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- @haWesleyVoice Actor & Video EditorSpeaks: japanese englishAccents: americanSetup: focusrite scarlett solo shure sm7b adobe photoshop audacity reaper davinci resolve blender adobe after effects adobe premiere pro fl studio abletonVoice Description: male young adult male child male teenSkills: fl studio ableton audacity video editing (davinci resolve) adobe after effects blender premiere pro adobe photoshop
- @veryclassydemon"Keep Moving Forward" - Monty Oum ~ 1981 - 2015Speaks: englishAccents: texanVoice Description: male young adultSkills: gaming youtuber video editing (basic)
- @vyxenahAustralian Voice Artist | Remote Talent | Specializing in Animation, Cartoons, Video Games, and AudiobooksSpeaks: englishAccents: english australian texan french scottish irish americanSetup: focusrite scarlett solo sennheiser mk4 adobe audition audacity izotopeVoice Description: child female adult female senior female teen female young adult male teen neutral androgynous male child monster female child creature
- @xoxoxGreetings! You can call me X. I’m a Game Master who runs both paid and unpaid games. When you see my work here, I’m likely focused on building and creating more immersive role-playing experiences for media and shows. Below, you’ll find a more detailed explanation of who I am and the services I provi
- @simmerprincessAway in StrangetownSpeaks: english spanish french japaneseAccents: australian english canadian indian chinese japanese scottish irish northern irish korean spanish pokemon posh royal simlishVoice Description: baby child male teen male young adult male adult female teen female young adult female adultSkills: sony vegas discord
- @TuckerKBEAMY STUDIOS OWNER CO-OWNER englishAccents: all american accentsSetup: shure sm7b focusrite scarlett 2i2 audacityVoice Description: male teen male adult male young adultSkills: crazy emotional voice acting unhinged amateur voice acting anime dubbing
- @sparkly6262Hello everyone, please address me as Dawn ^-^. I am a She/herSpeaks: englishAccents: americanSetup: blue yeti audacityVoice Description: female young adult child male child female child female teen pokemonSkills: directing assistance typing scripts
- @ericrowjonesej VO talent looking for projects to take part in.Speaks: englishAccents: US SouthernSetup: rode nt1a Hindenburg audacityVoice Description: male adult
- @festerhildeSpeaks: englishAccents: american (southern)Setup: audacityVoice Description: creature
- @angelicajadeFemale Young Adult, Teenager, Tomboy, Raspy Voice - Neumann TLM 103 & Fully Treated Home Studio!Speaks: englishAccents: general american english superhero raspy raspy english american valley girl tomboy general american (natural) all english accents english (american) american (northeast) neutral americanSetup: neumann tlm 103 focusrite scarlett 2i2 sound treated booth macbook pro home booth pop filter adobe audition audacityVoice Description: female young adult female teen female adult androgynous childSkills: english (american) serious medium medium pitch medium/low females floridian american valley girl monotone medium low medium tone voice hero voice raspy raspy english medical professional soldier raspy voices tomboy military androgynous
- @jeffreymhawkinsRock Out With Your HAWK Out!!Speaks: englishAccents: new hampshire bostonian mid atlantic general american (midwest) castillian spanish american (southeast) britishSetup: sennheiser mkh416 Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 4th Gen Roswell K87 sourceconnect PreSonus Studio One 6Voice Description: male adult male teen male young adultSkills: whistling baritone (singing)
- @wiley-koyoteVoice, Music, Media.Speaks: englishAccents: new york new jersey british irish australianSetup: focusrite scarlett 2i2 stellar x2 fl studioVoice Description: male teen male young adult male adultSkills: singing rapping
- @squireforhireI will become the KING of VOICE ACTING!Speaks: englishAccents: american texan screaming monster professional expressive demonic panicked depressedSetup: Audio Technica 2020 Cardioid Condenser adobe audition audacityVoice Description: male young adult male adult creature male teen neutralSkills: theatre adobe audacity (noise reduction) improvisation swamp person
- @GarethPeterUK Based Voice Actor.Speaks: englishAccents: british (estuary) generic french british (northern) american aristocratic british british british (cockney) british (highbrow) british (london) northern british english (british) generic british gruff british neutral british yorkshire british english australianSetup: rode nt1 d1121 synco mic d2 sound treated booth cloudlifter cl1 ld systems ssl2 audacity reaperVoice Description: male adult male senior
- @duskgolemCan find all games released under Yai Gameworks onto Steam here: englishVoice Description: monster male adult male teen creature male young adult male senior
- @pokkinthey/themSpeaks: englishAccents: american (new york) americanSetup: lewitt focusrite scarlett soloVoice Description: androgynous male adult female young adult male teen
- @ashdes_vaLos Angeles Based Voice Actor | Remote | Dubbing | Animation | Cartoon | Video Games | AudiobooksSpeaks: english spanishAccents: british english (british) english (american) latin american spanish westernSetup: blue yeti adobe audition adobe photoshop adobe premiere pro davinci resolveVoice Description: female teen child male young adult male child pokemon neutral female adult baby female child creature
- Final Boss at CCC. Appreciator of dadjokes. Follower of the Way of the Donut.Speaks: english bulgarianAccents: american british texan new york californian australianSetup: blue snowball at2020 notionVoice Description: male adult
- @thalions-compassIndie Animation Studio & TTRPG Game DeveloperSpeaks: english
- @von_Speaks: armenianSetup: audacity filmora xVoice Description: male adultSkills: graphic designer graphics/logo work audacity audio editing
- @mayura_ishimany candles can be lit by one and lose nothing by doing so
- @fluffbatHello my name is FluffBat I am a Content Creator and Voice Actor just trying to have fun. If you want to work for me then feel free to come and join me on this wacky adventure!Speaks: englishAccents: north american american (southern) american (new york) american (midwest) english (american)Setup: focusrite scarlett 2i2 MXL770 audacity adobe auditionVoice Description: male young adult male senior male teen male adultSkills: voice acting american (midwest)
- @adam-woolleyProfessional Voice Actor for your next project!Speaks: englishAccents: north american american (new york) proper american texan american (southern) english (american) american (west coast) general american english general american southern west coast american (california) western american west coast american standard american neutral american generic american general american (natural) general north american englishSetup: Focusrite ISA One audient id22 neumann tlm 103 reaper izotope rx 8Voice Description: male adult male young adult creature male senior monsterSkills: reaper video editing light audio editing skype audio editing (basic) adobe premiere
- @shawnnieaviliaVoice Actress 💙 YouTuber 🌻 Streamer 💙 Avid SingerSpeaks: englishAccents: british floridian caribbean russian neutral englishSetup: focusrite scarlett solo King bee 2 AKG Perception 100 audacityVoice Description: male teen child male adult female teen female young adult female adult neutralSkills: cartoon voices audacity
- @progressivemediapostThe Animated Voice That You Need For Your Project. Let's begin!Speaks: englishAccents: texan north american south african englishSetup: Audio-Technica AT2020 Cardioid Condenser Studio XLR Microphone DBX 286s Mic preamp/processor Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (3rd Gen) Audio Interface computer audacityVoice Description: male adult male young adult male teen childSkills: beatboxing baritone (singing) tenor vocals musician
- @BurgleDurgleCreator of The Building!! 19, autistic, newer artist and writer! Hope to make my dream a reality! Also apparently I’m a Venture (OW) sound-a-like.Speaks: englishAccents: american (southern)Skills: amateur artist animatic artist
- @masterchris30Speaks: japanese englishSetup: Maono XLR Microphone audacity adobe premiere proVoice Description: male adult monster male teenSkills: audacity adobe premiere Sony Vegas 21
- I can't wait to screech into a mic or edit your screeches with you. - - Demo and audio commissions are open!Speaks: englishSetup: Rodecaster Pro 2 rode nt1 Rode Broadcaster adobe photoshop adobe audition adobe premiereVoice Description: child male adult male teen male senior creature
- @zane-zbd123Speaks: englishAccents: american (southern) britishSetup: rode nt1 focusrite scarlett 2i2 davinci resolveVoice Description: male adult
- @jaealexander(he/they) Danish aspiring comic artist, who enjoys doing voice work and singing on the side!Speaks: english danishSetup: audacity clip studio paintVoice Description: male child child androgynous female senior female teen neutral female adult female child nonbinary
- @crowe31500Here’s a playlist of some of the stuff I’ve been in. Description: male young adult male teen child
- @annafayeProfessional voice artist from Australia🎙️💜Speaks: english greekAccents: ausrtralian new york californian general american english general british english (posh) english (cockney) english (california sterotype) generic southern american epic trailer voiceover artificial intelligence (ai) southern (country american)Setup: focusrite scarlett 2i2 rode nt2a ACER Nitro 5 Zoom H6 Handy Recorder sound treated booth Ableton Live 11 premier pro DavinciVoice Description: female adult female teen female young adult male teen neutral childSkills: singing piano compositions
- Hey there, want some that good voice stuff, I got you. Marinated and seasoned my voice in training for six years now, I can rip and tear my vocal chord for your entertainment.Speaks: english chinese mandarinSetup: Snap Studio Vocal Booth akg c414 goxlr adobe audition adobe premiere pro adobe photoshop adobe after effectsVoice Description: male young adult male adult male child male teenSkills: audio engineering voice acting audio editing (adobe audition) audio editing (izotope rx 7)
- @kirbonicYour one-stop shop for versatile vocals!Speaks: englishSetup: focusrite scarlett solo audio technica 4040 sound treated booth audacity davinci resolve adobe premiere pro reaperVoice Description: child male teen androgynous creature male young adult monster male child male adult
- @bbvoiceoversVoice Description: male adultSkills: character acting voice acting
- @shiori13Skills: audio editing reaper audacity screen/script writing dialogue script writing directing producing
- @mvnonmarsAspiring Voice Actor and Horror Content YoutuberSpeaks: englishAccents: english (american) general american american english (british) villain fantasy deep atlantic transatlantic australian general australian britishSetup: audio technica 2020 focusrite scarlett solo audacityVoice Description: male adult male young adult monster creature male seniorSkills: deep voice calm amateur voice acting
- Voice Actor. Resume/ReelSpeaks: englishAccents: british (london) british (cockney) bostonian general american (natural) southern (appalachian) scottish (glaswegian) australianSetup: UA Volt 1 neumann tlm 103 pro toolsVoice Description: monster male senior male young adult male adult
- @chronicx13Just a guy who draws for a livingAccents: american
- @StarryyAstaHello! I am a voice actor who loves voice acting! I look forward to working with any of you!
- @annagroellysoprano, actress, director, recovering burnout.Instagram & youtube: @annagroellySpeaks: englishAccents: american (southern) british italian french (france) american valley girl american (west coast) australian scottishSetup: rode nt1 focusrite scarlett 2i2 logic pro xVoice Description: female adult female teen female young adult female child male child male teenSkills: classically trained singer singing (soprano / high alto) coloratura musical theatre style singing (professionally trained) belt voice narrations / voice acting / audio editing live acting voice acting singing
- @Heblart57Speaks: englishSetup: adobe auditionVoice Description: neutral male teen male young adultSkills: theater acting
- @RossFeebackVASpeaks: englishAccents: general north american english irish british germanSetup: blue yeti audacityVoice Description: male young adult male teen male adult
- @kobe-van-bogaertI'm a voice artist, singer, writer, and (casting)director. I am also a living flame :pSpeaks: dutch flemish englishAccents: british flemish australian americanVoice Description: male adult male teen monster male seniorSkills: singing rapping voice acting
- @FourthShotVAHungry for this.Speaks: englishAccents: italian american generic russian american american (southern)Setup: neumann tlm 103 focusrite scarlett 2i2 sennheiser mkh416 shure sm7b audacity davinci resolve reaperVoice Description: male adult male young adult male teen androgynousSkills: anime noises audacity
- @richard-gibsonI'm a part-time VA based in Scotland, primarily voicing indie roles here on CCC.Speaks: english frenchAccents: english (british) americanSetup: shure sm7b focusrite scarlett solo stellar x2Voice Description: male adultSkills: voice acting recording science
- @rickatelierAspiring showrunnner and filmmaker. Built different. Latino!
- @kristoffgreyPart-time Voice Talent, Full-time Bathroom Crier!Speaks: englishAccents: english (american) english (california sterotype)Setup: DIY Isolation Booth -50db Sound Floor w/o Noise Reduction lewitt lct 440 pure Universal Audio Volt 2 reaperVoice Description: Midrange Baritone male teen male young adult male adultSkills: silly geeky commanding Approachable heroic protagonist Antagonist evil villain Comedic Relief Sidekick calm Rebel Warm soothing Authoritative yelling Compelling confident friendly crying aggresive yelling grunting evil laugh laughing maniacally
- @RU3just an eepy college studentSpeaks: englishSetup: shure sm7b focusrite scarlett solo adobe premiere pro audacityVoice Description: female young adult female child female teen androgynous
- @kyurammckingSpeaks: englishVoice Description: male teen female teen
- @Jbongo_VA_98A new voice approaches!Speaks: englishAccents: english (american) italian american english (british) english (cockney) ausrtralian american (southeast) generic germanSetup: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen Scarlett CM25 MkIII Microphone audacity sourceconnectVoice Description: male teen male adult male young adultSkills: audacity basics audacity recording
- @cherriiontopI'm Cherrii and I like to do anime parodies. Currently cooking up something for 2025 :DSpeaks: englishAccents: new englandVoice Description: male young adultSkills: video editing
- @cu-na-saoirseModder and Writer Extraordinaire!Speaks: englishAccents: north american irishSetup: Google DocumentsVoice Description: male young adultSkills: modding
- @ColeGvaJust a Canadian guy. Pardon the profile picture.Speaks: englishAccents: all english accents canadian evil villain american british generic scottishSetup: beyerdynamic dt770 pro focusrite scarlett solo rode nt1 adobe auditionVoice Description: male young adultSkills: cartoon voices anime noises evil villain adobe audition excited anime dubbing
- @donfI'm an African American voice actor operating out of Ohio. I offer a wide variety of voices and accents for narration, video games, audio dramas, and animations. I'm also a casting director who's casted for things like comic dubs.Speaks: englishAccents: american (new york) new yorkSetup: focusrite scarlett 2i2 shure sm7b warm audio wa87 r2 audacityVoice Description: male young adult male adultSkills: improvisation creature vocalizations different voices and some impersonations singing imitating voices cartoon voices diffrent piched voices multiple voices creature voices
- @WhiteFoxProductionsWhite Fox Productions is a game developer studio located in the United States of America, which works on NSFW Visual Novels.
- @GregoryEricDeepVOA voice-over artist with a commanding baritone voice that adds depth and gravitas to any character or narration. My vocal range and versatility in accents make me a strong fit for projects seeking authentic, memorable voices. When you work with me, you’ll experience a dedication to character authenAccents: mexican american (southern) brooklyn italianSetup: rode nt1 focusrite scarlett soloVoice Description: male adult male senior
- @ChyristaHello! I'm Chy (pronounced Kai) and I'm an artist and voice actor.Speaks: englishAccents: aristocratic british general american southern irishSetup: focusrite scarlett 2i2 AT 2035 shure mv7 audacityVoice Description: female adult female young adult creature female teen female child male childSkills: procreate clip studio paint adobe photoshop paint tool sai audacity
- @banneduserAudio Production / Audio DramaScript Writer / World Builder / Audio Engineer Shaping Tomorrow with Stories Inspired by Healthy Development and HealingSpeaks: englishSetup: shure sm7b adobe auditionVoice Description: male adultSkills: dialogue script writing producer/writer/voice actor
- @ZaiwyddWriter, Producer, and VA all in one body. Co-Producing Elysium Academy!
- @Charles-LeungSpeaks: englishSetup: goxlr DIY Vocal Booth audio technica 2020 adobe audition adobe premiere pro adobe illustrator adobe photoshopVoice Description: male adult male young adult
- @jordan-fredericksSpeaks: englishAccents: australian british american mad scottish irish flamboyant germanSetup: wacom samson c01upro audacity toon boom harmonyVoice Description: male teen male adult monster Wario RolfSkills: voice acting video editing story boarding
- @mbartlettvaLifelong gamer, actor, and creative type who loves bringing things to life and leaving the place nicer than he found it.Setup: focusrite scarlett 2i2 rode nt1 reaper audacityVoice Description: male adult male young adult
- @AlyseThompsonBilingual Eng/Span Voice Over Artist, Corporate Narration, Commercials, Audiobooks, Museum Audio Guides, E-Learning. Demos and Reels: www.vocalcreationsllc.comSpeaks: english spanishAccents: american (new york) hispanic/latino country (red neck) new york english (british)Setup: focusrite scarlett 2i2 sound treated booth audacity sourceconnectVoice Description: female young adult female adultSkills: narrations / voice acting / audio editing commercial voice overs comedic voice acting character acting corporate voice over corporate narration trained singer american (new york)
- @mikonodaNaturally medium/low female voice with broad range, voicing females of all ages & young males - American Standard/CanadianSpeaks: englishAccents: general american general canadian general britishSetup: sound treated booth XLR blue baby bottle Universal Audio Volt 2 audacity reaperVoice Description: child female child female teen female young adult female adult androgynous male child neutral nonbinary
- Back to Casting Call Club after what feels like a millenia. Self-improvement waits for no one!My profile is criminally outdated, please give me some time to update it xFSpeaks: french haitiancreole englishAccents: british canadian french russian spanish haitianSetup: audacity adobe auditionVoice Description: male teen baby child male young adult male adultSkills: singing comicdubbing script writing scriptwriting composing music
- @jay022Just here to have fun and get my voice out there.Speaks: english japaneseAccents: american british ausrtralianSetup: focusrite scarlett solo shure sm7b audacityVoice Description: male adult
- @isojamesWanting to get into voice overs. Lived in Los Angeles for a year but from Des Moines, Iowa originally and back in the good Midwest. Filmmaker looking to get back in the game and try something new!Speaks: english germanAccents: american (southern) aristocratic britishSetup: focusrite scarlett solo shure sm7b adobe auditionVoice Description: male adult male young adultSkills: adobe audition adobe premiere audacity
- @gaydanganronpafurrySpeaks: englishSetup: procreate garageband fl studio audacityVoice Description: female teenSkills: ren'py coding game development
- @tyanni_mahwww.voicebytyanni.comSpeaks: spanish englishAccents: american valley girl american (southern)Setup: Earthworks ETHOS neumann tlm 103 adobe audition adobe premiere pro izotope rxVoice Description: androgynous child female young adult
- @knuckleheadtoriVoice Description: female teen
- @zongisboredMy name is Johan and I'm an Asian-American voice actor!Speaks: englishAccents: americanSetup: Neat King Bee II motu m2 reaper audacityVoice Description: male adult male teen male young adult
- @4-chapYour only limit is your imagination.Skills: video editing writing stories directing drawing cartoons amateur artist hobby artist
- @elf22Welcome to the world of Girl Power Audio where sexy and adventurous stories of superpowered heroines, vixens and villainesses are read by our cadre of sultry female voice actresses for your listening pleasure.
- @homaArtist that draws grave-digging vultures and fish stinking ospreys
- A non-binary voice actor with a strong voice and a home studio waiting to bring your projects to life!Speaks: englishAccents: american (southern)Setup: home booth focusrite scarlett 2i2 rode nt1 audacity sourceconnectVoice Description: child female teen female adult androgynousSkills: singing video games voice acting voice recorder voice over gaming and voice acting gamingcommentary gaming audacity audio editing
- @RachiVoA versatile performer from character to narration, with over a decade of theatre and cabaret experience and training.Speaks: englishAccents: russian scottish australian generic french west coast american (california) british british (cockney) general american new zealand (kiwi)Setup: rode nt1 sound treated booth audient id22 neumann tlm 103 audient id4 reaper adobe auditionVoice Description: androgynous female child monster creature female senior female young adult male child female adult male teenSkills: mezzo soprano vocals classical and modern singing quick to improvise narration acapella singing alto singing rock and metal singing corporate voice over
- @awnyerQuirky and fun, with a robust supply of serious and weird.Speaks: englishAccents: canadianSetup: blue yeti adobe audition adobe photoshop adobe premiere pro reaperVoice Description: female adult female young adult nonbinary androgynous creatureSkills: teaching narration storytelling podcasts video editing (premiere pro) audio editing (adobe audition)
- @aliceirvinHere to make cool stuff and voice interesting characters.Speaks: englishAccents: german british aristocratic british american (new york) american (southern) all american accents transatlanticSetup: XLR focusrite scarlett solo mxl 990 audacity presonus studio 22Voice Description: female teen female young adult female adult female senior
- @hopelessoposI'm trying my bestSpeaks: englishVoice Description: male young adult
- @samantha-styduhar-voMaking Make-Believe BelievableSpeaks: englishAccents: general american general american southernSetup: blue baby bottle focusrite scarlett 2i2 audacityVoice Description: female child female adult female young adult
- @fixationmediaWe Fixate over the little things.
- @brittanyrice🎧 Professional Reader of Books & Blooper Making | Voice Actor with a passion for characters | Goofball | Accents Galore 📚Accents: american valley girl british (northern) british (posh) british (cockney) british scottish bulgarian generic russian romanian american (southern) californian cork irish irish french italianSetup: audiotechnica at2020 focusrite scarlett solo adobe auditionVoice Description: female adult female child female young adult female teen male adult male child female senior male seniorSkills: narration cartoon voices
- @Whateverse_ProductionSpeaks: english swedish spanishVoice Description: male adult
- @megmartinezActor - Comedian - Singer - WriterSpeaks: french englishAccents: hungarian american (southern) american (new york) american valley girl irish swedish french american (midwest) american (west coast) minnesotan texan british british (cockney) british (london) posh british scottish italian german australianSetup: focusrite scarlett solo Mojave Audio ma-201fet garageband logic pro xVoice Description: nonbinary female senior male child creature female adult female teen female young adult female child male seniorSkills: dubbing singing voice coaching dialects/accents comedy sketch comedy improvisation standup comedy comedy writing
- Voice Actor in training hoping to make your day better.Speaks: englishAccents: dc american americanSetup: sennheiser mkh416 neumann tlm 103 audacityVoice Description: male adult male teen male seniorSkills: audacity
- @dark-spidey-0_0Aspiring writer!Speaks: english spanishAccents: mexican
- @godzillalouiseSpeaks: englishVoice Description: male young adult
- @GrifterWolfLet Me be your Voice of Choice!Speaks: englishSetup: blue yeti audacity Voxal VSDC Video EditorVoice Description: male adult creature
- @ErinKressVOI have updated my recording space as of 2025! Please note anything you listen to that was recorded in 2024 is not reflective of my space's current capabilities! 2025 DEMOS IN PRODUCTION! Proud Voice Actress of Bossfightmedia!Speaks: englishAccents: american valley girl valley girl texan mild british american (southern) new york (brooklyn) british (posh)Setup: MXL 990 microphone Vocaster One Interface Harlan Hogan Portable Booth audacity reaperVoice Description: female young adult female adult female teenSkills: audacity
- @flynnthevaI do cool things with MicrophonesSpeaks: englishAccents: midwestern demonic british scottish irishSetup: shure sm7b focusrite scarlett 2i2 ableton live 10Voice Description: male teen male adultSkills: voice acting video editing
- @basurtoj15To be the best is to know your weaknesses and strengthen them.Speaks: englishAccents: australian texan country (red neck) generic scottish generic russian british general american (natural) british (posh) general american (midwest) demonic barney silly proper english standard scottish creature mid atlantic screaming pony american (southern) mild general american southern deep jamaican monster robotic crazySetup: Hyper X Quadcast Sound Shield wavepadVoice Description: female adult female child female teen female young adult female senior baby child androgynous nonbinary creature pokemon monsterSkills: video editing (davinci resolve)