Arytalia (Needing artists and an editor)
NekoJenW for Quilla
This character shows up in: Chapter 4 and later again.
Type of tone needed: A range of them.
Examples: Personality and actions- (Do not give her a country accent.)
Character Background/Information:
Quilla is Fenno's wife. She is a sweet woman who is just trying to get by while being pregnant. She loves everyone and is extremely kind. She tries to push herself a lot but she understands her limits. Their family becomes a safety net for the main cast.
You must be in our Discord server to be considered for a role: (Do not give your discord, join the link. Cast members will also be required to stay in the server. Big or small.)
Type of tone needed: Firm, slightly scolding but teasingly
"Honey, don't be rude now. They're just trying to be polite. Yes, you can help us, don't mind him."
Type of tone needed: Questioning, slightly shocked
"Doesn't she remind you of anyone Fenno?"
Type of tone needed: Sweet
"Please, rest yourselves now. I'll bake you some delicious cookies and make sure you're right at home."
Thank you!
Your audio is really quiet... Is it possible for you to raise the volume on it a little?
Thanks for the feedback! I'll def try to fix the volume issue.