Agents of the Frontier [Titanfall 2 Machinima] Episodes 1-5
Huntylicious for Extras
We are going to need a TON of extras to voice act in AOTF. For episodes 1-5, we have a total of 32 Extra roles, anywhere from 1 line of dialogue up to 7, for a total of 79 lines of dialogue spoken by Extras. These are mostly going to be Grunts (ground soldiers), enemy spec ops troops, security guards, enemy Pilots, and even computerized voices. A couple of these parts will return in later episodes and have more lines, and we’ll let you know if you’re on one of those parts so we can work with you later if possible. You’ll be yelling orders and battle chatter, as well as having covert conversations. Some of the IMC can have South African accents, so if you can do a convincing one, feel free, but it’s not necessary. Below are some sample lines, but feel free to say whatever you think fits!
Gender: Any
Role Type: Extra
# of Lines in Episodes 1-5: 1 - 7
Will be in episodes after 1-5? Possibly
Accent: Any
“They’re trying to corner us!”
“I was thinking of getting some pizza after work, but the usual place uses too much sauce of late.”
Anything you think would fit the part!