Fallout Radio Mod 2
somerandomguywithavoice for Agent 2
Man goes on a killing spree to collect insurance money
Agent 1: You remember what happened up in Redwood seven years ago?
Agent 2:Yeah. An entire town disappeared without a trace. People thought it was haunted.
Agent 1: They did. No witnesses, no bodies, no one there to figure out how the whole thing went down. At least, until today.
Agent 2:What's so special about today?
Agent 1:They say some wacko came in to the office and demanded we pay him a million dollars. So we look him up, and you know all those missing persons from Redwood? It turns out he had life insurance policies on all of them.
Agent 2:Seven years. Which means they weren't presumed dead until today.
Agent 1:Exactly.
Agent 2:But where is this guy? I've been here all morning, and I haven't seen a single customer walk through those doors.
Agent 1:I wasn't talking about a customer.