Last chance to be a part of "A Cold and Heartless Lullaby" - Immersive Sci-fi Audiobook (Extras)

Project Overview

A Cold and Heartless Lullaby is an immersive sci-fi audiobook.

"After the world Collapses, a man of metal is tasked with the care of a little girl, but he is woefully unprepared."

All major paid roles have been filled but if you still want to have a small part in this project now is your chance!

Anyone may audition for these roles, however, only auditions with clear audio and minimal reverb will be accepted.

Please do not add any effects other than volume to your auditions. If there are effects on your audition you may not be cast.

Your audition will be the full extent of your role. If you are chosen you will be cast and credited with no further work needed on your end. That said, please include contact information and the name you would like to be credited as.

Feel free to do more than one take or option.

If you wish to improvise feel free to do so, just make sure you have a clean read of the line as written first.

Chapters of a Cold and Heartless lullaby will be released weekly.

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  • A new paid role has been opened!

    Audition for the True High Reverant

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
True High Reverant
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Six Carolino

This is an elderly grand religious leader making a huge announcement to a large gathering. He or She is self-important behind the veil of empathy. 

  • Children of Light! I regret to inform you that you have been deceived. The dropships you arrived in will not be returning to the station. They only had enough fuel to land. It was the will of the emperor to leave you behind while the rest of us made our way through the stars, in search of a new home. According to the scriptures, all are Sol's (Pronounced Saul's) children, so as reverants, this decision pains us greatly.

  • We took it upon ourselves to help you unfortunate people, and the emperor granted us this. We have provided food and the means for survival in this harsh climate. It will not last forever, so we advise you to make use of our provisions to learn to grow food on your own. You will be the last protectors of Sol's great creation.

  • The androns (pronounced andrOns not andrUns) will enforce the rules set out for you, but if you follow them willingly you will see no trouble. You will prosper.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Zachary Scott

There are monotone lifeless robots with prerecorded voicelines. Please do not add any effects to your audition.

  • Obstruction detected. please clear obstruction. Command not recognized.

  • Sector C Prisoners report to the breakfast station.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Reverant Hoard
cast offsite

If you want to be near guaranteed you'll end up somewhere in the production, join the chorus of shouting cultists. I will be picking as many usable takes from these as possible.

  • (pronounced "SAUL") Sol compell us!

  • *Improvised hollering and cheering* *Improvised jeering and loud disapproval* *Improvised shock and gasps*

  • (Chanting) Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! Roman! (RO-man RO-man RO-man RO-man)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gathered family
cast offsite

A small solemn gathering of family members muttering this phrase under their breath as a group after a similar refrain from a pastor. I will be casting more than one person for this role.

  • "Rest her well indeed"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rooftop Guards
cast offsite

Standard guards who appear suddenly, accosting our hero while he is skulking around on a roof. Make sure you are actually yelling but do no peak the microphone.

  • Hey! what do you think you're doing?

  • He’s over there!

  • *Gunts* *Impact responses*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Radio News Anchor (CLOSED)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Renara Hawke

This is a news anchor reporting on an explosion that occurred at a science lab.

  • This just in: Authorities have arrived at the scene. Four employees have already been found deceased, and we don’t know how many are left inside or when the fire will be contained.

  • Thankfully, Aid was quick to respond when the explosion occurred minutes ago. We do not know how many are injured or dead. Citizens are advised to stay away from the Discovery Council while authorities work to evacuate the building.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dying Security Guard (CLOSED)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Bastian B.

This guard has recently been shot and is shuddering in the cold as he is lying, bleeding on the ground. He is on death's door and he is straining to speak. But he simmers with rage as he speaks to those who assaulted him.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • You’re never going to get away. (With a shudder)

  • (He spits at his captor) You can rot!

  • *Cry out in pain* (Now with great fear and anguish as he is tortured) Please!... Stop!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Neutral Camp Scout (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: characterwells

This scout is sounding the alarm as enemies approach the camp. Make sure to yell but do not peak the microphone.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Reverant wheelers spotted! They are headed right for us!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wheeler Rider Guard (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: Ryan Dimon

A male guard who is bossing robot servants around. He enters riding on a quad. When the robot servant doesn't immediately take it away to go get parked he is a little annoyed.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • (As if impatiently waiting for the robot to do an obvious task) Go on. Take this to the lot.

  • (Now frustrated and annoyed) Well, get to it! What’s the deal with this thing?

  • (Ordering a prisoner) Get out.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Senior Doctor (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: Chase Via

This elderly doctor is giving an ultrasound. 

Voice description:
  • american
  • male senior
  • Are you ready?

  • It’s a girl.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Taxi Driver (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: LLVO

This driver has a woman about to give birth in the backseat and her husband is being very impatient. 

  • I’m going as fast as I can!


Public Submissions

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