone needed: Deep, rough sounding, grouchy, very high energy (more aggression)
Information and Examples: We don't need accents like Russian or "Mob-Boss". He is grumpy, grouchy craggly monster voice but not super deep. Sounds like a tired worker that hates life.
Character Background/Information:
Tavish is Fajra's assistant. He looks like a little demon gremlin. He works for Fajra as an agreement but he gets tired of her shit real fast.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Monotone, serious, slightly annoyed.
"Sure, it's right over there. Don't bother me again, ok?"
Type of tone needed: Annoyed, slightly angry
"Leave me alone will ya! You piss me off sometimes- I... ok... whatever..."
Type of tone needed: Monotone, slightly surprised
"Wow you actually didn't completely mess up for once? Shocker. But honestly, good job kid."

This character shows up in: Chapter 4 and onward. On and off.
Type of tone needed: She is extremely laid back, tends to put on "nonchalant" vibes. She's actually incredibly caring.
Voice examples: Ursula from Kiki's delivery service.
Eda's personality and Lilith's voice from the Owl House.
Character Background/Information:
Fajra (Fie-ra like fire but with ra at the end) is a very strong mage/witch. She has extraordinary powers and is pretty much a genius. Most people either respect her or think she's wasting her time because she uses it just to run a small self owned shop. She doesn't want to be some big hot shot but she still knows and uses her talents when she needs to.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Slightly friendly but professional
"Hey, welcome to the shop. I'll be right with you, give me one moment."
Type of tone needed: Teasingly but also serious towards the end
"It's a stick. No really look -She snaps it in half- Nothing magical about it. Don't worry cutie, I'll get you another...Sorry to break it to you... In both ways heh hehe- Oops too soon sorry..."
Type of tone needed: Serious then slightly annoyed
"Honestly, yeah I don't really care. People always go on and on about how much power I'm wasting. Fajra don't do this, don't do that. What about what I want huh?"

Alix is one of our main characters. She is a non binary princess (They/She) from the kingdom of Reinomere, who leaves to avoid a direct threat to her safety. But she isn't your typical movie trope princess, they're closer to a warrior. She is strong, smart, and confident! She loves to have fun, most of that is spent having fun with their new found friends and exploring.
For their voice, we're looking for a kind voice but one that still sounds confident and playful. *Please make this character sound mature!* (Looking for something close to this:
(Alix is doing almost a narration/retelling of something really dear and serious to her/them.)
"They never kept anything from me, probably because they didn’t want me to worry. I’ve always appreciated that... "
(Alix just saw someone walking up and trying to take her animal companion and best friend Thadius, who is a male Clydesdale horse.)
"Hey, you! What are you doing?"
*Almost shocked/offended sounding* - "Are you trying to steal my horse!?"
(Alix just watched someone trying to eat someone - Not aggressively, more silly but still shocking)
*Shocked/High energy and slightly exasperated* “You can’t just be eating people!”
*Teasingly* - "We deal with our problems where I’m from. "
*Confused and interested* - "What’s so bad that you felt the need to do that?"

Nitro is another one of our main characters. He is a prince from the kingdom of Freinoss, who is trying to escape the claws of his overbearing parents by leaving the magical academy. He is in search of a normal life and honestly, happiness. He is extremely intelligent and skeptical. He is always trying to lead by logic but starts to eventually let his emotions out when he begins to bond. He is a mage.
His voice: Nitro is an emotional character first and foremost. He has been pushed to the point of being perfect but he just wants to think and feel for himself. He is a prince going through some deep trauma all the while trying to really find who he wants to be. He wants to be happy. He is a very spoiled prince but not by choice. (Ichigo from Bleach) *Please make this character sound mature! He is 26. I do not want high pitched or feminine voices or deep masculine either.*
(Nitro is trying to inform a magic academy principal/professor, even though he is extremely nervous deep down because he is trying to run away.)
" I’ll be taking a leave of absence from the academy for an unknown amount of time. Further detailed descriptions of my leave will be in this scroll. "
(He has been traveling for days. His princely attire is in ruin and he is completely exhausted.)
" All these strange sounds and creatures, I'm starting to regret this. Why couldn't this have been easier. Oh! Now my perfectly pressed shirt is ripped... Could my day get any worse...?"
(This is a big moment for him, he is finally standing up for himself.)
"No, this is unacceptable and you know it. I tried to please you, for years in fact. I had to be perfect for you. All this time, I just wanted to be myself. I didn't even know who I was. They helped me find that. You do not get to stand here and try to take that from me. You're wrong. I am not like you and I never have been and never will be."

Thistle is our last main character. He is a burly monster somewhere in his 30s? who is a guardian to the group. He has a troubled past filled with lots of sorrow. He tends to bottle up his feelings because he feels like he has to punish himself but deep down he is one of the most kindest and selfless monsters. A lot of people tend to be scared of him simply because he is big and intimidating looking.
For his voice, we're looking for a strong and deeper tone (He talks a little monotone) but he loves to be a jokester/teases a lot. He's almost like a cringey dad. (Aizen from Bleach or Sijinkomamura from Bleach) *Please make this character sound mature but do not make him sound gravely or "like an orc would sound".*
(Thistle has been trying to balance too many things at one time in his life and has realized it's starting to fall apart. He has caught up with an employer who is not very happy with him.)
*ashamed* - "Come on man, I’m really trying, I’m sorry..."
*rubbing his face* - "I'm working all the time. I have so many jobs lined up that I forgot and started working another."
(Alix just gifted him something that means a lot to him, this is the first time in a while someone has taken the time to do something for him out of true and honest kindness.)
*Slightly shocked and emotional* - "Thank you, Alix, that honestly means a lot to me."
(Thistle has grabbed someone by the collar and is really mad. This person has done something disgusting and unthinkable. Thistle can't understand why people need to continue to be awful to others, especially the weak.)
"What? Do you think this is just some game? Preying on hurting people, down on their luck. You really sat here and thought it would be funny to do this. How disgusting do you have to be to do something like this."
A great spirit who has guided Alix since childhood.
Her voice should be soft yet mature, wise, calming. Mysterious even. *Please make this character sound mature!*
*Firm/Serious, warning even* - "Go."
*Slightly concerned yet firm* - "Leave, it is dangerous to stay."
*Serious* - "Come to me, it is time."
*Sadly but understanding* - "My dear child, You must be kind to yourself. You are destined for greatness, there are those who need your bravery, kindness of your heart, and joy for life. For who not better to help than you?"
*Warmly* - "Hello little one, I've been waiting for you."
"I'm very proud of you..."
Vieno is a goofball of a dad to Alix. He loves to have fun with his family but he is a fierce protector of them. He will do anything to keep his family and kingdom safe (Reinomere). They are both amazing parents.
His voice should be older sounding/almost deep, calm, poised, mature. Think the king from Dragon Prince.
(The King is explaining lore but to his daughter.)
"We chose to return it to the sun and in return we were granted a blessing from them. "
(He is joking about a friend and servant to the royal family. He gets in trouble from the Queen because he is laughing with Alix.)
*snarkily, teasing* - "Knowing that horse he probably would have run him over on purpose. HAHAHA."
"I’m just kidding… He’s a great guy, he just needs to loosen up a bit."
(He is shaken up by a prediction. He is trying to think about how to protect his family.)
*Shaken up but trying to remain calm* - "She showed me what would happen if you didn’t go. I can't lose you to something like this, so, please go. I have everything ready for you."
Alix's mother. She is a supportive mother and queen (Reinomere). She is fierce and strong for her kingdom and seen often as soft and affectionate with her family. A true queen.
Her voice should be mature yet regal and soft.
(Towards Alix - She is being endearing and kind to her young daughter.)
"That’s why she’s our little bubbly bee. "
(She is trying to explain to her child that the world is filled with danger.)
*Gentle yet serious* - "There are things out there that wish to harm even the most innocent of beings. Those corrupted by the awful energy of the world and very corrupted magic. "
(Technology. The Queen struggles with it.)
"Oh, hold on dear, I'm trying to get this mirror to work."
"You need me to step back? Your poor father doesn't understand how to do this either. One moment, let me get Malross to help me out." (Pronounced Malrose)

Full of excitement to learn, younger Alix is seen as full of gremlin energy. She is sweet and friendly. She wants to learn about monsters, magic, and the world. She strives for adventure.
Her voice should be young, excitable, and cute. She would sound around 5-8 years old.
(Getting told about the world through stories)
*With so much curiosity* - "Woah... Why are we not together anymore, Papa? (Please do not say it like pah-pah) What happened to all the magic?"
(Playfully and with confidence like its the coolest thing she's ever said or done)
"Yeah, the pretty lady spoke to me again."
*Full of energy and excitement* - "STORY TIME!"
He is the family mage for the rulers of Reinomere (Alix, Vieno, and Kaila). He is an exceptional mage but his ego is a little inflated. He holds himself with greater priority and often scolds Alix for enjoying/being herself.
His voice can be androgynous or tones of feminine (As long as he isn't strictly masculine or feminine sounding). Slightly higher pitched and annoyed unless talking to the King and Queen.
*Angry and scolding* - "You brat, you better watch yourself now!"
*Scolding, sounding more annoyed than angry now* - "You know better than to be acting like a fool riding around town like that!"
*Huffy as he walks away* - "You need to be careful. Got to start behaving like a young lady, especially a princess… HMMFF!"*Eager* - "Yes my Queen, right away."

Master Hedgeway is the principal at the magic academy that Nitro attends. He is stoic looking but usually curious. He holds respect to Nitro and his family.
Looking for a mature voice that always has questioning (curious) undertones.
*Serious yet slightly happy* - "Young Master Necrath, pleased to see you. "
*Curiously* (He has just been handed something to look at) - "Hmm? What's this?"
*With intrigue and honesty* - "Hope to see you again, you’ve been quite the prodigy here. "
Relland is a scout for the kingdom and is starting a smaller position on the royal guard. He usually is seen around the other scouts but during the prestory, he shows up with a very important message.
For his voice, we are looking for something young, maybe possible teen to young adult (15-19). Maybe slightly still squeaky.
*Frantically and/or out of breath* - "Your highness!"
*Firmly but still shaken up* - "I came as soon as I received the message. We need to put the kingdom on lockdown. "
*Nervously but still firm* - "The commander intercepted a threat. We don’t know who it was, they dealt with it that fast, thank the gods. "
*Solemnly* - "We don’t know if they wanted to kidnap or assas- "
Pontarius is one of the best knights on the royal guard - if not the best. They have a healthy and fun fake rivalry with Alix. They like to have fun with Alix whenever they hang out.
We still haven't decided on the gender for Pontarius so anyone can apply for them at the moment. We're looking for a strong and playful voice, full of energy. Either big buff lady, or overly flamboyant buff guy or buff enby! (Voice examples
*Teasingly* - "No you're at 48 now! Don't try to trick me.*
*Excited* - "Oh yeah, You want to go Alix!? I'll just beat you again!"
Any extra fun lines you can think of!
Narrator for the Arytalia Trailer. Lines will be provided at the time of the trailer production but as of right now there are now.
Improvised lines.
You could read our synopsis or read video game lines or books that match our theme.
Horse, Animal, & Monster Noises.
We need masculine and feminine horse noises for Thadius (Supporting), Monty, and Mika.
There are normal animals who walk around the world called Thirns. (Mammals, small animals, reptiles, anything)
We also have cursed monsters named Abohlims who would need a lot of rawring and such.
Expressive horse noises
*Thadius exclaims a whinny of shocked expression.* (Supporting)
*Mika gives a soft whinny of affection*
*Monty gives happy huffs and a loud whinny to see Alix*
There are normal animals who walk around the world called Thirns. (Mammals, small animals, reptiles, anything)
We also have cursed monsters named Abohlims who would need a lot of rawring and such.
Huffing, sniffing, growling, snarling, etc.
We are looking for background chatter, guards/knights/scouts, schoolmates, and the like.
BG C - Any groups of people talking or random conversations that would be around medieval era.
G/K/S - Any high energy, aggression, firm or confirming acts. (Things like yes sir or idle chatter)
SM - Need to be younger sounding as they are Nitro's classmates and peers.
Background Chatter - Any groups of people talking or random conversations that would be around medieval era.
"Yes Sir" "No Sir" "Yes/No your highness" "Right away"
"You won't get away" Any improvised lines.School Mates
"What's wrong with him?"
"Are you ok?"
"Is something going on?"
"Why is he acting that way?"
"Nitro?""Hey Nitro!"
Any idle chatter as well!
Any medieval sounding or video game music. Things like Undertale, D&D, Skyrim type music would be appreciated.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions