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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
I am a young individual who brings inspiration and imagination to life. If you are interested in joining and helping out, please join us on our Discord, Tiktok, and YouTube. We need all the help we can get to get this first project started as best as possible.
22| She/Her | Voice actor | Theatre major | pfp by neirinn02 on Instagram
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
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Speaks: english
Teddy Scott
Do people still use Skype?
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Director of short films and professionally taught actor.Often playing new video games, talking about Sonic the Hedgehog, dissecting films, and indulging in other neurodivergent behaviors!Specs:Microphone: Audio Technical AT2035Interface: Scarlett 2i2 3rd GenEditing Software: AudacityRoom Treatment: Isolation BoothWill NotsWill not perform in roles with materials of the following natureProfanitySexual or Lewd dialogue, sounds, scenes, etc.Will not work on projects where generative learning programs (colloquially known as A.I.) is used in any wayWill not allow my voice to be used in training any generative learning programsWill not perform in projects that promote hateful ideologies that includes, but is not limited to: racism, homophobia, transphobia, religious bigotry, misogyny.Any unauthorized usage of my voice in any capacity will be met with prosecution.
Speaks: english
Robin Rue, the Purposeful Energy
Add my strength to yours, and may the fruits of our labors shine with brilliance! Teamwork, flexibility, timeliness, and originality; the show most go on! My creative touch and musicality are certain to be memorable and cohesive additions to your projects.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
My name is Robin Rue, and I'm a 26 year old trans female with a spark for the creative and thought-provoking. We each have a story to tell, lessons to learn, and love to share, and we all deserve our spotlight!
Speaks: english
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