Agents of the Frontier [Titanfall 2 Machinima] Episodes 1-5

Agents of the Frontier [Titanfall 2 Machinima] Episodes 1-5

Project Overview

June 2020 Update: Episode 1 has launched! We will update this listing with a couple new parts soon. For now, we are looking for a voice for one of the lead Pilots' Titans. See the open roles for details, and be sure to check out episode 1 in the updates section!

Hello, and welcome to the casting call for episodes 1 - 5 of “Agents of the Frontier”, a Titanfall 2 machinima by NIR Entertainment.

In “Agents of the Frontier”, a pair of elite 6-4 pilots and a pair of ex-Militia freelancers must set aside their differences and work together to uncover a nefarious IMC plot.

The show combines fast, intense action with deep character interplay that’s sure to satisfy both the most invested of Titanfall lore junkies, as well as all you wall-running adrenaline junkies (stim mains, we’re looking at you). The core team is a group of passionate Titanfall fans who want to make something excellent for fellow fans to enjoy. At the moment, we have the scripts complete for the first 5 full-length episodes, and the next 5 are in the pipeline now. Don't fret if you don't land a role in these first 5 episodes, as there may be the perfect role in episodes 6-10 just for you!

There are plenty of parts to fill throughout the entire stack, from main voice actors to one-off voice parts. Some of the main recurring parts are already filled, but check out the roles below and I’m sure there will be some that catch your eye!

We’re looking for folks that can tackle a variety of acting types, and can get their lines in by a given deadline. You’ll need to be able to speak as if you’re in a room alone with one other person, as well as be able to bark out orders and battle chatter as if you’re in the middle of a massive fight. Everyone’s wearing a helmet in Titanfall 2, so we will be using a filter to mimic that effect; as such, don’t worry too much about microphone quality, but make sure your setup is decent and sounds at least palatable (try to get into an isolated spot to record, and try not to have a lot of background noise). We’d like for you to be communicative with us on our Discord (link prodvided on casting), as we may ask you to fill a few voice roles or reprise a role in later episodes. When auditioning, feel free to say the line as many times as you feel is necessary to get the message across. Also, if you want to say any more lines you think would fit, feel free to improvise and riff as you see fit!

We’re also in need of dedicated body actors to play out the scenes in Titanfall 2 on PC. See the Body Actor listing below for more details.

For body actors, usage of our Discord is required. There will be a designated time we record, and we’ll take whoever can/is willing to jump in at that time when we ping you.

For further information and to discuss the show with the production team, head on over to our Discord server! Just message me for a link to the server!

Thanks for checking out our Casting Call, and good luck to all candidates! See you on the Frontier, Pilots!

caoenqi and Krankify - Logo image

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Latest Updates

  • Agents of the Frontier [Titanfall 2 Machinima] Episode 1 PREMIERES SATURDAY

    Hi everyone, It's been quite some time. I'd like to update you on the progress of the show. Good news - we are premiering episode 1 this Saturday, at 10AM Pacific! In the meantime, check out our trailer and prologue! We're so excited to share this with everyone. Thanks for all the help and support!
  • First Round of Casting Complete, but Parts are Still Open!

    Hi everyone! Wow, we've gotten such a great response to this casting call. Lots of people auditioned for lots of different parts, and we're so grateful for all of you that have stepped up. The team got together and deliberated this weekend, and have cast a few of the parts already. If you haven't yet been cast, or a part you auditioned for was cast to someone else, we'd like to encourage you to audition for any of the parts that are still open. Again, we've got plenty of Extras to go around, and there will still be more parts that come around in episodes 6-10 that might pique your interest. We haven't yet found quite the right persons to portray Seth or Drew, so we've added a few notes to their character profiles to further expand on their voice types. If you think you fit one of them and haven't been cast, we encourage you to audition for those parts! If you have a great voice, but don't think you fit any of the parts below, or would like to submit a demo or audition outside of CCC and see where we think you'd fit, or if you just want to discuss Titanfall and the show in general, we'd like to encourage you to join our Discord server! See the project description for an invite link. Once again, thank you all for auditioning and following the project! The support has been amazing. Until next time, Pilots!
  • Isaac Auditions Closed & Updates!

    Thanks to everyone that auditioned for Isaac, from here on CastingCall and from our other sources. At this time, auditions for Isaac are closed, and no new auditions for him will be considered. We are deliberating on the auditions we have, and will cast him soon. If you auditioned for Isaac and don't end up getting cast as him, we encourage you to audition for other parts. Also, we encourage you to join our Discord, where you can submit demos and speak with us directly about being put in a role that best fits your voice. See the project description for the Discord invitation link. Our first deadline is August 23rd, and we'll cast as many people as we can then before extending the deadline out to fill in the rest of the roles. Thanks everyone for auditioning, and see you on the Frontier!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

HS is the Legion Titan linked to pilot Jae Byung-Ho. Despite sounding similar to the default Legion voice (demonstrated at 3:48 here:, his personality makes him slightly more calm and collected to offset Jae's rambunctious personality.

This role is minor at first, with only a few lines scattered throughout the first season. However, this role will potentially become more major down the road. In the current episode we are producing (episode 2), he only has 1 line.

  • "Ronin -  your sword’s energy coils appear to be losing charge. Happy to provide backup."

  • "Pilot - high importance package en route."

  • "Pilot - we are at risk of being overwhelmed by hostile infantry. Recommend activating Smart Core."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Isaac Neon
Role assigned to: KNines

The 6-4’s resident genius, Pilot Isaac Neon was previously among the chief engineers on the Vanguard Titan project. Now, he’s back in the field, with his trusty EPG and Wingman by his side. To eliminate any possibility of failure, he’s always one to make a tactical plan and adapt in battle. His Pulse Blade brings him even more intel to add to his machinations. His voice is a little bit on the higher side, but he can still bark out battle chatter and be assertive.

Role Type: Main

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 126

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Yes

Accent: American

  • Isaac is trying to use an outpost’s security cameras to track someone. Suddenly, the camera feeds all die. Not good! --- “The security cameras - just now, they’ve all been cut off! I can’t get ‘em back! It’s -- there’s some kind of automated daemon rampaging through the system, cutting off the cameras at the physical level!”

  • Isaac and Peter are trying to break someone out of jail. However, after coming to the ‘cell’ they found on the prisoner manifest, they find it to be an empty room. --- “I certainly don’t see a prisoner in here. I swear, it was this room… heh, maybe they ran out of cells and started using broom closets?”

  • Peter is just mentioning how they seem to be in the clear after a large skirmish, when he and Isaac here the one thing that would have made everything worse: the sound of an enemy Titanfall. “You jinxed us. You know what wasn’t here before? An IMC Titan!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gawain Wight
Role assigned to: CalVO

Leader of the elite IMC Pilot team called Task Force Crusader. Though he tries to act like a chivalrous knight out of fairy tales, he’s often seen as taking his code of honor too far. Previously a combat medic, he’s known for harboring compassion for his fellow soldier. He thoroughly believes in the IMC cause and those who support it, and as such, he’s generated a great deal of respect throughout the Frontier.

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Role Type: Supporting 

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 32

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Yes

Accent: British

  • Task Force Crusader is tasked with investigating an outpost that’s gone dark on the far reaches of IMC-controlled space. He’s concerned for the occupants of that outpost as he briefs the team. --- “Their lives are in our hands. Don’t take any risks. Get in, rescue our people… and make the folks back in the Core proud to call us their protectors.”

  • In the middle of a fight, Gawain is accused of being a wanton murderer. He opposes this. --- “Oh, I’d never do something so barbaric!”

  • Task Force Crusader leads a daring attack against the Militia. Gawain steps forward to address the troops. --- “On this day, we strike back against the vicious terror of the Militia. Today, we silence these few villains; in the days to come, we move to free the Frontier from this evil!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Seth Cornwallis
cast offsite

Task Force Crusader’s CQB expert, Seth is certainly a dangerous man to be around. Arrogant and overconfident in his abilities, he’s known for cracking jokes in the middle of battle, getting under other people’s skin (especially Gawain’s) with his sick sense of humor. Though he’s often seen as one sadistic bastard, truly he empathizes greatly with the common man, and Lord help anyone who goes after his brothers-in-arms, no matter their rank.

His voice is going to a little bit deep, slightly gruff tone to it.

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Role Type: Supporting

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 16

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Yes

Accent: American

  • After hearing a particularly worrisome mission briefing, Seth breaks the silence. --- “Sounds like one helluva party. What are we waiting for?”

  • Gawain has just ordered Seth and Leo to fall back. Though Leo insists they do so, Seth looks to him in disagreement. --- “Fall back, my ass. Oh, you can feel free to hang back; no need to get your hands dirty.”

  • While Gawain gives a rousing speech to his Templar troops, Seth finds something particularly disturbing, and cuts Gawain off. --- “Uh, Gawain? Hate to kill the whole ‘tortured hero’ ensemble you got going on, but… I think you’re gonna want to see this.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Leo Palinode
cast offsite

Despite having a prim and proper exterior, Task Force Crusader’s grenadier Leo is entirely full of himself. Thinking himself as being above others, he’ll often point out people’s mistakes, and tell them exactly how he would have done it instead. He fully believes in the IMC, and sees the Militia as nothing but a band of terrorists that are trying to ruin his perfect peace. Previously a law enforcement officer, he hates violent crime on the Frontier, yet has a violent side of his own.

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Role Type: Supporting

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 14

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Yes

Accent: British

  • After hearing a mission briefing about an outpost that’s sent a distress signal, Leo is skeptical that it’s valid. --- “Don’t you remember last time we dealt with one of these, Gawain? The personnel were convinced the planet was drifting into the sun? Turned out just to be broken air conditioning, if you recall?”

  • Gawain orders Seth and Leo to retreat and regroup. Seth starts to go off on his own, much to Leo’s chagrin. --- “Seth! You heard Gawain. Look, he’s saying the same thing I would; it’s a solid plan!”

  • In battle, Leo steps up in his Scorch Titan, priming his Flame Core. --- “Templars, post up. It’s about to get hot!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Drew Drake
cast offsite

A smooth talking scoundrel by nature, Drew Drake excels as Task Force Crusader’s infiltrator. He's mysterious as he is charismatic, both having friends in high places as well as powerful enemies through debts unpaid. Despite this, he always keeps a cool head, even cracking jokes and staying laid back in battle.

As a dendrite of the classic scoundrel archetype, he'll sound a little bit like Han Solo, though slightly higher pitched.

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Role Type: Supporting    

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 14

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Yes

Accent: American

  • Drew meets up with an IMC security force and helps them to mount a defense against a Militia threat. --- “You guys got any Reapers? Militia hates those things.”

  • Drew has made a tactical plan that seems to be coming along swimmingly. But, the rest of the Crusaders are too busy gearing up to acknowledge him. “Well, well. Looks like my hunch was right. ...oh, don’t everyone thank me at once.”

  • Drew closes in on an enemy combatant he’s been searching for quite some time. --- “I must admit, I would have thought you far more difficult to locate. But, in your hubris, you left us everything we needed to find you. What did you think? That your meager forces here would manage to overpower us?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dominic Lukas
cast offsite

Formerly an IMC Pilot, Dominic Lukas fought with Ammon (one of our main characters), and in fact, saw Ammon die. Following Lukas’s struggles with Stim addiction, he realized how frail and weak the human form was without a bit of help. After an incident that claimed most of his physical body, allowing him to achieve his ultimate wish of becoming a Simulacrum, he recommended Ammon for the Simulacrum program as well, before leaving the IMC entirely. Believing Simulacra are now above humans, he endeavors to meet with Ammon at the site of his death to discuss a business deal.

Gender: Male

Role Type: Minor Supporting   

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 14

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Possibly

Accent: Any

  • Lukas finds it ironic that he and Ammon are fighting the IMC after having been part of them. --- “And now it is we who stand alone against a war-mongering galaxy, on this, the grave of so many innocents. A grave we created during our IMC tenure, might I add. Poetic, really.”

  • Lukas is telling Ammon that, considering he’s a Simulacrum, that he’s stronger than a mere human. --- “Look at yourself: your body and mind encapsulate the greatest feats of machine on the Frontier. You are beyond your foes: superior; evolved!”

  • Lukas concedes that Ammon isn’t going to fight without a little more “motivation”. --- “My employer is a logical one. If greater compensation can turn the tide, then perhaps I can afford you a… large bonus. Quite large.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
IMC Hunter Legion
Role assigned to: Huntylicious

The leader of an IMC special operations group that is sent out after Ammon and Lukas to recover contraband they stole.

Gender: Any

Role Type: Minor Supporting    

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 18

Will be in episodes after 1-5? No

Accent: Any (South African preferred)

  • The Hunter commands his team to search the area. --- “Fan out! They’re out here somewhere. We’re not letting them get away this time. Regroup in five!”

  • The Hunter traps his prey. --- “You have been detained under the authority of the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation - and sentenced to death - for the theft and illegal modification of IMC robotics technology, continued contact with a wanted ex-IMC officer, and the murder of IMC personnel.”

  • Anything you think would fit the part!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander Brock
Role assigned to: GoldenBrock

(Referenced as a male in the script, but can be changed to be female!) The highest ranking Militia officer, a paragon of the 6-4, in the sector local to the Agents. Heading up the retention of a captured IMC drydock, Commander Brock calls Isaac, Peter, Jae, and Ammon to discuss the next steps on their mission.

Gender: Any

Role Type: Minor Supporting    

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 26

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Probably not

Accent: Any

  • Brock has just learned of an active threat in the region. --- “Duly noted. Multiple active threats are still at large. If that’s the case, we’ll need everyone on alert. I’ll get this report released to everyone on-base, so they know the situation.”

  • Two freelancers ask for an advance on their payment, despite their disobeying orders. Brock’s not happy with them. --- “You’ll get your money… minus twenty-five percent for your little stunt.”

  • During a battle, IMC forces pass Brock and his underlings by, seeming to not notice them. --- “This was a feint! They’re dropping on the other side of the base to flank us! We need to move to secure, now!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Ammon’s Ronin Titan “VG (Veegee)”.. A voice somewhat similar to Ronin in Titanfall 2, if possible.

Gender: Male

Role Type: Minor    

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 6

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Yes

Accent: British

  • “The sword is yours, Pilot.”

  • “Welcome back, Pilot. It has been: nine-hundred and forty-six days since your last link with this platform.”

  • “Pilot: we are outnumbered three-to-one”.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Peter’s Northstar Titan “Gregory”. Though Northstar is female in game, this one is male. However, here is the female Northstar for reference:

Gender: Male

Role Type: Minor    

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 2

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Yes

Accent: British

  • “Be aware, Pilot: you are outnumbered by hostile Titans.”

  • “Sharp shooting, Pilot. It is good to have you back.”

  • Anything you think would fit the part!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Archimead

Isaac’s Vanguard Titan “Atlaas”. BT-7274 is also a Vanguard Titan, example voice here:

Gender: Male

Role Type: Minor    

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 1

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Yes

Accent: American

  • “Upgrade level 2 successful. Our bullets now have electrical charge characteristics.”

  • “Pilot: we are outnumbered by hostile Titans. Suggest tactical retreat.”

  • Anything you think would fit the part!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

We are going to need a TON of extras to voice act in AOTF. For episodes 1-5, we have a total of 32 Extra roles, anywhere from 1 line of dialogue up to 7, for a total of 79 lines of dialogue spoken by Extras. These are mostly going to be Grunts (ground soldiers), enemy spec ops troops, security guards, enemy Pilots, and even computerized voices. A couple of these parts will return in later episodes and have more lines, and we’ll let you know if you’re on one of those parts so we can work with you later if possible. You’ll be yelling orders and battle chatter, as well as having covert conversations. Some of the IMC can have South African accents, so if you can do a convincing one, feel free, but it’s not necessary. Below are some sample lines, but feel free to say whatever you think fits!

Gender: Any

Role Type: Extra    

# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 1 - 7

Will be in episodes after 1-5? Possibly

Accent: Any

  • “They’re trying to corner us!”

  • “I was thinking of getting some pizza after work, but the usual place uses too much sauce of late.”

  • Anything you think would fit the part!

Body Actor
cast offsite

What’s a machinima without the actual in-game recording, right? If you own Titanfall 2 on PC, and can hop online sometimes on Friday nights and weekends (in the US), then we’d love to have you! Remember, it is fun to come into the game and film together, but once we ping the Body Actor role on Discord, please try to be ready to film and take direction. We’ll go first-come-first-serve on who responds to the ping up to the amount of people we need to get filming. To be a body actor, feel free to apply below or simply jump on our Discord server (link above) and let us know! Looking forward to having you!

  • Say something you think would fit

Video Editor
Video Editor
cast offsite

We are looking for someone who can edit together our episode's final cut. This would involve compiling and trimming clips, syncing up audio (VA, foley, and music), creating VFX (motion blur, lights, transitions, etc.), and putting together the episode's final cut. If you have some experience with video editing or maybe even editing gameplay montage clips, or even if you don't have any public works but just enjoy video editing, we'd be glad to have you!

  • Say something you think would fit


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