Male VA + Supporting Roles in an Romantic Audio Roleplay/Story Series (SFW++) (n°7)

Male VA + Supporting Roles in an Romantic Audio Roleplay/Story Series (SFW++) (n°7)

Project Overview

Sypnopsis :

In You, the Stars and Me, you will portray Noah Sterner, a man who dreamed of becoming an actor. In his pursuit of success, he lost sight of the one person who had always believed in him, supporting him through every setback. However, destiny has other plans, and it’s possible a new chapter awaits them both—even after years of separation.

You, the Stars and Me is a story of ambition, second chances, and the enduring power of love, where fate offers a chance at reconciliation and rediscovery.

You must be 21 years or older to audition.

I am seeking a talented male voice actor to take on the lead role of a charismatic male character in his twenties to early thirties. The role requires a voice that conveys a gentle, affectionate, and romantic tone, capturing the essence of a character who, despite his lack of self-confidence, has never lost sight of his dream. In pursuing it, however, he lost the one person who made it all feel worthwhile.

The voice actor must bring depth to scenes of vulnerability, hope, and quiet longing, portraying the nuanced journey of a character driven by ambition yet haunted by the memory of what he left behind.

Comprising 4 episodes, the series offers a rich and dynamic narrative, each episode lasting between 35 min to 40 minutes.

Desired Profile:

Gender: Male

Voice Range: 26 to 34 years old

Accent: American

Language: English.

Experience: Ability to express a wide range of emotions (sadness, joy, romance...) with genuine acting talent.

Experience with audio drama content is recommended.

Audio Quality: Must possess or have access to quality recording equipment (home studio or equivalent). Recordings should be made in a sound-treated environment to minimize background noise and echo, ensuring the clearest audio quality. It should be recorded in 16 bit / 44.1 kHz .wav file format.

Project Details:

Duration: 4 episodes : 2h to 3h max

Content: This is not an NSFW series, but it does explore mature themes and includes some sensual elements, such as kissing sounds or moans. Candidates must be comfortable with this type of content.

Distribution: YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Patreon.

To apply, please :

  • Submit a raw, unprocessed audio using the provided script lines. This will help demonstrate your ability to naturally convey a range of emotions and allow us to assess the quality of your recording setup. Please ensure that your demo is free of background noise and that your microphone captures clear, undistorted sound.

  • Additionally, let me know if you have experience with audio roleplay content or audio drama content.

  • Also include details of the recording equipment you use, including microphone, audio interface, and any sound treatment applied to your recording environment.

Other requirements: NDA, contract, invoice.

Compensation: $175 PFH

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Noah Sterner
Paid: Flat Rate 175 USD

Male character, twenties to early thirties, with an adult voice that conveys charm, romantic warmth, playful wit, and emotional depth.

The story is set in the United States.

  • In the first scene, we’re in the present, and Noah is now a movie star. It’s Valentine’s Day, and he’s both excited and nervous about his upcoming interview with the famous Clara Bradshaw. As he heads to makeup and chats with the makeup artist, Maddie, he feels a mix of nostalgia for what this time of year represents—a reminder of his lost love.

  • In the second scene, we’re in the past, and Noah has finally landed his first leading role in a series directed by a famous showrunner, filming in Seattle. His girlfriend (the listener) is visiting after two months apart. After touring the set, she feels a tinge of jealousy towards his co-star, Meghan, and Noah tries to reassure her.

  • In the third scene, Noah has become overwhelmed by the demands of his life—the series shoot, his new life in Seattle, and the events his agent insists he attend. He recently gave an interview alongside Meghan, during which she hinted at a romantic connection between them, fueling rumors that, while untrue, have already spread. Noah tries to make amends with the listener, but it’s already too late.

  • NOAH STERNER : (soft tone) Maddie? Can I call you Maddie? -- MADDIE : Yes, of course. -- NOAH STERNER : Do you have someone to spend Valentine's with tonight? -- MADDIE : Well, actually... -- NOAH STERNER : (slight chuckle) Shit, I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm not hitting on you, I swear, really not. -- MADDIE : Oh... -- NOAH STERNER : Not that you're not an attractive woman—you are, but that's not... that's not what I meant. I was just curious. (soft, low tone) I've always thought Valentine's was special, and I wouldn't have missed it for anything, so I was just wondering if you had better plans. -- MADDIE : Well, thanks for the compliment, and it's all good, I'd have been flattered if you were hitting on me, but yes, I'm seeing someone. -- NOAH STERNER : Good for you. What's his name? -- MADDIE : Sam. -- NOAH STERNER : Well, Sam's a lucky guy. -- MADDIE : I make sure he knows it every day. -- NOAH STERNER : As you should. -- MADDIE : What about you? Anyone special? -- NOAH STERNER : (sighing slightly) No. My evening was free, so the timing was perfect for the show. -- MADDIE : Hmm... -- NOAH STERNER : ( amused, but genuinely curious) What? -- MADDIE : I don't want to be nosy. -- NOAH STERNER : No, go ahead. What is it? -- MADDIE : Actually, I saw online that you were seeing Meghan Thomas, the actress you co-star with in the series The Strangers. I thought maybe... I mean, did you guys break up? -- NOAH STERNER : (sighing slightly) I see. First off, Maddie, you can't trust everything you see online or in the press. Most of it is just a load of crap. And no, there was never anything romantic between Meghan and me. She's great, but just a colleague. -- MADDIE : Too bad, you two would've looked good together. -- NOAH STERNER : No, I don't think so. Meghan and I couldn't be more different, but we get along really well, so I guess that comes across on screen. -- MADDIE : Yeah, probably. So, no one then? -- NOAH STERNER : ( soft, low, sad tone, almost distant) No. Not this year, anyway. -- MADDIE : Hmm... Sounds like there's a story there. -- NOAH STERNER : What makes you say that? -- MADDIE : I don't know, just the way you said it as if you were sad thinking about it, lost in a memory or something. -- NOAH STERNER : (sighing slightly, as if trying to shake off the feeling) Sorry, it's just... been a long day, I must be a bit tired and it probably shows. -- MADDIE : No worries, I'm done.

  • LISTENER : No, I'm just saying she's a pretty girl, that's all. -- NOAH STERNER (teasing tone) : You're sure? Because your voice says something else. --She doesn't respond. -- NOAH STERNER (soft, low tone) : Baby? -- She looks at the view. -- NOAH STERNER (soft, low tone) : Can you tear your eyes away from that view and look at me for a second? -- she does-- NOAH STERNER (sighing slightly, soft tone) : I need to tell you... The first night I got here, I barely slept, even though I was exhausted from all the preparations and the flight. I tried everything that night—listening to music, putting on that ridiculously boring movie you love, I even tried those rain sounds. -- She laughs. -- NOAH STERNER (smiling) : Don't laugh, I'm serious. (sighing slightly) But you know what? Nothing worked, nothing helped. After five years of falling asleep with you in my arms, my brain just didn't know how to do it any other way. It was completely lost... just like me. -- LISTENER : Why didn't you call me? -- NOAH STERNER : Because I figured, with the time difference, you were probably already asleep, and I didn't want to wake you up. ( smiling ) What would I have said? 'Babe, I'm sorry, but I can't sleep without you here. Can you talk to me until I fall asleep?' That would've been a bit much, don't you think? -- LISTENER : No, and it wouldn't have bothered me. -- NOAH STERNER (sighing slightly) : I know it wouldn't have bothered you, but I didn't want to be a burden with that. -- LISTENER : Did you eventually get some sleep? -- NOAH STERNER : Yeah, after about four hours, my body finally gave in, and I managed to get three hours of sleep before tackling everything I had to do the next day. (pause) It's better now though; I'm falling asleep more easily and more quickly, but there are still nights when I miss you so much that... it all comes back. (pause and smiling ) On those nights, I just reread our conversations from the day, look at your photos, listen to your voice notes—even the ones where you're just talking about the most mundane stuff. It makes me smile, and eventually, I fall asleep. (pause then sighing slightly) So all of this is to say that you have nothing to worry about, baby. I don't want anyone but you. And selfishly, I hope your advisor says yes because I'm dreaming of getting a full night's sleep. LISTENER I promise I'll try. NOAH STERNER Okay, cool. Keep me posted then. LISTENER I love you, you know. NOAH STERNER (soft tone) And I love you even more. (in a murmur) Kiss me, baby, please. (Please add kissing sounds for a few seconds)

  • NOAH STERNER (emotional tone throughout the conversation with occasional sniffing) : I'm catching the next flight. -- LISTENER : No, Noah, don't be silly. What about your shoot? -- NOAH STERNER : The hell I won't! I don't give a damn about this shoot right now. I'm getting on a plane. -- LISTENER : No. -- NOAH STERNER : Yeah, sorry, but if there's one thing we're not doing—It's throwing away six years of relationship over the phone. You want to break up with me? Fine, but you say it to my face. LISTENER Noah, it's already over. -- NOAH STERNER : No. It's not over. You can't just do this to us. Not like this. -- LISTENER : I'm just making things easier for you. -- NOAH STERNER : How is this making things easier for me? Fuck, I don't understand a single word you're saying right now. -- LISTENER : You said it yourself last time—you felt lost, like you had to make a choice. -- NOAH STERNER : What? But when I said I was lost and had to make a choice, I wasn't talking about you, I wasn't talking about us. I was talking about all this—my career, the stress, the chaos it's bringing into our lives. Babe, listen to me, if there's one thing I'm absolutely sure about in this whole mess, it's you, okay? -- LISTENER : Then what happened? -- NOAH STERNER (sighing slightly) : God, I don't know... I don't know what happened. Everything's just spiraling, it's out of control. I'm just trying to do the right thing, I'm just trying to do what's right, I swear. (pause tears flowing, but it's not loud—just quiet, emotional crying) But I screwed up, fuck... I totally screwed up. --She starts crying.-- NOAH STERNER : Shit... baby, please don't cry. Fuck... (tears flowing, but it's not loud—just quiet, emotional crying for a few seconds): I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't want to hurt you or make you feel like I was abandoning you. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... fuck.. (quiet crying in the throat for a few seconds)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 175 USD

Female character, twenties to early thirties, with a voice that conveys charm, playful wit and kindness.

  • In this scene, we’re in the present, and Noah is now a movie star. It’s Valentine’s Day, and he’s both excited and nervous about his upcoming interview with the famous Clara Bradshaw. As he heads to makeup and chats with the makeup artist, Maddie, he feels a mix of nostalgia for what this time of year represents—a reminder of his lost love.

  • This character has a full scene as well as a few lines in another scene.

  • NOAH STERNER : (soft tone) Maddie? Can I call you Maddie? -- MADDIE : Yes, of course. -- NOAH STERNER : Do you have someone to spend Valentine's with tonight? -- MADDIE : Well, actually... -- NOAH STERNER : (slight chuckle) Shit, I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm not hitting on you, I swear, really not. -- MADDIE : Oh... -- NOAH STERNER : Not that you're not an attractive woman—you are, but that's not... that's not what I meant. I was just curious. (soft, low tone) I've always thought Valentine's was special, and I wouldn't have missed it for anything, so I was just wondering if you had better plans. -- MADDIE : Well, thanks for the compliment, and it's all good, I'd have been flattered if you were hitting on me, but yes, I'm seeing someone. -- NOAH STERNER : Good for you. What's his name? -- MADDIE : Sam. -- NOAH STERNER : Well, Sam's a lucky guy. -- MADDIE : I make sure he knows it every day. -- NOAH STERNER : As you should. -- MADDIE : What about you? Anyone special? -- NOAH STERNER : (sighing slightly) No. My evening was free, so the timing was perfect for the show. -- MADDIE : Hmm... -- NOAH STERNER : ( amused, but genuinely curious) What? -- MADDIE : I don't want to be nosy. -- NOAH STERNER : No, go ahead. What is it? -- MADDIE : Actually, I saw online that you were seeing Meghan Thomas, the actress you co-star with in the series The Strangers. I thought maybe... I mean, did you guys break up? -- NOAH STERNER : (sighing slightly) I see. First off, Maddie, you can't trust everything you see online or in the press. Most of it is just a load of crap. And no, there was never anything romantic between Meghan and me. She's great, but just a colleague. -- MADDIE : Too bad, you two would've looked good together.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clara Bradshaw
Paid: Flat Rate 175 USD

Female character, twenties to early thirties, with a voice that conveys charm, playful wit, kindness, and emotional depth.

  • In this scene, Noah is being interviewed by the famous and charismatic Clara Bradshaw. Clara has been a strong presence in the television industry for years and knows exactly how to get her guests to open up.

  • This character has a full scene as well as a few lines in another scene.

  • CLARA BRADSHAW ( cheerful tone) : Good evening everyone, and thank you for joining me for a new episode of The Bradshaw Show. (pause) Tonight, I'm thrilled to be joined by a very special guest I've wanted to interview for quite some time now. ( pause ) I'm super excited he accepted my invitation, and I'm sure you will be, too. He's here of his own free will, I must add, to answer my wildest and most intrusive questions, but also to talk about his new movie, Crimson Town 2, hitting theaters next weekend. He's talented, he's handsome, and he turns heads everywhere he goes with his incredible charisma. (pause) Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the one and only, Noah Sterner!

  • CLARA BRADSHAW : Mm-hmm. I sense you're very passionate when you talk about this. Is it a situation you've experienced? -- NOAH STERNER : What do you mean? -- CLARA BRADSHAW : Well, is it something that has happened to you, being separated from someone you love and wishing you could have them back? -- NOAH STERNER (uncomfortable tone) Oh, actually... -- CLARA BRADSHAW : Oh wow, hold on, folks, I think we've got a juicy topic here. Get the tissues ready! -- NOAH STERNER (slight chuckle) : You really don't miss a beat, do you? -- CLARA BRADSHAW : It wouldn't be The Bradshaw Show if I let you leave without prying at least one well-kept secret out of you, would it?

  • NOAH STERNER : Seriously, I can't believe so many people are interested in my crappy love life! -- CLARA BRADSHAW : Well, that's for us to decide. -- NOAH STERNER : Argh! I can't, Clara. Kirk's going to kill me. -- CLARA BRADSHAW : Who's this Kirk? -- NOAH STERNER : He's my agent, and he asked me not to say too much. -- CLARA BRADSHAW : Hmm, I understand better now. Excuse me for a moment. Kirk, with all due respect, shove it. -- NOAH STERNER ( slight chuckle) Oh shit. -- CLARA BRADSHAW : This is my show, and my guests are free to say whatever they want here, without judgment. If you have a problem with that, you know where to find me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 175 USD

  • Tina is a waitress at the restaurant where Noah and his girlfriend spend every Valentine’s Day. She’s in her twenties (or older) and has a warm, endearing personality, with a touch of almost maternal affection toward them.

  • This character has a few lines of dialogue at the beginning and end of the series. The rate of $175 per finished hour applies, with a minimum fee of $20.

  • TINA : Ah, here come my favorite lovebirds. -- NOAH STERNER (smiling) : Hey, Tina, how's it going? -- TINA : Oh, you know, Noah, the usual. And you two? -- NOAH STERNER : Yeah, we're doing pretty good. Still packed for a night like this, I see. -- TINA : Yeah, it's going to be a rush but I've saved your usual table. Come on. -- NOAH STERNER : You're a sweetheart. --TINA : I know. -- pause-- TINA : So, are you getting the usual, or are you finally gonna try something else on the menu? -- NOAH STERNER : Hmm, yeah I guess, unless you want to change it up, babe? -- LISTENER : No. -- NOAH STERNER : Alright, the usual it is then. -- TINA : Okay, but just a heads up—Rick hurt his back playing tennis last week, so we have a new chef tonight. Nice guy, but I can't promise it'll taste exactly like you're used to.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kirk Bastone
Paid: Flat Rate 175 USD

  • Kirk Bastone is Noah's agent. In this scene, they are meeting for the first time. Kirk Bastone is Noah's agent, a mature man between 40 and 60 years old. He knows his profession inside and out and is all about the business, determined to make Noah a movie star—in his own way.

  • This character has a full scene as well as a few lines in other scenes. The rate of $175 per finished hour applies, with a minimum fee of $20.

  • KIRK : Let me break it down. Imagine if people started believing in a budding romance between you two on set—it would be perfect for your image. You'd gain followers faster than you can say 'cut'. -- NOAH STERNER (slight brief laugh) : Wait, I'm not sure I understand. You want me to pretend to be dating her to gain followers and boost my popularity? -- KIRK : Don't look so shocked, Noah. It's an old trick that works every time. You gain exposure, the series benefits, and everyone's happy. -- NOAH STERNER : Yeah maybe it's a common strategy, but personally, I've never been a fan of these PR stunts. -- KIRK : Tell me, why do you think people choose to see one movie over another? -- NOAH STERNER : Well, I don't know... I guess people choose to see a movie because they find the story interesting and want to know more. -- KIRK : Maybe for a blockbuster with already famous actors, but not for films with emerging actors like you. -- NOAH STERNER : I... I don't understand. Isn't it the same regardless of budget or the actor's fame? -- KIRK : Not at all. Why do you think they spend millions on marketing, plastering the actor's name everywhere as if the Almighty himself had starred in it, huh? -- NOAH STERNER : Well, I suppose if a popular actor is involved, it influences people, yeah. They like seeing familiar faces on screen, but I hope that's not the only reason they show up. -- KIRK : Listen, Noah, you want the truth? At your level, you could be the most talented actor in Hollywood, but it's your image that'll get people to the theaters.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Meghan Thomas
Paid: Flat Rate 175 USD

  • Meghan Thomas is Noah’s co-star in the series he’s filming. She is an internationally renowned star currently navigating a PR crisis. This character’s voice is that of a woman in her late twenties to early thirties

  • This character has a full scene.The rate of $175 per finished hour applies, with a minimum fee of $20.

  • In the first scene, Meghan is being interviewed with Noah, and she appears quite close and playful with him, trying to spark buzz around a supposed relationship between them. In the second scene, Noah confronts her about what just happened.

  • MEGHAN : Hmm, hmm, yeah, it was mentally and physically exhausting. We shot that scene for an entire day, and even the extras were deeply moved by the atmosphere. It was heavy, but working with Noah helped make it more bearable. We leaned on each other a lot that day. -- SOFIA : Wow, I can't wait to see that scene, and I'm sure the audience is just as excited. You two seem really close. Meghan, how would you describe your relationship off-set? -- MEGHAN (smiling ) : Well, we get along really well. We often grab drinks or lunch with the team. Honestly, Noah has been one of the highlights of this shoot for me.

  • NOAH STERNER : What the hell was that, Meghan?! You practically threw me under the bus back there. -- MEGHAN (sighing slightly): Come on, Noah. I know my agent spoke to yours, and I know you knew about this. -- NOAH STERNER : So? That gives you the right to set me up like that?! -- MEGHAN : Set you up? Don't you think you're overreacting? I didn't put a knife to your throat last I checked.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 175 USD

  • Sofia is a famous journalist, age range twenties and up—age is not important for this role. She is professional and charismatic, expertly conducting her interviews with precision and flair.

  • This character has a full scene as well as a few lines in another scene. The rate of $175 per finished hour applies, with a minimum fee of $20.

  • MEGHAN : Yes, absolutely. It's been a while since I've worked on something this engaging, and it's truly a pleasure to be part of it. -- SOFIA : That's wonderful. There's a lot of anticipation for this series. Many are curious how Elias Manson will deliver something as authentic and captivating as his last project. Noah, what's been the most challenging scene for you to shoot?

  • SOFIA : (slight chuckle) No, don't worry. But, just between us and the camera... -- NOAH STERNER (amused tone) : Yeah? -- SOFIA : Is it just friendship, or is there more to it? I mean, you were both single, at least according to my sources, and you spend a lot of time together. It's not uncommon for actors to date on set.


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